Wikipedia:WikiProject Philosophy/Social and political/Popular pages

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This is a list of pages in the scope of Wikipedia:WikiProject Philosophy/Social and political along with pageviews.

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Period: 2024-03-01 to 2024-03-31

Total views: 27,209,782

Updated: 08:25, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

Rank Page title Views Daily average Assessment Importance
1 Mahatma Gandhi 449,620 14,503 GA Mid
2 Fascism 375,267 12,105 B Mid
3 Martin Luther King Jr. 331,970 10,708 GA Mid
4 Mao Zedong 282,664 9,118 B Mid
5 Benjamin Franklin 249,473 8,047 B Mid
6 Karl Marx 247,573 7,986 GA High
7 Thomas Jefferson 232,499 7,499 B Mid
8 B. R. Ambedkar 212,515 6,855 B Mid
9 Sigmund Freud 198,634 6,407 B High
10 Communism 198,561 6,405 C High
11 Friedrich Nietzsche 185,760 5,992 B High
12 Jawaharlal Nehru 184,866 5,963 B Low
13 Renaissance 174,998 5,645 C High
14 Fyodor Dostoevsky 172,404 5,561 B Mid
15 Francis Bacon 165,743 5,346 B High
16 Martin Luther 162,802 5,251 B High
17 Plutocracy 158,246 5,104 Start Low
18 George Orwell 156,347 5,043 B Mid
19 Plato 149,196 4,812 B High
20 Capital punishment 143,189 4,619 C Mid
21 Marxism 140,726 4,539 C High
22 Nazism 139,185 4,489 C Mid
23 Socialism 138,778 4,476 C High
24 Leon Trotsky 136,302 4,396 B Low
25 Constitution of the United States 132,619 4,278 B High
26 Socrates 132,030 4,259 GA High
27 Judith Butler 122,234 3,943 B Mid
28 Rabindranath Tagore 120,918 3,900 B Mid
29 Confucius 120,550 3,888 B High
30 Ayn Rand 120,040 3,872 GA Mid
31 José Rizal 118,035 3,807 C Mid
32 Augustine of Hippo 110,902 3,577 B High
33 Democracy 108,235 3,491 B High
34 Homosexuality 107,405 3,464 B Mid
35 Bisexuality 107,038 3,452 B Mid
36 Bolsheviks 103,988 3,354 C Mid
37 Feminism 103,289 3,331 GA Mid
38 Immanuel Kant 102,994 3,322 B High
39 American Revolution 102,843 3,317 B Low
40 Liberalism 102,333 3,301 B High
41 Existentialism 98,913 3,190 C High
42 Crucifixion 97,511 3,145 B High
43 Albert Camus 96,500 3,112 GA Mid
44 Black Panther Party 95,384 3,076 B Low
45 Cicero 94,901 3,061 C High
46 Left-wing politics 94,028 3,033 B Mid
47 The Metamorphosis 93,999 3,032 C Low
48 Niccolò Machiavelli 92,380 2,980 B High
49 Libertarianism 92,031 2,968 B Mid
50 Slavoj Žižek 90,898 2,932 B High
51 Critical race theory 90,093 2,906 C Low
52 Sharia 89,973 2,902 B Mid
53 Eugenics 89,709 2,893 C Mid
54 Neoliberalism 89,392 2,883 B High
55 Bertrand Russell 88,562 2,856 B High
56 Anarchism 87,112 2,810 GA High
57 Thomas More 86,398 2,787 B Mid
58 John Locke 84,937 2,739 C High
59 Henry David Thoreau 84,780 2,734 B Mid
60 Marquis de Sade 84,253 2,717 B Mid
61 Ralph Waldo Emerson 83,365 2,689 B Mid
62 Capitalism 83,004 2,677 C High
63 Totalitarianism 82,643 2,665 C Mid
64 Voltaire 79,822 2,574 B Mid
65 Michel Foucault 78,724 2,539 B High
66 Cornel West 77,104 2,487 B Mid
67 Meme 76,768 2,476 C Low
68 Nationalism 76,722 2,474 C High
69 Communication 76,416 2,465 FA Low
70 W. E. B. Du Bois 76,333 2,462 FA Mid
71 Jean-Jacques Rousseau 75,608 2,438 C High
72 Adam Smith 74,977 2,418 B Mid
73 Sun Yat-sen 74,786 2,412 B Low
74 Civil rights movement 73,393 2,367 C Mid
75 Bourgeoisie 72,391 2,335 C Mid
76 Jean-Paul Sartre 72,072 2,324 C High
77 Right-wing politics 71,651 2,311 B High
78 Authoritarianism 70,850 2,285 C Mid
79 Western world 70,656 2,279 B High
80 Gender 70,552 2,275 B Mid
81 Waiting for Godot 70,325 2,268 B Low
82 Race (human categorization) 69,685 2,247 B Low
83 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 68,879 2,221 GA High
84 Persecution of Uyghurs in China 68,568 2,211 C Low
85 Conservatism 68,346 2,204 B High
86 The Art of War 68,311 2,203 B High
87 Marxism–Leninism 67,267 2,169 B Mid
88 Dystopia 66,605 2,148 C Mid
89 The Stranger (Camus novel) 65,868 2,124 C Mid
90 Kristallnacht 65,820 2,123 B Low
91 Human rights 65,517 2,113 B High
92 Søren Kierkegaard 64,701 2,087 B High
93 Simone de Beauvoir 64,694 2,086 B Mid
94 Habeas corpus 64,258 2,072 B Mid
95 Shamanism 63,774 2,057 B Mid
96 Confucianism 63,747 2,056 B High
97 Atlas Shrugged 63,350 2,043 B Mid
98 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? 62,395 2,012 C Low
99 Pogrom 62,141 2,004 B Mid
100 Hannah Arendt 60,430 1,949 GA High
101 Government 60,064 1,937 C Mid
102 Erasmus 60,064 1,937 B High
103 Arthur Schopenhauer 59,931 1,933 B High
104 Comstock laws 59,911 1,932 C Low
105 Naturism 59,737 1,927 C Low
106 Common law 59,003 1,903 B Mid
107 Social democracy 57,630 1,859 B Mid
108 Law 57,485 1,854 B High
109 Abortion 57,302 1,848 B Mid
110 Philanthropy 57,229 1,846 C Mid
111 Rosa Luxemburg 56,654 1,827 B Low
112 Populism 56,635 1,826 C High
113 Utilitarianism 56,055 1,808 B High
114 Political science 55,763 1,798 C Low
115 Politics 54,631 1,762 C High
116 Overton window 54,079 1,744 C Low
117 David Hume 53,855 1,737 B High
118 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 53,454 1,724 C High
119 I Have a Dream 52,802 1,703 C Low
120 Civil Rights Act of 1964 52,716 1,700 B Mid
121 Imperialism 52,360 1,689 C Low
122 Xenotransplantation 51,831 1,671 B Low
123 Panopticon 51,603 1,664 C Mid
124 Corruption 51,412 1,658 C Mid
125 Terri Schiavo case 51,295 1,654 GA Low
126 Chanakya 50,626 1,633 C High
127 John Stuart Mill 50,592 1,632 C High
128 John Calvin 49,844 1,607 FA Mid
129 Secularism 49,655 1,601 C Mid
130 Pan-Africanism 49,575 1,599 C Low
131 Martin Heidegger 49,341 1,591 C High
132 Thomas Hobbes 49,000 1,580 C High
133 Golden Rule 48,900 1,577 C High
134 Mary Wollstonecraft 48,752 1,572 FA Mid
135 Democratic socialism 48,550 1,566 C Mid
136 Avant-garde 48,132 1,552 C Low
137 Propaganda 48,056 1,550 C Mid
138 Maoism 47,487 1,531 C Mid
139 Oligarchy 46,315 1,494 C High
140 Adultery 46,137 1,488 B Low
141 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 46,094 1,486 B Mid
142 Dialectic 45,777 1,476 C High
143 Frantz Fanon 45,758 1,476 B Mid
144 G. K. Chesterton 45,636 1,472 B Mid
145 Heuristic 45,461 1,466 C Mid
146 List of political ideologies 45,284 1,460 List Mid
147 Edmund Burke 45,256 1,459 B Mid
148 Friedrich Engels 45,020 1,452 C Mid
149 Alignment (Dungeons & Dragons) 44,818 1,445 C Low
150 Max Weber 44,645 1,440 GA Mid
151 The Prince 43,121 1,391 C High
152 Thomas Paine 42,767 1,379 B Mid
153 Federalism 42,748 1,378 Start Mid
154 Transhumanism 42,586 1,373 B Mid
155 Assisted suicide 42,406 1,367 C Mid
156 Right-wing populism 42,405 1,367 Start Mid
157 Jus soli 42,263 1,363 C Low
158 Maimonides 41,399 1,335 B High
159 Classical liberalism 41,333 1,333 B High
160 The Bible and homosexuality 41,160 1,327 B Low
161 Torture 41,096 1,325 FA Mid
162 Conservatism in the United States 40,737 1,314 B Mid
163 Islamism 40,708 1,313 C Mid
164 Bible Belt 40,674 1,312 C Low
165 Semantics 40,595 1,309 GA High
166 Society 40,478 1,305 GA High
167 Orientalism 40,164 1,295 C High
168 Amartya Sen 39,842 1,285 C Mid
169 Hegemony 39,653 1,279 C Mid
170 Progressive Era 39,506 1,274 C High
171 Anger 39,451 1,272 B Low
172 Critical theory 39,398 1,270 C High
173 Election 38,711 1,248 Start Low
174 Sovereignty 38,594 1,244 B High
175 Rule of law 38,277 1,234 C Low
176 Edward Said 37,984 1,225 GA Low
177 Gender equality 37,825 1,220 C Low
178 Objectivism 37,724 1,216 B Mid
179 Bureaucracy 37,612 1,213 C Mid
180 Deontology 37,237 1,201 C High
181 Emma Goldman 36,986 1,193 FA Mid
182 Susan Sontag 36,899 1,190 B Mid
183 Anarcho-capitalism 36,828 1,188 B Mid
184 Phenomenology (philosophy) 36,728 1,184 B High
185 Julian (emperor) 36,615 1,181 B Low
186 Jeremy Bentham 36,502 1,177 B Mid
187 Naturalization 36,375 1,173 C Low
188 Revolutions of 1989 36,267 1,169 C Low
189 Egalitarianism 35,933 1,159 Start Mid
190 William James 35,779 1,154 C High
191 Antonio Gramsci 35,600 1,148 B Mid
192 B. F. Skinner 35,367 1,140 B Mid
193 John Dewey 34,973 1,128 B High
194 Western culture 34,106 1,100 B High
195 Organization 34,078 1,099 C High
196 Child labour 33,939 1,094 B Low
197 Social contract 33,891 1,093 C Mid
198 Republic (Plato) 33,684 1,086 C High
199 Effective altruism 33,221 1,071 B High
200 Ideology 33,049 1,066 C High
201 Friedrich Hayek 33,001 1,064 B Mid
202 Leviathan (Hobbes book) 32,916 1,061 C High
203 Eroticism 32,269 1,040 C Low
204 Discrimination 32,245 1,040 B High
205 Hermeneutics 32,196 1,038 C Mid
206 Crime 32,084 1,034 C High
207 The Wealth of Nations 31,853 1,027 C High
208 Jacques Derrida 31,759 1,024 B High
209 Jyotirao Phule 31,552 1,017 C Mid
210 Ibn Khaldun 31,462 1,014 C Low
211 Survivalism 31,383 1,012 C Low
212 Accelerationism 31,346 1,011 C Low
213 Karl Popper 31,287 1,009 B High
214 Maria Montessori 31,160 1,005 B Low
215 Natural law 31,113 1,003 C Mid
216 Stoning 31,057 1,001 C Low
217 American imperialism 31,043 1,001 C Mid
218 Positivism 30,976 999 B Mid
219 Realism (international relations) 30,960 998 Start Mid
220 Social liberalism 30,874 995 B High
221 Flaying 30,787 993 Start Low
222 Juche 30,640 988 C Mid
223 Paul Barras 30,484 983 Start Low
224 Progressivism 30,336 978 C Low
225 Corporal punishment 30,258 976 Start High
226 Frankfurt School 30,226 975 B High
227 Jungian archetypes 30,206 974 C Low
228 Abortion law 30,098 970 C Mid
229 Altruism 29,997 967 B Mid
230 Das Kapital 29,985 967 C High
231 Punk subculture 29,597 954 Start Low
232 Free will 29,504 951 C High
233 Jewish Bolshevism 29,409 948 B Low
234 Propaganda in Nazi Germany 29,299 945 C Mid
235 Scientific Revolution 29,266 944 B High
236 Émile Durkheim 29,075 937 GA Mid
237 Italian fascism 29,009 935 C Low
238 John Ruskin 28,955 934 B Low
239 Sex-positive movement 28,775 928 C Low
240 Abul A'la Maududi 28,772 928 B Low
241 Alfred Rosenberg 28,736 926 B Low
242 Big lie 28,734 926 B Low
243 Corporatism 28,633 923 C Mid
244 Libertarian socialism 28,627 923 B Mid
245 Montesquieu 28,549 920 C Mid
246 Political philosophy 28,514 919 Start Top
247 Representative democracy 27,883 899 C Mid
248 Direct democracy 27,751 895 C Mid
249 Italian Renaissance 27,719 894 B Mid
250 The Federalist Papers 27,717 894 B Low
251 Simone Weil 27,530 888 B Mid
252 Social conservatism 27,413 884 Start Mid
253 Ultranationalism 27,400 883 C Low
254 Post-structuralism 27,377 883 Start High
255 Athenian democracy 26,921 868 B Low
256 Kemalism 26,875 866 C Low
257 Gilles Deleuze 26,776 863 B High
258 Homosexuality in Japan 26,605 858 B Low
259 Self-determination 26,437 852 C Mid
260 Arthashastra 26,413 852 B High
261 Social Darwinism 26,379 850 C Mid
262 Persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire 26,283 847 B Low
263 Tabula rasa 26,251 846 C High
264 Multiple citizenship 26,009 839 C Low
265 Khidr 25,841 833 C Low
266 Constructivism (philosophy of education) 25,607 826 B High
267 Postcolonialism 25,551 824 C Mid
268 Suffrage 25,451 821 B Low
269 Marshall McLuhan 25,426 820 B Mid
270 Paradox of tolerance 25,411 819 B Low
271 Thomas Carlyle 25,296 816 GA Mid
272 Leadership 25,288 815 C High
273 Thucydides 25,274 815 B Mid
274 Modern liberalism in the United States 25,267 815 B Mid
275 Censorship 25,181 812 B Low
276 Apathy 25,094 809 C Mid
277 Third Way 25,012 806 C Mid
278 Chauvinism 24,897 803 Start Mid
279 Libertarianism in the United States 24,755 798 B Low
280 Jurisprudence 24,638 794 C High
281 Nation 24,536 791 C High
282 Invisible Man 24,511 790 C Low
283 Averroes 24,510 790 GA High
284 Timeline of women's suffrage 24,323 784 List Low
285 Antigone (Sophocles play) 24,220 781 C Mid
286 Solitary confinement 24,172 779 C Unknown
287 Oswald Spengler 24,064 776 C Mid
288 Fiqh 24,033 775 C Mid
289 Citizenship 23,762 766 Start Low
290 Persecution of Christians 23,653 763 C Low
291 Walter Benjamin 23,606 761 B Mid
292 The Second Sex 23,288 751 Start Low
293 Xenophon 23,281 751 C Mid
294 Thomas Robert Malthus 23,205 748 B Low
295 Revolution 23,055 743 C Mid
296 Ernst Jünger 22,847 737 Start Low
297 Individualism 22,827 736 C Mid
298 Mikhail Bakunin 22,799 735 C Mid
299 Albert Schweitzer 22,747 733 B Mid
300 Peace 22,661 731 C Mid
301 Wilhelm Reich 22,608 729 GA Low
302 American exceptionalism 22,549 727 C Low
303 Doping in sport 22,460 724 C Low
304 Hesiod 22,451 724 B Mid
305 Zeitgeist 22,437 723 Start Low
306 Nationality 22,307 719 C Low
307 Anarchist communism 22,221 716 B Low
308 Social norm 22,210 716 C High
309 Civil and political rights 22,121 713 Start Low
310 Theodor W. Adorno 22,107 713 C High
311 John Rawls 22,027 710 C High
312 Old money 21,874 705 C Low
313 Francis Fukuyama 21,847 704 B Mid
314 Sex assignment 21,829 704 C Low
315 Alexis de Tocqueville 21,785 702 B Mid
316 Deconstruction 21,761 701 C High
317 Divine right of kings 21,674 699 C Mid
318 Social justice 21,663 698 B High
319 Temperance movement 21,511 693 C Mid
320 Jus sanguinis 21,456 692 Start Low
321 Jewish secularism 21,391 690 Start Mid
322 Governance 21,321 687 C Mid
323 Jean Baudrillard 21,273 686 B Mid
324 Truth 21,214 684 B High
325 Justice 21,135 681 C High
326 Filial piety 21,086 680 C Low
327 Erich Fromm 21,033 678 C Low
328 Jürgen Habermas 20,972 676 B High
329 Jacksonian democracy 20,884 673 Start Mid
330 Police corruption 20,730 668 C Low
331 Mixed economy 20,680 667 C High
332 Legality of euthanasia 20,616 665 C Low
333 From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs 20,575 663 Start Mid
334 Consumerism 20,540 662 C Mid
335 Sealioning 20,308 655 C Low
336 Distribution of wealth 20,291 654 Start Low
337 Peter Kropotkin 20,273 653 B Mid
338 Sayyid Qutb 20,264 653 B Mid
339 Autonomy 20,141 649 C Mid
340 Pierre Bourdieu 20,139 649 B Mid
341 Queer theory 20,122 649 C High
342 Paleoconservatism 20,117 648 C Mid
343 Marx's theory of alienation 20,022 645 Start Low
344 Personality 19,909 642 C Low
345 Liberty 19,836 639 C High
346 Natural rights and legal rights 19,811 639 Start Low
347 Structural functionalism 19,799 638 C Mid
348 Right-libertarianism 19,795 638 B Mid
349 Progressivism in the United States 19,727 636 C Mid
350 Auguste Comte 19,633 633 B Mid
351 Syndicalism 19,615 632 B Mid
352 Standing on the shoulders of giants 19,606 632 C Low
353 Lavender Scare 19,538 630 C Low
354 Citizenship of the United States 19,471 628 B Low
355 Liberal conservatism 19,291 622 C Mid
356 Suicide legislation 19,213 619 C Low
357 Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. 19,203 619 C Mid
358 Symbolic interactionism 19,144 617 C Low
359 Literary criticism 19,128 617 Start Mid
360 List of revolutions and rebellions 19,068 615 List Low
361 Social constructionism 19,065 615 C Mid
362 Definitions of fascism 19,035 614 C Low
363 Anti-fascism 18,897 609 C Low
364 Genocide of Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia 18,878 608 C Low
365 Murray Rothbard 18,835 607 GA Mid
366 Roland Barthes 18,782 605 C Mid
367 Wole Soyinka 18,751 604 B Low
368 Cultural relativism 18,723 603 C Low
369 Liberalism in the United States 18,539 598 B Mid
370 Secularism in India 18,527 597 C Mid
371 Corruption in India 18,516 597 C Mid
372 Memetics 18,434 594 Start Low
373 Market economy 18,377 592 C High
374 Herbert Spencer 18,368 592 B Mid
375 Jonathan Edwards (theologian) 18,279 589 B Low
376 Louis Althusser 18,230 588 B Mid
377 Feminist theory 18,208 587 C Mid
378 Legalism (Chinese philosophy) 18,200 587 C High
379 Carl Schmitt 18,022 581 C Low
380 Apollonian and Dionysian 18,001 580 C Mid
381 A Theory of Justice 17,923 578 C Mid
382 The Plague (novel) 17,808 574 C Mid
383 Georges Bataille 17,662 569 C Mid
384 Herbert Marcuse 17,660 569 B Mid
385 Ludwig von Mises 17,380 560 C Low
386 Pogroms in the Russian Empire 17,365 560 Start Mid
387 Paulo Freire 17,353 559 C Low
388 Lord 17,322 558 Start Mid
389 Subaltern (postcolonialism) 17,266 556 B Low
390 Left-wing populism 17,131 552 C Mid
391 Pancasila (politics) 17,019 549 C Low
392 Polis 17,013 548 C Mid
393 Islam and abortion 17,008 548 C Low
394 Mozi 16,938 546 C High
395 Claude Lévi-Strauss 16,918 545 C Mid
396 Theatre of the absurd 16,908 545 B Low
397 Max Stirner 16,826 542 B Mid
398 Oresteia 16,707 538 C Mid
399 Emil Cioran 16,639 536 C Mid
400 Rational choice theory 16,587 535 C Low
401 Status quo 16,580 534 Start Low
402 William of Ockham 16,435 530 C High
403 Heteroflexibility 16,433 530 C Mid
404 The Third Wave (experiment) 16,402 529 Start Low
405 Social alienation 16,321 526 Start Mid
406 Social movement 16,311 526 C Mid
407 Howard Zinn 16,266 524 C Low
408 Noble savage 16,092 519 C Low
409 Unconscious mind 16,065 518 C Mid
410 Leo Strauss 16,040 517 C Mid
411 Secularity 16,007 516 Start Mid
412 Communitarianism 15,852 511 C Mid
413 Three Principles of the People 15,800 509 Start Low
414 Praxis (process) 15,785 509 Start High
415 Gender studies 15,783 509 B Low
416 Value (ethics and social sciences) 15,723 507 Start High
417 René Girard 15,525 500 B Mid
418 Third Position 15,351 495 Start Mid
419 Cultural hegemony 15,327 494 Start Mid
420 Evil 15,308 493 C High
421 Anomie 15,265 492 C Low
422 History of socialism 15,018 484 C Mid
423 Eugenics in the United States 15,001 483 Start Low
424 Pierre-Joseph Proudhon 14,992 483 B Low
425 Al-Farabi 14,944 482 B High
426 Martha Nussbaum 14,919 481 B Mid
427 David Ricardo 14,779 476 C Low
428 Bernard-Henri Lévy 14,613 471 C Low
429 Ecofascism 14,598 470 B Low
430 Traditionalist conservatism 14,545 469 Start Mid
431 Free love 14,493 467 C Low
432 Roger Scruton 14,463 466 B Mid
433 Social exclusion 14,347 462 C Low
434 Left-libertarianism 14,187 457 B Low
435 Individualist anarchism 14,176 457 C Mid
436 Other (philosophy) 14,146 456 C Mid
437 Symposium (Plato) 14,141 456 C High
438 Kwame Anthony Appiah 14,108 455 C Mid
439 Environmentalism 14,090 454 B High
440 Prima facie 14,041 452 C Low
441 Intertextuality 13,993 451 C Low
442 State capitalism 13,816 445 C Low
443 Murray Bookchin 13,791 444 B Mid
444 A Vindication of the Rights of Woman 13,786 444 FA Mid
445 The Social Contract 13,779 444 Start High
446 Wendell Berry 13,754 443 B Low
447 Community service 13,612 439 C Low
448 Hate speech 13,513 435 C High
449 Henry George 13,451 433 B Low
450 Xi Jinping Thought 13,395 432 C Low
451 Occupy movement 13,395 432 B Mid
452 Will Durant 13,321 429 C Low
453 Due process 13,307 429 C Low
454 Anthropocentrism 13,297 428 C Mid
455 Agrarianism 13,257 427 C Low
456 Nature versus nurture 13,112 422 B High
457 Ecofeminism 13,091 422 B Low
458 Palestinian nationalism 13,043 420 B Mid
459 Waking Life 13,010 419 C Low
460 Capital punishment for homosexuality 12,974 418 Start Mid
461 The Society of the Spectacle 12,973 418 Start Low
462 Nazi eugenics 12,956 417 C Mid
463 Black propaganda 12,681 409 C Mid
464 Fundamental rights 12,604 406 Start High
465 Restorative justice 12,590 406 Start Mid
466 Great Learning 12,586 406 Start High
467 René Guénon 12,581 405 B Mid
468 Civic nationalism 12,552 404 Start Low
469 Ernst Haeckel 12,528 404 B Low
470 Capital punishment in California 12,464 402 C Mid
471 Moral relativism 12,454 401 C High
472 William Godwin 12,447 401 B Low
473 Fatalism 12,369 399 Start Mid
474 History of communism 12,362 398 C Low
475 Empedocles 12,361 398 B High
476 Anti-Oedipus 12,354 398 B Mid
477 Conflict theories 12,338 398 Start Mid
478 Obscenity 12,295 396 Start Mid
479 Federalism in the United States 12,190 393 Start Low
480 Irish nationalism 12,186 393 C Low
481 Right to die 12,178 392 B Low
482 George Santayana 12,174 392 C Mid
483 Invisible hand 12,152 392 C Low
484 Olympe de Gouges 12,151 391 B Low
485 Joie de vivre 12,110 390 Start Low
486 Popular sovereignty 12,021 387 Start Mid
487 Ethnicity of Cleopatra 11,864 382 B Mid
488 Peoples' Democratic Party (Turkey) 11,796 380 B Low
489 Fascism and ideology 11,795 380 Start Mid
490 Cosmopolitanism 11,763 379 C Low
491 Robert Nozick 11,706 377 B Mid
492 Alien (law) 11,692 377 Start Low
493 English Renaissance 11,667 376 Start Low
494 Volunteering 11,576 373 B Mid
495 Good and evil 11,557 372 C High
496 Martin Buber 11,545 372 C Mid
497 Punishment 11,541 372 C High
498 Isaiah Berlin 11,530 371 C Mid
499 Market socialism 11,517 371 C Low
500 Joseph Priestley 11,496 370 FA Mid
501 Abortion in the United Kingdom 11,376 366 C Low
502 Humanists UK 11,332 365 B Low
503 The History of Sexuality 11,316 365 Start Mid
504 Unintended consequences 11,304 364 Start Mid
505 History of capitalism 11,276 363 Start Low
506 Christian socialism 11,268 363 C Mid
507 György Lukács 11,252 362 C Mid
508 Economic globalization 11,249 362 B Low
509 Animal rights 11,223 362 B Mid
510 Green politics 11,209 361 C Low
511 Distributism 11,196 361 C Mid
512 Feminine beauty ideal 11,184 360 Start Mid
513 Discipline and Punish 11,119 358 Start Low
514 Vātsyāyana 11,102 358 Start Mid
515 Exile 11,091 357 Start High
516 Social justice warrior 11,053 356 C Low
517 John Gray (philosopher) 11,042 356 C Low
518 The Phenomenology of Spirit 10,998 354 Start High
519 Passing (racial identity) 10,952 353 C Low
520 Homi K. Bhabha 10,941 352 C Mid
521 Politics (Aristotle) 10,929 352 C High
522 Theonomy 10,925 352 Start Low
523 National identity 10,906 351 Start Low
524 A Cyborg Manifesto 10,901 351 B Low
525 Two Treatises of Government 10,889 351 C High
526 Donna Haraway 10,854 350 B Mid
527 Double consciousness 10,821 349 C Mid
528 Enlightened absolutism 10,793 348 Start Low
529 Negotiation 10,730 346 B Low
530 Filipino values 10,692 344 C Low
531 Houston Stewart Chamberlain 10,681 344 B Low
532 Weltschmerz 10,652 343 Start Low
533 Fiscal conservatism 10,643 343 B Low
534 Social change 10,583 341 C Mid
535 History of abortion 10,556 340 B Low
536 Women's liberation movement 10,526 339 B Low
537 Oppression 10,500 338 C Mid
538 Constitutional law 10,487 338 Start Mid
539 Anti-clericalism 10,482 338 B Mid
540 Vilfredo Pareto 10,438 336 C Mid
541 Legitimacy (political) 10,434 336 Start Mid
542 The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction 10,426 336 C Mid
543 Paralanguage 10,403 335 Start Low
544 Conscience 10,393 335 GA High
545 Criticism of Marxism 10,386 335 C Mid
546 Christian anarchism 10,300 332 C Low
547 Criticism of capitalism 10,284 331 C Mid
548 Titoism 10,251 330 C Low
549 Anarcho-primitivism 10,222 329 Start Mid
550 Civil Rights Act of 1968 10,113 326 C Low
551 Charles Taylor (philosopher) 10,106 326 C Mid
552 Consensus decision-making 10,103 325 C High
553 Jeffersonian democracy 10,066 324 C Mid
554 Philosopher king 10,060 324 C Mid
555 Pro-choice and pro-life 10,042 323 C Low
556 Learned Hand 10,031 323 FA Low
557 The Road to Serfdom 10,013 323 C Mid
558 Phaedrus (dialogue) 9,989 322 C High
559 Discourse 9,963 321 C Low
560 Civil Disobedience (Thoreau) 9,890 319 Start Low
561 Lviv pogroms (1941) 9,869 318 GA Low
562 Left communism 9,866 318 C Mid
563 Fascist symbolism 9,794 315 Start Low
564 Civil liberties 9,769 315 C Mid
565 Giorgio Agamben 9,769 315 C Mid
566 Marxian class theory 9,740 314 C Mid
567 Karl Jaspers 9,698 312 C Mid
568 Work (human activity) 9,688 312 Start Mid
569 Revolutionary socialism 9,670 311 Start Low
570 Apology (Plato) 9,661 311 C High
571 Compassion 9,655 311 C Low
572 Japanese nationalism 9,649 311 C Low
573 Conceptual model 9,631 310 C High
574 Hugo Grotius 9,617 310 B Mid
575 Marxist philosophy 9,601 309 C High
576 Global citizenship 9,572 308 C Low
577 Mencius 9,568 308 C High
578 Scientism 9,498 306 Start High
579 Ivan Ilyin 9,488 306 B Low
580 Catholic Church and homosexuality 9,471 305 C Mid
581 Neo-Luddism 9,443 304 C Low
582 Connoisseur 9,418 303 C Low
583 Liberalism and progressivism within Islam 9,413 303 B Low
584 Nicole Oresme 9,393 303 B Mid
585 Literary theory 9,366 302 C Low
586 Johann Gottlieb Fichte 9,345 301 C High
587 Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? 9,342 301 Start Low
588 Socratic questioning 9,332 301 Stub Low
589 Bioethics 9,327 300 Start High
590 Federalism in India 9,327 300 C Mid
591 State of nature 9,295 299 Start High
592 Civics 9,293 299 B Mid
593 Participatory democracy 9,287 299 C Low
594 Criticism of democracy 9,276 299 Start Mid
595 Charles Fourier 9,255 298 C Mid
596 Pirate Party 9,206 296 Start Unknown
597 Communication studies 9,156 295 Start High
598 Abortion debate 9,151 295 B Mid
599 Republicanism in the United States 9,101 293 Start Low
600 Alain LeRoy Locke 9,095 293 B Low
601 Henri de Saint-Simon 9,078 292 C Low
602 Critical pedagogy 9,045 291 B Low
603 Authority 9,010 290 Start Mid
604 Philosophical pessimism 8,999 290 C Mid
605 Thomas Nagel 8,962 289 Start Mid
606 The Establishment 8,961 289 Start Low
607 Romantic nationalism 8,940 288 Start Low
608 Pluralism (political philosophy) 8,927 287 Start Low
609 Christian fascism 8,924 287 Start Low
610 Julia Kristeva 8,856 285 C Mid
611 Victorian morality 8,847 285 C Low
612 Guy Debord 8,827 284 C Mid
613 On Liberty 8,806 284 Start High
614 Homo homini lupus 8,762 282 Start Low
615 Mores 8,755 282 Start Low
616 Bruno Latour 8,749 282 C Mid
617 Tyranny of the majority 8,744 282 Start Low
618 Francis Parker Yockey 8,732 281 Start Low
619 Rephaite 8,703 280 Start Low
620 Queer heterosexuality 8,666 279 Start Low
621 Neo-Confucianism 8,652 279 Start High
622 Democracy in America 8,612 277 C Low
623 Egoism 8,586 276 Start Low
624 Marxism–Leninism–Maoism 8,585 276 C Low
625 Michael Sandel 8,581 276 C Mid
626 Germaine de Staël 8,565 276 C Mid
627 Fredric Jameson 8,534 275 C Mid
628 Russian world 8,512 274 Start Low
629 Incarceration in Norway 8,494 274 C Low
630 Westernization 8,490 273 C High
631 Black Liberation Army 8,486 273 C Low
632 Imperium 8,460 272 Start Low
633 Vanity 8,459 272 Start Low
634 Role of Christianity in civilization 8,374 270 B Low
635 Anti-Western sentiment 8,371 270 C Mid
636 Giovanni Gentile 8,364 269 C Low
637 Rule by decree 8,311 268 Start Mid
638 Karl Kautsky 8,278 267 C Low
639 Ismail Kadare 8,269 266 C Low
640 Jacques Ellul 8,260 266 B Mid
641 Paternalism 8,241 265 Start Mid
642 Ku Klux Klan Act 8,235 265 Start Mid
643 Apostasy in Islam by country 8,230 265 C Low
644 Machiavellianism (politics) 8,194 264 C Low
645 Public sphere 8,189 264 B Mid
646 Distributive justice 8,184 264 Start Mid
647 Anti-Federalism 8,180 263 Start Mid
648 Suffering 8,169 263 C Low
649 Metanarrative 8,145 262 C Mid
650 Individuation 8,143 262 Start Low
651 Emanuel Lasker 8,136 262 GA Low
652 Curiosity 8,119 261 C Low
653 Interregnum 8,103 261 B Low
654 Bengal Renaissance 8,089 260 C High
655 Christian communism 8,077 260 C Low
656 Islam and democracy 8,064 260 C Low
657 Communism in India 8,044 259 B Mid
658 Habitus (sociology) 8,024 258 Start Low
659 Islamic modernism 8,020 258 B Low
660 Ivan Illich 7,991 257 C Low
661 New People's Army rebellion 7,960 256 C Low
662 Abortion in Europe 7,956 256 C Low
663 Historicism 7,948 256 C Mid
664 Suppression of the Society of Jesus 7,935 255 B Low
665 Stiff upper lip 7,932 255 Start Low
666 Ludwig Feuerbach 7,873 253 C Mid
667 Social responsibility 7,867 253 Start Low
668 Alain Badiou 7,865 253 C Mid
669 Zygmunt Bauman 7,854 253 C Low
670 Religious pluralism 7,841 252 C Mid
671 Monopoly on violence 7,773 250 Start Low
672 Jean Bodin 7,773 250 Start Mid
673 Eurocommunism 7,762 250 C Low
674 Accountability 7,758 250 C Mid
675 Existence precedes essence 7,713 248 Start Mid
676 Sexual misconduct 7,703 248 Start Low
677 Persecution of pagans in the late Roman Empire 7,690 248 B Mid
678 Adamites 7,685 247 Start Low
679 Euhemerism 7,664 247 C Low
680 Non-aggression principle 7,646 246 Start Mid
681 Ressentiment 7,643 246 Start High
682 Catholic Church and abortion 7,642 246 C Low
683 Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses 7,576 244 Start Low
684 History of human rights 7,569 244 C Mid
685 Christian existentialism 7,553 243 Start Low
686 Discrimination against autistic people 7,545 243 Start Low
687 Islam and secularism 7,534 243 B Low
688 Christine de Pizan 7,530 242 B Low
689 Terry Eagleton 7,510 242 C Mid
690 Direct action 7,502 242 C Mid
691 The Human Condition 7,472 241 C Mid
692 End of history 7,465 240 Start Low
693 Anti-Germans (political current) 7,431 239 Start Low
694 Social Gospel 7,416 239 Start Mid
695 Post-capitalism 7,413 239 Start Mid
696 Miguel de Unamuno 7,358 237 C Mid
697 Primitivism 7,341 236 C Low
698 Possession is nine-tenths of the law 7,330 236 Start Low
699 Richard Posner 7,326 236 B Mid
700 Joseph de Maistre 7,323 236 B Mid
701 Right-wing dictatorship 7,303 235 Start Mid
702 A Thousand Plateaus 7,299 235 B Mid
703 Critical discourse analysis 7,277 234 C Low
704 Anarchism in the United States 7,239 233 C Low
705 Georges Sorel 7,213 232 Start Low
706 LGBT rights in Jamaica 7,150 230 B Low
707 Stateless society 7,139 230 C High
708 Gloria E. Anzaldúa 7,137 230 C Mid
709 Sex-positive feminism 7,109 229 C Low
710 Propaganda of the deed 7,099 229 C High
711 Family values 7,097 228 Start Low
712 The Art of Loving 7,087 228 Stub Low
713 Classical radicalism 7,084 228 C Mid
714 Civil Rights Act of 1957 7,071 228 Start Low
715 LGBT rights in Germany 7,061 227 C Mid
716 William Blackstone 7,049 227 GA Mid
717 Negative and positive rights 7,032 226 Start Mid
718 Anarchy, State, and Utopia 7,026 226 C Mid
719 Sociological theory 7,023 226 Start Mid
720 Clerical fascism 7,012 226 Start Low
721 The Open Society and Its Enemies 7,008 226 C Mid
722 Whig history 6,961 224 Start Low
723 Félix Guattari 6,949 224 Start Mid
724 Criticism of socialism 6,933 223 C High
725 Christianity and abortion 6,898 222 B Mid
726 Anarchist 6,897 222 Redirect NA
727 George Herbert Mead 6,894 222 C Mid
728 Biopolitics 6,840 220 Start Low
729 Accusation in a mirror 6,824 220 C Low
730 Giambattista Vico 6,815 219 C High
731 Right to repair 6,799 219 Start Low
732 Harm reduction 6,797 219 C Low
733 Philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard 6,793 219 B Mid
734 Lord–bondsman dialectic 6,792 219 Start Mid
735 Henri Lefebvre 6,789 219 C Mid
736 Civil Rights Act of 1866 6,777 218 Start Mid
737 Liberalization 6,762 218 Start Low
738 Ronald Dworkin 6,753 217 C Mid
739 Legal positivism 6,743 217 Start High
740 José Ortega y Gasset 6,725 216 C Low
741 Common good 6,714 216 Start Mid
742 Corruption in the Philippines 6,687 215 Start Low
743 Progress 6,684 215 Start Mid
744 Corruption in Russia 6,682 215 Start Low
745 Jean-François Lyotard 6,667 215 B Mid
746 Peace movement 6,666 215 C Low
747 Identity formation 6,639 214 Start Low
748 Standpoint theory 6,625 213 C Mid
749 Istanbul pogrom 6,596 212 B Low
750 Exploitation of labour 6,575 212 Start Mid
751 Charles Maurras 6,564 211 C Low
752 Convention (norm) 6,550 211 C Mid
753 Contemporary anarchism 6,547 211 B Mid
754 Banality of evil 6,482 209 Redirect NA
755 Fuck for Forest 6,476 208 C Low
756 Curandero 6,474 208 Start Low
757 Punk ideologies 6,454 208 C Low
758 Harm principle 6,442 207 Start High
759 Bagha Jatin 6,436 207 C Low
760 Natalism 6,435 207 Start Low
761 The Spirit of Law 6,431 207 C High
762 Principle 6,428 207 Start High
763 Disgust 6,419 207 Start Low
764 The "Me" Decade and the Third Great Awakening 6,412 206 Start Low
765 Liberal internationalism 6,407 206 Start Low
766 Max Horkheimer 6,404 206 C Mid
767 Targeted killing 6,395 206 B High
768 Bad faith 6,378 205 C Mid
769 Amadeo Bordiga 6,314 203 C Low
770 Anti-revisionism (Marxism–Leninism) 6,308 203 Start Low
771 The Righteous Mind 6,298 203 Stub Low
772 Dechristianization of France during the French Revolution 6,286 202 B Low
773 Wilhelm von Humboldt 6,278 202 C Mid
774 Abraham Joshua Heschel 6,278 202 C Low
775 List of communist ideologies 6,270 202 B Mid
776 Mortimer J. Adler 6,270 202 C Low
777 Social anarchism 6,267 202 C Mid
778 Persecution 6,250 201 Start Low
779 Dual power 6,244 201 Start Low
780 Jean Améry 6,214 200 C Low
781 The Lucifer Effect 6,206 200 Start Mid
782 Psychogeography 6,197 199 Start Low
783 Achille Mbembe 6,195 199 C Mid
784 Film theory 6,174 199 Start Mid
785 Biological determinism 6,165 198 B Mid
786 Balli Kombëtar 6,121 197 C Low
787 Voluntary association 6,109 197 Start Low
788 William MacAskill 6,090 196 B Low
789 Biopower 6,084 196 Start Mid
790 Revolutions of 1848 in the Austrian Empire 6,062 195 C Low
791 Postmodern philosophy 6,047 195 Start Mid
792 Positive liberty 6,013 193 C Mid
793 Qisas 6,003 193 Start Low
794 Temperance movement in the United States 5,987 193 B Low
795 Consent of the governed 5,957 192 Start Mid
796 Capital punishment for juveniles in the United States 5,945 191 List Low
797 Postfeminism 5,944 191 Start Low
798 Intersubjectivity 5,927 191 C Low
799 Xenophanes 5,926 191 B Mid
800 Cool (aesthetic) 5,916 190 B Low
801 Ernest Renan 5,904 190 B Mid
802 Nazism in the Americas 5,903 190 B High
803 Everyday life 5,893 190 Start Low
804 David D. Friedman 5,870 189 C Low
805 James Mill 5,854 188 C Mid
806 Moses Mendelssohn 5,849 188 C Mid
807 Authenticity (philosophy) 5,807 187 C High
808 Eco-socialism 5,782 186 C Low
809 Marsilio Ficino 5,759 185 Start Mid
810 Agency (philosophy) 5,740 185 Start High
811 Sexual ethics 5,728 184 C Low
812 Americanism (ideology) 5,698 183 Start Low
813 Religious tolerance 5,647 182 C Mid
814 Moral responsibility 5,642 182 C Mid
815 Lalon 5,636 181 C Mid
816 Victimless crime 5,621 181 Start Low
817 History of political thought 5,615 181 C High
818 Hate speech in the United States 5,611 181 C Mid
819 An Essay on the Principle of Population 5,603 180 Start Mid
820 Trust (social science) 5,575 179 C High
821 Plato's political philosophy 5,565 179 Start Mid
822 Philosophy of history 5,563 179 Start High
823 Queer anarchism 5,563 179 C Low
824 Ultraconservatism 5,558 179 Start Low
825 Censorship of the Bible 5,546 178 B Low
826 Young Hegelians 5,526 178 C Low
827 The Man Without Qualities 5,492 177 Start Low
828 Negative liberty 5,489 177 C Mid
829 Radical politics 5,486 176 Start Mid
830 Niklas Luhmann 5,482 176 C Mid
831 Wilsonianism 5,480 176 B Low
832 Abortion in Texas 5,461 176 B Low
833 Emotional support animal 5,445 175 C Low
834 Harold Laski 5,421 174 C Low
835 Unity of opposites 5,420 174 Stub Low
836 George Orwell bibliography 5,417 174 FL Low
837 Hélène Cixous 5,410 174 C Mid
838 Capital punishment in Florida 5,389 173 Start Low
839 I and Thou 5,372 173 Start Mid
840 Obligation 5,360 172 Start Mid
841 Entitlement 5,357 172 C Low
842 Capital punishment in the United Arab Emirates 5,338 172 Stub Low
843 Rock Against Racism 5,334 172 C Low
844 Harriet Martineau 5,329 171 B Low
845 The Rebel (book) 5,328 171 Stub Low
846 Negative capability 5,300 170 B Low
847 Thumbscrew (torture) 5,294 170 C Low
848 Edward Carpenter 5,293 170 C Low
849 Jacques Maritain 5,284 170 C Mid
850 Martin Heidegger and Nazism 5,278 170 C Mid
851 Hate speech laws in the United Kingdom 5,270 170 Start Low
852 Corporate statism 5,262 169 Stub Mid
853 Anti-consumerism 5,260 169 Start Mid
854 Human rights abuses in Chile under Augusto Pinochet 5,259 169 C Low
855 Legal realism 5,238 168 Start Mid
856 Council communism 5,213 168 C Low
857 Paul B. Preciado 5,211 168 C Low
858 Class consciousness 5,205 167 Start Mid
859 Organized religion 5,199 167 Start High
860 Traditional knowledge 5,197 167 C Low
861 The Concept of Law 5,196 167 Start Low
862 Hobbesian trap 5,177 167 Start Low
863 Areopagitica 5,164 166 C Mid
864 History of eugenics 5,158 166 Stub Low
865 Bad faith (existentialism) 5,148 166 Start Low
866 Rights of Man 5,135 165 Start Mid
867 Doxa 5,131 165 C Low
868 Right to exist 5,125 165 C Low
869 Property is theft! 5,125 165 Start Mid
870 Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp 5,118 165 B Low
871 Avital Ronell 5,115 165 B Low
872 Fanaticism 5,082 163 Start Low
873 Illicit activities of North Korea 5,078 163 C Low
874 Hakkō ichiu 5,074 163 C Low
875 Bellum omnium contra omnes 5,053 163 Start Low
876 Biblical hermeneutics 5,030 162 C Mid
877 Existentialism Is a Humanism 5,030 162 Start High
878 Ren (philosophy) 5,008 161 Start Low
879 Philosophy of law 5,008 161 Start High
880 Spirit spouse 5,003 161 C Low
881 Abortion in Russia 4,972 160 C Low
882 Climate justice 4,964 160 C Low
883 Gadfly (philosophy and social science) 4,953 159 Start Low
884 Political positions of Noam Chomsky 4,948 159 B Low
885 Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick 4,939 159 B Low
886 Attorney–client privilege 4,860 156 Start Mid
887 Anti-communist mass killings 4,851 156 C Low
888 Deterritorialization 4,831 155 Start Low
889 Antifaschistische Aktion 4,828 155 Start Low
890 Proletarian internationalism 4,818 155 Start Low
891 Societal attitudes toward homosexuality 4,816 155 B Low
892 Capital punishment in North Korea 4,812 155 Start Mid
893 Epistemic injustice 4,812 155 Stub Low
894 Totalitarian democracy 4,807 155 Start Low
895 The Case of the Speluncean Explorers 4,803 154 C Mid
896 Unattractiveness 4,742 152 Start Low
897 Spartan hegemony 4,728 152 Start Low
898 Alexandre Kojève 4,724 152 C Mid
899 Two Concepts of Liberty 4,716 152 Stub Low
900 H. L. A. Hart 4,712 152 C Mid
901 Prisoner 4,702 151 Start Mid
902 Moral absolutism 4,702 151 Start High
903 Kielce pogrom 4,698 151 C Low
904 Regional forms of shamanism 4,698 151 List Low
905 Nahda 4,691 151 C Low
906 End SARS 4,683 151 C Low
907 Catholic Worker Movement 4,678 150 B Low
908 Moral development 4,676 150 C Low
909 Michael Oakeshott 4,674 150 C Low
910 Exceptionalism 4,672 150 Start Low
911 LGBT rights in Romania 4,670 150 B Mid
912 Odessa pogroms 4,668 150 Start Low
913 Decriminalization 4,642 149 Stub Low
914 Benedetto Croce 4,630 149 C Mid
915 British left 4,592 148 C Mid
916 Jefferson–Hemings controversy 4,586 147 B Low
917 Capitalism and Schizophrenia 4,577 147 Stub Mid
918 Capital punishment in the Bible 4,572 147 Start Low
919 The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin 4,572 147 C Low
920 Raymond Aron 4,566 147 C Low
921 Positive law 4,556 146 Start Mid
922 Agorism 4,531 146 Redirect Low
923 Algernon Sidney 4,523 145 B Low
924 John Austin (legal philosopher) 4,516 145 Start Mid
925 Homosexuality and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 4,511 145 B Low
926 Counter-Enlightenment 4,503 145 Start Low
927 The Principles of Psychology 4,498 145 Start Mid
928 Dissent 4,495 145 Start Low
929 Right of revolution 4,495 145 C Low
930 Structuration theory 4,495 145 B Low
931 Vehicular automation 4,490 144 C Unknown
932 Amy Gutmann 4,471 144 C Low
933 Paideia 4,465 144 Start Low
934 Critique of political economy 4,434 143 C Low
935 Slow movement (culture) 4,434 143 C Low
936 Mixed government 4,432 142 C Mid
937 Luce Irigaray 4,423 142 C Mid
938 New Democracy 4,415 142 Start Low
939 Eric Hoffer 4,414 142 Start Low
940 Nancy Fraser 4,409 142 C Low
941 Russell Kirk 4,392 141 C Low
942 The Subjection of Women 4,387 141 C Mid
943 A Voyage to Arcturus 4,385 141 GA Mid
944 Ernst Bloch 4,375 141 C Mid
945 Bourgeois socialism 4,321 139 Start Low
946 Social degeneration 4,317 139 Start Low
947 Historiography of the Christianization of the Roman Empire 4,315 139 GA Low
948 Comicsgate 4,302 138 Start Low
949 Hans Kelsen 4,298 138 C Low
950 Anarchism in Russia 4,285 138 C Low
951 Justice as Fairness 4,218 136 C Mid
952 Socialism in India 4,216 136 C Mid
953 Social loafing 4,216 136 B Low
954 Utilitarianism (book) 4,212 135 C High
955 Collective memory 4,203 135 C Mid
956 Christian values 4,195 135 Stub Low
957 Will (philosophy) 4,193 135 Start High
958 Christina Hoff Sommers 4,184 134 B Mid
959 Self-ownership 4,181 134 C Low
960 Tzvetan Todorov 4,146 133 C Mid
961 British national identity 4,135 133 C Low
962 Proletarian revolution 4,120 132 Start Low
963 Toleration 4,115 132 C Mid
964 Anarcha-feminism 4,113 132 B Mid
965 State of exception 4,098 132 Start Low
966 Lew Rockwell 4,095 132 C Low
967 Mazdak 4,090 131 C Mid
968 Eric Voegelin 4,078 131 C Mid
969 Egoist anarchism 4,072 131 C Mid
970 Animal rights movement 4,067 131 B Low
971 Robert P. George 4,052 130 Start Low
972 Ecocentrism 4,043 130 Start Low
973 Open society 4,026 129 C Mid
974 Philosophy of self 4,025 129 C High
975 Critique of work 4,022 129 Start Low
976 Marxist schools of thought 4,020 129 C Mid
977 Bodily integrity 4,013 129 Start Mid
978 Edgar Morin 4,013 129 C Low
979 Collective responsibility 4,005 129 Start Low
980 1966 anti-Igbo pogrom 3,993 128 Start Low
981 Anarchism in Spain 3,966 127 C Low
982 Blinding (punishment) 3,956 127 Start Low
983 Kyriarchy 3,956 127 Start Low
984 Political freedom 3,944 127 C Mid
985 Doctor–patient relationship 3,942 127 Start Low
986 Das Kapital, Volume I 3,933 126 C Mid
987 Mary Daly 3,907 126 C Low
988 Social fact 3,898 125 Start Low
989 List of liberal theorists 3,897 125 List Mid
990 Criticism of postmodernism 3,887 125 Start Low
991 Torture in the United States 3,883 125 C Low
992 Han Fei 3,882 125 C High
993 Gay literature 3,881 125 C Low
994 Aristotle's views on women 3,876 125 Start Low
995 Post–World War II anti-fascism 3,871 124 C Low
996 Christian egalitarianism 3,870 124 C Low
997 Social privilege 3,851 124 Start Mid
998 Crime in Germany 3,843 123 Start Low
999 The Sublime Object of Ideology 3,835 123 Stub Low
1000 Common ownership 3,827 123 Start Low