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What does the Multiple / Multilateral sculpture has to offer as an educational tool in contemporary civilization.

On the artistic side it proves that many expression techniques can be be within one work in unison in a holistic framework. Also, expressing a number of visually adjusted motives combined in figural and abstract coalition.

Multiple / Multilateral sculpture by winning entries in competitions on national and international importance achieved recognition as Art, which is documented on many pages of the Internet, per example under Rasto Hlavina on pages of Sculpture of time: M/M sculpture titled Melody, under Rast R. Hlavina (Superior Prize in 1st Rodin Grand Prize Exhibition 1986). The next M/M sculpture titled Desire (Superior Prize from competition section, 2nd Rodin Grand Prize Exhibition 1988) under name Rasto. - That is for the artistic value.

The value to society is above the art, especially with the expansion to the Multiple / Multilateral Thought and Understanding. It presents us with the forgotten values of humanity - to move forward with collaboration of all arms of sciences, which in recent times were individualized. Let's take Archimedes - in physics and his 'give me a long enough lever and a solid point in universe,and I will move the Earth (not precise quote but the idea). Even farther, the lever which was used by the Egyptians building pyramids. Actually one needs to go further to the inspiration of Egyptian - the little bug called Scarab, possibly the origin of using the lever principle- and that may be why this bug became sacred.

Let's consider that we are entering energy crises. And we join physics and engineering, the lever, and we design a new type of engine - the lever engine with minimum of moving parts? Impossible? Not so. I loosely quote another genius, Albert Einstein: knowledge is important, but imagination is unlimited. Join Archimedes and Einstein and we win, we make incredible progress with benefits to society as such. We need to cooperate in knowledge - just as the Multiple / Multilateral sculpture suggests. It was best presented in the article authored by Jana Outratova, titled: Exilovi vytvarnici Hlavina and Purgina vyznamenani v New Yorku (Exiled artists Hlavina and Purgina honored in New York) Published in Zapad (West), rocnik 7, cislo 6, Prosinec 1985, pages 22 and 23 : Rasto uspel v nesmirne obtiznem ukolu: odrazit v umeleckem dile myslenkove postupy tak dobre zname vedeckemu a technickemu svetu:...(Rasto succeeded in extremely difficult task: reflect in a work of Art thought process well known to scientific and technical world:...That is what Multiple / Multilateral sculpture is: knowledge, skills, imagination and a lot more, coalescing in one single work. And the aim was to contribute to society at best, regardless the adversities which came with it.Rasto Hlavina74.210.37.164 (talk) 19:10, 17 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Brief history of human species.[edit]

As a model I use the same principals as that of the Multiple/Multilateral sculpture titled Melody (of Life) 1981, where by purpose I selected four stages based on human reproductive cycle with coordination of four sides of compass and also four seasons. The representation was portrayed as if artifact frozen in time, suggestive, yet open to individual interpretation. To present the history of human species in the cyclical form based on origin somewhere in Africa, and expansion afterwards lead me to establish stages as such:

Stage I, The Birth of Power

- Two hunters crossed a path with a lion which resulted in a deadly confrontation. The lion and one hunter died. The survivor having the opportunity of showing to his tribe not to fear a lion, he cut off the lion's head and brought it to the settlement. This evoke for him praise, admiration, respect and much more, he became the leader of the tribe with all the attributes.

Stage II, The Rise of Power

- The taste of power and all the benefits of leadership had it's consequences in all dimensions of time and space, and as such lead to the origin of bloody history of human species, growing exponentially.

Stage III, The Struggle for World Domination

- Thorough cannibalism, slavery, feudalism, commercialism, industrialization, capitalism, socialism, democracy...the human species have arrived to present.

Stage IV. The Stepping Out to begin a New Cycle

- We, the human species have found our self at a fork on our evolutionary road. One road may lead us to attempt the ultimate domination of the planet Earth, and in our hubris we may decide to take it. The other road is presenting itself via social cooperation as well as cooperation with Nature, in context of the planet Earth itself.

Conclusion: The fourth stage is signaling the end of the line of ;'survivor of the fittest', for such is rather the reality of the species in general kingdom. The Nature (the planet Earth)in comparison to species,is the only known constant in our universe. As a human species we are just a temporary visitors. Rasto Hlavina184.144.136.130 (talk) 21:10, 18 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]