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This is human abilities

Red – the red color in auras is relevant to physical body, heart and blood circulation. A deep red aura indicated that the person is grounded and realistic and is also active and strong willed. A muddy red indicated anger. A clear red is an indication of energy, sexuality, competition and passion. Where as a pinkish red indicates love, tenderness, sensitivity, sensuality, affection and purity. Where as a dark and murky pink indicates dishonesty and immaturity. An orange red portrays confidence and creativity. Orange – an orange aura relates to emotions and reproduction. This is because orange is considered the color of vitality and vigor. A person emitting an orange aura is creative, adventurous, outgoing and energetic. An orange-yellow aura is the sign of a person who is intelligent, creative, organized and perfect. Yellow – a yellow aura pertains for the spleen and life energy. A light yellow aura indicates spirituality and positive attitude, it also signifies hope and faith. A bright lemon yellow aura indicates power struggle and fear of losing respect and power. A gold yellow aura indicated awakened spirituality in a person. A brownish yellow aura is the sign of a struggling student. Green – a green aura relates to the heart and lungs. An emerald green aura is that of a healer. A yellow green aura is one of a creative and talkative person. A muddy green aura is one which is jealous and hateful, ever blaming someone. Whereas a turquoise aura relates to someone who is sensitive and compassionate and could be a healer or therapist. Blue – this is the sign of a cool and calm person. A soft blue indicates peace and clarity. A royal blue aura is that of some one who is clairvoyant, or one who has new opportunity knocking. Muddy blue is someone who is scared of the future and scared of expressing and telling the truth. Indigo – these are auras of those who can ‘see’ into the future. Violet – this aura is the most sensitive and wise. It implies psychic, magical and artistic abilities. Lavender – this is an aura of one who has imagination and vision, or one who daydreams a lot. Silver – silver is the color of abundance, be it spiritual or physical. Bright metallic silver aura is one that is nurturing and receptive. A dark gray aura is one who has health problems. Gold – this is the sign of divine protection. Black – most people think this is the sign of death but it indicates grief, health problem or vengeance. White – a white aura is the sign of purity or of pregnancy.

•	Red – the red color in auras is relevant to physical body, heart and blood circulation. A deep red aura indicated that the person is grounded and realistic and is also active and strong willed. A muddy red indicated anger. A clear red is an indication of energy, sexuality, competition and passion. Where as a pinkish red indicates love, tenderness, sensitivity, sensuality, affection and purity. Where as a dark and murky pink indicates dishonesty and immaturity. An orange red portrays confidence and creativity. 

• Orange – an orange aura relates to emotions and reproduction. This is because orange is considered the color of vitality and vigor. A person emitting an orange aura is creative, adventurous, outgoing and energetic. An orange-yellow aura is the sign of a person who is intelligent, creative, organized and perfect. • Yellow – a yellow aura pertains for the spleen and life energy. A light yellow aura indicates spirituality and positive attitude, it also signifies hope and faith. A bright lemon yellow aura indicates power struggle and fear of losing respect and power. A gold yellow aura indicated awakened spirituality in a person. A brownish yellow aura is the sign of a struggling student. • Green – a green aura relates to the heart and lungs. An emerald green aura is that of a healer. A yellow green aura is one of a creative and talkative person. A muddy green aura is one which is jealous and hateful, ever blaming someone. Whereas a turquoise aura relates to someone who is sensitive and compassionate and could be a healer or therapist. • Blue – this is the sign of a cool and calm person. A soft blue indicates peace and clarity. A royal blue aura is that of some one who is clairvoyant, or one who has new opportunity knocking. Muddy blue is someone who is scared of the future and scared of expressing and telling the truth. • Indigo – these are auras of those who can ‘see’ into the future. • Violet – this aura is the most sensitive and wise. It implies psychic, magical and artistic abilities. • Lavender – this is an aura of one who has imagination and vision, or one who daydreams a lot. • Silver – silver is the color of abundance, be it spiritual or physical. Bright metallic silver aura is one that is nurturing and receptive. A dark gray aura is one who has health problems. • Gold – this is the sign of divine protection. • Black – most people think this is the sign of death but it indicates grief, health problem or vengeance. • White – a white aura is the sign of purity or of pregnancy. The ability of telekinesis is very natural occurrence and we all have the ability to perform telekinesis it's just a matter of learning the ability. It is primarily a Mind/Brain/Consciousness related phenomenon though certainly its roots are sub-atomic like all manifestations. Some research shows there is a lot of activity in the cortex of the brain in relationship to this. Most of what we term psychic phenomenon or mystical happenings happen in the "off" phases of consciousness. Consciousness is always in the on/off phasing, blinking off and on, as it were. Off/On phasing phenomenon is photon related manifestation of energy and light. The energy we are dealing with here is tiny pockets or "quanta" of energies. The ability to bend spoons, levitate is happening at the other levels being only manifested as a physical event upon the space/time shell frame which we interpret as our reality. There is also a good deal of illusion as well. One must be able to discern the reality of both. Sometimes there is a vast difference in what we THINK we see vs what IS actually happening.

Physical Techniques What Can You Do 1. What we do is have an accepting attitude. Believe it can happen. Everyone I ever taught this technique to and who was successful in bending a fork or spoon, had a POSITIVE attitude about it. They may not have believed they could do it but they did believe it was possible. That's a start for the proper frame of mind. Next, believe YOU can!! 2. Focus your attention. So many people say they are concentrating but in fact their minds are scattered and they aren't really into it at all. Be there. Learn to do only one thing at a time. This is difficult in the contexts of our society's established standards. There seems to be a badge of honor attached to being able to do 50 things at once. We somehow seem to derive worth from this. Well, it's unhealthy. It's what contributes to stress, anxiety, elevated blood pressure and even depression and a host of other "dis-eases". Don't get caught up in all that. It's not about how much you can do but how well you do. It's about quality not quantity. It's a fact that the brain can really only think of one think at a time. Work with the natural process of your brain. There is an inner dialogue going on that can be distracting and scattering the energy. There are many techniques that will teach you the discipline that is required for stilling the Mind and to help you learn what true concentration really is. I recommend meditation, or Qigong, Yoga, Tai Chi or any one of the contemplative arts as a viable form to enhance self discipline and awareness. 3. The Art of Stillness. Practice being still. Yes, actually, being still without thinking anything. Try it. All the masters have acquired this skill. They can actually, sit still and think of no-thing. This is why they are able to do the "mystical" manifestations that we see. Opening a lock with the wave of a hand, or seemingly walk about without being noticed. They know how not to cause ripples in the Universal Energy. They have mastered the Self. They truly can focus on one thing and only one thing at a time. The longer you can sit still and still your mind, the more available energy you have. It is in that discipline that teaches, patience, acceptance and unconditional being. This is a skill that will enhance every aspect of your life. It's a great way to enhance one's healing techniques as well. 4. Learn to "Let Go". As soon as something, whether it's an old bias, an old emotion, blouse, anything let go of it. Resolve things in your life as quickly as possible. It will unclutter your mind and your emotions will flow more evenly and smoothly. By learning to, "let go", we also learn to let go of preconceived out come, that is how we "think" it will turn out. If you can't let go then you are still trying to control it. If you are still trying to control things then you close off many pathways of personal and spiritual growth. Let things happen when appropriate to do so. 5. Remember the 'Law of Coalesce'? When you think on something it will attract like thoughts. 20 seconds of one pure thought attracts an equal amount of pure energy of the same resonance and quality. Each 20 mark increases a multiplies the energy. Can you imagine what you could manifest just by 2 minutes of pure unadulterated thought!!? This equation works equally for both types of thoughts, be the positive or negative in origin. Be mindful of what you think on or about. Every action you take was proceeded by a thought. What was the quality of yours? Those were some of the techniques that will help you open up to all your abilities. They are healthy guide lines for now. for example "Naraku" for Inuyasha had the psyche abilities teleportation, levitation, and telekinesis. Like when he took back the jewel shard from Sesshomaru, Sesshomaru cut his head off and the costume was empty,and he levitated will kidnapping Kikyo.