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Wikipedia:Tip of the day/December 11, 2011

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Section editing

If you have created an account, you might notice little "[edit]" links on some pages. An [edit] link is shown for every heading on a page. You can create a level 2 heading by typing ==Headline==, a level 3 heading by typing ===Headline===, and so on. The [edit] link lets you edit only the text that is below this heading and above the next one. This is especially useful for long talk (discussion) pages. If you don't like the [edit] links, you can turn them off in your preferences. If you use a modern browser, you also can enable the option "Enable section editing by right clicking on section titles" instead of, or in addition to, "Enable section editing via [edit] links".

If you want to create a new section at the bottom of a talk page or other article, click the New Section link in the navigation links under the heading "This Page".

Read more: Wikipedia:Section

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