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Wikipedia:WikiProject University of Virginia/Wikipedia as Fact

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia as Fact
Event details
Date:Wednesday, 5 February 2020
Where:Clemons 320
SlidesWikipedia as Fact

Questioning the Truth: Wikipedia as Fact is a private event for students in the 2020 University of Virginia class, "Introduction to Research Methods".


  1. Create a Wikimedia account if you do not have one.
  2. please sign in so that your instructor can find your account name and the article you edited
  3. Bring your device to the event. Wiki's editing interface is best on non-mobile display.


0:00-0:05 - Welcome
0:05-0:30 - Wikipedia as Fact
0:30-0:50 - Discussion about bias
0:50-1:10 - Data and metrics
1:10-1:50 - editing demo


  • Lane Rasberry (user:bluerasberry) for Wiki issues
  • Meridith Wolnick, Director, Teaching & Learning at the University of Virginia Library
  • Bethany Mickel, Librarian, University of Virginia Library