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Wikipedia:WikiProject Spam/LinkReports/houseofdeception.com

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Reporting statistics of link houseofdeception.com; 7 records.


  1. 08:37:27, Thu Nov 08, 2007 en:user: <-> houseofdeception.com (0%/0%/0% - Monitored link houseofdeception.com/con_artists.html - rule: \bhouseofdeception\.com - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap [email protected] <-> houseofdeception.com; diff)) - en:Confidence_trick - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/
  2. 12:56:34, Mon Oct 22, 2007 en:user: <-> houseofdeception.com (0%/0%/0% - Monitored link houseofdeception.com/carnival_sideshow_bibliography.html - rule: \bhouseofdeception\.com - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap [email protected] <-> houseofdeception.com; diff)) - en:Sideshow - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/
  3. 22:03:25, Sat Sep 01, 2007 en:user:[email protected] <-> houseofdeception.com (79.16%/100%/79.1% - calculated overlap [email protected] <-> houseofdeception.com) - en:Confidence_trick - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/[email protected].
  4. 09:19:38, Fri May 04, 2007 en:user:[email protected] <-> houseofdeception.com (79.16%/100%/79.1% - calculated overlap [email protected] <-> houseofdeception.com) - en:Freak_show - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/[email protected].
  5. 09:06:17, Fri May 04, 2007 en:user:[email protected] <-> houseofdeception.com (79.16%/100%/79.1% - calculated overlap [email protected] <-> houseofdeception.com) - en:Magic_(illusion) - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/[email protected].
  6. 08:55:51, Fri May 04, 2007 en:user:[email protected] <-> houseofdeception.com (79.16%/100%/79.1% - calculated overlap [email protected] <-> houseofdeception.com) - en:Magic_(illusion) - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/[email protected].
  7. 08:26:57, Fri May 04, 2007 en:user:[email protected] <-> houseofdeception.com (79.16%/100%/79.1% - calculated overlap [email protected] <-> houseofdeception.com) - en:Cauliflower_Alley_Club - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/[email protected].

COIToolBot reported 7 links.

Below a full report on all use of the link houseofdeception.com.

This list is intended to see how the external link gets used, it does not imply that involved accounts are having a conflict of interest in adding the link, or that the involved accounts are spamming the link.

LinkWatcher records:

  1. 2008-05-21 13:44:36: User (talk - contribs; 2) to Irvington High School (New York) (diff) - Link: www.houseofdeception.com/my_homepage_files/images/midget%20wrestler%20cowboy%20bradley.jpg.
    * Links added in this diff: www.houseofdeception.com/my_homepage_files/images/midget%20wrestler%20cowboy%20bradley.jpg (2, 9, 1, 1)
  2. 2008-03-30 23:00:55: User Steve Crossin (talk - contribs; 2978) to Professional wrestling (diff) - Link: www.houseofdeception.com/Pro_Wrestling_History.html.
    * Links added in this diff: mitcmsprowrestling.blogspot.com/2006/12/this-class-will-explore-cultural.html (2978, 2, 1, 1) etd.lsu.edu/docs/available/etd-01252005-152153/unrestricted/Lipscomb__III_dis.pdf (2978, 41, 1, 1) slam.canoe.ca/SlamWrestlingArchive/nov2_expose.html (2978, 939, 3, 1) entertainment.howstuffworks.com/pro-wrestling2.htm (2978, 77, 2, 1) entertainment.howstuffworks.com/pro-wrestling5.htm (2978, 77, 2, 1) oratory.rajah.com/index.php?archive=3281 (2978, 3, 1, 1) www.wrestlezone.com/column.php?articleid=154797119 (2978, 49, 1, 1) www.solie.org/articles/pwandfans.html (2978, 135, 1, 1) slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Wrestling/2008/02/05/4862052.html (2978, 939, 3, 1) www.burninghammer.com/academic/puroresu.pdf (2978, 2, 1, 1) www.popularculture.org/2005%20PAGES/2005%20Program.htm (2978, 2, 1, 1) www.siue.edu/CAS/COLLOQUIA/MasculProgramFINAL.pdf (2978, 43, 1, 1) www.chass.utoronto.ca/ (2978, 76, 2, 1) www.villagevoice.com/arts/0502,lagorio,59937,12.html (2978, 835, 1, 1) www.msubillings.edu/CASFaculty/Plank/THE%20ATHELETE%20AS%20BUFFOON.htm (2978, 5, 1, 1) thescope.ca/?p=576 (2978, 2, 1, 1) www.thecrimson.com/article.aspx?ref=508906 (2978, 314, 1, 1) www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/cool/ (2978, 5698, 17, 1) ratbloodsoup.com/czw.html (2978, 2, 1, 1) www.4swf.com (2978, 3, 1, 1) www.wrestling-radio.com (2978, 3, 1, 1) www.liveaudiowrestling.com/ (2978, 7, 1, 1) www.feelthepain.net/ (2978, 2, 1, 1) www.hardcoresportsradio.com/ (2978, 4, 1, 1) www.wrestling-news.com/ (2978, 8, 2, 1) www.ctiradio.com/ (2978, 2, 1, 1) www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQl6mmAtkbE (2978, 32791, 14, 1) www.houseofdeception.com/Pro_Wrestling_History.html (2978, 9, 1, 1) www.riverhorse.tv/CATCH/ (2978, 5, 1, 1) www.onlineworldofwrestling.com (2978, 2953, 2, 1) www.prowrestlinghistory.com (2978, 959, 1, 1) archives.cbc.ca/IDD-1-41-1237/sports/prowrestling/ (2978, 538, 3, 1) www.chass.utoronto.ca/ (2978, 76, 2, 1)
  3. 2008-05-14 13:47:08: User DerHexer (talk - contribs; 11729) to Buffalo Bill (diff) - Link: www.houseofdeception.com/buffalo_bill's_writing.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: DerHexer <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)
  4. 2008-04-15 20:34:22: User IMatthew (talk - contribs; 367) to Professional wrestling (diff) - Link: www.houseofdeception.com/Pro_Wrestling_History.html.
    * Links added in this diff: mitcmsprowrestling.blogspot.com/2006/12/this-class-will-explore-cultural.html (367, 2, 1, 1) etd.lsu.edu/docs/available/etd-01252005-152153/unrestricted/Lipscomb__III_dis.pdf (367, 41, 1, 1) slam.canoe.ca/SlamWrestlingArchive/nov2_expose.html (367, 939, 8, 1) entertainment.howstuffworks.com/pro-wrestling2.htm (367, 77, 2, 1) entertainment.howstuffworks.com/pro-wrestling5.htm (367, 77, 2, 1) oratory.rajah.com/index.php?archive=3281 (367, 3, 1, 1) www.wrestlezone.com/column.php?articleid=154797119 (367, 49, 1, 1) www.solie.org/articles/pwandfans.html (367, 135, 1, 1) slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Wrestling/2008/02/05/4862052.html (367, 939, 8, 1) www.burninghammer.com/academic/puroresu.pdf (367, 2, 1, 1) www.popularculture.org/2005%20PAGES/2005%20Program.htm (367, 2, 1, 1) www.siue.edu/CAS/COLLOQUIA/MasculProgramFINAL.pdf (367, 43, 1, 1) www.chass.utoronto.ca/ (367, 76, 2, 1) www.villagevoice.com/arts/0502,lagorio,59937,12.html (367, 835, 1, 1) www.msubillings.edu/CASFaculty/Plank/THE%20ATHELETE%20AS%20BUFFOON.htm (367, 5, 1, 1) thescope.ca/?p=576 (367, 2, 1, 1) www.thecrimson.com/article.aspx?ref=508906 (367, 314, 2, 1) www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/cool/ (367, 5698, 1, 1) ratbloodsoup.com/czw.html (367, 2, 1, 1) www.4swf.com (367, 3, 1, 1) www.wrestling-radio.com (367, 3, 1, 1) www.liveaudiowrestling.com/ (367, 7, 1, 1) www.feelthepain.net/ (367, 2, 1, 1) www.hardcoresportsradio.com/ (367, 4, 1, 1) www.wrestling-news.com/ (367, 8, 1, 1) www.ctiradio.com/ (367, 2, 1, 1) www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQl6mmAtkbE (367, 32791, 1, 1) www.houseofdeception.com/Pro_Wrestling_History.html (367, 9, 1, 1) www.riverhorse.tv/CATCH/ (367, 5, 1, 1) www.onlineworldofwrestling.com (367, 2953, 36, 1) www.prowrestlinghistory.com (367, 959, 1, 1) archives.cbc.ca/IDD-1-41-1237/sports/prowrestling/ (367, 538, 1, 1) www.chass.utoronto.ca/ (367, 76, 2, 1)
  5. 2008-03-26 16:36:03: User Dosh92 (talk - contribs; 55) to Confidence trick (diff) - Link: houseofdeception.com/Con_Artists.html.
    * Links added in this diff: www.crimes-of-persuasion.com/Victims/victims.htm (55, 5, 1, 1) www.randomhouse.com/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780345478368&view=auqa (55, 451, 1, 1) www.imsdb.com/scripts/Sting,-The.html (55, 37, 1, 1) faculty.washington.edu/chudler/tenper.html (55, 153, 1, 1) www.snopes.com/science/stats/10percnt.htm (55, 1284, 1, 1) www.scotland.gov.uk/News/News-Extras/docJan2005 (55, 323, 1, 1) chnm.gmu.edu/lostmuseum/lm/328/ (55, 155, 2, 1) www.nytimes.com/2005/11/27/nyregion/thecity/27brid.html?ex=1290747600&en=d5b19f580f176c64&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss (55, 15547, 1, 1) www.stocksandnews.com/searchresults.asp?Id=1047&adate=4/19/2002 (55, 1, 1, 1) query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E0CE0DD153FF936A15753C1A964958260 (55, 13249, 1, 1) news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/nottinghamshire/4114640.stm (55, 51343, 1, 1) www.MattTheKnife.com/13838.html (55, 4, 2, 1) matttheknife.com/12801.html (55, 4, 2, 1) chnm.gmu.edu/lostmuseum/lm/328/ (55, 155, 2, 1) houseofdeception.com/Con_Artists.html (55, 9, 1, 1) www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17697615/ (55, 5993, 1, 1) www.lookstoogoodtobetrue.com/ (55, 1, 1, 1) scams.wikispaces.com/ (55, 2, 1, 1)
  6. 2008-03-25 21:00:46: User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 556868) to Buffalo Bill (diff) - Link: www.houseofdeception.com/Buffalo_Bill's_Writing.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  7. 2008-04-09 11:29:59: User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 556868) to Harry Houdini (diff) - Link: houseofdeception.com/Houdini's_Writing.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  8. 2008-05-04 02:07:06: User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 556888) to Professional wrestling (diff) - Link: www.houseofdeception.com/Pro_Wrestling_History..
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  9. 2008-04-27 12:03:27: User Aleenf1 (talk - contribs; 4809) to Freak show (diff) - Link: www.houseofdeception.com/carnival_sideshow_history.html.
    * User is on global Whitelist: Aleenf1 <-> * (Over 5000 edits on en wikipedia)