User talk:Sirmaejor

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Sir Maejor is an African American Albino Model and Actor. Albinism is IS is a congenital disorder characterized by the complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin,

Suffering from Albinism is difficult, and many decide to suffer quietly, and to live quiet lives. As a child and young adult, Sir Maejor suffered from the same taunts and stereotypes that many albinos do growing up. He said, "I often got talked about, teased and taunted because I have albinism. Sometimes even the word albino offends me, depending on how people use it. Kids and adults can be cruel, I have been called Michael Jackson, Ray Charles, Powder, Other, Casper, Yellow Man, Lab Rat, Rat Boy, Shaun Ross, Similac and Ghost. All of those taunts really got to me after a while.”

Sir Maejor wears many hats- he is a resident of Atlanta, Criminal Justice major, brand ambassador, marketer, and most importantly- someone who is diagnosed with albinism. As someone who identifies as albino, Sir Maejor is one of the few trying to make it in the cutthroat world of modeling and acting. But why? "I decided to go into the acting and modeling arena because I wanted to take the world by storm. I like being the first person to do something, to make a statement, to set trends. I like the notoriety and popularity. I want to hopefully use my influence as a public figure to help and create awareness on many different subject matters," Sir Maejor said.

​Sir Maejor also said, “In terms of struggles and setbacks, being born with albinism has been one of the hardest things to deal with in my life. Many people born with albinism can’t see. We have poor vision which means we can’t drive or get jobs that require 20/20 vision or better. I simply can’t see the things that you may be able to see. Another struggle I had to overcome was realizing that I was different. I used to have this inferiority complex about myself. I wanted to be included and be in the popular crowd and feel accepted. But it was hard when I couldn't do what everyone else could. I couldn’t play basketball because I couldn’t see and I couldn’t play out on the playground with the rest of the other kids because the sun was out and I didn’t have sunscreen."

However, eventually Sir Maejor developed into the opposite of the common albino stereotype, an outgoing individual with dreams bigger than the skyscrapers on Atlanta's skyline. Sir Maejor is here as an inspiration- and a reckoning- that what people identify as a disorder- can be a beautiful thing. He said, "I wanted to capitalize off my unique look, many may consider it to be a curse, but I consider albinism as a blessing. I am different and I won’t allow that or anyone’s personal negative opinions of me or what I look like affect my life." One thing Sir Maejor hopes to accomplish is to show that people with disabilities, birth defects or disorders of any kind, can do whatever they desire, if they put their minds to it, something that is easier said than done. Sir Maejor tells other aspiring models to strive to make their dreams a reality, much like he is.

​On May 7th 2013, Sir Maejor was hired as a background actor for the movie "Need For Speed" where he played inmate Leigh Dennis who was transferred from California Pris ion for Greenhaven State Prison in New York. Need for Speed hits theaters in 2014. Sir Maejor thanks Ms. Tammy Smith of Tammy Smith casting for providing him with this exciting opportunity. Sir Maejor says he believes this opportunity will be start of something major.

Sir Maejor hopes to join the greats of Denzel Washington, Will Smith, Dennis Haysbert and Kiefer Sutherland one day, and we can’t say we aren’t rooting for him. He said, “I want to be responsible for taking a brand to new heights. I want to be iconic.” Sir Maejor’s effervescent personality makes him hard to dislike; and his love of the spotlight will help him down the road in his career.

So what can Sir Maejor do for your adwork, agency or company? To put it simply, whatever you need him to do.

Category:Albinism Category:Albinism in popular culture Category:People with albinism Category:Sir Maejor Category:Albino model Category:Need for Speed