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Wikipedia:WikiProject Spam/LinkReports/da.ru

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  1. 2008-06-05 10:13:03 (UTC): w:ru:User:AKA MBG (t - c; 384) to w:ru:Электронная библиотека (diff  !top) - Link: cad.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.book-ua.org (384, 6, X, X- R/X/L) book.8tt.org/ (384, 1, X, X- R/X/L) www.till.ru/library/ (384, 1, X, X- R/X/L) www.globalfolio.net/main/Web_Links-index-req-viewlink-cid-1-newlang-rus.phtml (384, 30, X, X- R/X/L) www.scintific.narod.ru/literature.htm (384, 8, X, X- R/X/L) www.scholar.ru/ (384, 12, X, X- R/X/L) www.djvu-inf.narod.ru/ (384, 3, X, X- R/X/L) jkin.livejournal.com/677.html (384, 1, X, X- R/X/L) biblio.redaktor.biz/ (384, 1, X, X- R/X/L) book.allgoogle.ru/ (384, 1, X, X- R/X/L) www.bookz.ru (384, 65, X, X- R/X/L) ihtik.lib.ru/ (384, -1, X, X- R/X/L) e-library.net/ (384, 9, X, X- R/X/L) www.rvb.ru (384, 583, X, X- R/X/L) cad.da.ru (384, 1, X, X- R/X/L) www.mccme.ru/free-books/ (384, 107, X, X- R/X/L) www.mccme.ru/free-books/ilib.htm (384, 107, X, X- R/X/L) www.ams.org/online_bks/ (384, 1410, X, X- R/X/L) eqworld.ipmnet.ru/indexr.htm (384, 236, X, X- R/X/L) sci-lib.com (384, 39, X, X- R/X/L) www.math.ru (384, 66, X, X- R/X/L) www.allmath.ru (384, 2, X, X- R/X/L) lib.mexmat.ru/ (384, 38, X, X- R/X/L) directory.google.com/Top/Science (384, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.math.gatech.edu/ (384, 16, X, X- R/X/L) www.geocities.com/alex_stef/mylist.html (384, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.gallup.unm.edu/ (384, 4, X, X- R/X/L) math-adrar.ujf-grenoble.fr/ZMATH/zmath-fr.html (384, 1, X, X- R/X/L) xxx.itep.ru (384, 5, X, X- R/X/L) www.philological.bham.ac.uk/bibliography (384, 148, X, X- R/X/L) archimedes.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/cgi-bin/toc/toc.cgi (384, 24, X, X- R/X/L) posner.library.cmu.edu/Posner/books/pages.cgi?call=513_T46E&res=med&file=0069 (384, 47, X, X- R/X/L) www.emis.de/MATH/JFM/JFM.html (384, 189, X, X- R/X/L) www.archive.org/details/americana (384, -1, X, X- R/X/L) historical.library.cornell.edu/math/browse.html (384, -1, X, X- R/X/L) quod.lib.umich.edu/u/umhistmath/ (384, 975, X, X- R/X/L) dz-srv1.sub.uni-goettingen.de/cache/browse/AuthorWissenschaftsgeschichteMultivolumeWorkK1.html (384, 128, X, X- R/X/L) bibliothek.bbaw.de/bibliothek-digital/digitalequellen/schriften (384, 52, X, X- R/X/L) www.numdam.org/ (384, 212, X, X- R/X/L) gallica.bnf.fr/ (384, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.book-ua.org (384, 6, X, X- R/X/L) www.proklondike.com (384, 3, X, X- R/X/L) www.knigka.info (384, 8, X, X- R/X/L) www.freecomputerbooks.com (384, 2, X, X- R/X/L) books.kulichki.net (384, 1, X, X- R/X/L) www.e-library.ru (384, 1, X, X- R/X/L) fossilinsects.net/lib.htm (384, 65, X, X- R/X/L) ebuki.lionhost.ru (384, 1, X, X- R/X/L) vpn.int.ru/files.html (384, 15, X, X- R/X/L) www.koob.ru (384, 104, X, X- R/X/L) www.auditorium.ru/lib/ (384, 20, X, X- R/X/L) www.vostlit.info/ (384, 1892, X, X- R/X/L) filosofia.ru (384, 6, X, X- R/X/L) www.krotov.info (384, 979, X, X- R/X/L) www.miriobiblion.narod.ru/ (384, 4, X, X- R/X/L) roadrock.web2001.cz/index.php?module=Static_Docs&func=view (384, 1, X, X- R/X/L) psylib.org.ua/books/ (384, 208, X, X- R/X/L) www.zipsites.ru/ (384, 17, X, X- R/X/L) www.scepsis.ru/library/page1/ (384, 774, X, X- R/X/L) www.lib.ua-ru.net/ (384, 189, X, X- R/X/L) www.disserr.ru/ (384, 3, X, X- R/X/L) yanko.lib.ru/ (384, -1, X, X- R/X/L) magister.msk.ru/library/ (384, 332, X, X- R/X/L) www.gumer.info/index.php (384, 782, X, X- R/X/L) www.mgl.ru/5294 (384, 2, X, X- R/X/L) abovo.net.ru/ (384, 6, X, X- R/X/L) www.globalfolio.net/main/mod-CMpro-listpages-subid-3-newlang-rus.phtml (384, 30, X, X- R/X/L) www.geocities.com/SoHo/Hall/7820/ (384, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.elobook.com (384, 1, X, X- R/X/L) www.book-ua.org (384, 6, X, X- R/X/L) philosophy.ru (384, 196, X, X- R/X/L) filosof.historic.ru/ (384, 87, X, X- R/X/L) www.philsci.univ.kiev.ua/biblio/ (384, 10, X, X- R/X/L) www.musa.narod.ru/bib.htm (384, 3, X, X- R/X/L) www.histphil.ru/biblio/ (384, 5, X, X- R/X/L) www.elenakosilova.narod.ru/uhref.html (384, 21, X, X- R/X/L) lib.kabbalah.info (384, 3, X, X- R/X/L) kitap.net.ru/ (384, 112, X, X- R/X/L) kitapxane.at.tt/ (384, 3, X, X- R/X/L) library.finugor.ru/ (384, 4, X, X- R/X/L) middleeast.org.ua/articles.htm/ (384, 25, X, X- R/X/L) turklib.uz/ (384, 1, X, X- R/X/L) www.kitab.az/ (384, 8, X, X- R/X/L) www.zhaina.com/ (384, 15, X, X- R/X/L) mnib.malorus.org/ (384, 75, X, X- R/X/L) rusf.ru/books/ (384, 109, X, X- R/X/L) www.fenzin.org/ (384, 48, X, X- R/X/L) megatonna.org (384, 1, X, X- R/X/L) oldmaglib.com/ (384, 2, X, X- R/X/L) www.ftp.nsk.su/dirtree.html (384, 1, X, X- R/X/L) hungryewok.narod.ru/sw/books.htm (384, 2, X, X- R/X/L) www.newchapter.ru (384, 2, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in a trusted group rollbacker on some wikis
  2. 2008-08-20 15:43:25 (UTC): w:ru:User:Alexandr Matsakov (t - c; 156) to w:ru:Фторид ксенона(VI) (diff  !top) - Link: chemister.da.ru/database/search.dbp?action=synthesis&id=596 (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/sci;144/3618/537?maxtoshow=&hits=10&hits=10&resultformat=&fulltext=%28xenon+and+hexafluoride%29&searchid=1&firstindex=0&resourcetype=hwcit (156, -1, X, X- R/X/L) oai.dtic.mil/oai/oai?verb=getrecord&metadataprefix=html&identifier=ad0647959 (156, 317, 1, 0- R/X/L) www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/171/3970/485 (156, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=articleurl&_udi=b6tgd-4jxxr83-1&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_version=1&_urlversion=0&_userid=10&md5=a5913cf5eb5159fc02038631cd01ed16 (156, -1, X, X- R/X/L) chemister.da.ru/database/search.dbp?action=synthesis&id=596 (156, 13, 3, 1- R/X/L)
  3. 2008-09-15 13:40:43 (UTC): w:ru:User:Alexandr Matsakov (t - c; 156) to w:ru:Фторид иода(VII) (diff  !top) - Link: chemister.da.ru/database/search.dbp?action=synthesis&dbid=1&id=2932 (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.uspkhim.ru/php/paper_rus.phtml?journal_id=rc&paper_id=3147&year_id=1984&volume=53&issue_id=12&fpage=2024&lpage=2055 (156, 11, 4, 1- R/X/L) www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=articleurl&_udi=b758r-48gwr8p-hn&_user=10&_coverdate=10%2f31%2f1974&_alid=790694212&_rdoc=3&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_cdi=12933&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_ct=4&_acct=c000050221&_version=1&_urlversion=0&_userid=10&md (156, -1, X, X- R/X/L) chemister.da.ru/database/search.dbp?action=synthesis&dbid=1&id=2932 (156, 13, 3, 1- R/X/L) www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=articleurl&_udi=b758s-48sjgps-14&_user=10&_coverdate=12%2f31%2f1976&_alid=790694212&_rdoc=2&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_cdi=12934&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_ct=4&_acct=c000050221&_version=1&_urlversion=0&_userid=10&md (156, -1, X, X- R/X/L)
  4. 2008-09-16 16:03:27 (UTC): w:ru:User:Alexandr Matsakov (t - c; 156) to w:ru:Фторид хлора (diff  !top) - Link: chemister.da.ru/database/search.dbp?action=synthesis&id=596 (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: chemister.da.ru/database/search.dbp?action=synthesis&id=596 (156, 13, 3, 1- R/X/L)
  5. 2009-10-20 21:44:37 (UTC): User Adamajid9 t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (2) to 18 Wheels of Steel (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: www.3dartpol.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.3dartpol.da.ru (2, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  6. 2009-12-14 11:07:30 (UTC): b:de:User:Michael Striebel (t - c; 11) to b:de:Suizidprophylaxe (diff  !top) - Link: www.seelenschatten.da.ru/ (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.gsiv.at (11, 3, 3, 1- R/X/L) www.links.parsimony.net/links2730/ (11, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.selbstmordforum.de/ (11, 2, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.seelenschatten.da.ru/ (11, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.8ung.at/suizid/index.html (11, 103, 1, 1- R/X/L) suizidchat.mainchat.de/ (11, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.gsiv.at. (11, 3, 3, 1- R/X/L) gmx.at (11, 0, X, X- R/X/L)
  7. 2009-12-27 12:42:33 (UTC): wikt:tr:User:Sabri76 (t - c; 2787) to wikt:tr:KullanıcÄ:Kullanıcı:Sabri76 (diff  !top) - Link: www.azerice.da.ru/ (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.azerice.da.ru/ (2787, 3, X, X- R/X/L) www.tdkterim.gov.tr/atasoz/ (2787, 481, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in trusted groups sysop, bureaucrat on some wikis
  8. 2010-01-09 13:44:59 (UTC): w:tr:User:Takabeg (t - c; 4038) to w:tr:Japonca (diff  !top) - Link: www.japonca.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.nvtc.gov/lotw/months/march/Japanese.html (4038, 93, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.sil.org/iso639-3/documentation.asp?id=jpn (4038, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=PW (4038, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ps.html (4038, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.spc.int/prism/country/pw/stats/PalauStats/Publication/2005CENSUS.pdf (4038, 399, 1, 0- R/X/L) www.guidetojapanese.org/turkish/index.html (4038, 9, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.languageguide.org/nihongo/ (4038, 14, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.jptr.org (4038, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.japonca.da.ru (4038, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  9. 2010-01-19 09:02:47 (UTC): w:ru:User:Kurgus (t - c; 287) to w:ru:Участ:Участник:Kurgus/Notes (diff  !top) - Link: chemister.da.ru/Database/search.dbp?action=synthesis&id=1234 (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2/4433.html (287, 219, 3, 1- R/X/L) chemister.da.ru/Database/search.dbp?action=synthesis&id=1234 (287, 13, 2, 1- R/X/L) him.1september.ru/articlef.php?ID=200702001 (287, 10, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  10. 2010-03-13 14:09:19 (UTC): w:ru:User:UnCursed (t - c; 50) to w:ru:Холодный огонь (diff  !top) - Link: chemister.da.ru/Chemie/Effect/plamya.htm (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: chemister.da.ru/Chemie/Effect/plamya.htm (50, 13, 3, 1- R/X/L)
  11. 2010-03-13 14:10:24 (UTC): w:ru:User:UnCursed (t - c; 50) to w:ru:Благодатный огонь (diff  !top) - Link: chemister.da.ru/Chemie/Effect/plamya.htm (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.skeptik.net/miracles/pasfire.htm (50, 58, 3, 1- R/X/L) bibliotekar.ru/ogon/5.htm (50, 581, 1, 0- R/X/L) chemister.da.ru/Chemie/Effect/plamya.htm (50, 13, 3, 1- R/X/L)
  12. 2010-03-13 15:07:10 (UTC): w:ru:User:UnCursed (t - c; 50) to w:ru:Благодатный огонь (diff  !top) - Link: chemister.da.ru/Chemie/Effect/svs.htm (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: chemister.da.ru/Chemie/Effect/svs.htm (50, 13, 3, 1- R/X/L)
  13. 2010-03-30 08:09:39 (UTC): w:cs:User:Tlusťa (t - c; 885) to w:cs:Surrealismus (diff  !top) - Link: surrealists.da.ru/ (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.tcf.ua.edu/Classes/Jbutler/T340/SurManifesto/ManifestoOfSurrealism.htm (885, 29, X, X- R/X/L) www.ceskaliteratura.cz/dok/msur.htm (885, 5, X, X- R/X/L) www.surrealisms.com/ (885, 3, X, X- R/X/L) www.surrealismus.cz/ (885, 7, X, X- R/X/L) www.londonsurrealistgroup.org.uk/ (885, 3, X, X- R/X/L) surrealisme.ouvaton.org (885, 7, X, X- R/X/L) www.surrealismus.cz/ (885, 7, X, X- R/X/L) www.gruposurrealistademadrid.org/ (885, 4, X, X- R/X/L) greek-surrealism.tripod.com/ (885, 3, X, X- R/X/L) www.surrealistmovement-usa.org/ (885, 6, X, X- R/X/L) www.magneticfields.org/index2.html (885, 4, X, X- R/X/L) www.geocities.com/ringfingers/honosurreal2.html (885, -1, X, X- R/X/L) surrealists.da.ru/ (885, 3, X, X- R/X/L) seattlesurreal.blog-city.com/ (885, 3, X, X- R/X/L) homepage.mac.com/photomorphose/Counterclockwise.html (885, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.surrealismocantabria.tk/ (885, 3, X, X- R/X/L) www.surrealistgruppen.org/ (885, 3, X, X- R/X/L) www.serbiansurrealism.com/ (885, 8, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in a trusted group sysop on some wikis
  14. 2010-04-12 20:44:19 (UTC): w:ru:User:AlanNova (t - c; 558) to w:ru:Барабаш, Юрий Владиславович (diff  !top) - Link: petlura.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: petlura.da.ru (558, 2, 2, 1- R/X/L) petlura.da.ru (558, 2, 2, 1- R/X/L)
  15. 2010-04-29 17:07:39 (UTC): User Ssr t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (434) to User:Ssr (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: modmusic.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: modmusic.da.ru (434, 9, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in trusted groups sysop, rollbacker, editor on some wikis
  16. 2010-04-29 17:09:32 (UTC): w:es:User:Ssr (t - c; 434) to w:es:Usuario:Usuario:Ssr (diff  !top) - Link: modmusic.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: modmusic.da.ru (434, 9, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in trusted groups sysop, rollbacker, editor on some wikis
  17. 2010-04-29 17:17:45 (UTC): m:User:Ssr (t - c; 434) to m:User:Ssr (diff  !top) - Link: modmusic.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: modmusic.da.ru (434, 9, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in trusted groups sysop, rollbacker, editor on some wikis
  18. 2010-04-29 17:19:24 (UTC): w:ru:User:Ssr (t - c; 434) to w:ru:Участ:Участник:Ssr (diff  !top) - Link: modmusic.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: modmusic.da.ru (434, 9, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in trusted groups sysop, rollbacker, editor on some wikis
  19. 2010-04-29 17:20:55 (UTC): User Ssr t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (434) to User:Ssr (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: modmusic.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: modmusic.da.ru (434, 9, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in trusted groups sysop, rollbacker, editor on some wikis
  20. 2010-04-29 17:24:33 (UTC): w:es:User:Ssr (t - c; 434) to w:es:Usuario:Usuario:Ssr (diff  !top) - Link: modmusic.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: modmusic.da.ru (434, 9, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in trusted groups sysop, rollbacker, editor on some wikis
  21. 2010-04-29 17:59:29 (UTC): commons:User:Ssr (t - c; 434) to commons:User:Ssr (diff  !top) - Link: modmusic.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: modmusic.da.ru (434, 9, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in trusted groups sysop, rollbacker, editor on some wikis
  22. 2010-04-29 22:32:51 (UTC): w:uk:User:Ssr (t - c; 434) to w:uk:Корис:Користувач:Ssr (diff  top) - Link: modmusic.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: modmusic.da.ru (434, 9, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in trusted groups sysop, rollbacker, editor on some wikis
  23. 2010-05-13 10:44:18 (UTC): w:ru:User:Ssr (t - c; 434) to w:ru:Участ:Участник:Ssr (diff  !top) - Link: modmusic.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: modmusic.da.ru (434, 9, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in trusted groups sysop, rollbacker, editor on some wikis
  24. 2010-06-21 21:14:29 (UTC): w:es:User:Foundling (t - c; 996) to w:es:Juan Rojas (diff  !top) - Link: www.juan-rojas.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.juan-rojas.da.ru (996, 1, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in a trusted group rollbacker on some wikis
  25. 2010-09-14 12:29:46 (UTC): w:de:User:Cornelius89 (t - c; 43) to w:de:Alla Jefremowna Gerber (diff  !top) - Link: gerber.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.holocf.ru/pages/49 (43, 19, 8, 4- R/X/L) www.iet.ru (43, 53, 2, 2- R/X/L) gerber.da.ru (43, 2, 2, 2- R/X/L) www.lenta.ru/lib/14161507/ (43, -1, X, X- R/X/L) de.holofond.ru (43, 2, 2, 1- R/X/L)
  26. 2010-09-30 09:15:10 (UTC): User Cornelius89 t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (43) to Alla Gerber (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: gerber.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.holocf.ru/pages/49 (43, 19, 8, 4- R/X/L) www.iet.ru/en (43, 53, 2, 2- R/X/L) gerber.da.ru (43, 2, 2, 2- R/X/L) www.lenta.ru/lib/14161507/ (43, -1, X, X- R/X/L) en.holocf.ru (43, 10, 4, 1- R/X/L)
  27. 2010-12-19 11:38:22 (UTC): w:ru:User:Chemister (t - c; 17) to w:ru:Тетродотоксин (diff  !top) - Link: chemister.da.ru/Database/properties.php?dbid=1&id=888 (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: chemister.da.ru/Database/properties.php?dbid=1&id=888 (17, 13, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  28. 2011-01-13 12:28:23 (UTC): w:ru:User:MankubusDoom (t - c; 3) to w:ru:OpenTTD (diff  !top) - Link: openttd.pc-workshop.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: openttd.pc-workshop.da.ru (3, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L) wiki.openttd.org/index.php/Operating_system (3, 17, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  29. 2011-01-26 09:16:36 (UTC): w:nl:User:Waterloo1974 (t - c; 1482) to w:nl:SSV 07 Schlotheim (diff  top) - Link: ssv07schlotheim.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: ssv07schlotheim.da.ru (1482, 1, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in a trusted group editor on some wikis
  30. 2011-02-05 13:45:23 (UTC): w:ru:User:Sergeisemenoff (t - c; 490) to w:ru:Клинских, Юрий Николаевич (diff  !top) - Link: klinskih.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: sektorgaza.ucoz.com (490, 4, X, X- R/X/L) klinskih.da.ru (490, 3, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in a trusted group rollbacker on some wikis
  31. 2011-02-09 18:07:57 (UTC): w:hy:User:Armdesant (t - c; 226) to w:hy:Տոքսիկոլոգիա (diff  top) - Link: chemister.da.ru/Toxicology/tox_index.htm (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: chemister.da.ru/Toxicology/tox_index.htm (226, 13, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  32. 2010-06-15 12:51:12 (UTC): User Rastakheez t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (47) to Template:ISO 639 name az-Cyrl (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: www.azerice.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.azeri.org (47, 24, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/tehranbureau/2010/04/azeris-the-green-movement.html (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=azb (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=azj (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.anl.az/el/k/k002/mmt001.htm (47, 177, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.anl.az/sh002e3.php (47, 177, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.sil.org/iso639-3/documentation.asp?id=slq (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.sil.org/iso639-3/documentation.asp?id=qxq (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.sil.org/iso639-3/documentation.asp?id=klj (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.sil.org/iso639-3/documentation.asp?id=azb (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.sil.org/iso639-3/documentation.asp?id=azj (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.sil.org/iso639-3/documentation.asp?id=aze (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.ethnologue.com/show_family.asp?subid=90027 (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?id=gxXtKAAACAAJ&dq=Nasledie+Chingiskhana (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?id=Nn3xDTiL0PQC&pg=PA127&dq=azeri+lingua+franca&ei=7fwWSf3mNY3IMtCxtOcN#PPA131,M1 (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?id=n9p4rl09ec0C&printsec=frontcover&dq=azeri+lingua+franca&ei=8voWSYynLJWszASRneW3Ag#PPA30,M1 (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/81_folder/81_articles/81_alphabet_changes1.html (47, 362, 6, 0- R/X/L) www.iranica.com/newsite/index.isc?Article=http://www.iranica.com/newsite/articles/unicode/v3f2/v3f2a088.html (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.bookrags.com/wiki/Azari_Language (47, 1229, X, X- R/X/L) www.iranica.com/articles/azerbaijan-viii (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.ethnologue.com/show_family.asp?subid=90009 (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=azj (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=azb (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.amnestyusa.org/news/document.do?id=ENGMDE130742006 (47, 623, 1, 0- R/X/L) www.ingentaconnect.com/content/routledg/ccas/2008/00000027/00000001/art00004 (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ir.html#People (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.terrorfreetomorrow.org/upimagestft/TFT%20Iran%20Survey%20Report%200609.pdf (47, 16, 1, 1- R/X/L) looklex.com/e.o/iran.peoples.htm (47, 132, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=azb (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) azconvert.sourceforge.net (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) azerbaijani.azeri.free.fr/index_uk.php (47, 2, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.funkyazerbaijani.com/learnazerbaijani/ (47, 2, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.azerice.da.ru (47, 3, 1, 1- R/X/L) web.archive.org/web/20071014220553/http://miejipang-jpn2.net/untitled6.html (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.geocities.com/evan_j_siegel/IranTurk/IranTurk.html (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.masterliness.com/a/Azerbaijanis.htm (47, 6, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.omniglot.com/writing/azeri.htm (47, 874, 1, 0- R/X/L) www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=azb (47, -1, X, X- R/X/L) azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/81_folder/81_articles/81_manuscripts.html (47, 362, 6, 0- R/X/L) azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/81_folder/81_articles/81_alphabet_sequence1.html (47, 362, 6, 0- R/X/L) azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/81_folder/81_articles/81_alphabet_changes1.html (47, 362, 6, 0- R/X/L) azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/81_folder/81_articles/81_editorial.html (47, 362, 6, 0- R/X/L) www.azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/81_folder/81_articles/81_index.html (47, 362, 6, 0- R/X/L) azerdict.com (47, 15, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  33. 2010-06-30 19:11:52 (UTC): w:ru:User:LankLinkBot (t - c; 1966) to w:ru:Красная плесень (diff  !top) - Link: plesen.da.ru) (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: plesen.da.ru) (1966, 0, X, X- R/X/L)

    User is in a trusted group bot on some wikis
  34. 2010-07-10 07:31:12 (UTC): w:ru:User:Nikitich NS (t - c; 7) to w:ru:Casus belli (группа) (diff  !top) - Link: casus.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: casus.ucoz.ru (7, 3, 2, 1- R/X/L) casus.da.ru (7, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.nibumbum.boom.ru (7, 2, 2, 1- R/X/L)
  35. 2010-07-11 21:32:37 (UTC): w:ru:User: (t - c; 2) to w:ru:AY-3-8910 (diff  !top) - Link: mfx.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: mfx.da.ru (2, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  36. 2010-07-15 15:59:44 (UTC): w:ru:User: (t - c; 24) to w:ru:Эра Водолея (ролевая система) (diff  !top) - Link: vodaley.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: airaxus.narod.ru (24, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L) elfik88.narod.ru (24, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L) ryovod.narod.ru (24, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.omega-clan.narod.ru (24, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L) comitcont.narod.ru (24, 8, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.project7.narod.ru (24, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.surbaza.narod.ru (24, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.dusty-aquarius.narod.ru (24, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L) vodaley.da.ru (24, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L) evolutiones.narod.ru (24, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.gameforums.ru/postlist.php?Cat=&Board=aquarius (24, 2, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.project7.ru (24, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  37. 2010-07-26 18:14:31 (UTC): w:tr:User: (t - c; 1) to w:tr:Özbekçe (diff  !top) - Link: www.ozbekcesozluk.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.ozbekcesozluk.da.ru (1, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  38. 2010-08-02 20:22:24 (UTC): w:uk:User:Lexusuns (t - c; 960) to w:uk:Морфін (diff  !top) - Link: chemister.da.ru/Database/search.dbp?action=list&addition=0&substance=%EC%EE%F0%F4%E8%ED (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.polit.ru/science/2007/04/26/morphine.popup.html (960, 716, 1, 0- R/X/L) chemister.da.ru/Database/search.dbp?action=synthesis&id=46&dbid=1 (960, 13, 2, 1- R/X/L) chemister.da.ru/Database/search.dbp?action=list&addition=0&substance=%EC%EE%F0%F4%E8%ED (960, 13, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.xumuk.ru/toxicchem/93.html (960, 219, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.incb.org/pdf/e/list/yellow.pdf (960, 211, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.tga.gov.au/index.htm (960, 46, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  39. 2010-08-27 13:58:17 (UTC): w:ru:User: (t - c; 1) to w:ru:Guano Apes (diff  !top) - Link: www.guano-sound.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.guano-sound.da.ru (1, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  40. 2010-09-25 13:57:38 (UTC): w:ru:User:KarlOff (t - c; 4) to w:ru:Клинских, Юрий Николаевич (diff  !top) - Link: klinskih.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: klinskih.da.ru (4, 3, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  41. 2010-10-28 13:36:34 (UTC): w:ru:User:Kurgus (t - c; 287) to w:ru:Участ:Участник:Kurgus/Notes (diff  !top) - Link: chemister.da.ru/Chemie/Substances/isonitrils.htm (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: chemister.da.ru/Chemie/Substances/isonitrils.htm (287, 13, 2, 1- R/X/L)
  42. 2010-12-03 02:46:39 (UTC): w:ru:User: (t - c; 3) to w:ru:Промышленное и гражданское строительство (журнал) (diff  !top) - Link: www.pgs.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.pgs.da.ru (3, 2, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  43. 2010-12-04 15:07:33 (UTC): w:ru:User:Kambodja (t - c; 52) to w:ru:Промышленное и гражданское строительство (журнал) (diff  !top) - Link: www.pgs.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.pgs.da.ru (52, 2, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  44. 2009-12-24 21:18:34 (UTC): w:es:User: (t - c; 2) to w:es:Club Atlético Atenas (Montevideo) (diff  !top) - Link: www.atenas.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.atenaspalermo.piczo.com/ (2, 3, 0, 0- R/X/L) www.atenas.da.ru (2, 2, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  45. 2009-12-29 05:08:38 (UTC): w:es:User: (t - c; 1) to w:es:Club Atlético Atenas (Montevideo) (diff  !top) - Link: www.atenas.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.atenas.da.ru (1, 2, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  46. 2010-01-18 17:14:10 (UTC): User Yuliya1887 t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (12) to Metallostroy (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: metallostroy.da.ru/ (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: metallostroy.da.ru/ (12, 3, 3, 1- R/X/L)
  47. 2010-01-18 17:18:04 (UTC): User Yuliya1887 t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (12) to Metallostroy (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: metallostroy.da.ru/ (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: metallostroy.da.ru/ (12, 3, 3, 1- R/X/L)
  48. 2010-01-18 17:23:04 (UTC): User Yuliya1887 t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (12) to Metallostroy (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: metallostroy.da.ru/) (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: metallostroy.da.ru/) (12, 3, 3, 1- R/X/L)
  49. 2010-01-25 00:24:42 (UTC): User t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (1) to AnoNet (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: anonet.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: anonet.da.ru (1, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  50. 2010-03-04 00:31:37 (UTC): User Fərman t • c • dc • l • ef • b • bl; (40) to Azerbaijan:Azerbaijan language (edit | talk | history | links | watch | logs) (diff  !top) - Link: www.azerice.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: azconvert.sourceforge.net/ (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.funkyazerbaijani.com/learnazerbaijani/ (40, 2, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.azerice.da.ru (40, 3, 1, 1- R/X/L) web.archive.org/web/20071014220553/http://miejipang-jpn2.net/untitled6.html (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.geocities.com/evan_j_siegel/IranTurk/IranTurk.html (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.masterliness.com/a/Azerbaijanis.htm (40, 6, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.omniglot.com/writing/azeri.htm (40, 874, 1, 0- R/X/L) www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=azb (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/81_folder/81_articles/81_manuscripts.html (40, 362, 6, 0- R/X/L) azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/81_folder/81_articles/81_alphabet_sequence1.html (40, 362, 6, 0- R/X/L) azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/81_folder/81_articles/81_alphabet_changes1.html (40, 362, 6, 0- R/X/L) azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/81_folder/81_articles/81_editorial.html (40, 362, 6, 0- R/X/L) www.azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/81_folder/81_articles/81_index.html (40, 362, 6, 0- R/X/L) www.azeri.org (40, 24, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.geocities.com/farzin0007/index.htm (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=azb (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=azj (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.anl.az/el/k/k002/mmt001.htm (40, 177, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.anl.az/sh002e3.php (40, 177, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.sil.org/iso639-3/documentation.asp?id=slq (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.sil.org/iso639-3/documentation.asp?id=qxq (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.sil.org/iso639-3/documentation.asp?id=klj (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.sil.org/iso639-3/documentation.asp?id=azb (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.sil.org/iso639-3/documentation.asp?id=azj (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.sil.org/iso639-3/documentation.asp?id=aze (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.ethnologue.com/show_family.asp?subid=90027 (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?id=gxXtKAAACAAJ&dq=Nasledie+Chingiskhana (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?id=Nn3xDTiL0PQC&pg=PA127&dq=azeri+lingua+franca&ei=7fwWSf3mNY3IMtCxtOcN#PPA131,M1 (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) books.google.com/books?id=n9p4rl09ec0C&printsec=frontcover&dq=azeri+lingua+franca&ei=8voWSYynLJWszASRneW3Ag#PPA30,M1 (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/81_folder/81_articles/81_alphabet_changes1.html (40, 362, 6, 0- R/X/L) www.iranica.com/newsite/index.isc?Article=http://www.iranica.com/newsite/articles/unicode/v3f2/v3f2a088.html (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.ethnologue.com/show_family.asp?subid=90009 (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=azj (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=azb (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.amnestyusa.org/news/document.do?id=ENGMDE130742006 (40, 623, 1, 0- R/X/L) www.ingentaconnect.com/content/routledg/ccas/2008/00000027/00000001/art00004 (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ir.html#People (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.terrorfreetomorrow.org/upimagestft/TFT%20Iran%20Survey%20Report%200609.pdf (40, 16, 1, 1- R/X/L) looklex.com/e.o/iran.peoples.htm (40, 132, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=azb (40, -1, X, X- R/X/L)
  51. 2010-03-13 05:38:50 (UTC): wikt:pt:User: (t - c; 10) to wikt:pt:ak:ak (diff  !top) - Link: www.turkmendictionary.da.ru/index.php?tam=0&search1=ak (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.veps.de/Sanasto/ (10, 6, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.terjime.com/?gozle=ak (10, 3, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.turkmendictionary.da.ru/index.php?tam=0&search1=ak (10, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L) webslovnik.zoznam.sk/sk-en/ak (10, 13, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  52. 2010-03-25 22:23:17 (UTC): w:ru:User: (t - c; 5) to w:ru:Клинских, Юрий Николаевич (diff  !top) - Link: klinskih.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: klinskih.da.ru (5, 3, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  53. 2010-03-30 08:11:21 (UTC): w:cs:User:Zet (t - c; 87) to w:cs:Surrealism:Surrealismus (diff  !top) - Link: surrealists.da.ru/ (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.serbiansurrealism.com/ (87, 8, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.surrealistgruppen.org/ (87, 3, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.surrealismocantabria.tk/ (87, 3, 2, 1- R/X/L) homepage.mac.com/photomorphose/Counterclockwise.html (87, -1, X, X- R/X/L) seattlesurreal.blog-city.com/ (87, 3, 2, 1- R/X/L) surrealists.da.ru/ (87, 3, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.geocities.com/ringfingers/honosurreal2.html (87, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.magneticfields.org/index2.html (87, 4, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.surrealistmovement-usa.org/ (87, 6, 2, 1- R/X/L) greek-surrealism.tripod.com/ (87, 3, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.gruposurrealistademadrid.org/ (87, 4, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.surrealismus.cz/ (87, 7, 4, 1- R/X/L) surrealisme.ouvaton.org (87, 7, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.londonsurrealistgroup.org.uk/ (87, 3, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.surrealismus.cz/ (87, 7, 4, 1- R/X/L) www.surrealisms.com/ (87, 3, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.ceskaliteratura.cz/dok/msur.htm (87, 5, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.tcf.ua.edu/Classes/Jbutler/T340/SurManifesto/ManifestoOfSurrealism.htm (87, 29, 2, 1- R/X/L)
  54. 2010-03-30 08:16:02 (UTC): w:cs:User:Zet (t - c; 87) to w:cs:Surrealism:Surrealismus (diff  !top) - Link: surrealists.da.ru/ (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.serbiansurrealism.com/ (87, 8, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.surrealistgruppen.org/ (87, 3, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.surrealismocantabria.tk/ (87, 3, 2, 1- R/X/L) homepage.mac.com/photomorphose/Counterclockwise.html (87, -1, X, X- R/X/L) seattlesurreal.blog-city.com/ (87, 3, 2, 1- R/X/L) surrealists.da.ru/ (87, 3, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.geocities.com/ringfingers/honosurreal2.html (87, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.magneticfields.org/index2.html (87, 4, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.surrealistmovement-usa.org/ (87, 6, 2, 1- R/X/L) greek-surrealism.tripod.com/ (87, 3, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.gruposurrealistademadrid.org/ (87, 4, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.surrealismus.cz/ (87, 7, 4, 1- R/X/L) surrealisme.ouvaton.org (87, 7, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.londonsurrealistgroup.org.uk/ (87, 3, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.surrealismus.cz/ (87, 7, 4, 1- R/X/L) www.surrealisms.com/ (87, 3, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.ceskaliteratura.cz/dok/msur.htm (87, 5, 2, 1- R/X/L) www.tcf.ua.edu/Classes/Jbutler/T340/SurManifesto/ManifestoOfSurrealism.htm (87, 29, 2, 1- R/X/L)
  55. 2010-05-06 09:51:34 (UTC): w:ru:User:D.Samuel (t - c; 44) to w:ru:Участник:D.Samuel/Благодатный огонь (церемония Святого Света) (diff  !top) - Link: chemister.da.ru/Chemie/Effect/svs.htm (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: afaq.narod.ru/bm.htm (44, 3, 2, 1- R/X/L) evangelie.cn/index.php?showtopic=443 (44, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L) catherine.spb.ru/page.phtml?query=musin (44, 10, 1, 1- R/X/L) www.holyfire.org/doc_ChristVostok1915.htm (44, 16, 1, 1- R/X/L) istoriya.info/arab_sources/rhc10.shtml (44, 24, 1, 1- R/X/L) afaq.narod.ru/bm.htm (44, 3, 2, 1- R/X/L) chemister.da.ru/Chemie/Effect/svs.htm (44, 13, 1, 1- R/X/L) imm-project.narod.ru/HF/hf.10ob.htm (44, 4, 2, 1- R/X/L) neholyfire.narod.ru/ob/10.6.01.htm (44, 13, 1, 1- R/X/L) imm-project.narod.ru/HF/hf62.html (44, 4, 2, 1- R/X/L)
  56. 2010-05-23 12:52:32 (UTC): w:ru:User: (t - c; 6) to w:ru:Guano Apes (diff  !top) - Link: www.guanosound.da.ru (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: www.guanosound.da.ru (6, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  57. 2010-05-23 17:48:31 (UTC): w:ru:User: (t - c; 1) to w:ru:Сатанизм (diff  !top) - Link: satanism.da.ru/ (R/Xmeta/L)
    Other links: satanism.da.ru/ (1, 1, 1, 1- R/X/L)
  • Displayed all 57 additions.