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SMA Angkasa 2 Jakarta

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Angkasa 2 High School or better known as SKY 2, is a high school in a private complex in Halim Perdana Kusuma Jakarta.



SMA Angkasa 2 is one of two dozen more schools under the management of the Foundation Ardhya Garini (Yasarini) BPC Halim Air Base - East Jakarta. Initial appearance in 1994, is a Class Away of high school located in Complex Angkasa TRIKORA Halim. First opened as the number of classes 4 classes, the next trip is growing rapidly .. Ex-primary school occupies the building on Jl Angkasa VIII. Avia - Halim Squadron Complex, in accordance with the demands of existing and development, was expanded and extensive location plus the number of classes. Because of rapid development, then in 1999, this school "split" into SMA Angkasa 2 Jakarta, while its parent in complex TRIKORA, changed its name to SMA Angkasa 1. Sequence leadership that began in 1968 and is now as follows:

  1. Drs. H. Sugianto, MM : 1994-1999
  2. Drs. Bambang Subyantoro, MM : 1999-2000
  3. Dra. Hj. Sri Handayani : 2000-2009
  4. Triyadi Setyanto, SPd. : 2009-2012
  5. Dra. Hj. Sri Utami : 2012–present



SMA Angkasa 2 Jakarta has a lot of activity extracurricular, including:
