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Wikipedia talk:Articles for deletion/MrRat

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  • Hello, only a small comment from my site, sorry for my bad english, my native language is german. MrRat wrote the first open source application for Amazon Webservices AWS. His amazon products feed (APF) is one of the most suggested software from Amazon.com and in my opinion the most used Amazon software worldwide. (Most used affiliate software worldwide...) It is open source so everyone can use it without profit for MrRat and thats the best on it, because he coded this script for tousands of affiliates and websites in the world who earn money whith it every day. For me this script was the start in the world of webservices and XML and I'm sure without it webservices, Amazon usage of XML wo't be what it is today. Regards from Germany Frank — (Unsigned comment by; user's 37th edit. Contribution history suggests this is an IP shared by many editors.)
  • KEEP the Mr. Rat Entry in Wikipedia. Mr. Rat's script is the most widely used of the Amazon API scripts. It has literally HUNDREDS of hacks and mods written for it and posted on the web, and probably THOUSANDS including those which are proprietary. The product is an open source script used by THOUSANDS of users on TENS-of-THOUSANDS of websites, and with a built-in ability to load and run special mods. Mr. Rat is nothing short of a PHENOMENON in the world of API scripting for automated web page creation, and his scripts work on the world's largest and most widely-distributed API - the Amazon.com API. Deleting Mr. Rat from the Wikipedia would show an extraordinary IGNORANCE of what is happening in the world of API scripting - a massive and growing phenomenon with THOUSANDS of users and TENS of THOUSANDS of websites. Come on Wikipedia, what's going on? Does the category manager really not know of Mr. Rat? Let's get with the program here. KEEP Mr. Rat entry. Do NOT delete it. Kent Nelson http://www.hostingdude.com(Unsigned comment by; user's 1st edit.)
  • Ditto everything in the above posting from HostingDude.com KEEP Mr. Rat. Mr. Rat's script is the finest and most widely used on the Amazon API. I run hundreds of websites using it. DO NOT delete the Mr. Rat Entry. Ana Malave, Owner http://www.anabooks.com(Duplicate vote by; user's 2nd edit.)
  • STRONG DISAGREE - As an avid and long time user of MrRat's scripts, I don't see what the hub bub is about here. He is an established author of widely used programs. I can't believe it was even considered for deletion. Seems like sour grapes from the competition to me and if allowed to be deleted for such a reason it brings the viablity of Wikipedia itself into question. — (Unsigned comment by Piwacket; user's 1st and only edit so far.)

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