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User talk:Jwalling/Obama team list

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Political positions - People[edit]

  • Democratic National Committee Chair - Tim Kaine

jwalling (talk) 01:59, 23 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Department/Cabinet - People[edit]

jwalling (talk) 04:21, 1 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Cabinet-level administration offices - People[edit]

jwalling (talk) 04:13, 1 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Sub-cabinet-level administration offices - People (position)[edit]

jwalling (talk) 07:43, 7 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]

White House task force[edit]

jwalling (talk) 01:36, 4 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]

White House staff and executive offices - People (position)[edit]

Staff positions to the First Lady - People[edit]

jwalling (talk) 03:10, 3 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Office of the Vice President - People[edit]

Staff postions to the Second Lady - People[edit]

jwalling (talk) 05:35, 26 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]

People - Positions[edit]

  1. Adolfo Carrion - Office of Urban Policy Director
  2. Alan Hoffman - Deputy Chief of Staff to the VP
  3. Alejandro Pérez - Staff member of Legislative Affairs [2]
  4. Alexander Daley - Mail and Messenger Operations Deputy Director
  5. Alyssa Mastromonaco - Scheduling and Advance Director [3]
  6. Annie Tomasini - Deputy Press Secretary to the VP [4]
  7. Anthony Bernal - Director of Scheduling for Second Lady [5]
  8. Antony (Tony) Blinken - National Security Advisor to the Vice President [6]
  9. Arne Duncan - Education Secretary, Cabinet, Task Force on Working Families [7]
  10. Austan Goolsbee - Council of Economic Advisers, Staff Director and Chief Economist of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board [8] [9]
  11. Barack Obama - President
  12. Bill Richardson - Commerce Secretary ,dropped out Jan 4, 2009 - [10]
  13. Bradley Kiley - Office of Management and Administration Director [11]
  14. Brian McKeon - Deputy National Security Advisor to the VP [12]
  15. Camille Johnston - Director of Communications for the First Lady [13]
  16. Carlos Elizondo - Residence Manager and Social Secretary for the Vice President and Second Lady [14]
  17. Carol Browner - Policy coordinator on energy, climate and environment [15]
  18. Cassandra Butts - Deputy White House Counsel with a Focus on Domestic Policy and Ethics
  19. Catherine M. Russell - Chief of Staff to the Second Lady
  20. Cecilia Muñoz - Intergovernmental Affairs Director [16]
  21. Cecilia Rouse - Council of Economic Advisors member [17]
  22. Charles W. Freeman, Jr. - National Intelligence Council chair - withdrew name 3/10/2009 [18]
  23. Chris Lu - Cabinet Secretary
  24. Christina Romer - Council of Economic Advisers Director, Task Force on Working Families [19]
  25. Christina Tchen - Public Liaison Director [20]
  26. Christopher Kang - Staff member of Legislative Affairs [21]
  27. Courtney O'Donnell - Communications Director for Second Lady [22]
  28. Cynthia Hogan - Counsel to the VP
  29. Dan Pfeiffer - Communications Deputy Director, (Deputy Assistant to the President for Communications)
  30. Dan Turton - Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs for the House of Representatives [23]
  31. Daniel Tarullo - Federal Reserve System Board of Governors Member [24]
  32. Danielle Crutchfield - Director of Scheduling for the President [25]
  33. David Axelrod - Senior adviser
  34. David Ogden - Deputy Attorney General [26]
  35. Dawn Johnsen - Office of Legal Counsel Assistant Attorney General [27]
  36. Denise Wilson - Staff member of Legislative Affairs [28]
  37. Dennis Blair - National Intelligence Director
  38. Desirée Rogers - WH Social Secretary, Special Assistant to the President
  39. Don Gips - White House Director of Presidential Personnel [29]
  40. Elena Kagan - Solicitor General [30]
  41. Elisabeth Hire - Director of Scheduling for VP [31]
  42. Elizabeth Alexander - Press Secretary to the VP [32]
  43. Elizabeth Sears Smith - Deputy Cabinet Secretary [33]
  44. Ellen Moran - WH Director of Communications, Assistant to the President for Communications
  45. Emmett Beliveau - Director of Advance [34]
  46. Eric H. Holder Jr. - Attorney General, Cabinet [35]
  47. Eric Lander - Council of Advisers on Science and Technology Co-Chair [36]
  48. Eric Shinseki - Veterans' Affairs Secretary, Cabinet [37]
  49. Evan Ryan - Assistant to the VP for Intergovernmental Affairs Public Liaison [38]
  50. Gary Gensler - Commodity Futures Trading Commission Chair [39]
  51. Gary Locke - Commerce Secretary, Cabinet
  52. Gil Kerlikowske - Office of National Drug Control Policy Director, Cabinet
  53. Gregory B. Craig - White House counsel
  54. Harold Varmus - Council of Advisers on Science and Technology Co-Chair [40]
  55. Heather Higginbottom - Domestic Policy Council Deputy Director, Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy
  56. Heather Zichal - Deputy Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change [41]
  57. Hilda Solis - Labor Secretary, Cabinet, Task Force on Working Families [42]
  58. Hillary Clinton - Secretary of State, Cabinet [43]
  59. Jackie Norris - Chief of Staff to the First Lady
  60. Jacob Lew - Deputy Secretary of State [44]
  61. James B. Steinberg - Deputy Secretary of State [45]
  62. James L. Jones - National Security Adviser]] - head of National Security Council [46]
  63. Jane Lubchenco - Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere Under Secretary, NOAA Administrator [47]
  64. Janet Napolitano - Homeland Security Secretary, Cabinet [48]
  65. Jared Bernstein - Chief Economist and Economic Policy Adviser to the VP [49]
  66. Jay Carney - Assistant to the VP Director of Communications (Was TIME's Washington Bureau Chief) [50]
  67. Jay Heimbach - Staff member of Legislative Affairs [51]
  68. Jeanne Lambrew - Office of Health Reform Deputy Director
  69. Jeffrey Liebman - OMB Executive Associate Director [52]
  70. Jeh Charles Johnson - Defense General Counsel [53]
  71. Jill Biden - Second Lady Elect, wife of Joe Biden
  72. Jim Messina - Deputy Chief of Staff
  73. Jim Oleske - Staff member of Legislative Affairs [54]
  74. Jim Papa - Staff member of Legislative Affairs [55]
  75. Joe Biden - Vice President, Cabinet, Task Force on Working Families
  76. John P. Holdren - Office of Science and Technology Policy Director [56]
  77. Jon Favreau - Director of Speechwriting [57]
  78. Jonathan Samuels - Staff member of Legislative Affairs [58]
  79. Judd Gregg - Commerce Secretary, Cabinet - dropped out Feb 12, 2009 [59]
  80. Karen G. Mills - Small Business Administration Administrator [60]
  81. Kathleen Sebelius - Health and Human Services Secretary, Cabinet [61]
  82. Katie Johnson - Personal Secretary to the President [62]
  83. Katie McCormick Lelyveld - Press Secretary for the First Lady [63]
  84. Ken Salazar - Interior Secretary, Cabinet [64]
  85. Kenneth Baer - OMB Associate Director for Communications and Strategic Planning [65]
  86. Kevin Cariato - Mail and Messenger Operations Director
  87. Lawrence H. Summers - Director of National Economic Council, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, Task Force on Working Families
  88. Leon Panetta - CIA Director
  89. Lisa Brown - Staff Secretary
  90. Lisa Konwinski - Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs [66]
  91. Lisa P. Jackson - (energy and natural resources transition team); EPA Administrator, Cabinet [67]
  92. Louis Caldera - Military Office Director [68]
  93. Louisa Terrell - Staff member of Legislative Affairs [69]
  94. Marvin Nicholson - Trip Director for the President [70]
  95. Mary Schapiro - Securities and Exchange Commission Chair [71]
  96. Melissa Winter - Deputy Chief of Staff to the First Lady
  97. Melody Barnes - Domestic Policy Council Director, Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, Task Force on Working Families
  98. Michael Strautmanis - Chief of Staff to the Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Relations Public Liaison [72]
  99. Michèle Flournoy - Defense Under Secretary (Policy) [73]
  100. Michelle Obama - First Lady Elect, wife of Barack Obama
  101. Mike Donilon - Counselor to the VP [74]
  102. Moe Vela - Director of Administration for the Office of the VP
  103. Mona Sutphen - Deputy Chief of Staff
  104. Nancy-Ann Min DeParle - Office of Health Reform Director [75]
  105. Nancy Killefer - Chief Performance Officer, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Deputy Director for Management Withdrew Feb 3, 2009 [76]
  106. Nancy Sutley - White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair [77]
  107. Patrick Dillon - Deputy Director of Political Affairs [78]
  108. Patrick Gaspard - Office of Political Affairs Director
  109. Paul Volcker - Economic Recovery Advisory Board Chair [79]
  110. Pete Rouse - Senior Adviser
  111. Pete Selfridge - Director of Advance to the VP [80]
  112. Pete Souza - Chief White House Photographer [81]
  113. Peter R. Orszag - OMB Director, Cabinet, Task Force on Working Families [82]
  114. Phil Schiliro - Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs
  115. Preeta Bansal - OMB General Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor [83]
  116. Rahm Emanuel - White House Chief of Staff, Cabinet
  117. Ray LaHood - Transportation Secretary, Cabinet [84]
  118. Reggie Love - Personal Aide to the President
  119. Robert F. Hale - Defense Under Secretary (Comptroller) [85]
  120. Robert Gates - Defense Secretary, Cabinet [86]
  121. Robert Gibbs - Press Secretary
  122. Robert Gordon - OMB Associate Director for Education, Income Maintenance and Labor [87]
  123. Robert Nabors - OMB Deputy Director [88]
  124. Ron Klain - Chief of Staff to the VP
  125. Ron Sims - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Deputy Secretary
  126. Ronald Kirk - U.S. Trade Reprenetative, Cabinet [89]
  127. Sam Myers Sr. - Trip Director to the VP [90]
  128. Sanjay Gupta - Surgeon General withdrew name 3/6/2009
  129. Sean Kennedy - Staff member of Legislative Affairs [91]
  130. Semonti Mustaphi - Deputy Press Secretary for the First Lady [92]
  131. Shaun Donovan - HUD Secretary, Cabinet [93]
  132. Shawn Maher - Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs for the Senate [94]
  133. Shelly O'Neill Stoneman - Staff member of Legislative Affairs [95]
  134. Steve Kosiak - OMB Associate Director for Defense and International Affairs [96]
  135. Steven Chu - Energy Secretary, Cabinet [97]
  136. Sudafi Henry - Legislative Affairs Director to the VP
  137. Susan E. Rice - UN ambassador, Cabinet [98]
  138. Susan Sher - Associate Counsel to the President [99]
  139. Terrell McSweeny - Domestic Policy Adviser to the VP [100]
  140. Thomas E. Donilon - Deputy National Security Advisor [101]
  141. Tim Kaine - Democratic National Committee Chair
  142. Timothy F. Geithner - Treasury Secretary, Cabinet
  143. Tom Daschle - Health and Human Services Secretary, Cabinet, Office of Health Reform Director, Task Force on Working Families Withdrew Feb 3, 2009 [102]
  144. Tom Perrelli - Associate Attorney General [103]
  145. Tom Vilsack - Agriculture Secretary, Cabinet [104]
  146. Valerie Jarrett - Senior Adviser and Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Relations and Public Liaison
  147. William J. Lynn III - Defense Deputy Secretary [105]
  148. Xavier de Souza Briggs - OMB Associate Director for General Government Programs [106]

jwalling (talk) 22:35, 10 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Transition people (Not appointed)[edit]

  • Alan Ladwig - NASA transition team
  • Charles Ogletree - trusted adviser, Harvard professor
  • John D. Podesta - co-chairman of Obama-Biden Transition Project
  • John P. White - transition of the Defense Department
  • Joshua Gotbaum - transition of the Treasury Department
  • Julius Genachowski - sits on the 12-member Transition Advisory Board
  • Lori Garver - heads the space transition team
  • Michael Froman - sits on the 12-member Transition Advisory Board
  • Michael Warren - transition of the Treasury Department
  • Thomas Donilon - transition of the State Department
  • Sally Katzen - member of the Transition Project's Agency Review Working Group
  • Susan Crawford - FCC review team
  • Wendy Sherman - transition of the State Department

jwalling (talk) 03:08, 23 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

People rumored to be under consideration[edit]

  • Anthony Lake - CIA director ?
  • Bart Harvey - ?
  • Brian Schweitzer - ?
  • Caroline Kennedy - Ambassador to the United Kingdom ?
  • Charles Stenholm - ?
  • Christine A. Varney - ?
  • Collin Peterson - ?
  • Dan W. Reicher - ?
  • David E. Bonior - ?
  • Dennis Ross - Middle East envoy ?
  • Ed McElroy - ?
  • Edward G. Rendell - ?
  • Jacob J. Lew - State Deputy Secretary ?
  • Jami Miscik - CIA director ?
  • Jane Harman - CIA director ?
  • Jason Furman - deputy job in Treasury ?
  • Jason S. Grumet - energy and climate adviser ?
  • Jennifer Granholm - ?
  • Jim Cooper - ?
  • Jim Leach - Ambassador to the United Nations ?
  • Joel I. Klein - ?
  • John Gannon - CIA director ?
  • John J. Hamre - ?
  • John O. Brennan - withdrew from consideration for CIA director
  • John T. Salazar - ?
  • John W. Thompson - Chief Technology Officer ?
  • Julius Genachowski - sits on the 12-member Transition Advisory Board, White House adviser ? , Chief Technology Officer ?
  • Kathleen Sebelius - withdrew her name from consideration for cabinet post
  • Katy Kale - ?
  • Kevin Gover - ?
  • Lael Brainard - ?
  • Laura D'Andrea Tyson - director of the National Economic Council ?
  • Lillian Murphy - ?
  • Manny Diaz - ?
  • Maria Echaveste - ?
  • Martin Indyk - special envoy ?
  • Mary Beth Maxwell - ?
  • Mary D. Nichols - ?
  • Michael Froman - sits on the 12-member Transition Advisory Board, international economics or foreign policy post ?
  • Nicolas Retsinas - ?
  • Philip Sharp - ?
  • Rand Beers - counterterrorism ?
  • Raul M. Grijalva - ?
  • Renee Glover - ?
  • Richard C. Holbrooke - special envoy ?
  • Richard J. Danzig - senior Defense Department position ?
  • Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - ?
  • Robert Sussman - ?
  • Shirley Franklin - ?
  • Sonal Shah - ?
  • Stephanie Cutter - White House communications ?
  • Stephanie Herseth Sandlin - ?
  • Stephen Kappes - CIA director ?
  • Thomas Donilon - deputy director at the NSC ?
  • Tim Roemer - CIA director ?
  • Vinton Cerf - Chief Technology Officer ?
  • Xavier Becerra - ?

jwalling (talk) 00:34, 6 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]


jwalling (talk) 04:43, 1 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]