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Wikipedia:WikiProject Awards/Science awards list

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name image description inception named after prize money country location conferred by item
Copley Medal
award given by the Royal Society of London 1731 Sir Godfrey Copley, 2nd Baronet 25000 United Kingdom Royal Society Q28003
Bakerian Lecture one of the premier medals of the Royal Society that recognizes exceptional and outstanding science 1775 Henry Baker United Kingdom Royal Society Q1107771
Magellanic Premium
American science award 1786 Jean Hyacinthe de Magellan United States of America American Philosophical Society Q6730088
Cothenius Medal
science award 1792 Christian Andreas von Cothenius Germany German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina Q1136626
Prix de l'Etat French science award 1795 France French Academy of Sciences Q28496163
Cunningham Medal award conferred by the Royal Irish Academy 1796 Timothy Cunningham Ireland Royal Irish Academy Q56249085
Lalande Prize award for scientific advances in astronomy, given from 1802 until 1970 by the French Academy of Sciences 1802 Jérôme Lalande France French Academy of Sciences Q627147
John Scott Award American award in science and medicine 1816 United States of America Philadelphia City Council
Franklin Institute
Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society
award 1824 United Kingdom Royal Astronomical Society Q753072
Benjamin Franklin Medal
science and engineering award presented by the Franklin Institute 1824 Benjamin Franklin United States of America Franklin Institute Q817496
Royal Medal silver-gilt medal, of which three are awarded each year by the Royal Society 1826 United Kingdom Royal Society Q746756
Grande Médaille d'Or des Explorations
French geography award 1829 France Société de Géographie Q19904118
Rumford Prize
American science prize 1839 Benjamin Thompson United States of America American Academy of Arts and Sciences Q2096481
Bavarian Maximilian Order for Science and Art
civil Bavarian order 1853-11-28 Germany Q565030
Matteucci Medal
Italian award for physicists 1868 Carlo Matteucci Italy Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL Q1419938
Poncelet Prize French science award 1868 Jean-Victor Poncelet France French Academy of Sciences Q3405172
Faraday Lectureship Prize award granted by the Royal Society of Chemistry 1869 Michael Faraday United Kingdom Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry‏ ‎Faraday Division‏
Baly Medal 1869 William Baly United Kingdom Royal College of Physicians, London Q42609895
Veitch Memorial Medal
an international prize issued annually by the Royal Horticultural Society 1870 James Veitch, Jr. United Kingdom Royal Horticultural Society Q752331
Norman Medal 1872 American Society of Civil Engineers Q7052608
Murchison Medal
award from the Geological Society of London 1873 Roderick Murchison, 1st Baronet United Kingdom Geological Society of London Q1634098
Murchison Fund award from the Geological Society of London 1873 Roderick Murchison, 1st Baronet United Kingdom Geological Society of London Q7752662
Longstaff Prize award granted by the Royal Society of Chemistry 1881 George Dixon Longstaff United Kingdom Royal Society of Chemistry Q18560176
Janssen Medal award for advances in astrophysics 1886 Pierre Janssen France French Academy of Sciences Q1660030
Leconte Prize French prize for discoveries in science 1886 Q3404933
Linnean Medal
award made annually to alternately a botanist or a zoologist 1888 Carl Linnaeus United Kingdom Q1635542
J. Lawrence Smith Medal
American award for investigations of meteoric bodies 1888 J. Lawrence Smith United States of America National Academy of Sciences Q9031006
Darwin Medal
medal awarded by the Royal Society every alternate year 1890 Charles Darwin United Kingdom Royal Society Q756994
Scottish Geographical Medal highest accolade of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society 1890 Royal Scottish Geographical Society Q20877272
Cullum Geographical Medal
award 1896 George Washington Cullum United States of America Q402425
Jackson-Gwilt Medal award 1897 Hannah Jackson United Kingdom Royal Astronomical Society Q1577905
Victoria Medal of Honour medal awarded by the Royal Horticultural Society 1897 Victoria United Kingdom Royal Horticultural Society Q2097647
Bruce Medal award for research in astronomy 1898 Catherine Wolfe Bruce United States of America Astronomical Society of the Pacific Q330957
Dalton Medal Award by the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society 1898 John Dalton United Kingdom Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society Q28401709
Huxley Memorial Medal Award conferred by the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 1900 Thomas Henry Huxley United Kingdom Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Q22117474
Nobel Prize
set of annual international awards, primarily 5 established in 1895 by Alfred Nobel 1901 Alfred Nobel Sweden
Stockholm Norwegian Nobel Committee
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Swedish Academy
Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute
Alfred Nobel
Nobel Prize in Physics
yearly physics award given by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 1901 Alfred Nobel Sweden Stockholm Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Q38104
Nobel Prize in Chemistry
one of the five Nobel Prizes established in 1895 by Alfred Nobel 1901 Alfred Nobel Sweden Stockholm Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Q44585
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
one of five Nobel Prizes established in 1895 by Alfred Nobel 1901 Alfred Nobel Sweden Stockholm Karolinska Institutet Q80061
Hughes Medal
Royal Society of London award 1902 David Edward Hughes United Kingdom Royal Society Q844872
Charles P. Daly Medal award from the American Geographical Society 1902 Charles P. Daly United States of America American Geographical Society Q2654823
John Fritz Medal
American award for scientific or industrial achievements 1902 John Fritz United States of America American Association of Engineering Societies Q6234290
Victoria Medal award from the Royal Geographical Society 1902 Victoria United Kingdom Royal Geographical Society Q7926863
Björkén Prize Scientific award given by Uppsala University 1902 John Björkén Sweden Uppsala University Q10430643
Liebig Medal German chemistry award 1903 Justus von Liebig Germany German Chemical Society Q567492
Prestwich Medal medal of the Geological Society of London established in the will of Joseph Prestwich 1903 Joseph Prestwich United Kingdom Geological Society of London Q2580812
Edison Medal
award presented by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1904 Thomas Edison United States of America Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q678263
Young Medal and Prize the Institute of Physics (IOP) biennial award for distinguished research in optics, including work related to physics outside the visible region 1907 Thomas Young United Kingdom Institute of Physics Q8058296
Echegaray Medal scientific award of the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences 1907 José Echegaray Spain Royal Academy of Sciences Q43431094
Hutton Medal scientific award for outstanding work in earth, plant and animal sciences by a researcher in New Zealand, awarded annually 1909 Frederick Wollaston Hutton New Zealand Royal Society Te Apārangi Q52447419
Carpenter Medal science award from the University of London 1910 William Benjamin Carpenter United Kingdom University of London Q5045721
Union Medal of the British Ornithological Union medal awarded by the BOU for services to ornithology. 1912 British Ornithologists' Union Q17116122
Comstock Prize in Physics award conferred by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences 1913 United States of America National Academy of Sciences Q1122821
Alexander Agassiz Medal American award in oceanography 1913 Alexander Emanuel Agassiz United States of America National Academy of Sciences Q1411550
Werner von Siemens Ring natural scientific and technical award 1916 Werner von Siemens Germany Q879351
Pulitzer Prize
award for achievements in journalism, literature, and musical composition within the United States 1917 Joseph Pulitzer United States of America Columbia University
Joseph Pulitzer
Joseph Pulitzer, Jr.
IEEE Medal of Honor
award conferred by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1917 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q678414
Daniel Giraud Elliot Medal award conferred by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences 1917 Daniel Giraud Elliot United States of America National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Q3302356
IEEE Morris N. Liebmann Memorial Award award conferred by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1919 Morris N. Liebmann Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q576885
Thomas T. Hoopes Prize 1919 Thomas T. Hoopes Harvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Q7794326
prix Giles 1919 Herbert Giles France Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres Q55137522
ASME Medal American award for engineering achievement 1920 United States of America American Society of Mechanical Engineers Q3298662
Priestley Medal American award in chemistry 1922 Joseph Priestley United States of America American Chemical Society Q826100
Prix Félix-Robin scholarly award for physics 1922 Félix Robin France Société Française de Physique Q1305177
David Award literary and scientific prize in Quebec 1923 Laurent-Olivier David Canada Q3404513
Newcomb Cleveland Prize American award for outstanding scientific papers 1923 United States of America American Association for the Advancement of Science Q7017608
Leidy Award American award for work in the natural sciences 1923 Joseph Leidy United States of America Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University Q25052096
Bôcher Memorial Prize American award for mathematical analysis 1923 Maxime Bôcher United States of America American Mathematical Society Q301837
Holley Medal award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1924 Alexander Lyman Holley United States of America American Society of Mechanical Engineers Q21531768
Lorentz Medal award 1925 Hendrik Lorentz Netherlands Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Q838936
Penrose Medal American award for research in pure geology 1927 R. A. F. Penrose, Jr. United States of America Geological Society of America Q1630682
Liversidge Award
award granted by the Royal Society of Chemistry 1927 Archibald Liversidge United Kingdom Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry‏ ‎Faraday Division‏
Daniel Guggenheim Medal American engineering award 1928 Daniel Guggenheim United States of America American Society of Mechanical Engineers
SAE International
Vertical Flight Society
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
IEEE Lamme Medal award for the development of electrical apparatus or machinery 1928 Benjamin Garver Lamme Q5970404
Edward Goodrich Acheson Award award conferred by the The Electrochemical Society 1928 United States of America Electrochemical Society Q23055113
Mendel Medal Villanova University award for achievement in science by scientists of religious conviction 1928 Gregor Mendel Villanova University Q28502289
Max Planck Medal science award of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft 1929 Max Planck Germany Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft Q317038
Atenea awarding Chilean prize 1929 Atenea Chile University of Concepción University of Concepción Q1235836
Frederic Ives Medal award for overall distinction in optics 1929 Frederic Eugene Ives United States of America Optica Q1452721
Henry Laurence Gantt Medal award conferred by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1929 Henry Gantt United States of America American Management Association
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Hoover Medal American engineering prize 1930 Herbert Hoover United States of America American Institute of Chemical Engineers
American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers
American Society of Civil Engineers
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Prize Jaffé French scientific prize 1930 6850 France French Academy of Sciences Q27996489
ACS Award in Pure Chemistry award of the American Chemical Society 1931 American Chemical Society Q1777741
Goethe Plaque of the City of Frankfurt culture prize 1932 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Germany Frankfurt Q1534190
Thomas Ranken Lyle Medal Awarded by the Australian Academy of Science to a mathematician or physicist for their outstanding research accomplishments 1932 Thomas Ranken Lyle Australia Australian Academy of Science Q7793410
Rittenhouse Medal science award 1932 David Rittenhouse United States of America Q19881442
Francqui Prize Belgian scientific prize 1933 Emile Francqui Belgium Francqui Foundation Q166072
Annie Jump Cannon Award in Astronomy American award for women astronomers 1934 Annie Jump Cannon United States of America American Astronomical Society Q566886
Charles Doolittle Walcott Medal American award for research on Cambrian or pre-Cambrian life 1934 Charles Doolittle Walcott United States of America National Academy of Sciences Q1064147
Eli Lilly and Company-Elanco Research Award microbiology award 1936 Eli Lilly and Company
United States of America American Society for Microbiology Q1328816
Fields medal
prize awarded every four years to two, three, or four mathematicians under 40 years of age at the International Congress of the International Mathematical Union 1936 John Charles Fields International Mathematical Union Q28835
German National Prize for Art and Science
award 1937 Nazi Germany Q574588
Roebling Medal award of the Mineralogical Society of America 1937 Washington Roebling internationality Mineralogical Society of America Q2607382
Gustav-Steinmann Medal 1938 Gustav Steinmann Germany Geologische Vereinigung Q1555499
Valdemar Poulsen Gold Medal award 1939 Valdemar Poulsen Denmark Q24963548
Adolph Lomb Medal American award for a noteworthy contribution to optics at an early career stage 1940 Adolph Lomb United States of America Optica Q365446
Haskins Medal award 1940 Charles Homer Haskins United States of America Medieval Academy of America Q5679249
Henry Marshall Tory Medal award of the Royal Society of Canada 1941 Henry Marshall Tory Canada Royal Society of Canada Q2791048
Richtmyer Memorial Lecture Award American award in physics and science communication 1941 Floyd K. Richtmyer United States of America American Association of Physics Teachers Q7331107
Banting Medal American award for diabetes research 1941 Frederick Banting United States of America American Diabetes Association Q17521493
Intel Science Talent Search Science competition for high school students 1942 Q3152997
S.V. Lebedev Award 1943 Sergei Vasilyevich Lebedev Russia Academy of Sciences of the USSR
Russian Academy of Sciences
Lasker Award American medical science award 1945 Albert Lasker
Mary Lasker
United States of America Lasker Foundation Q921415
Berwick Prize award 1946 William Edward Hodgson Berwick United Kingdom London Mathematical Society Q829238
Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research American award for a fundamental discovery that opens up a new area of biomedical science 1946 Albert Lasker United States of America Lasker Foundation Q999734
IRI Medal award honoring accomplishments in technological innovation 1946 United States of America Industrial Research Institute Q5973543
Remsen Award award of American Chemical Society, Maryland section 1946 Ira Remsen American Chemical Society Q15842139
Prize of the City of Vienna for the Humanities City of Vienna humanities prize 1947 Austria Q1409834
Centenary Prize award granted by the Royal Society of Chemistry 1947 United Kingdom Royal Society of Chemistry Q18560142
James Cook Medal medal awarded by Royal Society of New South Wales 1947 James Cook Australia Royal Society of New South Wales Q23023629
Arthur L. Day Medal Geological Society of America (GSA) award 1948 Arthur Louis Day United States of America Geological Society of America Q2582970
Bingham Medal award of (US) Society of Rheology 1948 Eugene Cook Bingham United States of America Society of Rheology Q3332189
Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy award to a living American for significant public service of enduring value to aviation in the United States 1948 Wright brothers United States of America National Aeronautic Association Q8038186
William Procter Prize for Scientific Achievement American science award 1950 William Cooper Procter United States of America Sigma Xi Q8017107
Olin Palladium Award American award for electrochemical or corrosion science 1950 United States of America Electrochemical Society Q23055155
George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical Education American award in chemistry education 1950 George C. Pimentel United States of America American Chemical Society Q27966910
Albert Einstein Award award in theoretical physics 1951 Albert Einstein United States of America Q577432
Kalinga Prize UNESCO science award 1951 Odisha India UNESCO Q782022
Three Physicists Prize scholarly prize 1951 Henri Abraham
Eugène Bloch
Georges Bruhat
France École Normale Supérieure Q1282608
Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize award 1952 Paul Ehrlich
Ludwig Darmstaedter
Germany Paul-Ehrlich Foundation Q458338
Jessie Stevenson Kovalenko Medal American award for medical sciences research 1952 United States of America National Academy of Sciences Q1561489
IEEE Founders Medal American award in electronics engineering 1952 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970365
Charles Lathrop Parsons Award award of the American Chemical Society 1952 United States of America American Chemical Society Q48977503
Eddington Medal award 1953 Arthur Eddington United Kingdom Royal Astronomical Society Q936106
Marjory Stephenson Prize principal prize of the Microbiology Society 1953 Marjory Stephenson Microbiology Society Q6766365
CNRS silver medal
French scientific award 1954 France National Center for Scientific Research Q3332287
Gmelin-Beilstein Commemorative Medal award conferred by the German Chemical Society 1954 Leopold Gmelin
Friedrich Konrad Beilstein
Germany German Chemical Society Q17575033
Bourke Award award granted by the Royal Society of Chemistry 1954 United Kingdom Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry‏ ‎Faraday Division‏
CNRS Gold medal French scientific research award 1954 France National Center for Scientific Research Q1957671
Nishina Memorial Prize physics award in Japan 1955 Yoshio Nishina Japan Nishina Memorial Foundation Q1350431
Space Flight Award award presented for the advancement of space flight and space exploration 1955 American Astronomical Society Q25111154
James T. Grady-James H. Stack Award for Interpreting Chemistry American award for science communication 1955 United States of America American Chemical Society Q6143927
Schleiden Medal Leopoldina Medal 1955 Matthias Jacob Schleiden Germany German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina Q21200648
Dexter Award presented by the American Chemical Society from 1956 until 2001 1956 United States of America American Chemical Society Q3910493
IEEE James H. Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal award conferred by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1956 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q15995221
IEEE W.R.G. Baker Award award for a paper on the fundamentals of electrical engineering, electronics, or computing 1956 Walter Ransom Gail Baker United States of America Institute of Radio Engineers
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
International Meteorological Organization Prize annual award of the World Meteorological Organization in the fields of meteorology and operational hydrology 1956 World Meteorological Organization Q21905936
Enrico Fermi Award
award conferred by the United States Department of Energy 1956 Enrico Fermi United States of America United States Department of Energy Q931545
Timoshenko Medal award in recognition of distinguished contributions to the field of applied mechanics 1957 Stephen Timoshenko United States of America American Society of Mechanical Engineers Q1326291
Karl Spencer Lashley Award American award in behavioral neuroscience 1957 Karl Lashley United States of America American Philosophical Society Q17149573
Marlow Award award granted by the Royal Society of Chemistry 1957 George Stanley Withers Marlow United Kingdom Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry‏ ‎Faraday Division‏
Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology Indian research award 1958 Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar India Vigyan Bhavan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Q372007
Erasmus Prize
annual award for an exceptional contribution to the humanities or the arts awarded by the Praemium Erasmianum Foundation 1958 Erasmus Netherlands Praemium Erasmianum Foundation Q974780
John von Neumann Prize prize 1959 John von Neumann 5000 United States of America Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Q392289
Canada Gairdner International Award award 1959 Canada Gairdner Foundation Q1031994
Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics award conferred by the American Physical Society 1959 Dannie Heineman United States of America American Institute of Physics
American Physical Society
Vetlesen Prize award of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and the G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation 1959 G. Unger Vetlesen United States of America Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory
G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation
IEEE David Sarnoff Award award conferred by the American Institute of Electrical Engineers 1959 David Sarnoff Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970344
Fellow of the Optical Society science award 1959 Optica Q7072982
Simon Memorial Prize Physics award 1959 Francis Simon Institute of Physics Q24955922
Leverhulme Medal medal awarded by the Royal Society 1960 William Lever, 1st Viscount Leverhulme United Kingdom Royal Society Q535375
James Spence Medal award for paediatric research 1960 James Calvert Spence United Kingdom Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Q28752808
Kurchatov Medal soviet award for achievement in nuclear physics 1960-02-09 Igor Kurchatov Russia Russian Academy of Sciences
Academy of Sciences of the USSR
Balzan Prize annual monetary prizes to people or organizations who have made outstanding achievements in the fields of humanities, natural sciences, culture 1961 Eugenio Balzan Switzerland Q628457
Sir Edmund Whittaker Memorial Prize Award of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 1961 E. T. Whittaker United Kingdom Edinburgh Mathematical Society Q1562007
Maxwell Medal and Prize the Institute of Physics (IOP) annual award made for outstanding contributions to theoretical physics, mathematical or computational physics and intended to recognise physicists early in their careers 1961 James Clerk Maxwell Institute of Physics Q1745209
ASHG Lifetime Achievement Award award given by the American Society of Human Genetics 1961 William Allan United States of America American Society of Human Genetics Q3405402
Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry American annual award in physical chemistry 1962 Peter Debye United States of America American Chemical Society Q907169
Leonard Medal
honors outstanding contributions to the science of meteoritics and closely allied fields 1962 Frederick C. Leonard United States of America Meteoritical Society Q6128801
National Medal of Science
science award 1963 United States of America Washington, D.C. National Science Foundation Q737051
Otto Warburg Medal German biochemistry award 1963 Otto Heinrich Warburg Germany Q1557678
Sigmund Freud Prize German literary award 1964 Sigmund Freud 20000 Germany Q467143
Davisson–Germer Prize in Atomic or Surface Physics award conferred by the American Physical Society 1965 Clinton Davisson
Lester Germer
American Physical Society Q922078
Turing Award computer science award 1966 Alan Turing 1000000 United States of America New York City Association for Computing Machinery Q185667
The James Smithson Bicentennial Medal award 1966 James Smithson Smithsonian Institution Q19833279
Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize annual prize awarded by Columbia University 1967 United States of America Q899039
Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics award 1967 Norbert Wiener United States of America Q1542112
Salem Prize award 1968 Raphaël Salem France Q668729
UNESCO Science Prize biennial scientific prize 1968 UNESCO Q5797875
Sir Hans Krebs Medal 1968 Hans Krebs Federation of European Biochemical Societies Q23055166
J. Robert Oppenheimer Memorial Prize prize awarded by the Center for Theoretical Studies, University of Miami 1969 Robert Oppenheimer United States of America Center for Theoretical Studies, University of Miami Q23055126
Steno Medal
award given by the Geological Society of Denmark 1969 Nicolaus Steno Denmark Geological Society of Denmark Q27646555
National Prize for Sciences (Chile) 1969 Chile CONICYT Q6084670
Dickson Prize American medicine award 1970 United States of America Q430972
Leopold Griffuel Prize 1970 Léopold Griffuel 150000 France Q1879505
Rosenstiel Award award in medical research from Brandeis University 1971 Lewis Rosenstiel United States of America Brandeis University Q1577949
Jean-Ricard Prize French science award 1971 Jean Ricard France Société Française de Physique Q2111249
IEEE Frederik Philips Award award for effective innovation in the electrical and electronics industry 1971 Frederik Philips Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970368
IEEE Haraden Pratt Award award conferred by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1971 Haraden Pratt Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970377
New South Wales Institute for Educational Research Award for Outstanding Educational Research 1971 Q7011730
Hermann Staudinger Prize German award in macromolecular chemistry 1971 Hermann Staudinger Germany German Chemical Society Q15116837
Humboldt Prize science award 1972 Alexander von Humboldt Germany Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Q873412
Claude E. Shannon Award IEEE award 1972 Claude Shannon internationality
United States of America
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q977835
V. M. Goldschmidt Award American science award in geochemistry 1972 Viktor Moritz Goldschmidt United States of America Geochemical Society Q1195902
Harvey Prize award 1972 Israel Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Q1587906
Walter Schottky Prize Award of the German Physical Society 1972 Walter H. Schottky Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft Q2543379
Wolfson History Prize literary awards for history in the UK 1972 Isaac Wolfson United Kingdom Wolfson Foundation Q4020686
Klung Wilhelmy Science Award award 1973 Otto Klung
Lothar Wilhelmy
Germany Q876919
Charles Schuchert Award Presented by the Paleontological Society 1973 Charles Schuchert United States of America Paleontological Society Q1066022
Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement prize administered by the University of Southern California 1973 United States of America University of Southern California Q1892257
Arthur C. Cope Award award of the American Chemical Society 1973 Arthur C. Cope United States of America American Chemical Society Q2475932
Chapman Medal British award for science of the Sun, space and planetary environments or solar-terrestrial physics 1973 United Kingdom Royal Astronomical Society Q4287209
Frink Medal medal awarded by the Zoological Society of London 1973 Elisabeth Frink United Kingdom Zoological Society of London Q5504615
Prix Ampère award 1974 André-Marie Ampère France French Academy of Sciences Q262340
Marconi Prize information and communications technology award 1974 Guglielmo Marconi United States of America Marconi Society Q473292
Newton Lacy Pierce Prize in Astronomy American award in observational astronomical research 1974 United States of America Q1515985
Herschel Medal English science award 1974 William Herschel United Kingdom Royal Astronomical Society Q1614536
Klumpke-Roberts Award astronomy award bestowed by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 1974 Dorothea Klumpke
Isaac Roberts
United States of America Astronomical Society of the Pacific Q3174253
J. Paul Getty Award for Conservation Leadership annual Leadership awards 1974 J. Paul Getty World Wide Fund for Nature Q6106754
Cloëtta Prize Swiss academic biomedical distinction 1974 Max Cloëtta Switzerland Q17903203
John von Neumann Theory Prize award 1975 John von Neumann United States of America Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Q511102
James Clerk Maxwell Prize for Plasma Physics award for outstanding contributions to plasma physics 1975 James Clerk Maxwell United States of America American Physical Society Q1520638
R. W. Wood Prize prize in optics 1975 Robert W. Wood Optica Q1745238
Alan T. Waterman Award American science award 1975 Alan Tower Waterman United States of America National Science Foundation Q3607779
Ellis R. Lippincott Award American award in vibrational spectroscopy 1975 Ellis R. Lippincott United States of America Optica Q5365969
IEEE Cledo Brunetti Award award for contributions to nanotechnology and technologies for microsystem miniaturization 1975 Cledo Brunetti Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970325
IEEE Nikola Tesla Award
1975 Nikola Tesla Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970434
Ernst Jung Prize annual prize for excellence in biomedical sciences 1976 Ernst Jung 300000 Germany Jung Foundation for Science and Research Q164906
International Award of Merit in Structural Engineering architecture prize 1976 International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering Q248108
George Pólya Award award by the Mathematical Association of America 1976 George Pólya Mathematical Association of America Q1508099
IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal
award 1976 United States of America Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q2086833
Marcel-Piché Prize Canadian award for clinical research 1976 Canada Montreal Clinical Research Institute Q3405012
Rollo Davidson Prize English award in probability theory 1976 Rollo Davidson United Kingdom Churchill College Q3405250
Rolex Awards for Enterprise scientific award 1976 Rolex Q5486555
VASVIK Industrial Research Award 1976 India Q19899424
William Beaumont Prize 1976 William Beaumont American Gastroenterological Association Q28456276
Gulbenkian Science Prize 1976 Q30693344
Rank Prize British award in optoelectronics and nutrition 1976 J. Arthur Rank, 1st Baron Rank United Kingdom Rank Foundation Q30892062
Aga Khan Award for Architecture
architecture prize 1977 Aga Khan IV Aga Khan IV Q389808
Bristol-Myers Squibb Award annual awards for scientific research (1977–2006) 1977 United States of America Bristol-Myers Squibb Q917789
Anna and Lajos Erdős Prize in Mathematics award 1977 Paul Erdős Israel Q927061
Naylor Prize and Lectureship award 1977 United Kingdom London Mathematical Society Q1356928
Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize award for young researchers, conferred by the German Research Foundation 1977 Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Germany German Research Foundation Q1468630
William Smith Medal British award for applied or economic aspects of geoscience 1977 William Smith Geological Society of London Q3332244
Wolf Prize in Agriculture Israeli award 1978 Israel Wolf Foundation Q519055
Wolf Prize in Medicine Israeli award 1978 Israel Q540561
Wolf Prize
international award in the arts and sciences 1978 Ricardo Wolf Israel Wolf Foundation Q739936
Wolf Prize in Mathematics Israeli award 1978 100000 Israel Wolf Foundation Q915604
Wolf Prize in Chemistry Israeli award in chemistry 1978 Israel Q968876
Ralph W. Gerard Prize award of the Society for Neuroscience 1978 Ralph W. Gerard United States of America Washington, D.C. Society for Neuroscience Q1646443
J. Tuzo Wilson Medal award of the Canadian Geophysical Union 1978 John Tuzo Wilson Canada Canadian Geophysical Union Q1676424
Otto Hahn Medal early career award of the Max Planck Society 1978 Otto Hahn Germany Max Planck Society Q2037956
Coxeter–James Prize prize for achievement in mathematics 1978 Harold Scott MacDonald Coxeter
Ralph Duncan James
Canada Canadian Mathematical Society Q4502264
W. Alden Spencer Award science award 1978 W. Alden Spencer United States of America Columbia University Q7945315
Williams-Wright Award Award has been given by the Coblentz Society 1978 Robert Williams
Peter Wright
Coblentz Society Q8020963
The Louis and Artur Lucian Award in Cardiovascular Diseases prize for medicine 1978 Canada McGill University Q56192279
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council agency of the Government of Canada that provides grants for research in the natural sciences and engineering 1978 Canada Q2993807
Albert Einstein Medal science award 1979 Albert Einstein Switzerland Albert Einstein Society Q17712
Charles F. Kettering Prize oncology award 1979 Charles F. Kettering United States of America General Motors Cancer Research Foundation Q610188
Dannie Heineman Prize for Astrophysics recognizes outstanding mid-career work in the field of astrophysics 1979 Dannie Heineman United States of America American Astronomical Society
American Institute of Physics
Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. Prize oncology award 1979 Alfred P. Sloan United States of America General Motors Cancer Research Foundation Q964506
Fulkerson Prize Prize given jointly by the Mathematical Programming Society and the American Mathematical Society for outstanding papers in discrete mathematics 1979 D. R. Fulkerson United States of America Mathematical Optimization Society
American Mathematical Society
Charles S. Mott Prize award 1979 United States of America General Motors Cancer Research Foundation Q1065982
Richard Lounsbery Award scientific award 1979 Richard Lounsbery United States of America National Academy of Sciences
French Academy of Sciences
Whitehead Prize mathematics prize awarded by the London Mathematical Society 1979 J. H. C. Whitehead United Kingdom London Mathematical Society Q1814850
NAS Award for Scientific Reviewing American award conferred by the National Academy of Sciences 1979 United States of America National Academy of Sciences Q1959812
Eckert–Mauchly Award award that recognizes contributions to computer and digital systems architecture 1979 J. Presper Eckert
John Mauchly
United States of America IEEE Computer Society
Association for Computing Machinery
UNESCO Albert Einstein medal
award to outstanding scientific personalities who made a great contribution to science and international scientific cooperation 1979 Albert Einstein UNESCO Q4287212
IEEE Charles Proteus Steinmetz Award 1979 Charles Proteus Steinmetz Q5970305
Whitley Award Australian science award 1979 Gilbert Percy Whitley Australia Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales Q7996552
Herbert P. Broida Prize APS award in spectroscopy or chemical physics 1979 Herbert P. Broida American Physical Society Q15815186
IEEE Donald G. Fink Prize Paper Award 1979 Donald G. Fink United States of America Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q15995034
Hickinbottom Award
award granted by the Royal Society of Chemistry 1979 Wilfrid Hickinbottom 3000 Royal Society of Chemistry Q18560159
Polanyi Medal gas kinetics award of the Royal Society of Chemistry 1979 Michael Polanyi Royal Society of Chemistry Q56569416
Giorgio Quazza Medal award given in the field of systems and control theory 1979 International Federation of Automatic Control Q96379497
Rothschild Fellowship The Rothschild Fellowship programme for young scholars of outstanding academic merit 1979 Edmond James de Rothschild Israel Yad Hanadiv Q106007699
National Award for Science Education in Chile 1979 Chile Q6084673
Crafoord Prize annual science prize established in 1980 by Holger Crafoord, a Swedish industrialist 1980 Holger Crafoord
Anna-Greta Crafoord
Sweden Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Q583069
National Medal of Technology and Innovation
science award 1980 United States of America Washington, D.C. Q937629
Charles Hard Townes Award Optical Society award for quantum electronics 1980 Charles Hard Townes United States of America Optica Q1064731
Carlos J. Finlay UNESCO Prize for Microbiology scientific award 1980 Carlos Juan Finlay UNESCO Q1287727
Élie Cartan Prize mathematics prize 1980 Élie Cartan 3800 French Academy of Sciences Q2111310
Vannevar Bush Award
American science award 1980 Vannevar Bush United States of America National Science Board Q3295036
Rutherford Memorial Medal 1980 Canada Royal Society of Canada Q3332246
King Baudouin International Development Prize 1980 Baudouin I of Belgium Belgium Q3405921
Honda Prize 1980 Japan Q11520658
Raymond C. Moore Medal medal awarded by the Society for Sedimentary Geology 1980 Raymond Cecil Moore United States of America Society for Sedimentary Geology Q15841833
E. B. Wilson Medal American award in cell biology 1981 Edmund Beecher Wilson United States of America Q1273466
Gay-Lussac-Humboldt-Prize science award 1981 Alexander von Humboldt
Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac
MacArthur Fellows Program prizes awarded annually by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation 1981 John D. MacArthur
Catherine T. MacArthur
800000 United States of America John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Q1543268
Meyenburg Prize German cancer research award 1981 Germany Q1926301
William O. Baker Award for Initiatives in Research award conferred by the US National Academy of Sciences 1981 William O. Baker United States of America National Academy of Sciences Q6952555
Parlar Foundation Science Award 1981 Mustafa N. Parlar Q7138855
Stein Rokkan Prize for Comparative Social Science Research social science award 1981 Stein Rokkan International Science Council
University of Bergen
European Consortium for Political Research
Marcus Wallenberg Prize Swedish award, for scientific achievements which contribute significantly to forestry and forest industries 1981 Marcus Wallenberg Sweden Q10576984
Andrei Borisovich Vistelius Research Award 1981 Andrei Borisovich Vistelius International Association for Mathematical Geosciences Q18352196
IMU Abacus Medal mathematics award 1981 Rolf Nevanlinna internationality International Mathematical Union Q902556
James H. Wilkinson Prize in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing award 1982 James H. Wilkinson United States of America Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Q1250250
The George B. Dantzig Prize award 1982
George Bernard Dantzig Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Mathematical Optimization Society
Keith R. Porter Lecture 1982 Keith R. Porter United States of America American Society for Cell Biology Q1738081
Max Born Award Optical Society award 1982 Max Born Optica Q1912290
AAAS Award for Scientific Freedom and Responsibility 1982 United States of America American Association for the Advancement of Science Q4649717
G. Evelyn Hutchinson Award American award in limnology or oceanography 1982 G. Evelyn Hutchinson Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography Q5512227
IEEE Control Systems Award 1982 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970341
IEEE Simon Ramo Medal 1982 Simon Ramo Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970482
Manning Innovation Awards 1982 Canada Ernest C. Manning Awards Foundation Q6750868
Sandford Fleming Award science communication award 1982 Sandford Fleming Canada Q17053999
G. K. Gilbert Award award given by the Planetary Geology Division of the Geological Society of America for outstanding contributions to the solution of fundamental problems in planetary geology 1983 Grove Karl Gilbert United States of America Geological Society of America Q745990
ACM Software System Award
award by the Association for Computing Machinery 1983 35000 Association for Computing Machinery Q986509
William Prager Medal award given annually to individuals for outstanding research contributions in either theoretical or experimental Solid Mechanics or both 1983 William Prager 2000 Society of Engineering Science Q14380131
Albert Einstein World Award of Science Recognition and encouragement for scientific and technological research and development. 1984 Albert Einstein Mexico World Cultural Council Q1287930
Harold C. Urey Prize recognizes outstanding achievements in planetary science by an early-career scientist 1984 Harold Urey United States of America Division for Planetary Sciences, American Astronomical Society Q2661199
Barringer Medal award for work in the field of impact cratering 1984 Daniel Barringer Meteoritical Society Q4863634
Margaret Oakley Dayhoff Award American award given for biophysical research 1984 Margaret Oakley Dayhoff United States of America Biophysical Society Q6759784
International Prize for Biology annual award for outstanding contribution to the advancement of research in fundamental biology 1985 Japan Q575568
Kyoto Prize
award for global achievement 1985 Kyoto Japan Kyoto International Conference Center Inamori Foundation Q658444
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize research prize awarded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft 1985 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Germany German Research Foundation Q703205
Japan Prize
Japanese science award 1985 Japan Q908745
Kyoto Prize in Advanced Technology Japanese award in electronics, biotechnology and medical technology, materials science and engineering, or information science 1985 Japan Kyoto Q6452191
IEEE Ernst Weber Engineering Leadership Recognition 1985 Ernst Weber Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q14775339
IEEE Corporate Innovation Recognition science award 1985 Q15995003
Golden Brain Award 1985 United States of America Berkeley Minerva Foundation Q17148437
Kyoto Prize in Basic Sciences Japanese award in biological sciences, mathematical sciences, earth and planetary sciences, astronomy and astrophysics, or life sciences 1985 Japan Inamori Foundation Q18344281
Milken Educator Awards American education award program 1985 United States of America Milken Family Foundation Q18344975
J. Allyn Taylor International Prize in Medicine awarded by the Robarts Research Institute to an individual or individuals who have made significant contributions to a field of basic or clinical research in one of the Institute's principal areas of research 1985 Canada Robarts Research Institute Q56072830
Thomson Medal award for contributions to the organisation, support, or application of science, technology or the humanities in New Zealand 1985 George Malcolm Thomson
James Allan Thomson
New Zealand Royal Society Te Apārangi Q57569775
World Food Prize award 1986 United States of America Des Moines World Food Prize Foundation Q772112
Beatrice M. Tinsley Prize award conferred by the American Astronomical Society 1986 Beatrice Tinsley United States of America American Astronomical Society Q813239
Michael Faraday Prize British award in science communication 1986 Michael Faraday United Kingdom Royal Society Q1383983
IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal prize for exceptional contributions to information sciences, systems, and technology 1986 Richard Hamming Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q1640531
Robert R. Wilson Prize award of the American Physical Society 1986 Robert R. Wilson American Physical Society Q2158547
IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award 1986 Kōji Kobayashi Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q4377107
ECI Prize 1986 International Ecology Institute Q5322683
IEEE Richard M. Emberson Award award conferred by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1986 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970468
Maria Goeppert-Mayer Award American award for women in physics 1986 Maria Goeppert Mayer United States of America American Physical Society Q6761225
Sugden Award 1986 Morris Sugden The Combustion Institute Q7635085
Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine Swiss medicine award 1986 Louis Jeantet Switzerland Louis-Jeantet Foundation Q14324534
IEEE Richard Harold Kaufmann Award award for contributions in industrial systems engineering 1986 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q15995430
Luigi Galvani Medal chemistry prize 1986 Luigi Galvani Italy Italian Chemical Society Q16963221
EMBO Gold Medal annual award of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) 1986 European Molecular Biology Organization Q23055114
Metlife Foundation Award for Medical Research in Alzheimer's Disease award for medical research 1986 MetLife United States of America Q56823384
Glenn T. Seaborg Medal American chemistry award 1987 Glenn T. Seaborg United States of America UCLA Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Q901607
IEEE Masaru Ibuka Consumer Electronics Award award 1987 Masaru Ibuka United States of America Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q933972
Romer-Simpson Medal SVP award 1987 Alfred Romer
Gaylord Simpson
United States of America Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Q1659894
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
US business award 1987 United States of America Foundation for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Q1777742
Andrew Gemant Award annually recognizes the accomplishments of a person who has made significant contributions to the cultural, artistic, or humanistic dimension of physics 1987 Andrew Gemant United States of America American Institute of Physics Q2887042
Thorarinsson Medal award for research in volcanology 1987 Sigurður Þórarinsson International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior Q3482293
Khwarizmi International Award 1987 Al-Khwarizmi Iran Q4377191
IEEE Donald O. Pederson Award in Solid-State Circuits 1987 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970352
John Tyndall Award award for contributions in optical-fiber technology 1987 John Tyndall Optica
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Margaret W. Rossiter History of Women in Science Prize award from the History of Science Society 1987 Margaret W. Rossiter United States of America History of Science Society Q6759993
Pasarow Award 1987 United States of America Q16932194
IET Achievement Medals 1987 United Kingdom Q18125864
Stefan Bergman Prize annual mathematics award 1987 Stefan Bergman American Mathematical Society Q23753172
Royal Society Science Books Prize annual award for writing 1988 United Kingdom Royal Society Q11346
Einstein Prize for Laser Science award 1988 Albert Einstein United States of America Q111612
Maryam Mirzakhani Prize in Mathematics award conferred by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences 1988 Maryam Mirzakhani National Academy of Sciences Q956583
NAS Award in the Neurosciences award conferred by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences 1988 National Academy of Sciences Q1683914
Maxwell Finland Award American science award 1988 Maxwell Finland United States of America Q6796097
Potamkin Prize award of the American Academy of Neurology 1988 United States of America American Academy of Neurology
American Brain Foundation
Charles Fleming Award for Environmental Achievement
environmental science award in New Zealand 1988
Charles Alexander Fleming New Zealand Royal Society Te Apārangi Q23579537
Geoffrey Barker Medal RSC award for electrochemistry 1988 Royal Society of Chemistry Q56532757
Lannan Literary Awards award 1989 Lannan Foundation Q675638
Ostrowski Prize award 1989 Alexander Ostrowski Switzerland Q690881
Charles Stark Draper Prize one of three prizes that constitute the "Nobel Prizes of Engineering" 1989 Charles Stark Draper United States of America National Academy of Engineering Q1063447
Kenneth O. May Prize award 1989 Kenneth O. May International Commission on the History of Mathematics Q1140149
Fermat Prize award 1989 Pierre de Fermat France Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse Q1367879
FASEB Excellence in Science Award 1989 United States of America Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Q5424476
Harvard Centennial Medal 1989 Harvard University Q5676302
IEEE Judith A. Resnik Award awarded for outstanding contributions to space engineering 1989 Judith Resnik Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970408
Clarivate Citation Laureates award 1989 Q7795894
High Energy and Particle Physics Prize European Physical Society award 1989 European Physical Society Q15815544
Bader Prize award granted by the Royal Society of Chemistry 1989 Alfred Bader Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry Organic Division
Edinburgh Medal scientific medal given at the Edinburgh International Science Festival 1989 Q22000992
Australia Prize former science award 1990 Australia Q782797
Széchenyi Prize award in Hungary 1990 István Széchenyi Hungary Q1301832
Acharius Medal award for lifetime achievement in lichenology 1990 Erik Acharius International Association for Lichenology Q4673510
Bunsen–Kirchhoff Award German award in analytical spectroscopy 1990 Robert Bunsensen
Gustav Kirchhoff
Germany German Chemical Society Q4997908
William and Katherine Estes Award award conferred by the National Academy of Sciences 1990 United States of America National Academy of Sciences Q6952554
Wallenberg Medal humanitarian award 1990 Raoul Wallenberg United States of America University of Michigan Q7963022
Scientific Prize of The Republic of Estonia Estonian award 1990 Estonia Q20529267
NAS Award for the Industrial Application of Science award conferred by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences 1990 National Academy of Sciences Q20858134
Schrödinger Medal award for theoretical chemistry 1990 Erwin Schrödinger World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists Q25138330
Novartis Prizes for Immunology prizes for immunology 1990 Sandoz
Novartis Q56289441
Premio México de Ciencia y Tecnología 1990 Mexico Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencias y Tecnologías Q22696814
Rutherford Medal award of the Royal Society of New Zealand 1991 Ernest Rutherford New Zealand Royal Society Te Apārangi Q129661
Arthur L. Schawlow Prize in Laser Science award of the American Physical Society 1991 Arthur Leonard Schawlow United States of America American Physical Society Q708269
Vautrin Lud Prize highest award in the field of geography 1991 Vautrin Lud France Q3117740
Göran Gustafsson Prize
Swedish science award 1991 Göran Gustafsson Sweden Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Q3376522
NAS Award for Chemistry in Service to Society American award for contributions to chemistry 1991 United States of America National Academy of Sciences Q3869391
Ho-Am Prize in Science 1991 Q5873865
Prince Philip Medal Royal Academy of Engineering award 1991 Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh United Kingdom Royal Academy of Engineering Q7244197
ASN Award for Distinguished Achievement in the Conceptual Unification of the Biological Sciences award given annually by the American Society of Naturalists 1991 Sewall Wright United States of America American Society of Naturalists Q7458154
Stockholm Water Prize
annual prize for water-related activities 1991 Stockholm Sweden Stockholm International Water Institute Q10680486
Ho-Am Prize Korean award 1991 Lee Byung-chul Q11286875
Canadian Science and Engineering Hall of Fame 1991 Canada Q16955387
Günther Laukien Prize 1991 Günther Laukien United States of America Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference Q25105009
State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology
Ukrainian state prize for science 1991-10-25 Ukraine Q4146633
EFF Award science and engineering award 1992 Electronic Frontier Foundation Q31323
IEEE John von Neumann Medal
award 1992 John von Neumann Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q727274
EMS Prize award given by European Mathematical Society 1992 5000 European Mathematical Society Q1275243
Gödel Prize award for outstanding papers in the area of theoretical computer science 1992 Kurt Gödel 5000 United States of America Association for Computing Machinery
European Association for Theoretical Computer Science
Prince Mahidol Award Thai award for medicine and public health 1992 Mahidol Adulyadej, Prince Father Thailand Q2110577
Blue Planet Prize award of the Asahi Glass Foundation 1992 Japan Asahi Glass Foundation Q4929631
Daiwa Adrian Prize award for British and Japanese scientific research collaboration 1992 United Kingdom Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation Q5209824
IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award 1992 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970400
IEEE Reynold B. Johnson Information Storage Systems Award 1992 Reynold B. Johnson Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970463
Prize of the Foundation for Polish Science scientific award in Poland 1992 Poland Foundation for Polish Science Q7246543
National Prize for Exact Sciences Chilean science award 1992 Chile Q9062313
SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award lifetime research achievement award 1992 Edgar F. Codd SIGMOD Q10354964
King Olav V's Prize for Cancer Research 1992 Olav V of Norway Norwegian Cancer Society Q11981638
AAAS Award for Science Diplomacy American science award 1992 United States of America American Association for the Advancement of Science Q19877225
Elizabeth Scott Prize Statistical award 1992 Elizabeth Scott Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies Q48003826
National Prize for Applied Sciences and Technologies - Chile 1992 Chile Q6084662
Premio Nacional de Ciencias Naturales 1992 Chile Q6084667
Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology award for advancements in nanotechnology research 1993 Richard Feynman United States of America Foresight Institute Q194099
Yrjö Jahnsson Award economics award conferred by Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation 1993 Yrjö Waldemar‏ Jahnsson Finland Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation Q509383
Euler Medal award 1993 Leonhard Euler internationality Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications Q992537
Lars Onsager Prize award of the American Physical Society 1993 Lars Onsager American Physical Society Q1806156
Loye and Alden Miller Research Award 1993 Loye Holmes Miller
Alden Holmes Miller
United States of America Cooper Ornithological Society Q3264439
International Cosmos Prize Japanese science award 1993 Cosmos Expo '90 Foundation Q3405925
Athalie Richardson Irvine Clarke Prize award for research Water Science 1993 Athalie Clarke National Water Research Institute Q4813188
Heinz Award 1993 John Heinz Q5700571
Esther Hoffman Beller Medal award for education in optical science and engineering 1993 Optica Q43080232
Blumenthal Award Award of the American Mathematical Society 1993 Leonard Blumenthal American Mathematical Society Q4930739
Lasker-Koshland Special Achievement Award in Medical Science American award for medical research accomplishments and scientific statesmanship 1994 Albert Lasker United States of America Lasker Foundation Q136567
Nemmers Prize in Mathematics award 1994 United States of America Northwestern University Q742399
The Dorothy and Lillian Gish Prize architecture prize 1994 Q742440
Erwin Plein Nemmers Prize in Economics economics award 1994 United States of America Northwestern University Q1627355
Hannan Medal Australian award for achievement in mathematics 1994 Edward J. Hannan Australia Australian Academy of Science Q3853499
John von Neumann Award award to an outstanding scholar in the exact social sciences 1994 John von Neumann Hungary Rajk László College for Advanced Studies Q6265940
Kempe Award for Distinguished Ecologists 1994 Sweden Q6387042
Weizmann Women & Science Award 1994 United States of America Weizmann Institute of Science Q7980447
Miroslaw Romanowski Medal Canadian award for environmental science 1994 Mirosław Romanowski Canada Royal Society of Canada Q10328035
Louis Néel Medal American award in rock magnetism, rock physics and geomaterials 1994 Louis Néel United States of America European Geosciences Union Q14954322
Baltic Assembly Prize for Literature, the Arts and Science science award 1994 Baltic Assembly Estonia
Baltic Assembly Q25504940
Emanuel and Carol Parzen Prize for Statistical Innovation Statistical award 1994 Emanuel Parzen United States of America Texas A&M University Department of Statistics Q47558902
American Association of Immunologists Lifetime Achievement Award award 1994 United States of America American Association of Immunologists Q56667085
Spinoza Prize annual award in the Netherlands 1995 Benedictus de Spinoza Netherlands Dutch Research Council Q1131142
Krieger–Nelson Prize award 1995 Cecilia Krieger
Evelyn Nelson
Canada Canadian Mathematical Society Q1354618
Bruno Pontecorvo Prize award for neutrino physics 1995 Bruno Pontecorvo Russia Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Q2663863
UNESCO/Institut Pasteur Medal 1995 France UNESCO
Pasteur Institute
Abdus Salam Medal Italian science award 1995 Abdus Salam Italy Trieste The World Academy of Sciences Q4666314
Descartes-Huygens Prize french-Dutch scientific prize 1995 René Descartes
Christiaan Huygens
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
French Academy of Sciences
Knuth Prize prize given by ACM and IEEE for outstanding contributions to the foundations of computer science 1996 Donald Knuth United States of America IEEE Computer Society
Massry Prize biomedical award 1996 Shaul G. Massry United States of America Q1907790
IEEE Electromagnetics Award 1996 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970356
Truman Capote Award for Literary Criticism American literary award 1996 Truman Capote University of Iowa Q7847698
Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research international entrepreneurship research award 1996 Sweden Q10505543
Research Council of Norway's Award for Excellence in Communication of Science 1996 Norway Research Council of Norway Q11992102
Jacques Herbrand Prize 1996 Jacques Herbrand 20000 France French Academy of Sciences Q15841024
Te Rangi Hiroa Medal medal awarded by the Royal Society of New Zealand 1996 Te Rangi Hīroa New Zealand Royal Society Te Apārangi Q85805368
Carl Sagan Memorial Award award 1997 Carl Sagan United States of America American Astronautical Society
The Planetary Society
Henri Poincaré Prize award in mathematical physics 1997 Henri Poincaré France International Association of Mathematical Physics Q1605690
Dina Feitelson Research Award 1997 Dina Feitelson International Literacy Association Q5277841
IEEE Eric E. Sumner Award award for contributions to communications technology 1997 United States of America Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970361
IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal 1997 Jack Kilby Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970391
IFT Research & Development Award Food technology award 1997 Q5970873
UCL Prize Lecture in Clinical Science English science award 1997 United Kingdom University College London Q17027458
Karl Deutsch Award award conferred by the International Political Science Association 1997 Karl Deutsch International Political Science Association Q17142808
Othmer Gold Medal
award 1997 Donald Othmer United States of America Q17291441
Felix Chayes Prize award in mathematical petrology 1997 Felix Chayes International Association for Mathematical Geosciences Q18354981
Hill Tinsley Medal award for outstanding research in science published by a scientist or scientists within 15 years of their PhD 1997 Beatrice Tinsley New Zealand New Zealand Association of Scientists Q57225953
Grand Prize of the French Academy of Science 1997 France French Academy of Sciences Q3114992
Carbon Medal medal of achievement in carbon science and technology 1997 American Carbon Society Q28368757
L'Oréal-UNESCO Award For Women in Science scientific award 1998 France UNESCO
Pomeranchuk Prize Russian award for theoretical physics 1998 Isaak Pomeranchuk Russia Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics Q2214826
Alexander Hollaender Award in Biophysics American award in biophysics 1998 Alexander Hollaender National Academy of Sciences Q4360984
Carl Sagan Medal for Excellence in Public Communication in Planetary Science American award for outstanding communication by an active planetary scientist to the general public 1998 Carl Sagan United States of America Division for Planetary Sciences, American Astronomical Society Q5040756
Edgar Wilson Award annual award for amateur astronomers involved in identifying comets 1998 United States of America Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Q5337521
Florey Medal Australian award for biomedical research 1998 Howard Florey Australia Australian Institute of Policy & Science Q5460977
The Science, Engineering & Technology Student of the Year Awards 1998 United Kingdom Q7762557
Gabbay Award award for innnovation in biomedical sciences 1998 United States of America Q15811193
E. W. Beth Dissertation Prize award for outstanding PhD theses in the fields of Logic, Language, and Information 1998 Evert Willem Beth Association for Logic, Language and Information Q17079132
Clay Research Award award 1999 Landon T. Clay United States of America Q1099219
Kistler Prize prize awarded by the Foundation For the Future 1999 Walter Kistler United States of America Foundation For the Future Q3048164
IEEE Internet Award IEEE technical award 1999 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q3146631
IEEE Dennis J. Picard Medal for Radar Technologies and Applications 1999 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970346
IEEE Andrew S. Grove Award award for contributions to solid-state devices and technology 1999 Andrew Grove Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q15994892
Biotechnology Heritage Award scientific award 1999 United States of America Biotechnology Innovation Organization
Science History Institute
Scientific Grand Prize of the NRJ Fondation neuroscience award 1999 150000 France Institut de France Q27530629
Shorland Medal New Zealand science award 1999 Francis Shorland New Zealand New Zealand Association of Scientists Q56302519
Descartes Prize award 2000 René Descartes 1000000 European Commission Q205811
State Preeminent Science and Technology Award 2000 People's Republic of China Chinese Academy of Sciences Q841695
Dijkstra Prize award 2000 Edsger W. Dijkstra internationality Association for Computing Machinery
European Association for Theoretical Computer Science
Gruber Prize in Neuroscience award 2000 United States of America Yale University Q1550248
Prime Minister's Prizes for Science Australian science awards 2000 Australia Prime Minister of Australia Q1719675
IEEE Daniel E. Noble Award award for emerging technologies in electrical engineering 2000 Daniel E. Noble Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970350
IEEE Robert N. Noyce Medal scientific contributions award 2000 Robert Noyce Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970473
Väisälä Prize Finnish science award 2000 Vilho Väisälä
Yrjö Väisälä
Kalle Väisälä
Finland Finnish Academy of Science and Letters Q11902129
ACM SIGUCCS Hall of Fame Award computing services award 2000 SIGUCCS Q19871495
Scientific Grand Prize of the Lefoulon-Delalande Fondation 2000 500000 France Institut de France Q45309809
Gruber Prize in Cosmology award 2000 500000 United States of America Yale University International Astronomical Union Q1483071
Gruber Prize in Genetics award 2001 United States of America Yale University Gruber Foundation Q477467
Gauss Lectureship Mathematics award 2001 Carl Friedrich Gauss Germany German Mathematical Society Q1496353
Enrico Fermi Prize award conferred by the Italian Physical Society 2001 Enrico Fermi Italy Italian Physical Society Q2108648
Rumelhart Prize American award in cognitive science research 2001 United States of America Cognitive Science Society Q2175611
Irène-Joliot-Curie Prize French prize for women in science and technology 2001 Irène Joliot-Curie France French Academy of Sciences
Airbus Foundation
Ministry of Higher Education and Research
French Academy of Technologies
Nierenberg Prize American science and technology award 2001 William Nierenberg United States of America Scripps Institution of Oceanography Q3405093
IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award award for contributions to technologies holding the promise of innovative applications 2001 Kiyo Tomiyasu United States of America Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q3798331
CHI Academy honorary group of individuals who have made substantial contributions to the field of human-computer interaction 2001 United States of America SIGCHI Q5011173
Overton Prize computational biology prize 2001 G. Christian Overton International Society for Computational Biology Q7114033
Philip Leverhulme Prize award 2001 Philip Lever, 3rd Viscount Leverhulme United Kingdom Q7183969
Gordon Prize engineering award 2001 United States of America National Academy of Engineering Q10354960
Florence Nightingale David Award statistical award 2001 Florence Nightingale David Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies Q47494994
Global Energy Prize
international award for science 2002 Russia Q744056
Dan David Prize award 2002 Dan David 1000000 Israel Q1158951
IZA Prize in Labor Economics economics prize 2002 Germany IZA Institute of Labor Economics Q1258708
Sofia Kovalevskaya Award German science award 2002 Sofia Kovalevskaya Germany Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Q1605179
Barwise Prize science award in the field of philosophy and computing awarded by the American Philosophical Association 2002 Jon Barwise United States of America American Philosophical Association Q4865981
Benjamin Franklin Award annual award by Bioinformatics.org 2002 Benjamin Franklin United States of America Q4888612
IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award 2002 James L. Flanagan Q5970395
IEEE Photonics Award award for achievements in photonics 2002 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970450
IEEE Robotics and Automation Award 2002 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970472
National Prize for Medicine (Chile) 2002 Chile Academia Chilena de Medicina
Medical College of Chile
Pollin Prize for Pediatric Research Annual award given to physicians from 2002 to 2010 2002 United States of America NewYork–Presbyterian/Queens Q7225685
The EMET Prize for Art, Science and Culture Israeli award for academic/professional excellence 2002 Israel Q7731313
IEEE Jun-ichi Nishizawa Medal 2002 Jun-ichi Nishizawa United States of America Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q15710646
Carl Sagan Prize for Science Popularization 2002 Carl Sagan United States of America Wonderfest Q25324264
Dorothy Hill Medal Australian award for earth sciences research by women 2002 Dorothy Hill Australia Australian Academy of Science Q60756218
Shaw Prize science award 2002-11 Run Run Shaw Hong Kong Q584250
Abel Prize international prize presented by the King of Norway to one or more outstanding mathematicians, created in 2003 2003 Niels Henrik Abel Norway Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters Q188184
European Olympiad of Experimental Science European student competition in biology, chemistry and physics 2003 Q674435
Sophie Germain Prize award 2003 Sophie Germain France French Academy of Sciences Q1238959
Rosalind Franklin Award annual British science award of Royal Society for female scientists 2003 Rosalind Franklin 30000 United Kingdom Royal Society
Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills
Holberg International Memorial Prize award for outstanding contributions to research in the arts and humanities, social science, law or theology 2003 Ludvig Holberg 6000000 Norway University of Bergen Q1624297
Kluge Prize award for lifetime achievement in the humanities and social sciences 2003 John Kluge United States of America Library of Congress Q1776592
Burtoni Award award for experts and policy makers around climate change 2003 Ian Burton Q5000951
Crick Lecture 2003 Royal Society Q5184934
IEEE Gustav Robert Kirchhoff Award award for contributions to electronic circuits and systems 2003 Gustav Kirchhoff Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970373
Hans Hass Award award in recognition of contribution made to the advancement of our knowledge of the ocean 2003 Hans Hass Q21041879
Henry L. Alder Award 2003 United States of America Mathematical Association of America Q104859376
IQ Award prize donated by Mensa 2004 Mensa in Deutschland Q1204940
Millennium Technology Prize the largest technology prize in the world 2004 1000000 Finland Technology Academy Finland Q1853663
Dr. Paul Janssen Award for Biomedical Research American biomedical research award 2004 Paul Janssen United States of America Q5304319
IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Award award for biologically and linguistically motivated computational paradigms and systems 2004 Frank Rosenblatt Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970364
IEEE Joseph F. Keithley Award in Instrumentation and Measurement 2004 Joseph F. Keithley Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970397
India Science Award 2004 India New Delhi Q6019402
National Institutes of Health Director's Pioneer Award Medicine award 2004 United States of America National Institutes of Health Q6973758
Nigeria Prize for Science Nigeria's science award 2004 Nigeria Nigeria LNG Q7032814
Pearl Meister Greengard Prize women scientist award 2004 Pearl Meister Greengard United States of America The Rockefeller University Q7158133
Ramon Margalef Prize in Ecology Spanish environmental award 2004 Ramon Margalef Spain Generalitat of Catalonia Q7289850
Science Communication Prize 2004 Q7433502
Pickering Medal science award in New Zealand 2004 Bill Pickering New Zealand Royal Society Te Apārangi Q46995002
Mahathir Science Award award 2004-08-17 Mahathir Mohamad Malaysia Q106960581
Otto Hahn Prize
German scientific prize presented every two years, alternating in physics and chemistry 2005 Otto Hahn Frankfurt
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
German Chemical Society
Abraham Pais Prize for History of Physics annual prize recognizes outstanding scholarly achievements in the history of physics 2005 Abraham Pais United States of America American Physical Society
American Institute of Physics
Kavli Prize award 2005 Fred Kavli Norway Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
The Kavli Foundation
Ministry of Education and Research of Norway
Deutsche Bank Prize in Financial Economics scholarly award 2005 Germany Q1202180
IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award 2005 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970528
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Argentina Awards award 2006 Argentina Argentine Academy of Cinematography Arts and Sciences Q947114
Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize award in applied mathematics 2006 Carl Friedrich Gauss Germany International Mathematical Union
German Mathematical Society
Alexander von Humboldt Medal award conferred by the European Geosciences Union 2006 Alexander von Humboldt European Geosciences Union Q1740213
Stockholm Prize in Criminology 2006 Sweden Q2350723
IEEE Sensors Council Meritorious Service Award 2007 Q5970478
Saltire Prize Scottish technology prize for wave and tidal energy 2007 United Kingdom Scottish Government Q7406140
Occhialini Prize physics award 2007 Giuseppe Occhialini Italy Italian Physical Society
Institute of Physics
ACM Prize in Computing 2007 United States of America Q29836618
Faraday Medal and Prize Award for outstanding contributions to experimental physics 2008 Michael Faraday United Kingdom Institute of Physics Q596778
Isaac Newton Medal gold medal awarded annually by the Institute of Physics 2008 United Kingdom Institute of Physics Q823162
Alexander von Humboldt Professorship research prize 2008 Alexander von Humboldt 5000000
Germany Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Q2643422
Fonseca Prize 2008 Alonso III Fonseca Spain University of Santiago de Compostela Q5465069
IEEE Marie Sklodowska-Curie Award 2008 Marie Curie Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970410
IEEE Medal for Environmental and Safety Technologies 2008 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970415
IEEE Medal in Power Engineering 2008 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970419
IEEE Sensors Council Technical Achievement Award 2008 Q5970480
Infosys Prize
A distinguished Award given to people in Science-Engineering by the Infosys Foundation . 2008 India Q6031368
BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award Spanish science award 2008 Spain Q6085042
Lagrange Prize 2008 Joseph-Louis Lagrange Italy Fondazione CRT Q6472676
Tycho Brahe Medal prize awarded by the European Astronomical Society (2008-) 2008 Tycho Brahe European Astronomical Society Q7859727
Swartz Prize award conferred by the Society for Neuroscience 2008 United States of America Society for Neuroscience Q16933632
Bioinorganic Chemistry Award award granted by the Royal Society of Chemistry 2008 United Kingdom Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry Dalton Division
Batchelor Prize award for outstanding research in fluid dynamics 2008 George Batchelor International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Q28423252
Barry Inglis Medal Australian award for measurement techniques 2008 Barry Inglis Australia National Measurement Institute, Australia Q65091447
Romanian Master of Mathematics and Sciences annual competition for students in the preuniversitary level, held in Bucharest, Romania 2008 Romania Q7362553
Thousand Talents Program Chinese academic program 2008-12 People's Republic of China Organization Department of the Chinese Communist Party Q25345281
Canada Gairdner Global Health Award award 2009 Canada Q1031969
IEEE Medal for Innovations in Healthcare Technology 2009 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970417
Prime Minister's Science Prizes science awards in New Zealand 2009 New Zealand Prime Minister of New Zealand Q43398898
IEEE Biomedical Engineering Award 2010 Q5970291
Presburger Award annual award in theoretical computer science 2010 Mojżesz Presburger European Association for Theoretical Computer Science Q7240709
The Brain Prize Danish science award in neuroscience 2011 1000000
Denmark Grete Lundbeck European Brain Research Foundation Q18357422
DeLano Award for Computational Biosciences 2011 Warren Lyford DeLano Q25303789
M. Gweneth Humphreys Award 2011 Mabel Gweneth Humphreys Association for Women in Mathematics Q28402502
Paolo Farinella Prize 2011 Paolo Farinella Q28448347
Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering global engineering prize 2012 Elizabeth II United Kingdom Q4273323
Gunnerus Sustainability Science Award international award for sustainable research 2012 Norway Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Breakthrough Prize International scientific awards 2012 Q17278140
John Maddox Prize Yearly award for standing up for science 2012 John Maddox Nature
Sense About Science
Edison Volta Prize award conferred by the European Physical Society 2012 Centro di Cultura Scientifica Alessandro Volta
European Physical Society Q891138
Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics science award 2012 3000000 United States of America Q1314470
Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences award for recognizing breakthroughs in the life sciences 2013 3000000 United States of America Q5019489
Lurie Prize in Biomedical Sciences prize awarded by the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health 2013 Ann Lurie United States of America Q22080517
Mathematical Neuroscience Prize 2013 Israel Q29014983
Herman Feshbach Prize in Theoretical Nuclear Physics annual prize of the American Physical Society 2014 Herman Feshbach United States of America American Physical Society Q31837956
AWM–Microsoft Research Prize in Algebra and Number Theory research honor for women 2014 Association for Women in Mathematics Q61297197
Nancy Millis Medal for Women in Science Australian science award for women 2014 Nancy Millis Australia Australian Academy of Science Q66436005
Buchalter Cosmology Prize Award 2014 American Astronomical Society Q111170071
The Novozymes Prize science award 2015 Novozymes Denmark Novo Nordisk Fonden Q29204707
Stephen Hawking Medal For Science Communication
science award 2015 Q30144811
Raymond and Beverly Sackler Prize in Convergence Research award of US National Academy of Sciences 2015 National Academy of Sciences Q31836898
Berggruen Prize annual award in the field of philosophy 2016 Berggruen Institute Q25324637
Lise Meitner Medal and Prize award conferred by the Institute of Physics for contributions to public engagement within physics 2016 United Kingdom Institute of Physics Q56241596
Marie Curie-Sklodowska Medal and Prize award for contributions to physics education 2016 Marie Curie Institute of Physics Q56281509
Future Science Prize science award 2016-01-17 People's Republic of China Q28413310
Cranwell Medal New Zealand science communicator award 2017 Lucy May Cranwell New Zealand New Zealand Association of Scientists Q57218993
Micius Quantum Prize an annual prize awarded for promoting research in quantum information science and technology 2018 Mozi People's Republic of China Q104525446
Leo P. Kadanoff Prize award in statistical and nonlinear physics given by the American Physical Society 2019 Leo Kadanoff United States of America American Physical Society Q105079169
Fritz Zwicky Prize for Astrophysics and Cosmology Prize awarded by the European Astronomical Society 2020 Fritz Zwicky European Astronomical Society Q96378755
Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel
award established in 1968 by Sveriges Riksbank in memory of Alfred Nobel Alfred Nobel Sweden Stockholm Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Q47170
Carl-Gustaf Rossby Research Medal American award for atmospheric research Carl-Gustaf Rossby United States of America American Meteorological Society Q60548
IEEE Fellow award and fellowship granted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q111734
Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award biomedical award Michael Ellis DeBakey United States of America Lasker Foundation Q136696
Lasker-Bloomberg Public Service Award American award for improving the public’s understanding of medical research, public health, or healthcare Michael Bloomberg Lasker Foundation Q136699
Leeuwenhoek Medal award Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Netherlands Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Q136733
Ackermann–Teubner Memorial Award award Alfred Ackermann Germany Leipzig University Q178669
Jean Nicod Prize French award for philosophical research on cognition Jean Nicod France Institut Jean Nicod Q263735
Clarke Medal
award presented since 1878 for distinguished work in the geology, botany and zoology William Branwhite Clarke Australia Royal Society of New South Wales Q267842
Rumford Medal
an award bestowed by Britain's Royal Society every alternating year for an outstandingly important recent discovery in the field of thermal or optical properties of matter Benjamin Thompson United Kingdom Royal Society Q285167
Gossen Prize annual award in economic sciences Hermann Heinrich Gossen Germany Verein für Socialpolitik Q318716
Stern–Gerlach Medal award Otto Stern
Walter Gerlach
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft Q323413
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy Award award Germany Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities Q414530
Sakurai Prize American award for particle physics J. J. Sakurai United States of America American Physical Society Q426989
Robert Koch Prize award Robert Koch Germany Robert Koch Foundation Q505132
De Morgan Medal most prestigious award of the London Mathematical Society Augustus De Morgan United Kingdom London Mathematical Society Q507299
Otto Hahn
nuclear-powered cargo vessel Otto Hahn German Chemical Society
Deutsche Physik
National Prize for Arts and Sciences award in Mexico Mexico Federal government of Mexico Q518740
Lemelson–MIT Prize award Jerome H. Lemelson Massachusetts Institute of Technology Q551250
Feltrinelli Prize Italian award for various achievements Antonio Feltrinelli Italy Q599434
Bogolyubov Prize award Nikolai Bogolyubov Ukraine National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Q618287
Lieben Prize award Ignatz Lieben Austria Q690732
Lobachevsky Prize award Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky Russia Russian Academy of Sciences Q767840
Barnard Medal for Meritorious Service to Science science award given by Columbia University Frederick Augustus Porter Barnard United States of America National Academy of Sciences
Columbia University
Meister Eckhart Prize award Meister Eckhart Germany Q832102
Buchanan Medal British award in biomedical sciences Sir George Buchanan United Kingdom Royal Society Q850614
Erwin Schrödinger Prize science award Erwin Schrödinger Austria Austrian Academy of Sciences Q876438
Hannes Alfvén Prize award of the European Physical Society (EPS) Plasma Physics Division for outstanding work in the field of plasma physics Hannes Alfvén European Physical Society Q891132
Siegfried Unseld Preis German literary award Siegfried Unseld Germany Q896674
Corday-Morgan Prize award granted by the Royal Society of Chemistry United Kingdom Royal Society of Chemistry Q898961
Caccioppoli Prize award Renato Caccioppoli Italy Italian Mathematical Union Q937591
Buys Ballot Medal
award C. H. D. Buys Ballot Netherlands Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Q1018319
Carl-Hermann-Medal award in the field of crystallography Carl Hermann Germany German Crystallographic Association Q1036524
Collier Trophy
annual aviation award administered by the US National Aeronautical Association Robert J. Collier United States of America National Aeronautic Association Q1109489
James Craig Watson Medal
American award in astronomy James Craig Watson United States of America National Academy of Sciences Q1143433
Dannie Heineman Prize prize awarded by the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities Dannie Heineman Germany Göttingen Academy of Sciences Q1164466
Katharine Burr Blodgett Medal and Prize award for application of physics in an industrial or commercial context Katharine Burr Blodgett
Joseph Swan
United Kingdom Institute of Physics Q1168915
IOP Dirac Medal Institute of Physics (IOP) award for outstanding contributions to theoretical (including mathematical and computational) physics Paul Dirac United Kingdom Institute of Physics Q1227368
Friendship Award
science award People's Republic of China Q1285070
Edward Teller Award prize awarded by American Nuclear Society Edward Teller United States of America American Nuclear Society Q1293845
Willet G. Miller Medal earth sciences award given by the Royal Society of Canada Willet Green Miller Canada Royal Society of Canada Q1294136
Marcel Benoist Prize Swiss scientific prize Marcel Benoist Switzerland Q1307788
Keio Medical Science Prize Japanese award in medical sciences Keio University Japan Q1324940
Lomonosov Gold Medal
medal awarded for achievements in natural sciences and humanities by the Russian Academy of Sciences Mikhail Lomonosov Russia
Soviet Union
Russian Academy of Sciences Q1340199
Lichtenberg Medal highest award of Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities Germany Göttingen Academy of Sciences Q1423987
G. K. Gilbert Award for Excellence in Geomorphological Research award given by the Geomorphology Specialty Group (GSG) of the Association of American Geographers (AAG) for achievements in geomorphology Grove Karl Gilbert United States of America American Association of Geographers Q1484275
Hans-Stille-Medaille German geology award Hans Stille Germany Q1578200
Harnack medal award Carl Gustav Axel Harnack Germany Max Planck Society Q1585689
AMA Scientific Achievement Award award United States of America American Medical Association Q1590608
Heineken Prizes
series of awards bestowed by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Freddy Heineken
Henry Pierre Heineken
Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken
Netherlands Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Q1595997
Heinz Billing Award Heinz Billing Max Planck Society Q1599836
Helen B. Warner Prize for Astronomy award for early-career contributions to observational or theoretical astronomy United States of America American Astronomical Society Q1601825
Henry Norris Russell Lectureship award Henry Norris Russell United States of America American Astronomical Society Q1607116
Euler Book Prize an annual award for an outstanding book in mathematics Leonhard Euler Mathematical Association of America Q1619252
Howard N. Potts Medal award United States of America Franklin Institute Q1631883
Smith's Prize Prize from University of Cambridge in mathematics and theoretical physics Robert Smith University of Cambridge Q1690167
Prix Jules Janssen
award Pierre Janssen France Astronomical Society of France Q1711648
Karl Schwarzschild Medal German award for astronomy and astrophysics Karl Schwarzschild Germany Astronomische Gesellschaft Q1730176
Rudolf Virchow lecture annual public archaeology lecture Germany Q1740437
European Amalfi Prize for Sociology and Social Sciences Italy Amalfi Q1760527
Albrecht Penck medal Geology award Albrecht Penck Germany German Quaternary Association Q1777405
Landau Gold Medal
physics award of the Russian Academy of sciences Lev Landau Russia Russian Academy of Sciences Q1801949
Mary Clark Thompson Medal American award for services to geology and paleontology Mary Clark Thompson National Academy of Sciences Q1906233
Medal of the Royal Numismatic Society United Kingdom Royal Numismatic Society Q1915792
Paleontological Society Medal since 1963 United States of America Paleontological Society Q2047718
Petrie Prize Lecture Robert Methven Petrie Canada Canadian Astronomical Society Q2080569
Georges Lemaître Prize award created in 1995 Georges Lemaître 25000 Belgium Q2101961
Schader Award Science Award Alois M. Schader Schader-Stiftung Q2229879
Selman A. Waksman Award in Microbiology award conferred by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences Selman Abraham Waksman United States of America National Academy of Sciences Q2268592
Ariëns Kappers Medal
scientific honor named after the Dutch neurologist Cornelius Ubbo Ariëns Kappers C. U. Ariëns Kappers Netherlands Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Q2275356
Theodor Körner Prize Austrian award Theodor Körner Austria Q2417262
Tomalla Foundation Switzerland Q2440319
Bundestag Science Prize German science award Germany German Bundestag Q2586289
Logan Medal highest award of the Geological Association of Canada William Edmond Logan Canada Geological Association of Canada Q2760808
Franklin Medal
science award by the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia Benjamin Franklin United States of America Franklin Institute Q3141777
Flavelle Medal Royal Society of Canada award Joseph Flavelle Canada Royal Society of Canada Q3332201
Pius XI Medal Pius XI Vatican City Pontifical Academy of Sciences Q3332228
CAP-CRM Prize in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Canada Q3404285
Prix Albert Caquot Albert Caquot French Association of Civil Engineering Q3404311
Léo-Pariseau Prize Québécois prize Léo Pariseau Canada Q3404993
Prix Marie-Victorin scientific prize awarded annually by the Quebec government Marie-Victorin Canada Government of Quebec Q3405022
Carl Sagan Award for Public Understanding of Science science communication award Carl Sagan Q3910477
Sue Tyler Friedman Medal prize awarded by the Geological Society of London Sue Tyler Friedman United Kingdom Geological Society of London Q4287196
Gerard P. Kuiper Prize American award in planetary science Gerard Kuiper American Astronomical Society Q4377042
AAAS Prize for Behavioral Science Research prize American Association for the Advancement of Science Q4649719
ASA Gold Medal Acoustical Society of America Q4654056
ASA Silver Medal United States of America Acoustical Society of America Q4654063
Agnes Fay Morgan Research Award award for research achievement in the field of chemistry Agnes Fay Morgan Iota Sigma Pi Q4693035
Alfredo Di Braccio Award Alfredo di Braccio Award of the Italian Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Alfredo Di Braccio Italy Lincean Academy Q4723901
Annual BCI Research Award annual award for innovative research in brain-computer interfaces Q4769645
NAS Public Welfare Medal award conferred by the National Academy of Sciences United States of America National Academy of Sciences Q4811818
BPI-DOST Science Awards awards for Philippines-resident Filipino-citizens Department of Science and Technology Q4836254
Bancroft Award Joseph Austin Bancroft Canada Royal Society of Canada Q4854152
Clifford Paterson Lecture Clifford Copland Paterson Royal Society Q5133020
Clinical and Translational Science Award Q5133810
David Syme Research Prize David Syme Australia University of Melbourne Q5240217
Denham Harman Research Award American Aging Association Q5256974
Dr. Robert H. Goddard Memorial Trophy annual award presented by the National Space Club Robert H. Goddard United States of America National Space Club Q5304351
ENI award award Eni Q5323706
European Medal for Bio-Inorganic Chemistry Q5412815
European Prize in Combinatorics award Q5413037
Fernström Prize Eric K. Fernström Sweden Q5445147
Ferrier Lecture Q5445344
Florey Lecture lecture organized by the Royal Society of London United Kingdom Q5460975
Franz Edelman Award for Achievement in Operations Research and the Management Sciences Q5492743
GlaxoSmithKline Prize Royal Society Q5567330
Hector Medal scientific award for outstanding work in chemical, physical or mathematical and information sciences by a researcher in New Zealand, awarded annually James Hector New Zealand Royal Society Te Apārangi Q5696835
Henry Stommel Research Medal medallion awarded by the American Meteorological Society to researchers in the dynamic and physics of the ocean Henry Stommel United States of America American Meteorological Society Q5728750
IEEE-USA Award for Distinguished Contributions Furthering Public Understanding of the Profession Q5970227
IEEE Centennial Medal Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970301
IEEE Heinrich Hertz Medal science award for work in electromagnetic waves Heinrich Hertz Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Q5970375
IEEE Medal for Engineering Excellence Q5970413
IEEE Reynold B. Johnson Data Storage Device Technology Award former annual award for data storage advancement Q5970461
IEEE SA International Award Q5970474
IJCAI Award for Research Excellence Artificial intelligence research prize International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Q5971528
Derek John de Solla Price Award science award Derek J. de Solla Price Q6008331
Intel Outstanding Researcher Award award by Intel Corporation Q6043510
Iranian Science and Culture Hall of Fame Q6067347
Science Writing Award Award for excellence in writing about science American Institute of Physics Q6084965
John J. Carty Award for the Advancement of Science science award given by U.S. National Academy of Sciences John Joseph Carty National Academy of Sciences Q6240976
Kamerlingh Onnes Award Heike Kamerlingh Onnes Q6356993
Kelvin Gold Medal British engineering prize William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin United Kingdom Q6386658
Kotcherlakota Rangadhama Rao Memorial Lecture Award Kotcherlakota Rangadhama Rao India Q6433906
Körber European Science Prize German science award Kurt A. Körber 750000 Germany Körber Foundation Q6453962
Langley Gold Medal
scientific prize Samuel Langley United States of America Smithsonian Institution Q6486246
LeRoy Apker Award award for undergraduate physicists LeRoy Apker American Physical Society Q6506410
Leeuwenhoek Lecture prize lecture of the Royal Society Antoni van Leeuwenhoek London Royal Society Q6516542
Longuet-Higgins Prize Q6674387
Marsden Medal New Zealand science award Ernest Marsden New Zealand New Zealand Association of Scientists Q6773236
Mayor's Award for Excellence in Science and Technology Q6797614
Milner Award and Lecture European computer science award Robin Milner Q6860207
National Middle School Science Bowl Q6974324
National Ocean Sciences Bowl Q6974612
National Research Service Award Ruth L. Kirschstein United States of America Q6978061
National Scientist of the Philippines award for Philippines-resident Filipino-citizens Philippines Q6978290
Newton International Fellowship postdoctoral research fellowship in the UK for a non-UK scientist Isaac Newton United Kingdom Royal Society Q7020266
Niels Bohr International Gold Medal international engineering award (since 1955) Niels Bohr Denmark Danish Society of Engineers Q7031462
Nitro Nobel Gold Medal Sweden Q7041441
Phi Beta Kappa Award in Science Phi Beta Kappa Society Q7181508
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers award for American scientists and engineers Q7241433
Pwnie Awards Information security awards pwn Q7262787
Qiu Shi Science and Technology Prize Q7267948
Roger Revelle Prize earths science award Roger Revelle Scripps Institution of Oceanography Q7358836
Royal Society Wolfson Fellowship Award and fellowship United Kingdom Wolfson Foundation
Royal Society
Sackler Prize award in physical sciences of Tel Aviv University Raymond Sackler Israel Tel Aviv University Q7396837
Science Bowl U.S. science knowledge competition Q7433488
Science Innovation Award Samuel Epstein
Werner Stumm
Ted Ringwood
European Association of Geochemistry Q7433557
Silver Medal of the Zoological Society of London award conferred by Zoological Society of London United Kingdom Zoological Society of London Q7516191
Stephen S. Chang Award for Lipid or Flavor Science Stephen S. Chang Institute of Food Technologists Q7610433
Stuart Ballantine Medal American science and engineering award Stuart Ballantine Q7626301
Taylorian Lecture Taylor Institution Taylor Institution Q7690225
Troland Research Awards American award in experimental psychology Leonard T. Troland United States of America National Academy of Sciences Q7845154
Turing Talk annual award lecture delivered by a noted speaker on computer science Alan Turing United Kingdom Q7854957
H. C. Urey Award European award in geochemistry Harold Urey United States of America European Association of Geochemistry Q7900442
Walter Boas Medal Australian award for physics research Walter Boas Australia Australian Institute of Physics Q7964328
Warren Alpert Foundation Prize award for physicians Warren Alpert United States of America Warren Alpert Foundation
Harvard Medical School
Fridtjof Nansen Award of Excellence Norway Nansenfondet Q10499046
Weldon Memorial Prize Wikimedia list article Walter Frank Raphael Weldon Q11804209
Hans Egede Medal Geography award Denmark Royal Danish Geographical Society Q11973999
Faraday Medal (electrochemistry) Awards of the Royal Society of Chemistry Michael Faraday Royal Society of Chemistry Q12525580
Robert Boyle Prize for Analytical Science
award granted by the Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Q15094090
William James Fellow Award US award for contribution to the science of psychology William James United States of America Association for Psychological Science Q15253460
Edwin H. Land Medal Edwin H. Land Optica
Society for Imaging Science and Technology
John Price Wetherill Medal American award for discovery or innovation in the physical sciences John P. Wetherill Franklin Institute Q15821575
Bernd Theodor Matthias Prize Bernd T. Matthias Bell Labs Q15910721
IEEE Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technologies Award annual award for contributions to electronic component manufacturing Q15994996
IEEE Herman Halperin Electric Transmission and Distribution Award technical field award Q15995123
A. A. Griffith Medal and Prize award United Kingdom Q16001282
National Science Talent Contest Annual science competition in Pakistan Q16999651
Manson Medal British award in tropical medicine Patrick Manson Belgium Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Q17051446
CNIB Chanchlani Global Vision Research Award Canada CNIB Foundation
Vasu Chanchlani
UNESCO Niels Bohr Medal Niels Bohr UNESCO Q17099726
APA Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Applied Research award conferred by the American Psychological Association United States of America American Psychological Association Q17112649
APA Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychology American psychology award United States of America American Psychological Association Q17112655
Chanchlani Global Health Research Award Vasu Chanchlani Canada McMaster University Q17113331
Gustav Stolper Prize Gustav Stolper Verein für Socialpolitik Q18347684
International Student Science Fair Q18351884
National Academy of Science and Technology Awards awards for Philippines-resident Filipino-citizens National Academy of Science and Technology Q18379376
Kolmogorov Prize mathematical prize, awarded by the Russian Academy of Sciences for outstanding results in the field of mathematics Russia Russian Academy of Sciences Q18408471
Applied Catalysis Award award granted by the Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Q18560122
De Gennes Prize award granted by the Royal Society of Chemistry Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Royal Society of Chemistry Q18560150
Green Chemistry Award award granted by the Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Q18560158
Ludwig Mond Award award granted by the Royal Society of Chemistry Ludwig Mond Royal Society of Chemistry Q18560178
Supramolecular Chemistry Award award granted by the Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Q18560203
ACM Fellow award granted by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) New York City Association for Computing Machinery Q18748039
AAAI Fellow award United States of America Palo Alto Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Q18748042
LeRoy E. Doggett Prize award in history of astronomy American Astronomical Society Q19597708
Melchett Medal British medal for science of energy Alfred Mond, 1st Baron Melchett Energy Institute Q19597849
Paul Karrer Gold Medal Swiss chemistry award Paul Karrer Switzerland University of Zurich Q19681753
William B. Graham Prize for Health Services Research United States of America Association of University Programs in Health Administration
Baxter International
Frank P. Brown Medal science and engineering award presented by the Franklin Institute Franklin Institute Q19873358
Hayden Memorial Geological Award Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden United States of America Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University Q19878667
Andronov Prize Russian scientific prize Russia Russian Academy of Sciences Q19907336
Kovalevskaya Prize Russian science award Sofia Kovalevskaya Russia Russian Academy of Sciences Q19908206
Friedmann Prize physics award of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Friedmann Russia Academy of Sciences of the USSR
Russian Academy of Sciences
WATOC Dirac Medal award conferred by the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists Paul Dirac World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists Q20049852
Prize of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for development and implementation of innovative technologies Ukraine Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Q20091788
Reinhard Süring Medal Reinhard Süring Germany Deutsche Meteorologische Gesellschaft Q20182733
UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences UNESCO Q21286191
Leo Szilard Lectureship Award American award for physicists promoting the use of physics for the benefit of society Leó Szilárd United States of America American Physical Society Q21659514
Edward Jenner Medal Edward Jenner United Kingdom Royal Society of Medicine Q22001000
Snedecor Award Statistical award George W. Snedecor Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies Q23038257
Australian Ecology Research Award Australian science award Australia Q23073453
A.G. Huntsman Award for Excellence in the Marine Sciences medal awarded by the Royal Society of Canada Archibald Gowanlock Huntsman Canada Royal Society of Canada Q23578865
Otto Naegeli Prize Swiss award for medical research Otto Nägeli Switzerland Q23784092
Nakanishi Prize annual chemistry award Koji Nakanishi United States of America
Chemical Society of Japan
American Chemical Society
Cours Peccot One-semester mathematics course at Collège de France Collège de France Q24928594
Dr Hendrik Muller Prize Social sciences award in the Nethelands Hendrik Pieter Nicolaas Muller Netherlands Q25066781
A.O. Kovalevsky Medal Alexander Kovalevsky Russia Q25113052
Pioneers of Underwater Acoustics Medal Acoustical Society of America Q25324140
William H. Nichols Medal award of the American Chemical Society William H. Nichols American Chemical Society Q25324505
Bisset Hawkins Medal British triennial physician award Francis Bisset Hawkins United Kingdom Royal College of Physicians, London Q28403496
NIH MERIT award American award National Institutes of Health Q28456505
Royal Society University Research Fellowship research fellowship awarded to outstanding early career scientists in the United Kingdom who are judged by the Royal Society to have the potential to become leaders in their field United Kingdom Royal Society Q28857542
Ernst Jung Gold Medal for Medicine lifetime achievement prize Q29886456
Hans Sigrist Prize Hans Sigrist Switzerland University of Bern Q30127637
STARTS Prize Austria Linz European Commission Q30324888
Herty Medal Charles Herty American Chemical Society Q30591407
EliteForsk Prize 1200000 Denmark Q30596142
The Canada Gairdner Global Health Award Q30673444
Chirality Medal Italy Italian Chemical Society Q30686552
Hodgkins Medal Thomas George Hodgkins United States of America Smithsonian Institution Q30688929
Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellowship Research fellowship granted by the Wellcome Trust United Kingdom London Wellcome Trust Q32625952
José Cuatrecasas Medal for Excellence in Tropical Botany scientific award José Cuatrecasas United States of America Smithsonian Institution Q33869342
Doris Curtis Outstanding Woman in Science Award American geosciences award Doris M. Curtis United States of America Geological Society of America Q40026497
Lorenzo Mendoza Fleury Science Prize Venezuela Q48789863
BPS Barbara Wilson Lifetime Achievement Award Barbara Wilson British Psychological Society Q48797307
Peter Henrici Prize The Peter Hendrici Prize is awarded for original contributions to applied analysis and numerical analysis and/or for exposition appropriate for applied mathematics and scientific computing. Peter Henrici ETH Zurich
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
EPS Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Prize European Physical Society Q48968709
Kew International Medal Award given to individuals who have made a significant contribution to science and conservation United Kingdom London Q53619124
Stevin Prize scientific award in the Netherlands Kingdom of the Netherlands Q55371285
Edwin H. Sutherland Award Annual criminology award Edwin Sutherland Q55610576
Medawar Medal British Transplant Society award Peter Medawar United Kingdom British Transplant Society Q55622638
Lemberg Medal Australian award for excellence in biochemistry and molecular biology Rudi Lemberg Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Q56257036
Francis Stephen Award Q56319307
Novartis Medal and Prize award of the Biochemical Society Novartis United Kingdom Biochemical Society Q56419654
Ebbe Nielsen Prize award Ebbe Nielsen Global Biodiversity Information Facility Q59618028
IMA Gold Medal Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Q60740946
Percy L. Julian Award Percy Lavon Julian United States of America National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers Q62601766
Mendel Medal UK award for genetics researchers Gregor Mendel The Genetics Society Q63638576
Fred P. Lossing Award Canada Canadian Society for Mass Spectrometry Q65069465
L'Oréal Korea-UNESCO For Women in Science Award academic award of South Korea South Korea L'Oréal
Korean National Commission for UNESCO
Women’s Bioscience Forum
Fry Medal F. E. J. Fry Canada Canadian Society of Zoologists Q85762227
Murray Goodman Memorial Prize American award in biochemistry Murray Goodman United States of America Biopolymers Q85787109
Bernhard Cinader Award immunology award Bernhard Cinader Q96373442
Microbiology Society Prize Medal Microbiology award Microbiology Society Q96393062
Samuel Wesley Stratton Award Annual science and engineering award Samuel Wesley Stratton National Institute of Standards and Technology Q97175140
CHA Best Scholarly Book in Canadian History Prize literary award conferred by the Canadian Historical Association Canada Canadian Historical Association Q97656903
Fenner Medal biology award named by Australian virologist Frank Fenner Frank Fenner Australia Australian Academy of Science Q102346118
AAAI Squirrel AI Award American annual computer science prize United States of America Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Q104858642
Steacie Prize scientific prize Edgar William Richard Steacie Canada Q108443938
Alice C. Evans Award award given by the American Society for Microbiology Alice Catherine Evans American Society for Microbiology Q114634776
WORMS Award award for women in operations research Q115518370
Microbiology Outreach Prize microbiology award Microbiology Society Q115801851
Greve Prize German scientific research award Q115803380
Helmholtz International Fellow Award international award Hermann von Helmholtz Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres Q116214143
Woman Scientist/Engineer of the Year Award academic award of South Korea South Korea Ministry of Science and ICT
Center for Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology
Moxon Medal award made by the Royal College of Physicians Walter Moxon Royal College of Physicians, London Q123468512
The Jacobaeus Prize prize for medical research Hans Christian Jacobaeus Q125635475

∑ 848 items.

End of auto-generated list.