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Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee/CheckUser and Oversight/February 2009 election/Oversight/Lar

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I am being blackmailed by User:Proabivouac. There really is no other word for it. It started last year, when I refused to assist him with a block he had received, and has escalated. He's apparently shopping various insinuations around (as I have been told by more than one person who has received them or seen them). He's mailed me making threats, veiled, and not so veiled, and he has mailed my wife as well. He spread the material around during the recent arbitration case, and on February 7th, he tried to spread the same innuendo and rumor on this page.

I got a note yesterday from someone I trust that was contacted, relaying a threat (from Proabivouac, as before) that if I didn't drop out, Proabivouac was going to continue trying to publicise his allegations. I have not directly seen them myself but I have some inkling of what they are.

There is a lot of falsehood, innuendo and distortion in what he appears to be alleging. But the allegations are built around a grain of truth: I've met Wikipedians. I travel a lot, and I make it a point to meet as many people from my hobbies as I can. I did this in my LEGO hobby and I do it in this hobby too. That much is true. But his insinuations are damaging because they allege more than innocent meetings, because they add the whiff of scandal, and because one cannot prove the negative. I had hoped that with the conclusion of the recent arbitration case, that he would stop, but he has not.

I do not give in to blackmailers. However, while I think this nonsensical innuendo about my personal life is just that, nonsense, and has no real bearing on my ability to effectively carry out the oversight role on en:wp, as I already do on many other wikis, it erodes trust.

The position of oversight requires a great deal of trust. If a significant segment of the community does not have trust in an oversighter, whether the reasons for that are valid or not, the oversighter cannot be effective in their role. Alison changing her vote made me think long and hard about this. It is apparent to me that there are those I respect who do not have this trust, and I would rather not serve in this role if I do not have it from the vast majority of folk.

Trust in this role is paramount. Without it, the role is purely ceremonial and I have no interest in that, I didn't request the role to collect flags. Therefore, while I would like to thank everyone who supported or opposed me and everyone who took the time to comment, I have decided to withdraw my name for consideration for en:wp oversight at this time. ++Lar: t/c 16:11, 8 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]