Wikipedia:WikiProject Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms/Popular pages

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This is a list of pages in the scope of Wikipedia:WikiProject Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms along with pageviews.

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Period: 2024-03-01 to 2024-03-31

Total views: 4,410,137

Updated: 04:33, 4 April 2024 (UTC)

Rank Page title Views Daily average Assessment Importance
1 Alfred the Great 134,920 4,352 B Top
2 Cnut 103,993 3,354 B Top
3 Anglo-Saxons 100,622 3,245 B Top
4 Beowulf 94,009 3,032 GA Top
5 Æthelstan 82,315 2,655 FA Top
6 Old English 77,465 2,498 B High
7 Kingdom of England 70,578 2,276 C High
8 Battle of Hastings 68,514 2,210 FA Top
9 Edward the Confessor 67,636 2,181 B High
10 Æthelred the Unready 62,720 2,023 B Top
11 Edward the Elder 61,798 1,993 FA High
12 Harold Godwinson 61,778 1,992 B High
13 Norman Conquest 59,442 1,917 FA High
14 Ivar the Boneless 56,659 1,827 Start Low
15 Felix of Burgundy 52,627 1,697 FA Mid
16 Saxons 47,676 1,537 C Top
17 Wessex 46,157 1,488 C Top
18 Uhtred of Bamburgh 43,034 1,388 Start Mid
19 Lady Godiva 42,854 1,382 C Low
20 Northumbria 40,637 1,310 C Top
21 Æ 40,271 1,299 Start Low
22 Edmund I 38,457 1,240 FA High
23 Edmund Ironside 38,296 1,235 C Mid
24 Mercia 36,132 1,165 B Top
25 History of Anglo-Saxon England 35,809 1,155 B Top
26 Edward the Martyr 35,683 1,151 FA Mid
27 Bayeux Tapestry 35,011 1,129 B Mid
28 Æthelwulf, King of Wessex 34,306 1,106 FA Top
29 Harthacnut 33,657 1,085 B Mid
30 Bede 33,256 1,072 GA High
31 Sweyn Forkbeard 32,787 1,057 B High
32 Ecgberht, King of Wessex 32,649 1,053 FA Top
33 Edgar, King of England 31,285 1,009 FA Top
34 Pope Gregory I 30,990 999 B Mid
35 Battle of Stamford Bridge 30,644 988 B High
36 Kingdom of East Anglia 29,864 963 GA Top
37 Lindisfarne 29,065 937 C High
38 Danelaw 28,106 906 Start Top
39 Varangian Guard 27,525 887 B Low
40 Æthelflæd 27,252 879 FA Mid
41 Bamburgh Castle 27,221 878 C Low
42 Viking expansion 26,958 869 B High
43 Harold Harefoot 26,105 842 B High
44 Anglo-Saxon settlement of Britain 25,560 824 B High
45 Æthelred I of Wessex 25,469 821 FA High
46 Great Heathen Army 24,602 793 B High
47 Angles (tribe) 24,124 778 C Top
48 Sub-Roman Britain 23,659 763 C Mid
49 Eadred 23,620 761 FA Mid
50 Sutton Hoo 23,491 757 B High
51 Eadwig 22,945 740 FA High
52 Heptarchy 22,818 736 Start Top
53 Ælla of Northumbria 22,178 715 Start High
54 Ubba 20,193 651 B Low
55 Edgar Ætheling 19,518 629 C Mid
56 Germanic paganism 19,515 629 B Mid
57 Cerdic of Wessex 19,174 618 C High
58 Battle of Brunanburh 18,681 602 GA Mid
59 Cuthbert 18,651 601 C High
60 Anglo-Saxon paganism 17,457 563 C High
61 Swithun 16,589 535 Start Mid
62 Anglo-Saxon runes 16,306 526 C High
63 End of Roman rule in Britain 15,929 513 B Mid
64 Worcester, England 14,864 479 B Low
65 England in the Middle Ages 14,479 467 GA Mid
66 Saint Margaret of Scotland 14,081 454 Start Low
67 List of monarchs of Wessex 13,965 450 List High
68 New England (medieval) 13,524 436 B Low
69 Æthelbald, King of Wessex 13,474 434 FA Mid
70 House of Wessex 13,063 421 Start Mid
71 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 12,963 418 FA Top
72 Æthelberht, King of Wessex 12,921 416 FA Mid
73 St Brice's Day massacre 12,817 413 C Mid
74 Augustine of Canterbury 12,524 404 FA High
75 Saint Boniface 12,191 393 C Mid
76 Jutes 12,071 389 B Top
77 Halfdan Ragnarsson 11,875 383 Start Mid
78 Scandinavian York 11,786 380 B High
79 Old English literature 11,725 378 C Top
80 Thorkell the Tall 11,646 375 Start Low
81 Edmund the Martyr 11,606 374 GA High
82 Battle of Edington 11,533 372 C High
83 Guthrum 11,477 370 Start Mid
84 Watling Street 11,202 361 B Low
85 King Canute and the tide 11,137 359 C Low
86 North Sea Germanic 10,930 352 Start Low
87 Godwin, Earl of Wessex 10,805 348 C High
88 Eric Bloodaxe 10,758 347 C Low
89 Ealhswith 10,558 340 C Low
90 Battle of Badon 10,419 336 B Mid
91 Offa of Mercia 10,255 330 FA Top
92 Hundred (county division) 10,164 327 C Mid
93 Harrying of the North 10,157 327 B High
94 Old English Latin alphabet 9,229 297 Start Mid
95 Ine of Wessex 8,906 287 FA High
96 Cynric 8,866 286 Stub Mid
97 Beorhtric of Wessex 8,773 283 Start Mid
98 Sutton Hoo helmet 8,672 279 B Mid
99 Cædwalla 8,600 277 FA High
100 Witan 8,362 269 Start Mid
101 Hengist and Horsa 8,202 264 B Mid
102 Ceawlin of Wessex 7,965 256 FA High
103 Anglia (peninsula) 7,944 256 Start High
104 Old English grammar 7,865 253 C Mid
105 Barghest 7,767 250 Start Low
106 English medieval clothing 7,756 250 C Low
107 Cynewulf of Wessex 7,733 249 Start Mid
108 Thegn 7,640 246 C Mid
109 Æthelwold ætheling 7,595 245 FA Low
110 Wight 7,543 243 Start Low
111 Æthelred, Lord of the Mercians 7,517 242 FA Mid
112 Wayland the Smith 7,276 234 C Low
113 Ecclesiastical History of the English People 7,192 232 B Top
114 List of monarchs of Northumbria 7,091 228 List Mid
115 Cenwalh of Wessex 7,054 227 Start High
116 Cynegils 7,053 227 C Mid
117 Ælfweard of Wessex 7,039 227 Start Low
118 Seaxburh of Wessex 7,034 226 Start Mid
119 Wyrd 7,015 226 C Low
120 Basil Brown 6,991 225 B Low
121 Sigeberht of Wessex 6,990 225 Stub Mid
122 Cuthred of Wessex 6,929 223 Stub Low
123 Ælfwynn 6,913 223 Start Low
124 Æthelheard of Wessex 6,878 221 Stub Low
125 List of English royal consorts 6,673 215 List Low
126 Lindisfarne Gospels 6,672 215 C High
127 Housecarl 6,656 214 Start Mid
128 Centwine of Wessex 6,631 213 Start Mid
129 Offa's Dyke 6,621 213 C High
130 Chad of Mercia 6,560 211 B Mid
131 Osberht of Northumbria 6,556 211 B Mid
132 The dragon (Beowulf) 6,509 209 B Low
133 Æscwine of Wessex 6,508 209 Stub Low
134 Ceol of Wessex 6,335 204 Stub Mid
135 Peterborough Cathedral 6,237 201 C High
136 Bernicia 6,209 200 C Top
137 Alcuin 6,186 199 C Mid
138 Kingdom of Kent 6,131 197 C Top
139 Hereward the Wake 6,097 196 C Mid
140 Ceolwulf of Wessex 6,092 196 Stub Low
141 Sitric Cáech 6,076 196 GA Low
142 Insular art 6,054 195 B Mid
143 Oswald of Northumbria 6,054 195 GA Mid
144 St Martin's Church, Canterbury 6,027 194 Start Low
145 Weregild 6,006 193 Start Mid
146 Ælfgifu of Northampton 5,790 186 B Mid
147 Judith of Flanders 5,752 185 Start Low
148 Rædwald of East Anglia 5,670 182 GA High
149 Heahmund 5,547 178 Stub Low
150 Battle of Maldon 5,539 178 Start High
151 List of monarchs of Mercia 5,506 177 List High
152 List of archbishops of Canterbury 5,358 172 FL Low
153 The Dream of the Rood 5,305 171 Start Mid
154 Penda of Mercia 5,264 169 FA High
155 Hrothgar 5,249 169 B Low
156 Beowulf & Grendel 5,190 167 Start Low
157 Anglo-Saxon London 5,082 163 C High
158 Tostig Godwinson 5,072 163 Start Low
159 Blót 5,050 162 C Low
160 Battle, East Sussex 4,983 160 Start Low
161 Wynn 4,964 160 Start Low
162 British Latin 4,896 157 C Mid
163 Kingdom of Essex 4,853 156 Start Top
164 Æthelberht of Kent 4,804 154 FA High
165 Heime 4,732 152 C Low
166 Gildas 4,731 152 Start Low
167 Eadgifu of Kent 4,703 151 Start Low
168 Dunstan 4,669 150 GA Mid
169 Ealdorman 4,635 149 Start Mid
170 Staffordshire Hoard 4,573 147 C High
171 Ælfflæd (wife of Edward the Elder) 4,572 147 Start Low
172 Ecgwynn 4,542 146 B Mid
173 Reeve (England) 4,536 146 Start Mid
174 Hilda of Whitby 4,513 145 C Mid
175 House of Godwin 4,474 144 B Low
176 The Wanderer (Old English poem) 4,473 144 Start Mid
177 Historia Brittonum 4,457 143 C Low
178 Deira 4,416 142 Start High
179 Uí Ímair 4,412 142 Start High
180 Edwin of Northumbria 4,376 141 GA High
181 Edith of Wessex 4,375 141 Start Low
182 Kingdom of Sussex 4,366 140 C Top
183 Battle of York (867) 4,334 139 B Low
184 Cædmon 4,332 139 B High
185 Saint Walpurga 4,314 139 C Low
186 Cædmon's Hymn 4,307 138 B High
187 Lammas 4,303 138 C Low
188 Danegeld 4,245 136 B High
189 List of Anglo-Saxon deities 4,231 136 List High
190 Ceolwulf II of Mercia 4,229 136 C High
191 Ye (pronoun) 4,216 136 Start Low
192 Eadwulf I of Bamburgh 4,180 134 Start Mid
193 Ealhmund of Kent 4,102 132 Start Mid
194 Michael Wood (historian) 4,091 131 Start Low
195 Old English phonology 4,058 130 C Mid
196 Guthred 4,056 130 Start Mid
197 Exeter Book 4,001 129 Start High
198 Burh 3,962 127 Start High
199 Osburh 3,916 126 C Low
200 Hiberno-Scottish mission 3,906 126 C High
201 Synod of Whitby 3,895 125 C High
202 Edith the Fair 3,844 124 Start Low
203 Wulfred 3,811 122 GA Low
204 Christianisation of Anglo-Saxon England 3,810 122 Start Mid
205 White dragon 3,790 122 Start Low
206 Æthelthryth 3,762 121 C Low
207 Fyrd 3,757 121 C Mid
208 Battle of Fulford 3,731 120 Start Mid
209 Leofric, Earl of Mercia 3,721 120 Start Mid
210 Olaf Guthfrithson 3,601 116 GA Low
211 Battle of Deorham 3,600 116 Start Mid
212 Hwicce 3,599 116 C Mid
213 Lichfield Cathedral 3,561 114 C Mid
214 Gytha Thorkelsdóttir 3,504 113 Start Low
215 Anglo-Saxon royal genealogies 3,451 111 B Low
216 Gewisse 3,450 111 Stub Mid
217 Ælfthryth (wife of Edgar) 3,446 111 B Low
218 Heorot 3,422 110 Start Low
219 Sigrid the Haughty 3,402 109 Start Low
220 Botolph of Thorney 3,392 109 C Mid
221 Wilfrid 3,363 108 FA High
222 Sigeberht of East Anglia 3,343 107 GA Mid
223 Bretwalda 3,322 107 Start High
224 The Reckoning of Time 3,304 106 C Low
225 Ætheling 3,264 105 Start Mid
226 Elmet 3,195 103 C Mid
227 Svein Knutsson 3,167 102 Start Low
228 Alfred Aetheling 3,164 102 Start Mid
229 Oswiu 3,158 101 B Mid
230 Anglo-Saxon architecture 3,150 101 Start Top
231 Repton 3,090 99 Start Low
232 Anglo-Saxon dress 3,074 99 B Mid
233 Alfred Jewel 3,058 98 Start Mid
234 Weapons and armour in Anglo-Saxon England 3,011 97 C Mid
235 Anglo-Saxon law 3,006 96 C Top
236 Æthelfrith 3,005 96 B Mid
237 Creoda of Wessex 3,003 96 Stub Low
238 The Seafarer (poem) 2,957 95 Start Mid
239 Ship burial 2,943 94 C Low
240 Phonological history of Old English 2,941 94 C Unknown
241 Royal peculiar 2,934 94 Start Low
242 Ælfgifu of York 2,909 93 C Low
243 St Cuthbert Gospel 2,874 92 FA High
244 Rochester Cathedral 2,827 91 C Low
245 Gregorian mission 2,798 90 FA High
246 Glebe 2,784 89 Start Low
247 Anglo-Saxon art 2,718 87 C Top
248 Siward, Earl of Northumbria 2,717 87 FA Low
249 Churl 2,695 86 C Mid
250 Battle Abbey 2,687 86 Start Low
251 Kingdom of Lindsey 2,673 86 B High
252 West Saxon dialect 2,667 86 Start Mid
253 Hrólfr Kraki 2,667 86 B Low
254 Nowell Codex 2,654 85 Start High
255 Earl of Northumbria 2,636 85 Start Low
256 Franks Casket 2,613 84 C High
257 Asser 2,604 84 FA High
258 Godgifu (daughter of Æthelred the Unready) 2,600 83 Stub Low
259 Hyde Abbey 2,562 82 C Low
260 Burgred of Mercia 2,560 82 Start Mid
261 Advocatus 2,494 80 C Low
262 Drinking horn 2,489 80 C Low
263 Ælfthryth, Countess of Flanders 2,480 80 Stub Low
264 Rulers of Bamburgh 2,442 78 List Mid
265 Battle of Assandun 2,439 78 Start Mid
266 St Augustine's Abbey 2,416 77 B Low
267 Coenwulf of Mercia 2,413 77 FA High
268 Northumbrian Old English 2,400 77 Stub Low
269 Agatha (wife of Edward the Exile) 2,392 77 B Low
270 Battle of Cynwit 2,387 77 Start Low
271 Ramsey Abbey 2,383 76 Start Low
272 Nine Herbs Charm 2,379 76 Start Low
273 Waltheof, Earl of Northumbria 2,376 76 Start Mid
274 Battle of Meretun 2,369 76 Start Low
275 Widsith 2,361 76 Start Low
276 Eadric Streona 2,355 75 Start Mid
277 The Battle of Maldon 2,305 74 C Mid
278 Mercian dialect 2,288 73 Start Low
279 Ælle of Sussex 2,287 73 FA Mid
280 Ingaevones 2,278 73 Start Mid
281 Willibrord 2,268 73 Start Mid
282 Ælfric of Eynsham 2,252 72 B Mid
283 Battle of Tettenhall 2,244 72 Start Mid
284 Hrunting 2,242 72 Start Low
285 De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae 2,236 72 C Mid
286 Ecgberht I of Northumbria 2,235 72 Stub Mid
287 Gytha of Wessex 2,207 71 C Low
288 Amlaíb Cuarán 2,205 71 B High
289 Wiglaf 2,200 70 C Low
290 Codex Amiatinus 2,182 70 B Low
291 Five Boroughs of the Danelaw 2,181 70 B Low
292 Aldhelm 2,176 70 C Mid
293 Eadgyth 2,169 69 C Mid
294 Cynewulf 2,158 69 C High
295 Greensted Church 2,157 69 C Mid
296 Lists of monarchs in the British Isles 2,150 69 List Low
297 Taxation in medieval England 2,144 69 C Mid
298 Eadgifu of Wessex 2,143 69 Start Low
299 Ruthwell Cross 2,126 68 B Mid
300 Ripon Cathedral 2,119 68 C Low
301 Barbury Castle 2,113 68 Start Low
302 History of Kent 2,103 67 Start Mid
303 Benty Grange hanging bowl 2,096 67 FA Low
304 Æthelweard (son of Alfred) 2,094 67 Start Low
305 Waltham Abbey Church 2,078 67 Start Low
306 Christianity in Anglo-Saxon England 2,077 67 C High
307 Annales Cambriae 2,063 66 Start Low
308 Battle of Ashdown 2,057 66 Start Mid
309 Honorius of Canterbury 2,033 65 GA Low
310 Edith of Mercia 2,017 65 Start Mid
311 Orderic Vitalis 2,014 64 Start Low
312 Wuffingas 1,999 64 C High
313 Book of Durrow 1,995 64 Start High
314 Bayeux Tapestry tituli 1,991 64 C Low
315 Rune poem 1,986 64 C Low
316 Maud, Countess of Huntingdon 1,977 63 Start Low
317 List of monarchs of East Anglia 1,969 63 FL High
318 Bertha of Kent 1,969 63 Start Mid
319 Æthelbald of Mercia 1,962 63 FA High
320 Rowena 1,957 63 Start Low
321 Guthlac of Crowland 1,937 62 Start Low
322 Odda, Ealdorman of Devon 1,936 62 Start Low
323 The Ruin 1,932 62 Start Low
324 Deor 1,931 62 Start Mid
325 List of monarchs of Kent 1,888 60 List Mid
326 Timeline of conflict in Anglo-Saxon Britain 1,884 60 Start High
327 Seax of Beagnoth 1,878 60 GA Mid
328 Sceafa 1,868 60 Start Low
329 Kentish Old English 1,860 60 Stub Low
330 Bagsecg 1,839 59 C Mid
331 Monkwearmouth–Jarrow Abbey 1,829 59 C Mid
332 Anna of East Anglia 1,828 58 FA Mid
333 Scylding 1,824 58 Start Low
334 Beornwulf of Mercia 1,823 58 Start Mid
335 Morcar 1,817 58 Start Mid
336 Anglo-Saxon warfare 1,812 58 Start Top
337 Osferth 1,812 58 C Low
338 Wealhtheow 1,796 57 C Low
339 Tithing 1,796 57 Start Low
340 Mercian Supremacy 1,783 57 Start High
341 Treaty of Wedmore 1,774 57 B Mid
342 Pevensey Castle 1,746 56 B Low
343 Rheda (mythology) 1,738 56 Start Low
344 Ælfgifu of Shaftesbury 1,733 55 B Low
345 Byrhtnoth 1,731 55 Start Mid
346 Ida of Bernicia 1,713 55 Start Mid
347 Dommoc 1,688 54 Start Low
348 Treaty of Alfred and Guthrum 1,683 54 Start Mid
349 Balthild of Chelles 1,679 54 B Mid
350 Cotton library 1,666 53 B Low
351 Battle of Dun Nechtain 1,666 53 GA High
352 Stigand 1,660 53 FA Mid
353 Coppergate Helmet 1,656 53 C Low
354 Ælfheah of Canterbury 1,656 53 FA High
355 Feng (chieftain) 1,614 52 Stub Low
356 Æthelhelm 1,598 51 Stub Low
357 Tenant-in-chief 1,595 51 C Low
358 Ceolwulf I of Mercia 1,586 51 Start Low
359 Ælfgar, Earl of Mercia 1,585 51 Start Mid
360 Edmund Ætheling 1,576 50 B Low
361 Æthelstan of Kent 1,568 50 Start Low
362 Cadwallon ap Cadfan 1,555 50 Start Low
363 Theodore of Tarsus 1,554 50 Start Mid
364 Bald's Leechbook 1,553 50 Start Low
365 Cnut's invasion of England 1,549 49 Start Low
366 Old English Bible translations 1,548 49 List Mid
367 Nennius 1,538 49 C Low
368 Edwin, Earl of Mercia 1,538 49 Start Mid
369 Kings of the Angles 1,534 49 List Low
370 Godwin, son of Harold Godwinson 1,530 49 C Low
371 Wulfhere of Mercia 1,526 49 FA Mid
372 Treason of the Long Knives 1,524 49 Start Low
373 Hexham Abbey 1,517 48 Start Mid
374 Sherborne Abbey 1,517 48 C Mid
375 Thingmen 1,506 48 C Low
376 The Lords of the North 1,498 48 Start Low
377 Old Minster, Winchester 1,495 48 Start Low
378 Æthelred of Mercia 1,492 48 FA High
379 Cwenthryth 1,483 47 Stub Low
380 Frankpledge 1,474 47 Start Mid
381 Æthelstan Ætheling 1,469 47 Start Low
382 Eiríkr Hákonarson 1,465 47 C Low
383 Scop 1,464 47 Start Low
384 Wulfings 1,464 47 Start Low
385 Aldfrith of Northumbria 1,460 47 FA High
386 Gospatric, Earl of Northumbria 1,444 46 Start Mid
387 Icel of Mercia 1,442 46 Stub Mid
388 Frith 1,434 46 Start Low
389 Wulfrun 1,418 45 Start Low
390 Wulfstan (died 1095) 1,417 45 Start Mid
391 List of adaptations of Beowulf 1,416 45 List Low
392 Battle of Benfleet 1,406 45 B Low
393 Battle of Ellendun 1,400 45 Start Mid
394 Vogt 1,396 45 Redirect Low
395 Unferð 1,385 44 C Low
396 Chapel of St Peter-on-the-Wall 1,384 44 Start Low
397 Æthelgifu, Abbess of Shaftesbury 1,382 44 Start Low
398 Government in Anglo-Saxon England 1,377 44 B Top
399 Revolt of the Earls 1,377 44 Start Low
400 Gosforth Cross 1,376 44 Start Low
401 Ragnall ua Ímair 1,352 43 GA Low
402 Æthelweard (historian) 1,340 43 Start Low
403 Senlac Hill 1,328 42 C Low
404 Benty Grange helmet 1,322 42 FA Low
405 Leofwine Godwinson 1,314 42 Start Low
406 Sceat 1,314 42 C Mid
407 Dish-bearers and butlers in Anglo-Saxon England 1,312 42 FA Low
408 Gyrth Godwinson 1,309 42 Start Mid
409 Ealdgyth (wife of Edmund Ironside) 1,308 42 Start Mid
410 Ecgfrith of Northumbria 1,300 41 C Mid
411 Oswald of East Anglia 1,294 41 C Mid
412 Cnut of Northumbria 1,294 41 Start Low
413 Saint Kenelm 1,288 41 Start Low
414 Coronation Stone, Kingston upon Thames 1,286 41 Stub Low
415 Pengwern 1,285 41 Start Low
416 List of artistic depictions of Grendel 1,276 41 List Low
417 Book of Armagh 1,274 41 Start Low
418 Eadric the Wild 1,263 40 Start Low
419 Leidang 1,255 40 Start Low
420 Battle of Brunanburh (poem) 1,251 40 GA Low
421 Old English rune poem 1,248 40 Start Mid
422 Ralph de Gael 1,221 39 Start Low
423 Hygelac 1,218 39 Start Low
424 Seaxnēat 1,217 39 Start Low
425 Frithuswith 1,213 39 C Low
426 Mōdraniht 1,211 39 Start Low
427 Wulf and Eadwacer 1,211 39 Start Low
428 Oswald of Worcester 1,208 38 GA Low
429 Edith of Wilton 1,207 38 GA Mid
430 Æthelswith 1,205 38 Stub Low
431 History of the English penny (c. 600 – 1066) 1,203 38 B Mid
432 Nægling 1,189 38 Start Low
433 Wulfnoth Cild 1,186 38 Start Low
434 Groans of the Britons 1,182 38 Start Low
435 Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon 1,175 37 List Low
436 Iclingas 1,174 37 Start Low
437 English Benedictine Reform 1,169 37 FA High
438 Ongentheow 1,161 37 B Low
439 Paulinus of York 1,159 37 FA Low
440 Battle of Hatfield Chase 1,130 36 Start Low
441 Cedd 1,129 36 C High
442 Tribal Hidage 1,124 36 GA Mid
443 Ricsige of Northumbria 1,106 35 Stub Mid
444 Eia 1,101 35 C Low
445 Thurbrand the Hold 1,098 35 B Low
446 List of translations of Beowulf 1,097 35 List Low
447 Ecgfrith of Mercia 1,090 35 Start Mid
448 Battle of the Winwaed 1,084 34 Start Low
449 Peterborough Chronicle 1,082 34 C High
450 Mellitus 1,073 34 FA Low
451 Beorhtwulf of Mercia 1,058 34 FA Mid
452 Ealdred II of Bamburgh 1,057 34 Stub Low
453 Anglo-Scandinavian 1,057 34 Stub Low
454 St Cuthbert's coffin 1,056 34 Start High
455 10th century in England 1,053 33 List Mid
456 Judith of Flanders (died 1095) 1,053 33 C Low
457 Waltheof of Bamburgh 1,052 33 Stub Low
458 Eardwulf of Northumbria 1,052 33 FA Mid
459 Gunhild of Wessex 1,045 33 Start Low
460 Sweyn Godwinson 1,044 33 Start Mid
461 Wiglaf of Mercia 1,043 33 FA Mid
462 Eadbald of Kent 1,042 33 FA High
463 Utrecht Psalter 1,036 33 Start Low
464 Edith of Polesworth 1,034 33 C Low
465 Burial in Anglo-Saxon England 1,030 33 B High
466 Peada of Mercia 1,028 33 Start Mid
467 Edwin (son of Edward the Elder) 1,018 32 Start Low
468 Uhtred (Derbyshire ealdorman) 1,018 32 B Low
469 Justus 1,015 32 FA Low
470 Wrath of Gods 1,002 32 Start Low
471 Hogback (sculpture) 1,002 32 Start Low
472 Harold, son of Harold Godwinson 998 32 Start Low
473 All Saints' Church, Brixworth 992 32 C Mid
474 List of Anglo-Saxon saints 988 31 List Mid
475 Æthelred I of Northumbria 987 31 Stub Mid
476 Haestingas 985 31 C Low
477 Frederic William Maitland 983 31 Start Low
478 Kyneburga, Kyneswide and Tibba 982 31 C Low
479 Burghal Hidage 980 31 B High
480 Ælla of Deira 975 31 Stub Mid
481 Bede's Death Song 973 31 C Low
482 Battle of Chippenham 972 31 B Mid
483 Finnesburg Fragment 957 30 C Mid
484 New Minster, Winchester 956 30 Stub Low
485 Ealdred I of Bamburgh 955 30 Start Mid
486 Battle of Chester 954 30 Start Mid
487 Alkmund of Derby 953 30 Start Mid
488 Æthelwold of Winchester 953 30 Start Low
489 History of Worcestershire 952 30 B Low
490 Doom book 951 30 Start High
491 List of artistic depictions of Grendel's mother 940 30 List Low
492 Sarah Foot 937 30 C Low
493 St Michael's Church, St Albans 936 30 B Low
494 Battle of the Holme 934 30 Start Low
495 Battle of Catraeth 933 30 Start Low
496 Battle of Heavenfield 931 30 Start Mid
497 Ralph the Timid 927 29 Start Low
498 Cynethryth 924 29 Start Mid
499 Ælfgifu (wife of Eadwig) 922 29 B Low
500 Ceolwulf of Northumbria 919 29 Start Mid