User:DraculavanHelsing/Books/Peninsula War C-Z

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Peninsula War[edit]


Bernardim Freire de Andrade
Blockade of Almeida
Campaign in north-east France (1814)
Capture of the Rosily Squadron
Cavalry Regiment El Rey
Claude Victor-Perrin, Duc de Belluno
Combat of Barquilla (1810)
Combat of El Bruc
Combat of the Côa
Division of the North
Dos de Mayo Uprising
Édouard Mortier, duc de Trévise
Evacuation of the La Romana Division
First Battle of Porto
First Siege of Badajoz (1811)
First Siege of Zaragoza
Francisco da Silveira Pinto da Fonseca Teixeira, 1st Count of Amarante
Francisco Javier Castaños, 1st Duke of Bailén
Gregorio García de la Cuesta
Guerrilla warfare in the Peninsular War
Invasion of Portugal (1807)
Jean-Andoche Junot
Jean-Baptiste Bessières
Jean-Baptiste Jourdan
Jean-de-Dieu Soult
Joachim Murat
Joaquín Blake
John Moore (British Army officer)
José de Palafox y Melci
Joseph Bonaparte
Juan Martín Díez
Kingdom of Spain under Joseph Bonaparte
Lines of Torres Vedras
Louis-Gabriel Suchet
Michel Ney
Miguel Pereira Forjaz, Count of Feira
Miguel Ricardo de Álava y Esquivel
Mutiny of Aranjuez
Peninsular War
Second Battle of Porto
Second Siege of Badajoz (1811)
Second Siege of Gerona
Second Siege of Zaragoza
Siege of Almeida (1810)
Siege of Astorga
Siege of Astorga (1812)
Siege of Badajoz (1812)
Siege of Burgos
Siege of Cádiz
Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo (1810)
Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo (1812)
Siege of Figueras (1811)
Siege of Lérida
Siege of Mequinenza
Siege of Pamplona (1813)
Siege of Roses (1808)
Siege of San Sebastián
Siege of Tarifa (1812)
Siege of Tarragona (1811)
Siege of Tarragona (1813)
Siege of Tortosa (1810–11)
Siege of Valencia (1812)
Spanish Army (Peninsular War)
Third Siege of Gerona
Uprising of Santa Cruz de Mudela
Valdepeñas Uprising
Walloon Guards
William Beresford, 1st Viscount Beresford