User:Cic12345/Alpha hydroxy acid/TChem987 Peer Review

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General info[edit]

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Edited Article
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Original Article

Evaluate the drafted changes[edit]

Areas edited:

Lead: Paragraph 2 (reworded)

The edits to this section make it sound like a story, which is not the purpose of the article. I agree that original article has a couple run-on sentences, however, I feel you may have over corrected as the paragraph feels choppy and the sentences do not flow very well into each other. I would recommend adding some transition sentence material and/or increase the length and combine a few of the new sentences. I appreciate the edits to remove ancillary material about pKas, that was unnecessary info and good edits. I would recommend clarifying that AHAs are weak acids as it currently sounds as if you are saying they are strong acids. Maybe just specify that they have much lower pKas than many other carboxylic acids.

Lactide-based polymers (added section)

Similar comments regarding flow mentioned in Lead section edits, I would try and make sure that everything flows nicely. I would also love to see and expansions to general condensation polymers and include other examples of AHAs, not just lactic acid. I found some articles quite easily on the use of glycolic, citric, and mandelic acid polymers that I think would add value. The second paragraph in the section offers good application for the polymers described, I found this piece to be a nice addition to the article.

Synthesis and reaction (no current changes)

I noticed that the reactions in this section are not complete/balanced. I would edit this discrepancy as it's an error in the information presented in the article. I would also clean up the reactions, as the formulas are hard to read without a chemistry background and maybe include skeletal molecular structures for the more complex structures.

Safety (moved paragraphs and reworded)

This section is more concise from the edits which is excellent. However only one source is used for the entire section, and given that it is a primary portion of the article I would recommend adding additional citations and information. This section flows better and is easy to read and understand.

The construction of the edited article is clear and concise. I found it overall well written with the edits and includes the most important areas of information. The tone of the article is neutral and does not over represent any viewpoints, nor does it include a large personal bias that is apparent. Well done.