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Wikipedia:Featured articles in other languages/Slovene

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The table below lists the featured articles for a given "foreign-" (i.e., non-English-)language Wikipedia initially sorted by the number of corresponding articles in other Wikipedias. The "Languages" column indicates the number of articles on all Wikipedias corresponding to the other-language featured article; the "#" column provides a ranking based on this sorting.

The "Articles in English" column shows to what extent the other-language articles are represented on the English Wikipedia (en-wiki):

  • The ✓ green background means the other-language article exists about that specific topic in en-wiki, using an appropriate English title.
  • The ✗ red background means the other-language article does NOT have a one-to-one correspondence on en-wiki. Where there is a red-linked title, no article exists with an identical or corresponding title. A blue-linked title indicates a redirect to an en-wiki page, which can also be a dab page or a section in another subject's article. A link of the form {{d:Q12345678}} points to a Wikidata item with either the same name as the other-language article title or what is believed to be an appropriate corresponding name.
  • Icons indicate high-quality articles in en-wiki: is a featured article, is a good article. (No other quality levels are shown; the lack of an icon means merely that the English article is neither FA nor GA.)

Article list

Article list of "Wikipedia:featured articles" in Slovene
# Articles in Slovene instance of Articles in English Count of languages
1 Združene države Amerike country, federal republic, superpower United States 407
2 Japonska country, island country, sovereign state Japan 403
3 Italija country, sovereign state Italy 394
4 Poljska country, sovereign state, country bordering the Baltic Sea Poland 377
5 Izrael country, geographic region, sovereign state Israel 362
6 Avstrija country, republic, state Austria 358
7 Madžarska country, landlocked country, sovereign state Hungary 342
8 Hrvaška country, unitary state, sovereign state Croatia 338
9 Barack Obama human Barack Obama 330
10 Moskva megacity, federal city of Russia, big city Moscow 330
11 Voda type of chemical entity Water 315
12 Antarktika continent, geographic region, terra nullius Antarctica 302
13 Geografija branch of science, academic major, academic discipline Geography 299
14 Namibija country, republic, sovereign state Namibia 299
15 Kemija specialty, field of study, branch of science Chemistry 289
16 Vladimir Lenin human Vladimir Lenin 284
17 Druga svetovna vojna world war, historical period World War II 275
18 Budizem religion, lifestyle, world view Buddhism 269
19 Ptiči taxon, organisms known by a particular common name Bird 268
20 Mohamed human Muhammad 266
21 Venera inner planet of the Solar System, inferior planet Venus 266
22 Charles Darwin human Charles Darwin 265
23 Josif Stalin human Joseph Stalin 264
24 Osončje planetary system Solar System 261
25 Charlie Chaplin human Charlie Chaplin 248
26 Fjodor Dostojevski human Fyodor Dostoevsky 238
27 Železo chemical element, metal Iron 238
28 Arhimed human Archimedes 234
29 Salvador Dalí human Salvador Dalí 231
30 Marilyn Monroe human Marilyn Monroe 229
31 Vodik chemical element, atmophile element Hydrogen 227
32 Kisik chemical element, nonmetal, lithophile Oxygen 222
33 Mravlje taxon Ant 221
34 Pivo Beer 221
35 Riž Rice 213
36 Žuželke taxon Insect 210
37 Možgani organ type, class of anatomical entity Brain 206
38 Telefon product, product type Telephone 206
39 Nikola Tesla human Nikola Tesla 205
40 Sarajevo city, federal capital, big city Sarajevo 205
41 Džingiskan human Genghis Khan 199
42 Kolo mode of transport, individual means of transport Bicycle 198
43 Osmansko cesarstvo historical country Ottoman Empire 192
44 Pajki taxon Spider 192
45 Letalo product, aircraft lift-power class Airplane 191
46 Ljubljana city, big city, largest city Ljubljana 191
47 Suženjstvo Slavery 190
48 Evolucija type of process Evolution 188
49 Dinozavri taxon, clade Dinosaur 184
50 Svinec chemical element, chalcophile element, simple substance Lead 184
51 Tel Aviv city, big city, city council Tel Aviv 184
52 Leonhard Euler human Leonhard Euler 183
53 John Lennon human John Lennon 179
54 Živo srebro chemical element, metal, chalcophile element Mercury (element) 178
55 Karel Veliki human Charlemagne 177
56 Stari Egipt historical region, historical country, cultural region Ancient Egypt 176
57 Bizantinsko cesarstvo historical country, historical period Byzantine Empire 174
58 Meter SI base unit, unit of length, UCUM base unit Metre 174
59 Vasco da Gama human Vasco da Gama 171
60 Michael Schumacher human Michael Schumacher 170
61 Sveto rimsko cesarstvo historical country Holy Roman Empire 169
62 Peter Veliki human Peter the Great 169
63 Steklo material, non-classical state of matter, product category Glass 167
64 Poplava Flood 165
65 List plant structure Leaf 164
66 Enrico Fermi human Enrico Fermi 163
67 Omar Hajam human Omar Khayyam 162
68 Čebele clade Bee 158
69 Thomas Mann human Thomas Mann 157
70 Mozilla Firefox web browser Firefox 155
71 Fotosinteza biological process Photosynthesis 155
72 Ibn Batuta human Ibn Battuta 152
73 Timur Lenk human Timur 152
74 Federico Fellini human Federico Fellini 151
75 Kilogram SI base unit, unit of mass, coherent SI unit Kilogram 151
76 Boris Johnson human Boris Johnson 150
77 Aleksander Lukašenko human Alexander Lukashenko 148
78 Georg Friedrich Händel human George Frideric Handel 147
79 Oves taxon Oat 143
80 Sulejman I. human Suleiman the Magnificent 141
81 Diana Spencer human Diana, Princess of Wales 139
82 Lantan chemical element, chemical substance Lanthanum 139
83 Debelost academic discipline, health risk, class of disease Obesity 137
84 taxon, grain crop Rye 137
85 Formula 1 world championship, automobile racing series Formula One 136
86 Mehkužci taxon Mollusca 136
87 Michael Jordan human Michael Jordan 133
88 Svetovno prvenstvo v nogometu 2010 season 2010 FIFA World Cup 131
89 Metulji taxon Lepidoptera 128
90 Mongolsko cesarstvo historical country Mongol Empire 128
91 Klavdij Galen human Galen 127
92 Glavobol women's disease, symptom or sign Headache 127
93 Versajska mirovna pogodba peace treaty, multilateral treaty Treaty of Versailles 127
94 Kemična reakcija Chemical reaction 126
95 Joseph Conrad human Joseph Conrad 125
96 Dinastija Han historical country, historical period, Chinese dynasty Han dynasty 124
97 Koala taxon Koala 124
98 Arheje taxon Archaea 123
99 Veliki Novgorod big city, city or town, urban okrug in Russia Veliky Novgorod 123
100 Mary Wollstonecraft human Mary Wollstonecraft 122
101 Atena goddess, Greek deity, Olympian god Athena 121
102 Černobilska nesreča environmental disaster, nuclear disaster Chernobyl disaster 121
103 Imunski sistem anatomical system type Immune system 120
104 Mehmed II. Osvajalec human Mehmed II 119
105 Jennifer Aniston human Jennifer Aniston 118
106 Diogen iz Sinope human Diogenes 117
107 Hokej na ledu type of sport, Olympic sport, team sport Ice hockey 117
108 Lipid imprecise class of chemical entities Lipid 116
109 Shizofrenija mental disorder, class of disease Schizophrenia 116
110 Zen budizem school of Buddhism Zen 115
111 J. D. Salinger human J. D. Salinger 112
112 Parni stroj engineering term Steam engine 112
113 Penicilini structural class of chemical entities Penicillin 111
114 Erwin Rommel human Erwin Rommel 109
115 Zgodovina Kitajske history of a country or state History of China 109
116 Frank Zappa human Frank Zappa 108
117 Megan Fox human Megan Fox 108
118 Gliste taxon Nematode 108
119 Ayrton Senna human Ayrton Senna 106
120 Ščurki taxon Blattodea 106
121 Ehnaton human Akhenaten 105
122 Sasanidsko cesarstvo historical country Sasanian Empire 104
123 Rigveda Śruti, Hindu texts, miscellany Rigveda 102
124 Rak dojke class of disease, symptom or sign Breast cancer 101
125 Polži taxon Gastropoda 101
126 Alkan homologous series, structural class of chemical entities Alkane 100
127 Klinopis writing system, syllabary, logographic writing system Cuneiform 99
128 Patrick Modiano human Patrick Modiano 99
129 Nazaj v prihodnost film Back to the Future 98
130 Pedofilija mental disorder, chronophilia, sexual preference Pedophilia 98
131 Beli morski volk taxon Great white shark 97
132 Magmatska kamnina rock type Igneous rock 97
133 Pljučni rak rare disease, class of disease Lung cancer 97
134 Jedrska elektrarna Nuclear power plant 97
135 Uma Thurman human Uma Thurman 97
136 Kriva pota television series Breaking Bad 95
137 David Lynch human David Lynch 95
138 John Donne human John Donne 95
139 Tristan da Cunha administrative territorial entity, island group, first-level administrative division Tristan da Cunha 95
140 O. Henry human O. Henry 93
141 Boetij human Boethius 92
142 Kronična obstruktivna pljučna bolezen class of disease Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 92
143 Benzen type of chemical entity Benzene 91
144 Gastroenteritis class of disease, symptom or sign Gastroenteritis 90
145 Zgodovina Japonske history of a country or state History of Japan 90
146 Kijevska Rusija historical country Kievan Rus' 90
147 Partsko cesarstvo historical country Parthian Empire 90
148 Art nouveau architectural style, art movement Art Nouveau 89
149 Hepatitis B infectious disease, class of disease Hepatitis B 89
150 Saparmurat Nijazov human Saparmurat Niyazov 87
151 Snuker sports discipline Snooker 87
152 Sofja Vasiljevna Kovalevska human Sofya Kovalevskaya 87
153 Frank Herbert human Frank Herbert 86
154 Dvojnonoge taxon Millipede 86
155 Aleksander Aleksandrovič Aljehin human Alexander Alekhine 85
156 Prva križarska vojna religious war First Crusade 83
157 Grand Theft Auto video game series Grand Theft Auto 83
158 Hiparh human Hipparchus 83
159 Berat city, Ancient Greek archaeological site Berat 82
160 Elektronegativnost Electronegativity 82
161 Leon Battista Alberti human Leon Battista Alberti 82
162 Los Angeles Lakers basketball team Los Angeles Lakers 82
163 Megadeth heavy metal band Megadeth 81
164 Ryan Giggs human Ryan Giggs 81
165 Barbara Stanwyck human Barbara Stanwyck 80
166 Prasevanje electromagnetic wave, astronomical phenomenon Cosmic microwave background 80
167 Seznam rimskih cesarjev Wikimedia list article List of Roman emperors 80
168 Rigel pulsating variable star, multiple star, blue supergiant Rigel 80
169 Nekropola v Gizi Ancient Egyptian necropolis Giza Necropolis 79
170 Tevtonski viteški red religious military order, hospitaller order Teutonic Order 79
171 Kemično orožje weapon functional class Chemical weapon 78
172 Eagles musical group Eagles (band) 78
173 Hepatitis C infectious disease, class of disease Hepatitis C 78
174 Keops human Khufu 78
175 Magic Johnson human Magic Johnson 78
176 Münchenski sporazum treaty, agreement, cession Munich Agreement 78
177 Tantra religious concept Tantra 78
178 Veliki diktator film The Great Dictator 78
179 Triceratops fossil taxon Triceratops 78
180 Elektrokemija interdisciplinary science, branch of chemistry Electrochemistry 77
181 Praška pomlad historical event Prague Spring 77
182 Umri pokončno film Die Hard 76
183 Eric Cantona human Eric Cantona 76
184 Claude Bernard human Claude Bernard 75
185 Rimsko kraljestvo historical period Roman Kingdom 75
186 Roš hašana New Year, public holiday, holiday Rosh Hashanah 75
187 Carlos Santana human Carlos Santana 74
188 Navadna čigra taxon Common tern 74
189 Juan Manuel Fangio human Juan Manuel Fangio 74
190 Oppenheimer film Oppenheimer (film) 74
191 Evanescence rock band Evanescence 73
192 Jeruzalemsko kraljestvo Crusader states, historical country Kingdom of Jerusalem 73
193 Meroslovje branch of science, academic major, academic discipline Metrology 73
194 Antioksidant class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions Antioxidant 72
195 Potovanje v času hypothesis, superpower Time travel 72
196 Komet Hale-Bopp non-periodic comet Comet Hale–Bopp 71
197 Alain Prost human Alain Prost 70
198 Lymska borelioza infectious disease Lyme disease 70
199 Slovenska nogometna reprezentanca national association football team Slovenia national football team 70
200 Zgodovina Poljske academic discipline, history of a country or state History of Poland 69
201 Matija Korvin human Matthias Corvinus 69
202 Poljsko-sovjetska vojna war Polish–Soviet War 69
203 Bioluminiscenca biological process, color in nature Bioluminescence 67
204 Wayne Gretzky human Wayne Gretzky 67
205 Billy Joel human Billy Joel 66
206 Noč dolgih nožev purge Night of the Long Knives 66
207 Scuderia Ferrari Formula One team Scuderia Ferrari 66
208 Protokoli sionskih modrecev hoax, antisemitic trope, literary forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 66
209 Bitka za Moskvo battle Battle of Moscow 65
210 Hergé human, mononym Hergé 65
211 Apoptoza biological process Apoptosis 64
212 Čagatajski kanat khanate, horde, historical country Chagatai Khanate 64
213 Dune: Peščeni planet film Dune (2021 film) 64
214 Friderik Pregl human Fritz Pregl 64
215 Glagolica writing system, alphabet, unicase alphabet Glagolitic script 64
216 John James Rickard Macleod human John Macleod (physiologist) 64
217 Sherlock Holmes film Sherlock Holmes (2009 film) 64
218 Prihod film Arrival (film) 63
219 Gospodarstvo Združenih držav Amerike national economy Economy of the United States 63
220 Woodstock open-air concert, music festival Woodstock 63
221 Bitka v Tevtoburškem gozdu battle Battle of the Teutoburg Forest 62
222 Hidrazin type of chemical entity Hydrazine 62
223 Zemeljsko površje Landform 62
224 Peter Falk human Peter Falk 62
225 Lepenci taxon Leaf beetle 61
226 Riemannova domneva conjecture, mathematical problem Riemann hypothesis 61
227 Damon Hill human Damon Hill 60
228 Rimska Britanija Roman province Roman Britain 60
229 Specifična toplota Specific heat capacity 60
230 Zenobija human Zenobia 60
231 Frakcija rdeče armade armed non-state actor, terrorist organization, armed organization Red Army Faction 59
232 Stasi intelligence agency, secret police, ministry of the GDR Stasi 59
233 Luči velemesta film City Lights 58
234 Enigma rotor machine Enigma machine 58
235 Likija landscape, historical region Lycia 58
236 Messerschmitt Bf 109 aircraft family Messerschmitt Bf 109 58
237 Človeška ribica taxon Olm 57
238 Pitagorejstvo philosophical school Pythagoreanism 57
239 Grigorij Potemkin human Grigory Potemkin 56
240 Herbie Hancock human Herbie Hancock 56
241 Mari city-state, tell, archaeological site Mari, Syria 56
242 Mura river, watercourse Mur (river) 56
243 Antocian structural class of chemical entities Anthocyanin 54
244 Velika nagrada Monaka recurring sporting event, Formula One event Monaco Grand Prix 54
245 Diseminirani plazmacitom class of disease Multiple myeloma 54
246 Jupitrovi obroči ring system, astronomical object in the Solar System Rings of Jupiter 54
247 Drugo bolgarsko cesarstvo historical country Second Bulgarian Empire 54
248 Stefan-Boltzmannov zakon physical law Stefan–Boltzmann law 54
249 Aromaterapija alternative medical treatment Aromatherapy 53
250 Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft family Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II 53
251 Območje H II astronomical object type H II region 53
252 Toto rock band Toto (band) 53
253 Wilsonova bolezen rare disease, designated intractable/rare disease, class of disease Wilson's disease 53
254 BioShock video game BioShock 52
255 Geografija Združenih držav Amerike geography of geographic location Geography of the United States 52
256 Prosti dostop social movement, policy, group action Open access 52
257 Bitka pri Cušimi naval warfare Battle of Tsushima 51
258 Biološko orožje weapon functional class Biological weapon 51
259 Milutin Milanković human Milutin Milanković 51
260 Kačji ugriz class of disease Snakebite 51
261 Imagine musical work/composition Imagine (song) 50
262 King Crimson rock band King Crimson 50
263 Erich Hartmann human Erich Hartmann 49
264 Ščitaste stenice taxon Pentatomidae 49
265 Ruska vojna mornarica navy Russian Navy 49
266 Bitka pri Malem velikem rogu battle Battle of the Little Bighorn 48
267 Uranovi obroči ring system, astronomical object in the Solar System Rings of Uranus 48
268 Geografija Evrope geography of geographic location Geography of Europe 47
269 Gilles Villeneuve human Gilles Villeneuve 47
270 Vladislav II. Ogrski human Vladislaus II of Hungary 47
271 Geografija Rusije geography of geographic location Geography of Russia 46
272 Praštevilski izrek theorem Prime number theorem 46
273 1 − 2 + 3 − 4 + ··· divergent series 1 − 2 + 3 − 4 + ⋯ 45
274 Duncan Edwards human Duncan Edwards 45
275 Electric Light Orchestra musical group Electric Light Orchestra 45
276 Konstanta fine strukture dimensionless quantity, physical constant, coupling constant Fine-structure constant 45
277 Seznam najbližjih zvezd Wikimedia list article List of nearest stars 45
278 Zmagoslavje volje film Triumph of the Will 45
279 Fallout video game Fallout (video game) 44
280 Rimska Dakija Roman province Roman Dacia 44
281 Vilini Middle-earth race Elves in Middle-earth 43
282 Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Würger aircraft family Focke-Wulf Fw 190 43
283 Nodar Kumaritašvili human Nodar Kumaritashvili 43
284 Slovenski tolar obsolete currency Slovenian tolar 43
285 Čarobna gora literary work The Magic Mountain 43
286 Biološki nadzor škodljivcev Biological pest control 42
287 Rhindov matematični papirus manuscript Rhind Mathematical Papyrus 42
288 Zgodovina biologije branch of science, aspect of history History of biology 40
289 Zgodovina geografije academic discipline, aspect of history History of geography 40
290 Slovenske Konjice town Slovenske Konjice 40
291 Skrivnost megle film The Mist (film) 40
292 Gorgija written work Gorgias (dialogue) 39
293 Eksplozija v Halifaxu accident, explosion, maritime disaster Halifax Explosion 39
294 Oklepni transporter M113 combat vehicle family M113 armored personnel carrier 39
295 Zastrupitev z gobami Mushroom poisoning 39
296 Kromatofora cell type, cell class Chromatophore 38
297 Doom 3 video game reboot Doom 3 38
298 Nicky Hayden human Nicky Hayden 38
299 USS Enterprise aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CV-6) 38
300 Jetrnocelični rak class of disease Hepatocellular carcinoma 37
301 Bitka za Taravo battle Battle of Tarawa 36
302 Dominik Hašek human Dominik Hašek 36
303 Heart rock band Heart (band) 36
304 Naseljivi planet mathematical extrapolation Planetary habitability 35
305 Tkivno inženirstvo Tissue engineering 35
306 Velika nagrada ZDA 2005 United States Grand Prix 2005 United States Grand Prix 34
307 Linezolid type of chemical entity Linezolid 34
308 Mongolski vpadi v Evropo occurrence Mongol invasion of Europe 34
309 Palača Sovjetov unfinished building Palace of the Soviets 34
310 Velika nagrada San Marina 1994 San Marino Grand Prix 1994 San Marino Grand Prix 33
311 Brabham Formula One team Brabham 33
312 Maxwell Davenport Taylor human Maxwell D. Taylor 32
313 Zelena smrdljivka taxon Nezara viridula 32
314 Brahiterapija Brachytherapy 31
315 Jurij Vega human Jurij Vega 31
316 Lactarius indigo taxon Lactarius indigo 31
317 Paul Hunter human Paul Hunter 31
318 Kazenski karton Penalty card 31
319 Grad Ostrovica castle Hochosterwitz Castle 30
320 Tom Pryce human Tom Pryce 30
321 Varjenje TIG welding process Gas tungsten arc welding 29
322 Rudolf Caracciola human Rudolf Caracciola 29
323 Ruski kaganat historical country, khaganate Rus' Khaganate 29
324 Tazio Nuvolari human Tazio Nuvolari 29
325 Grandijeva vrsta divergent series Grandi's series 28
326 Hawker Sea Fury aircraft family Hawker Sea Fury 28
327 Radiotelevizija Slovenija public broadcasting, organization Radiotelevizija Slovenija 28
328 Kreutzova družina kometov comet family Kreutz sungrazer 26
329 Stolnica svetega Nikolaja, Ljubljana cathedral Ljubljana Cathedral 26
330 Zbegani Sherlock Holmes short film Sherlock Holmes Baffled 26
331 Brian Gwynne Horrocks human Brian Horrocks 25
332 Operacija Kočija military operation St Nazaire Raid 25
333 Svetovno prvenstvo v hokeju na ledu 2010 - elitna divizija season, recurring sporting event edition 2010 IIHF World Championship 24
334 Seznam zmagovalcev Velikih nagrad Formule 1 Wikimedia list article List of Formula One Grand Prix winners 24
335 Krvobetna čeladica taxon Mycena haematopus 24
336 Velika nagrada Velike Britanije 1995 British Grand Prix 1995 British Grand Prix 23
337 Velika nagrada Japonske 1995 Japanese Grand Prix 1995 Japanese Grand Prix 23
338 Velika nagrada Pacifika 1995 Pacific Grand Prix 1995 Pacific Grand Prix 23
339 Helmut Lent human Helmut Lent 23
340 Zgodovina Formule 1 aspect of history History of Formula One 23
341 Šeši human Sheshi 23
342 Hano captive mammal Hanno (elephant) 22
343 Seznam nesreč s smrtnim izidom v Formuli 1 Wikimedia list article List of Formula One fatalities 22
344 Činditi military unit Chindits 21
345 Emona ancient city Emona 21
346 Pillars of Eternity video game Pillars of Eternity 21
347 Stephen Strasburg human Stephen Strasburg 21
348 Georges Vézina human Georges Vézina 20
349 Herman Koroški human Herman of Carinthia 20
350 Ledava river Ledava 20
351 Rudolf Maister human Rudolf Maister 20
352 XCOM: Enemy Unknown video game XCOM: Enemy Unknown 20
353 László Lékai human László Lékai 19
354 Populous: The Beginning video game Populous: The Beginning 19
355 Gary Bettman human Gary Bettman 18
356 Howie Morenz human Howie Morenz 18
357 Mezoameriški koledar dolgega štetja calendar Mesoamerican Long Count calendar 18
358 Art Ross human Art Ross 17
359 Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth video game Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth 17
360 Étienne François Geoffroy human Étienne François Geoffroy 17
361 Prvenstvo Anglije 1877 Wimbledon Championships, tennis tournament edition 1877 Wimbledon Championship 16
362 Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars video game Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars 16
363 Tiny Thompson human Tiny Thompson 16
364 Kokra river Kokra 14
365 Pittsburgh Pirates ice hockey team Pittsburgh Pirates (NHL) 14
366 Velika nagrada Francije 1906 French Grand Prix 1906 French Grand Prix 13
367 Hod Stuart human Hod Stuart 13
368 Rdeča Hrvaška historical region Red Croatia 13
369 Seznam prekinjenih dirk Formule 1 Wikimedia list article List of red-flagged Formula One races 12
370 Navidezna lega Sonca celestial mechanics Position of the Sun 12
371 Zgodovina števila π Approximations of π 11
372 Clive Barker's Undying video game Clive Barker's Undying 11
373 Cyclone Taylor human Cyclone Taylor 10
374 Seznam aktivnih ladij v ruski vojni mornarici Wikimedia information list List of active Russian Navy ships 10
375 Naravni park Strandža nature park Strandzha Nature Park 10
376 Teratogenost Teratogenesis 10
377 Volitve predsednika Republike Slovenije 2007 Slovenian presidential election 2007 Slovenian presidential election 9
378 Velika nagrada Beograda 1939 auto race Belgrade Grand Prix 9
379 Brabham BT19 racing automobile model Brabham BT19 9
380 Teleradioterapija External beam radiotherapy 9
381 Seznam antičnih plemen v Iliriji Wikimedia list article List of ancient tribes in Illyria 9
382 Porečanka railway line, rail trail Parenzana 9
383 Slovenska skupnost v Italiji Slovene minority in Italy 9
384 Aleksandra Nikolajevna Jakobi human Alexandra Jacobi 8
385 Anton Podbevšek human Anton Podbevšek 8
386 Bohinjska proga railway line Bohinj Railway 8
387 Slovenska glasba music genre, music by country or region Music of Slovenia 8
388 Zoran Rant human Zoran Rant 8
389 Staro asirsko cesarstvo historical period Old Assyrian Empire (d:Q22948607) 7
390 Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija symphony orchestra RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra 7
391 Tachyon: The Fringe video game Tachyon: The Fringe 7
392 Tomaž Planina human Tomaž Planina 7
393 Hrustanec morskega psa Shark cartilage 5
394 Abadon literary work Abadon (novel) 4
395 Seznam ptic v Sloveniji Wikimedia list article List of birds of Slovenia 4
396 Barbo Waxensteini family Barbo von Waxenstein 3
397 Seznam kačjih pastirjev v Sloveniji Wikimedia list article List of Odonata species of Slovenia 3
398 Celovška cesta street Celovška cesta (d:Q12786751) 2
399 Seznam mednarodnih tekem KK Olimpija Wikimedia list article KK Olimpija in international competitions 2
400 Klasična gimnazija v Ljubljani gymnasium Klasična gimnazija v Ljubljani (d:Q7253382) 2
401 Seznam slovenskih pasem domačih živali Wikimedia list article List of Slovenian domestic animal breeds 2
402 Litostrojska cesta, Ljubljana street Litostrojska cesta (d:Q12794955) 2
403 Cerkev sv. Štefana, Ribnica parish church, cultural heritage site in Slovenia St. Stephen's Parish Church (d:Q15862165) 2
404 Čermak-Špirekova peč heating furnace, melting furnace Čermak-Špirek shaft furnace (d:Q122829885) 2
405 Seznam mineralov v Sloveniji Wikimedia list article ✗ (d:Q12801826) 1
406 Seznam zavarovanih živalskih vrst v Sloveniji Wikimedia list article ✗ (d:Q20524471) 1
407 Gibanje Zemlje Earth rotation (d:Q20521710) 1
408 Seznam preimenovanih naselij v Sloveniji Wikimedia list article list of renamed settlements in Slovenia (d:Q113626759) 1
Average With English: en/sl (Slovene) = 398/408 (97.5%) 90.1
Sum No article or article with the same title: 8
No label: 2

See also
