User:Mango37836/Illegal immigration to Mexico/FlowerandFeast Peer Review

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Illegal immigration to Mexico

Evaluate the drafted changes[edit]

This draft does a really good job of introducing what migrant shelters are and all the various services they provide. Everything is neutral, simply adding unbiased details of where they are located and what they do. I would like to know more information about the process of staying at a migrant shelter, so it would be interesting to add that in. For example, who is allowed to stay there, how long they can, and what the process is for staying there i.e. can anyone just walk in? The data on refugee application seems a bit tangential and distracting, but I understand how it emphasizes the need for migrant shelters. The draft does a good job of listening where to cite sources and the references at the bottom seem to be good. I would also like to see the viewpoint that faith-based shelters provide comfort elaborated on. It would be nice if both sides of the debate was introduced as what are the pros and cons of faith based resources? I would also like to see more details about the funding. If there is enough information, I thin that could be a whole paragraph. Is it taxpayer based? Do some states contribute more gov money than others?

Overall really good and insightful!