
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am a Linux user, currently running pop_OS! from System76.

I am an avid reader, particularly enjoy authors like Ray Bradbury, Neal Stephenson, Gregory Maguire, Christopher Moore, Poe, Lovecraft and Kafka. I also enjoy graphic novels, web comics and traditional comic books. My web comics reading list is long, my collection of graphic novels and comics grow slowly but steadily. My movie and TV viewing habits are less avid than a lot of my friends seem to think they should be. While I am somewhat selective about what's worth my time, when I do find things that interest me, I tend to go fairly fangirl over them. Some of the things that have held my interest include Star Trek, Farscape, Veronica Mars, Kim Possible, Invader Zim, Lord of the Rings, Watchmen, Cowboy Bebop and Doctor Who.

My music tastes used to mostly be classic rock, but in the last decade or so, I've started to explore other areas of music. Currently, I've got varying quantities of Industrial, Electronic, Classical, Musicals and Swing music mixed in with my base of Classic Rock. Bands and artists I'm strongly in love with include Babyland, Unwoman, Led Zeppelin, Heart, David Bowie, Camille, Queen and Nightwish.

I can be found on my domain,, Firefish (@[email protected]), Diaspora ([email protected]), and Pillowfort (DeathKitten).