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Wikipedia:WikiProject Spam/LinkReports/annegarn.com

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  1. 2014-10-11 16:24:04 (UTC): w:fr:User:2A02:2788:118:571:4412:EAB2:710:6B7 (t - c; 3) to w:fr:Dick Annegarn (diff  top?) - Link: www.annegarn.com (R/Xmeta/L- still there)
    Other links: www.annegarn.com (3, 2, 1, 0- R/X/L)
  2. 2017-03-17 18:01:30 (UTC): w:fr:User:Pj44300 (t - c; 4999) to w:fr:Dick Annegarn (diff  top) - Link: www.annegarn.com (R/Xmeta/L- still there)
    Other links: www.allocine.fr/personne/fichepersonne_gen_cpersonne=35214.html (4999, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.ulg.ac.be/cms/c_279689/fr/seance-de-rentree-academique-2009 (4999, 380, 1, 0- R/X/L) www.bruxelles.be/artdet.cfm/7154/Citoyen-dhonneur-de-la-Ville-de-Bruxelles (4999, 192, 1, 0- R/X/L) www.annegarn.com (4999, 2, 1, 0- R/X/L) www.ina.fr/art-et-culture/musique/dossier/2092/dick-annegarn.20090331.fr.html (4999, 6105, X, X- R/X/L) www.eknetwork.tv/explorer/videos/34?video_id=35 (4999, 1, 1, 0- R/X/L) www.musikafrance.com/index.php/Dick-Annegarn/Dick-Annegarn.html (4999, 31, 1, 0- R/X/L) www.totoutard.com/artistes/artistes.php?idartiste=64 (4999, 27, 1, 0- R/X/L) www.worldcat.org/identities/lccn-no2011-158507 (4999, -1, X, X- R/X/L) d-nb.info/gnd/119067021 (4999, -1, X, X- R/X/L) id.loc.gov/authorities/no2011158507 (4999, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.idref.fr/077441532 (4999, -1, X, X- R/X/L) data.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb12153523d (4999, -1, X, X- R/X/L) catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb12153523d (4999, -1, X, X- R/X/L) isni.org/isni/0000000078311598 (4999, -1, X, X- R/X/L) viaf.org/viaf/39415464 (4999, -1, X, X- R/X/L) www.anthonyalborghetti.com/les-spectacles/dick-annegarn (4999, 2, 1, 0- R/X/L) www.billetreduc.com/53840/evt.htm (4999, 333, 2, 0- R/X/L) www.billetreduc.com/44735/evt.htm (4999, 333, 2, 0- R/X/L) www.mytaratata.com/emission/taratata-n181/video/3008/alain-bashung-bruxelles-2006 (4999, 72, 1, 0- R/X/L)
  • Displayed all 2 additions.