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Wikipedia:April Fools/April Fools' Day 2023/Memorandum on the 99 Keepy Uppy Balloons

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Joseph Stalin

Communist Parties on the 99 Keepy Uppy Balloons


The Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact are proud to support the wombats, and that the Keepy Uppy Balloons are threats to our national security. The Keepy Uppy Balloon symbolizes the imperialist America and NATO who sought to undermine the goodwill of our socialist ideals. The greedy bourgeoisies from the West are plotting to overthrow socialism through the use of balloons and exhausting all of our helium supply. We will hereby shoot down every balloon on sight and will detain anyone in possession of balloon(s). Violators will be sent to the gulag under the leadership of Joseph Stalin.

ChatGPT responding to the Communist memorandum on the Keepy Uppy Balloons


As an AI language model, I can provide a logical response to the statement made about Keepy Uppy Balloons.

Firstly, it is important to note that Keepy Uppy Balloons are harmless toys that are enjoyed by children and adults alike. They are made of latex or other materials and do not pose any significant threat to national security. Therefore, banning them outright is not a reasonable solution.

Secondly, the idea that Keepy Uppy Balloons symbolize imperialism or the intentions of NATO to undermine socialist ideals is unfounded. Keepy Uppy Balloons are just toys that are meant to be fun and entertaining. They do not have any political or ideological significance.

Thirdly, the notion that balloons will exhaust all of our helium supply is also inaccurate. Helium is a naturally occurring gas that can be found in abundance in the atmosphere. While it is true that helium is a finite resource and should be conserved, banning Keepy Uppy Balloons will not significantly impact the supply of helium.

In conclusion, banning Keepy Uppy Balloons is an extreme and unnecessary measure that will not address any real issues. It is important to focus on real threats to national security and to ensure that policies are based on facts and evidence, rather than unfounded fears and beliefs.

Addendum from the Communist Parties


In Cleveland, Ohio, United States, 1986, individuals flew 1.5 million balloons to the point where it led to obstructions on airports, roads, water supply, and other vital infrastructure, as well as the indirect deaths of two people. To prevent such disaster (or intentional acts of threatening natural security) from happening, we will still uphold our current ruling as aforementioned.