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Wikipedia:Articles for creation/2006-02-15

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King Itchu Maluchpi


Orange County On Track


[ [Rev Brant Baker of Shekinah Fellowship] ]


== Rev Brant Baker of Shekinah Fellowship

Rev Brant Baker Photo of Brantof Shekinah Fellowship had a tremendous impact upon southern California through his evangelical ministry. He was with Channel 40 (TBN) before it was established. In fact, one of the first specials that was produced on Trinity Broadcast Network involved the Shekinah Fellowship.

Brant Baker was born March 12, 1948, in Santa Monica, California. He died November 26, 1985, in a Glendale hospital at 37 years old from complications of HIV.

In the late sixties, Brant owned a clothing store in Costa Mesa, California. At one point, he gave away all the clothing in the store to the “Jesus People” associated with nearby Calvary Chapel. A spiritual transition had somehow taken place and soon he felt compelled to start Bible studies.

In 1971, he attended a Kathryn Kuhlman youth rally. Kuhlman’s message moved him deeply and he attended every meeting he could at LA’s Shrine Auditorium. He was so moved that after those meetings, he would sit outside the auditorium and plead with God to anoint him with the gift of healing. He continued to speak to the Lord and one day, as Brant was praying for people, God started to heal them. As word spread that God was moving through Brant at the Shekinah Fellowship, people from all walks of life began to come forth. Photo

As Brant continued to pattern his ministry after Kathryn Kuhlman’s, at one point he rented out the Long Beach Arena . It was full of people who had come to see the miracles. Brant continued to rent auditoriums in order to share the gift of healing which God had given him.

Interestingly enough, Brant’s ministry began to touch the hearts of many Christians throughout the land. Even the Trinity Broadcast Network began to take note of his Shekinah ministry as Paul Crouch and Jan Crouch “courted” him to their program. And while that venue might have been a way for him to garner more followers, it was not meant to be. Perhaps he could have filled the proverbial shoes of the great evangelical Kathyrn Kuhlman, but no….

Just as was the destiny of the Prophet Lonnie Frisbee, so was Brant Baker a messenger destined to pass through the land like Jesus the healer. And while both prophets suffered from the temptations of the flesh, both were put on this Earth to show the forgiveness and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.



"From Rags to Raiment" by Ben P. Morgan ISBN #0-8059-5154-7 Published by Dorrance Publishing Co.

"The Governed of God" by Ben P. Morgan ISBN #0-533-13534-6 Published by Vantage Press, Inc.


http://www.cinematreasures.org/theater/1971/ 14th post down the page mentions Shekinah at the Fox theater in Long Beach CA.

http://exchristian.net/2005_01_01_fparchive.html Mentions Brant and Aids.

http://shekinahfellowship.blogspot.com/ Research of Brant Baker and Shekinah Fellowship

http://groups.msn.com/DesertMinistry/revbrantbaker.msnw Pictures of Brant Baker and Shekinah Fellowship

http://www.pastordavidholdridge.info/calling-ministry-DavidHoldridge.html Mentions Brant in 6th paragraph.

Pastor Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa CA He knew Brant and his family. 01:46, 13 February 2006 (UTC)BullDog[reply]





Kenji Urada


Tenzin Tsundue


Carey Hall


Godfrey Rockefeller


Godfrey Rockefeller was the great-great-grandson or something like that of Johann Peter Rockefeller.

Godfrey was the grandfather of the oil tycoon, John D. Rockefeller.


Use the first chapter of TITAN: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. and it has tons of info and you can say his ancestry et cetera and his wife and stuff and his son.



TITAN: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr.

See Also


???? Births ???? Deaths John D. Rockefeller Rockefeller Family people named Godfrey 02:30, 14 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Zachary Brown Rabiroff


Dr. Alberto Fuentes Mohr(Guatemala), (b.-, assasinated January 25, 1979,


elise hensler


Is Makaveli Alive?


The concept of heaven in Islam is similar to that found in Judaism and Christianity. The Quran is filled with references to an afterlife in Eden for those who do good deeds. Heaven itself is commonly described in the Quran in verse 35 of Surah Al-Ra¹d: "The parable of the Garden which the righteous are promised! Beneath it flow rivers: Perpetual is the fruits thereof and the shade therein:Such is the End of the Righteous; and the end of the unbelievers is the Fire." wherein a person dwells forever. Since Islam rejects the concept of original sin, Muslims believe that all human beings are born pure and will naturally turn to God, but it is their environment which influences them to choose ungodly ways of life. In Islam, therefore, a child who dies automatically goes to heaven, regardless of the religion of his or her parents. The highest level of heaven is Firdaws (فردوس), which is where the prophets, the martyrs and the most truthful and pious people will dwell.

Quranic Names of Heaven:

Jannat–This name has been used most commonly in the Qur’an and Hadith. (Al-Baqarah: 35, Al-e-Imran: 133, 142, Al-Maidah: 72)

Dar-us-Salam–This means the Home of Peace (Yunus: 25)

Jannat-ul-Khuld–The Eternal Gardens. (Al-Furqan: 15)

Darul-Maqamah–The Home (Fatir: 35)

Jannat-e-Adan–Gardens of Everlasting Bliss (Tauba: 72, Ar-Rad: 23)

Darul-Hywan–But verily the Home in the Hereafter–that is life indeed, if they but knew. (Al-Ankabut: 64)

Jannat-un-Naeem–The Gardens of Delight. (Al-Maida: 65 Yunus: 9 Al-Haj: 56)

Al-Maqam-al-Ameen–The House of Security (Ad-Dukhan: 51)

Jannat-ul-Mawa–Garden of Abode (An-Najm: 15)

Maqad-as-Sidq–Assembly of Truth (Al-Qawr: 55)

Qadam-as-Sidq-Assembly ofTruth (Al-Qawr:55).

Firdous–The Highest Gardens of the Heaven (Al-Kahaf: 107, Al-Muminoon: 11)

Small Description of Jannath :

The Prophet of Allah (Sallalahou Al'aihe Was-salam) said:

Hadith implies that the heaven has eight doors: Whoever performed a perfect ablution and recited shahadah then all the eight doors of the heaven are thrust open for him–he may enter from whichever door he likes. (Sahih Muslim).

By Him in whose hands my soul is, the distance between the two gate posts of paradise is like the distance between Makkah and Himyar or between Makkah and Basra (Bukhari).

Indeed, there are hundred grades of the Heaven and the distance between the two grades is as great as between the heaven and earth. Allah has prepared these grades for those who perform Jihad in the way of Allah. (Bukhari)

When you pray ask for Firdous, for it is in the middle of heaven and is higher in grade than the heaven and above Firdous is Allah’s throne, moreover the canals of heaven flow from Firdous. (Bukhari)

"And then I was showed in the heaven, I saw there were camps made of pearls and the soil was of musk." (Bukhari)

The Qur’an says of the dwellers of the heaven: They will see there neither the sun’s (excessive heat) nor the moon’s excessive cold.

Indeed, there is a tree in heaven so big that if a person keeps riding on a brisk Madhamar (a specially bred horse) for a hundred years even then he would not reach the end of that tree. (Bukhari)

Abu Huraira (RA) reported that the Prophet of Allah (SAW) said:

There is no tree in the heaven that does not have a trunk of gold. (Muslim)

There is a tree in the heaven, which will manufacture robes for the dwellers of the heaven. That tree is called Tuba.

A hadith has these words about this tree.

Tuba is a tree in the heaven, which spreads out as much as a distance that can be covered in a hundred years. Robes for the dwellers of the heaven will sprout from its buds.

The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said:

In the night of Isra when I met Ibrahim (AS) he said: O Muhammad (SAW) tell your people that the heaven has pure soil and sweet water but the land is bare. If they want to plant trees in the heaven, they should say Subhan Allah Al-Hamdulillah and Allah Akbar.

Indeed, there will be a mansion made of pearls for a believer. It will be spread over an area of 60 miles, and in it will be the household of a believer who will visit them but they will not be able to see each other. (Bukhari)

Sleep is the sisiter of death and the dwellers of the heaven will not sleep (Silsalatul Ahadith)

Indeed, there is a bazaar in the heaven where the dwellers of the Heaven will come on every Friday. The northerly wind will spray scent on them and this will enhance their beauty. And when they will return to their homes, their households will say "By Allah, your beauty has enhanced." "So has yours," they will return the compliment. (Muslim)

In short, they will be overwhelmed by Allah’s favours.

And when you look, it is there you will see a bliss and a realm magnificent. (Ad-Dahr: 20)

When Allah Almighty created the heaven and the hell, He asked Jibraeel to go and take a look at what He has prepared for believers in the Heaven. Jibraeel went and had a look at what was there in the Heaven, and then he came back and expressed himself thus: By your dignity! Whoever will hear of this Heaven will certainly strive for it. Then it was said that the road to the heaven is littered with hardships, and Jibraeel was asked to take another look at the Heaven. He came back and said, "By your dignity I am afraid that nobody will be able to enter it. (Tirmizee)




http://www.themuslimwoman.com/chooseyourpath/descriptionofheaven.htm 08:55, 14 February 2006 (UTC)f00f[reply]



Laura Murdoch is the actress who played "Virtual Reality Woman" in the movie Timecop (1994) and stepped into the limelight due to the sensational performance. Laura is sometimes credited as: Laura Murdock. Filmography: 1. Duets (2000) .... Donna, Dead Showgirl 2. "Poltergeist: The Legacy" Fallen Angel (1998) TV Episode .... Doctor 3. Tricks (1997) (TV) (as Laura Murdock) .... Dancer #3 4. Timecop (1994) .... Virtual Reality Woman 5. The Raffle (1994) .... Dancer



http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0613764/ 11:13, 14 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Sir Isidore Jack Lyons C.B.E


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Right to Play


created This request for creation has been accepted. Please do not modify it.
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Bryant Johnson (Football)


Un Kasa


40 cal


Ricardo Martin Reyes Kahle


a case study of mathrubhumi


Kashmir 1947: A Survivor's Story - By Krishna Mehta


My cousin Frank


Street gang


The Falling Torch


The Falling Torch by Algis Budris, Science Fiction, Published 1959



400 years in the future, the Earth is occupied by human-like invaders. The Earth's former president and cabinent live in exile on a remote planetary system. The two planets maintain a cold and uneasy realationship, until war is imminent. The book's hero, young Micheal Wireman, returns to Earth from exile along with a shipment of rifles to assist the rising insurgency on Earth. Often surprised by the book's twists, the awkward young Wireman discovers himself and 'frees' Earth from the invaders.



As science fiction, the book focuses more on psycology than physical science. In the abstract, the book explores the psycology of Wireman as he makes difficult decisions that will help some people and harm others.



http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1587760118/002-2891416-5736018 20:23, 14 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Jorge Maristany


History of Holy Jim Canyon
