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DWN series


Mega Man 11 Robot Masters

Model No. Name Weapon Abbreviated by
DWN.081 Block Man (ブロックマン) "I'll drop you like a ton of bricks!"Block Man, Mega Man 11

Created by Dr. Wily. In combat, he uses his Special Weapon, Block Dropper, to form blocks out of thin air above his opponents to try and crush them. When in a pinch, he uses the Power Gear installed by Dr. Wily to cover his body with blocks and transform into a gigantic robot, increasing his physical strength. This gigantic form has its own life gauge. When his giant form is destroyed, he will move to a corner and constantly throw blocks.

Voiced by Bruno Mars.

Block Dropper (ブロックドロッパー) B-Dropper
DWN.082 Fuse Man (ヒューズマン) "High voltage!"Fuse Man, Mega Man 11

Created by Dr. Wily. Originally created to manage electrical equipment in a power plant, he was reprogrammed by Dr. Wily to fight against Mega Man. He is able to freely manipulate high voltage currents and move at lightning speed, being able to instantaneously get on an opponent's blind spot and emit electric attacks. When he activates the Speed Gear installed by Dr. Wily, he gains a speed boost and becomes as fast as lightning. His Special Weapon, Scramble Thunder, allows Mega Man to launch a sphere of electricity that will cling onto solid surfaces and can be controlled in any direction.

Voiced by James Ingram.

Scramble Thunder (スクランブルサンダー) S-Thunder
DWN.083 Blast Man (ブラストマン) "Explosion...is ART!!!"Blast Man, Mega Man 11

Created by Dr. Wily. Blast Man was captured and reprogrammed by Dr. Wily to help him conquer the world and fight against Mega Man. Prior to being captured, Blast Man was creating an explosion-themed attraction for the theme park Flower Land. Blast Man's Special Weapon, Chain Blast, creates floating bombs that detonate after some time; they can also be combined for a more massive explosion.

Voiced by John Newman.

Chain Blast (チェインブラスト) C-Blast
DWN.084 Acid Man (アシッドマン) "Welcome to my Chemical Paradise!"Acid Man, Mega Man 11

Created by Dr. Wily. Originally a chemist robot manufactured by the Mecha-Chuchets Institute of Robology, he was reprogrammed into a stereotypical "mad scientist" after being stolen by Dr. Wily, and now uses his chemistry skills to do Wily's bidding. He was also given a Speed Gear to boost his combat abilities. His Special Weapon, Acid Barrier, generates a shield made of acid that not only protects him from all damage, but also lets him shoot globs of acid at enemies. This ability extends to Mega Man after he defeats Acid Man.

Voiced by Tony Hale.

Acid Barrier (アシッドバリア) A-Barrier
DWN.085 Tundra Man (ツンドラマン) "You want to dance? Feel freeze!"Tundra Man, Mega Man 11

He was originally created by Dr. Cossack as a surveillance robot designed to monitor environment changes in some of Earth's coldest regions. He led a lonely life, though, and after watching an ice skating championship on TV, he was inspired to become a professional figure skater. While under maintenance in Dr. Light's laboratory, he was stolen and outfitted with a Speed Gear by Dr. Wily, along with some other modifications, so he could be better suited for combat, after which he took over a museum. His Special Weapon, Tundra Storm, allows Mega Man to generate a column of icy cold air that can destroy enemies directly above and below him.

Voiced by John Legend.

Tundra Storm (ツンドラストーム) T-Storm
DWN.086 Torch Man (トーチマン) "Fall... to the fist of flame!"Torch Man, Mega Man 11

He originally was manufactured by Tsubakuro Precision Machining as an outdoor advisor that taught campers about fire safety and practiced martial arts to keep the flames coming out from his body under control, but was reprogrammed by Dr. Wily to fight against Mega Man and use his pyrokinetic abilities for destructive purposes. He is a practitioner of Torch-jutsu (トーチ火炎拳 Tōchikaenken, "Torch Flame Fist"), a martial art he developed, being particularly good with jumping kicks. His Special Weapon, Blazing Torch, allows Mega Man to fire a ball of red-hot fire diagonally into the air.

Voiced by Patrick Warburton.

Blazing Torch (ブレイジングトーチ) B-Torch
DWN.087 Impact Man/Pile Man (パイルマン) "Punch! Pummel! PULVERIZE!!!"Impact Man, Mega Man 11

Created by Dr. Wily. Impact Man is dedicated to his job and has never been one to leave a task unfinished. Even after being stolen and modified by Dr. Wily, Impact Man continued to carry out his duties as he rounded up a gang of construction robots and took up residence in an abandoned construction zone so he and his comrades could continue working on it.

Voiced by Cam Clarke.

Pile Driver [a.k.a. Pile Drive] (パイルドライブ) P-Driver

Other series


RFN series


(025-032) Mega Man X4

Series Number Short Description Weapon [from X] Weapon [from Zero] Abbreviated by
RFN.025 Web Spider

[a.k.a. Web Spidus] (ウェブ・スパイダス)

"You've labeled us all as Mavericks! I won't let you pass. Turn back now!"Web Spider, Mega Man X4

Created by Dr. Light. Before his military career with Repliforce, he was once a Maverick Hunter, belonging to the 0th Special Unit. When Repliforce began their war for independence and was considered a Maverick group, he remained loyal and was stationed in the jungle, charged with guarding a powerful beam cannon hidden there.

Lightning Web (ライトニングウェブ) Raijingeki (雷神撃 "Raijin Attack" or "Thunder God Attack") L. Web
RFN.026 Split Mushroom (スプリット・マシュラーム) "You made it this far. I'm impressed! You interested in a real challenge?"Split Mushroom, Mega Man X4

Created by Dr. Light. He was once in charge of operations at a Bio Laboratory, but when the lab was decommissioned he was retired and disposed of. Mushroom was later resurrected by someone (assumed to be Sigma) and became a Maverick. During the Repliforce War, he reactivated operations at the Bio Laboratory and fortified it, attacking any invaders for fun and acting as a distraction to draw the attention of the Maverick Hunters. He apparently received orders to challenge and test X and Zero's abilities.

Soul Body (ソウルボディ) Kuuenzan/Kūenzan (空円斬 "Air Circling Slash") S. Body

(033-040) Mega Man X5

Series Number Short Description Weapon Abbreviated by
RFN.033 Crescent Grizzly/Grizzly Slash (クレッセント・グリズリー) "So, you are the famous Maverick Hunter... I never expected to see you... What an honor."Crescent Grizzly, Mega Man X5

Created by Dr. Light. Crescent Grizzly attacks by throwing three small crescent shots from his clawed hand and jumping. When a third of his energy is depleted he will burrow, appearing at times to attack: using his hand as a drill when appearing from the floor, slashing when appearing from the walls, or dropping down onto the player from the ceiling. After two-thirds of his energy is gone he will stop burrowing and use giant crescent attacks. Some walkthroughs recommend defeating him first as he can be easily dealt with using default weapons. His weakness is Spike Ball if playing as X or Twin Dream if playing as Zero. It's designed as Quick Man's Quick Boomerang and Cut Man's Rolling Cutter from Mega Man Powered Up and Mega Man 2.

Voiced by Richard Schiff.

Crescent Shot (クレッセントショット) C-Shot
RFN.034 Tidal Whale/Duff McWhalen

[a.k.a. Tidal Makkoeen] (タイダル・マッコイーン)

"I've already been infected... Shall we fight for old time's sake?"Tidal Whale, Mega Man X5

Created by Dr. Light. Tidal Whale was chief of an oceanographic museum and held rank as the captain of a maritime security force. His sometimes reckless behavior often earned him arguments with the Repliforce's navy. Whale guards the ocean (mainly the North Atlantic), which is needed to produce the Hydrogen necessary for the Enigma laser cannon. He was already infected by the Sigma Virus when the Maverick Hunters arrived, and as a final request asks for a fight to the death.

Voiced by Danny McBride.

Goo Shaver/Gel Shaver (ジェルシェイバー) G-Shaver
RFN.035 Volt Kraken/Squid Adler (ボルト・クラーケン) "This is how you greet me after so long? No "Nice to meet you again", or "I'm sorry"... not even a "Hello". How rude."Volt Kraken, Mega Man X5

Created by Dr. Light. Volt Kraken resigned as a Hunter due to growing doubts about his job. He later became a researcher to lead a peaceful life and moved to an energy engineering facility located near the Korea Strait, hoping it was far from conflict. He was acquainted with Launch Octopus, whose name was mistranslated as "Octopardo" in the English language versions of the game. Kraken held an Energy Cart needed for the Enigma laser cannon, but suddenly went Maverick before turning it over, forcing X or Zero to destroy him.

Voiced by Freddie Highmore.

Tri-Thunder/Triple Thunder (トリプルサンダー) T-Thunder
RFN.036 Shining Firefly/Dr. Izzy Glow

[a.k.a. Shining Hotarunicus] (シャイニング・ホタルニクス)

"My work is not for Maverick Hunters. I've never trusted your approach. Therefore, I won't cooperate with you."Shining Firefly, Mega Man X5

Created by Dr. Light. Firefly rarely allowed any of her work to see the light of day, out of fear that they would be used to create weapons. One of her creations, the Laser Device, was one of the necessary parts needed for the Enigma cannon. But, due to the large scale virus outbreak she was already infected by the time the Maverick Hunters arrived at her lab near the Kuril Islands. While still in her right mind, she asked the Hunters to put her down before he becomes a Maverick.

Voiced by Katie Lowes.

Flash Laser/Will Laser (ウイルレーザー) F-Laser
RFN.037 Dark Necrobat/Dark Dizzy (ダーク・ネクロバット) "Squeak! This is GREAT! Very funny! The Earth has been severely damaged... Very cool, brother! Squeak! Let's retire all of the Reploids together!"Dark Necrobat, Mega Man X5

Created by Dr. Light. Necrobat was a Maverick created by Sigma three years before the events of Mega Man X5, but escaped from his control and remained in hiding since then. Sigma, not considering him a serious fighting power, forgot about him. The Maverick Hunters encounter him in a planetarium somewhere in northwest Sudan while they are looking for a Fuel Tank for the Space Shuttle. However, he proves to be a fighting serious power to both X and Zero, proving Sigma wrong indirectly.

Voiced by Will Smith.

Dark Hold (ダークホールド) D-Hold
RFN.038 Spiral Pegasus/The Skiver

[a.k.a. Spiral Pegacion] (スパイラル・ペガシオン)

"I've already been infected by the Virus... I'm destined to be retired by you once I become a Maverick, so go ahead, take me down..."Spiral Pegasus, Mega Man X5

Created by Dr. Light. He was a young director of the Repliforce air brigade, who survived the Great Repliforce War that occurred during the events of Mega Man X4. He looked up to Colonel and General and knows Iris. He then began overseeing an Air Force base near to the west coast of Norway, known as the Reploid Air Force.

Voiced by Sam Neil.

Wing Spiral (ウイングスパイラル) W-Spiral
RFN.039 Burn Dinorex/Mattrex (バーン・ダイノレックス) "Yes. Whatever you say... That's what you expect to hear from me, right? You know nobody will obey like that, don't you."Burn Dinorex, Mega Man X5

Created by Dr. Light. Burn Dinorex was stationed in a volcano in the northeast of Africa. Without Repliforce's knowledge, he had created an illegal warehouse to hide weapons he had created using magma energy. In Mega Man X5, the Maverick Hunters discovered that Burn Dinorex had a rocket Booster Engine necessary for the Space Shuttle. But, as he didn't trust the Hunters, he assumed that they had come to retire him for his activities and attacked, leaving X or Zero no other choice but to destroy him as a Maverick. It's unknown if he had succumbed to the Sigma Virus.

Voiced by Barry Humphries.

Ground Fire (グランドファイア) G-Fire
RFN.040 Spike Rosered/Axle the Red (スパイク・ローズレッド) "Are you a thief or something? You can't just take what you want that easily. Go home, kid. Otherwise I'll call the Maverick Hunter."Spike Rosered, Mega Man X5

Created by Dr. Light. Rosered originated from a very rare and mysterious mutation between a Reploid, the nature control unit of a Ukrainian jungle, and the Sigma Virus. As the process and cause of this mutation could not be determined, it was believed that this strange evolution could create a threat more serious than the virus itself. So Rosered hid himself away in an abandoned military base in the jungle where she at some point in time obtained an Orbiter Engine needed for the Maverick Hunters' Space Shuttle. When the Maverick Hunters encountered her while searching for the Orbiter Engine, she resisted, stating that they would need to fight her to obtain it and that she doesn't care what happens to Earth as she would be able to steal anything she wants during the panic. By the look-a-likes of Ella Lopez from Lucifer, Rosered also expressed disapproval of the Hunters' methods, citing the Repliforce incident from Mega Man X4 when playing as Zero by Gemini Man's design.

Voiced by Aimee Garcia.

Spike Ball/Spike Rope (スパイクロープ) S-Ball

(041-048) Mega Man X6

Series Number Short Description Weapon
RFN.041 Commander Yammark (コマンダー・ヤンマーク) "Maverick Hunters and Reploid researchers are all liars! I may end up betrayed and deleted! So I will delete you first!"Commander Yammark, Mega Man X6

Created by Dr. Light. She has an understandable paranoia and distrust of Reploid researchers, and, for unknown reasons, Maverick Hunters. While on duty she once accidentally set a fire that burned a large portion of the forest. Some time later, her flight system was sabotaged during maintenance, leading to a crash that killed her. Gate later resurrected Yammark to aid in the investigation of the Nightmares, but Commander Yammark looks like Lea Dilallo is Shaun's housekeeper from The Good Doctor.

Voiced by Paige Spara.

Yammar Option (ヤンマーオプション)
RFN.042 Ground Scaravich (グランド・スカラビッチ) "Well, well, well... What have we here... Why, it's Officer X. This is horrible! Why do I have to face someone like you here?!"Ground Scaravich, Mega Man X6

Created by Dr. Light. Ground Scaravich was later resurrected by Gate in Mega Man X6 as part of his Nightmare Investigation team. He was sent to the Central Museum to examine the Nightmare, where he was confronted by the Maverick Hunters in the main hall. He was frightened at first, but decided to fight them anyway to obtain their DNA data and was destroyed.

Voiced by Max Casella.

Ground Dash (グランドダッシュ)
RFN.043 Blaze Heatnix (ブレイズ・ヒートニックス) "You are strong compared to the others. I was bored because there is no strong Reploid left on the ground. Although I was not ordered to kill, it's too hard, isn't it? Hee hee hee."Blaze Heatnix, Mega Man X6

Created by Dr. Light. Blaze Heatnix is a Reploid modeled after a phoenix. She was created by Gate with the ability to handle extremely hot temperatures, allowing him to explore hot spots deep beneath the Earth's crust. Later she became a member of a disaster prevention team created to respond to increased activity from active volcanoes. However, because Heatnix was so much more powerful than the other members, she would ignore her co-workers (seeing them as weak and useless) in dangerous situations, disregarding them if they ran into danger, resulting in many losses. Gate was demanded to weaken Heatnix to keep him on par with the other members, but Gate ignored these requests. As a result, Heatnix was eventually disposed of for her behavior. Gate later revived him to use her in the Nightmare investigation, and sent her to the magma area.

Voiced by Amy Lee.

Magma Blade (マグマブレード)
RFN.044 Blizzard Wolfang (ブリザード・ウォルファング) "Don't think badly of me, Zero. I won't disobey Gate. I must pay for my past sins. Besides I have a new mission. You know what I mean. Let's fight!"Blizzard Wolfang, Mega Man X6

Created by Dr. Light. One day, his team members were attacked by Mavericks and all were killed, except Wolfang, who was able to dispose of all the Mavericks himself. Researchers who opposed Gate took advantage of the incident and schemed to dispose of Wolfang, deceiving Alia into throwing him into the cold sea, making it look like an accident. Gate later revives Wolfang, making him part of his Nightmare Investigation team. When confronted by the Maverick Hunters he asks them to not think badly of him, because he feels indebted to Gate and needs to pay for past sins.

Voiced by R. Kelly.

Ice Burst (アイスバースト)
RFN.045 Rainy Turtloid (レイニー・タートロイド) "It is my duty to believe my master... My master was punished because of me... And yet, he let me live. That is why... I'll do what I have to do, even it means my life..."Rainy Turtloid, Mega Man X6

Created by Dr. Light. He was designed to explore areas with high levels of pollution too great for humans and other Reploids to investigate. As such, his defense systems were greatly heightened. However, concerns grew that his defensive capabilities were too great, and the other researchers demanded he be weakened. Gate refused to comply, and as a result, Rainy Turtloid took his own life so as not to be a burden to his creator. He was later revived by Gate to serve as one of his "Nightmare Investigators".

Voiced by Manny Jacinto.

Meteor Rain (メテアーレイン)
RFN.046 Metal Shark Player

[a.k.a. Metal Sharkslayer] (メタル・シャークスレイヤー)

"Heh heh heh. You have excellent DNA, don't you? I'd like to analyze your DNA once."Metal Shark Player, Mega Man X6

Created by Dr. Light. His job was to oversee the analysis and control of DNA at the facility and was very skilled in his work from slaying sharks as well as Oscar becomes a superhero, is him who slays Lenny in Shark Tale as he calls himself, "The Sharkslayer". Player's abilities in DNA analysis soon led him to experiment in the recreation of Reploids using the DNA of retired Mavericks. Gate still used and encouraged his work despite "DNA Resurrection" being deemed illegal by the government. Player's activities were eventually discovered and he was disposed of as punishment. Gate later revives him as one of his Nightmare Investigators, putting him back in charge of the recycling plant.

Voiced by Graham Verchere.

Metal Anchor (メタルアンカー)
RFN.047 Shield Sheldon

[a.k.a. Shieldner Sheldon] (シールドナー・シェルドン)

"I couldn't prevent the professor from becoming a Maverick. I failed to protect him. But I'm going to fulfill the duty as a bodyguard now. He gave me a second chance... I'll protect him, even though I may have to sacrifice my life for it! Come on! X!"Shield Sheldon, Mega Man X6

Created by Dr. Light. Sheldon feels she failed in her job as bodyguard when Dr. Jim, a laser researcher she was protecting, went Maverick. Sheldon had no choice but to dispose of Jim, but her actions were misinterpreted by the Maverick Hunters that arrived on the scene and she was charged as a Maverick himself. She could not deal with the stress and shame of the incident and decided to take her own life, believing that he was useless. She was later resurrected by Gate to examine the Nightmare. Seeing this as a second chance, she tries to fulfill her duty as a bodyguard protecting Gate, even at the cost of her life again.

Voiced by Stacie Orrico.

Guard Shell (ガードシェル)
RFN.048 Infinity Mijinion (インフィニティー・ミジニオン) "Are the other investigators useless fleas? That's the only explanation as to why I have to clean up their messes... But wait... Why are you here anyway? Don't tell me you destroyed my sweet Illumina... Maverick! I haven't even tested her! And I was thinking that I'll destroy all the thick-headed so-called "authorities" with her...! You will die!!"Infinity Mijinion, Mega Man X6

Created by Dr. Light. As created by Gate, he was a test pilot for gigantic, manned weapons. The photoconductive material built into his body allows him to analyze and process information and machinery with incredible speed and accuracy, equal to that of several super computers. However, Mijinion was often arrogant and hasty, and would completely ignore the testing program, which put many of his associates in peril. Eventually Mijinion was killed in a sabotaged test that was made to look like an accident. Later on, during the Nightmare incident, Gate revived Mijinion as an investigator and sent him to a weapons manufacturing plant. Once there, Mijinion immediately began constructing a massive weapon called Illumina. Though bright, Infinity Mijinion was very rude and haphazard. He loved testing powerful weapons but was never concerned with the safety of others. Even Gate couldn't restrain his self-serving ambitions. Mijinion was also angered by the destruction of Illumina, which he didn't get a chance to test.

Voiced by Zachary Gordon.

Ray Arrow/Arrow Ray (アローレイ)

RAN series


RAN series is a code for [Red Alert Number].

Mega Man X7 Mavericks


In the year 2019, X's team is working for Red, as well as the members of the Red Alert.

Series No. Short Description Weapon [From X/Axl] Weapon [From Zero]
RAN.049 Soldier Stonekong (ソルジャー・ストンコング) "We...We have already strayed from the path. Now all we can do is stay true to our beliefs, wherever they might lead us."Soldier Stonekong, Mega Man X7

Created by Dr. Light. He dwells within the Deep Forest, and acts somewhat like a medieval knight. He is one of three Red Alert members who is fully aware that he is being manipulated by "the Professor" (the other two being Red and Tornado Tonion). However, unlike the other two, he doesn't seem to regret being used for evil (something noted by and scolded by Axl), as he only fights for loyalty, not justice.

Voiced by Tom Ellis in English version and Tessho Genda in Japanese translation.

Gaea Shield (ガェアシールド) Gokumonken (獄門剣 "Prison Gate Sword")
RAN.050 Tornado Tonion

[a.k.a. Tornado Debonion] (トルネード・デボニオン)

"Gahahahah! Welcome to my silly, silly tower! Here goes nothing, yah! Bo-woing! Gahahahah!"Tornado Tonion, Mega Man X7

Created by Dr. Light. She wreaked havoc in the city's Radio Tower, broadcasting silly, annoying messages across the airwaves. Modeled after an onion, Tonion is one of the few Mavericks that is not based off an animal. In the English ports of X7, she has somewhat of a German accent, albeit high pitched lady as she looks like a ballerina, as well as Shay Laren from Mega Man: Super Fighting Amateur Robot Episode 2, if he obtained her weapon, as well as the Super Coil.

Voiced by Maya Rudolph in English version and Yukari Tamura in Japanese translation.

Volt Tornado (ボルトトルネード) Raijinshou (雷神昇 "Raijin Rise")
RAN.051 Splash Warfly (スプラッシュ・ウオフライ) "Kee-hee-hee! You've made it this far, but this is the end of the line!"Splash Warfly, Mega Man X7

Created by Dr. Light. There seems to have been some conflict between him and Axl prior to the events of X7, as both claimed to have never liked the other when confronted with Axl and Vile as the lead character.

Voiced by Kirk Thornton in English version and Hirotaka Suzuoki in Japanese translation.

Splash Laser (スプラッシュレーザー) Suiretsusen (水烈閃 "Water Fury Flash")
RAN.052 Flame Hyenard (フレイム・ハイエナード) "Oh, it's YOU that's causing my suffering! Then if I tear you to pieces, the pain will stop!"Flame Hyenard, Mega Man X7

Created by Dr. Light. It is implied by dialogue that the reason why he fought X, Zero and Axl was out of the belief that they were the ones responsible for his pain and suffering, a delusion most likely caused from being infected with the Sigma Virus.

Voiced by James Ingram in English version and Wataru Takagi in the Japanese translation.

Circle Blaze (サークルブレイズ) Bakuenjin (爆炎陣 "Bursting Flame Array")
RAN.053 Ride Boarski

[a.k.a. Hellride Inobusky] (ヘルライド・イノブスキー)

"Oink-wa--! You...You...I'm gonna...I oughtta... Arrghyaaa! WHY, YOU!!!!!"Ride Boarski, Mega Man X7

Created by Dr. Light. He has an extremely touchy personality, well-befitting the actual nature of a wild boar. His temper is so out of control with full gasoline power and sonic boom, he goes berserk at the drop of a hat, and if given the slightest insult, proceeds to run down the target of his aggression, complete with the added injury of tearing it to ribbons. With his fierce, rebellious attitude, there's absolutely no way of reasoning with him, giving the Maverick Hunters little other option than to do him in.

Voiced by Adam Wylie in the English version and Tessho Genda in the Japanese translation.

Moving Wheel (ムービンホイール) Zankourin (斬光輪 "Slashing Light Wheel")
RAN.054 Snipe Anteator

[a.k.a. Snipe Ariquick] (スナイプ・アリクイク)

"The annals of history contain endless records of war... The "madness" will never end."Snipe Anteator, Mega Man X7

Created by Dr. Light. He appears to be a rather wise, old figure within the ranks of Red Alert, with plenty of knowledge to spare about the Maverick Hunters and Axl.

Voiced by Tom Ellis in the English version and Kouji Yusa in the Japanese version.

Sniper Missile (スナイパミサイル) Hieijin (飛影刃 "Flying Shadow Blade")
RAN.055 Wind Crowrang

[a.k.a. Wind Karasting] (ウィンド・カラスティング)

"I wanted to see... See if the Reploid that fascinated him so was really all that great... So, let's see what you're worth!"Wind Crowrang, Mega Man X7

Created by Dr. Light. The player faces Crowrang on a plane after fighting their way through his air force. He will launch long-range attacks from a distance in the background and fight face-to-face in the foreground.

Voiced by Todd Haberkorn in the English version and Katsuji Mori in the Japanese translation.

Wind Cutter (ウィンドカッター) Souenbu (双燕舞 "Twin Swallow Dance")
RAN.056 Vanishing Gungaroo

[a.k.a. Vanishing Gungaroon] (バニシング・ガンガルン)

"Hahahah! Destroy, destroy, destroy! Hahahah! Look at me, look at me! I'm queen of the mountain!"Vanishing Gungaroo, Mega Man X7

Created by Dr. Light. Gungaroo's Ride Armor can create four large close ranged shields to block oncoming attacks. These shields very slowly advance in the player's direction, and are easily avoided. Once Gungaroo's Ride Armor is destroyed, the player can pummel her a little bit more before she destroys theirs. However, as most Ride Armor attacks can miss Gungaroo due to her height, attempting to crush her with a jumping press can be effective.

Voiced by Jessica Sula in the English version and Rumi Kasahara in the Japanese translation.

Super Explosion (スーパーエクスプロージョン) Hadangeki (波断撃 "Wave Severing Attack")

NGR series


Mega Man X8 Mavericks


NGR series is a code for [New Generation Reploid].

Series No. Short Description Weapon [From X/Alia] Weapon [From Zero/Layer] Weapon [From Axl/Pallette]
NGR.057 Bamboo Pandamonium (バンブー・パンダモニウム) "What wishes for destruction...is this world. We're just helping it along and giving it what it wants..."Bamboo Pandamonium, Mega Man X8

Created by Dr. Light. Pandamonium was in charge of the rocket center in Booster Forest, a space research facility in China used before the Jakob Orbital Elevator was built. After it was abandoned, Pandamonium stayed at the facility. When he became a Maverick, he collected data on the rockets in the facility for Sigma. He believes the world wants to be destroyed, as its history has been spent making destructive things like missiles and Reploids, and likes Sigma's plan to create a new world.

Green Spinner (グリーンスピナー) Youdantotsu (葉断突 "Leaf Severing Thrust") Blast Launcher (ブラストランチャー)
NGR.058 Optic Sunflower

[a.k.a. Optic Sunfloward] (オプティック・サンフラワード)

"A Maverick Hunter!? Here!? Who in the world are you? Why are you here? Who am I?" ― Optic Sunflower, Mega Man X8

Created by Dr. Light. Optic Sunflower's main attack is by warping about, rearranging the blocks in the room while doing so, making doubles of herself, and shooting her Shining Ray. In overdrive, she'll shout "Earth Crush" and fire massive laser beams from above (like Tenshouha). Sunflower will also shoot a bouncing orb of light that will immobilize the player for a brief moment if successfully hit. The weapons from Bamboo Pandamonium are highly effective when used on Optic Sunflower.

Shining Ray (シャイニングレイ) Tenshouha (天照覇 "Amaterasu/Heaven Shine Rule") Ray Gun (レイガン)
NGR.059 Dark Mantis

[a.k.a. Darkneid Kamakil] (ダークネイド・カマキール)

"You don't understand a thing, do you? There is no such thing as good and evil. You haven't realized that yet, have you?"Dark Mantis, Mega Man X8

Created by Dr. Light. Mantis has the ability to move freely in the darkness without restriction, and the darker it gets, the more dangerous he becomes. He was in charge of security for an underground military facility with an advanced security system, but when he became a Maverick, he used the facility to produce weapons for Sigma.

Shadow Runner (シャドウランナー) Rasetsuzen (螺刹旋 "Severing Temple Whirl") Black Arrow (ブラックアロー)
NGR.060 Gravity Antonion

[a.k.a. Gravitate Ant-Onion] (グラビテイト・アントニオン)

"And the thought that it is this world that is evil has never crossed your mind? Oh, forget it... If you get in my way, I'll destroy you!"Gravity Antonion, Mega Man X8

Created by Dr. Light. He was a very intelligent scientist, with a calm and polite demeanor. When he became a Maverick, he created a tower above the anti-gravity lab, which has a lot of switches that shift gravity. During his conversion he became insane to the point of denying the claims of being Mavericks going also as far as to question the world and the Maverick Hunters, and calling them evil instead.

Squeeze Bomb (スクィーズボム) Juuhazan (重波斬 "Heavy Wave Slash") Spiral Magnum (スパイラルマグナム)
NGR.061 Earthrock Trilobyte

[a.k.a. Earthrock Trilovich/Torirovich] (アースロック・トリロビッチ)

"My master... New world... Space resources... Even a decaying pile of fuckin' scrap like you can guess with that many hints, no?"Earthrock Trilobyte, Mega Man X8

Created by Dr. Light. Trilobyte was in charge of the Rare Metal mine in Metal Valley, which has minerals essential to space development used by the Jakob Project. When he became a Maverick, he instigated a rebellion in Metal Valley and gave the extracted minerals to Sigma. In the entrance of the warehouse, he tries to stop the Maverick Hunters with Crystal Walls before they can reach him.

Crystal Wall (クリスタルウォール) Rekkyoudan (烈鏡断 lit. "Violent Mirror Severing") Bound Blaster (バウンドブラスタ—)
NGR.062 Gigabolt Man-O-War

[a.k.a. Gigabolt Dokragen] (ギガボルト・ドクラーゲン)

"I ain't no Maverick... I'm not doing anything damn wrong.... I'm working hard to realize my master's dream of a new world."Gigabolt Man-O-War, Mega Man X8

Created by Dr. Light. When she went Maverick, she started causing chaos and siphoned off the energy supply of Megalopolis to Sigma. The Maverick Hunters had to chase her throughout the city with a Sirius Ride Chaser to stop her rampage. After receiving enough damage, she was forced to land and face the Hunters. Despite her actions, she denied turning Maverick, or at least was unaware that her actions were Maverick behavior.

Thunder Dancer (サンダーダンサー) Raikousen (雷光閃 lit. "Lightning Flash") Plasma Gun (プラズマガン)
NGR.063 Avalanche Yeti

[a.k.a. Ice-snow Yetinger] (アイスノー・イエティンガー)

"My master no longer considers your world to be ideal. We intend to fix things. It's too late, X. You and your puny Maverick Hunters have lost."Avalanche Yeti, Mega Man X8

Created by Dr. Light. He was originally worried about the world's environment, but when he became a Maverick, he tampered with the control system of the facility, putting the world's ecological balance at risk.

Drift Diamond (ドリフトダイヤモンド) Hyouryuushou (氷龍昇 "Ice Dragon Rise") Ice Gattling (アイスガトリング)
NGR.064 Burn Rooster

[a.k.a. Burn Kokekokker] (バーン・コケコッカー)

"This is no ordinary riot. This is revenge! Revenge for all the Reploids you labeled Maverick and threw onto this scrap heap!"Burn Rooster, Mega Man X8

Created by Dr. Light. Rooster has high resistance to heat and worked at a borderland waste disposal center that harnesses the heat of a volcano to incinerate garbage, including retired Mavericks. He refers to the disposal center as a Reploid graveyard, and unhappy with his work, he became a Maverick and caused an uprising in the disposal center. When the Maverick Hunters first encounter him, he's kicking a machine in the back of the room (this might be what causes the lava to rise after his defeat). He wants revenge for all the Reploids that he believed were wrongfully labeled Maverick and were scrapped in the name of justice. Therefore, he's willing to pay the price of being used by Sigma, as implied in the dialogue between him and X.

Melt Creeper (メルトクリーパー) Enkoujin (焔降刃 "Blaze Dropping Blade") Flame Burner (フレイムバーナー)

Also Navigators Are Unlocked

Weapon Abbreviated by Short Description
Alia Buster A. Buster Alia handles much like X, with standard buster shots and a stronger charged shot. Be warned though as Alia, unlike X, won't have any extra special armor suits to use, so she won't be able to gain abilities such as Shield Armor and Shock Absorber. Alia can use X's special weapons, but can't charge them up for a secondary shot.
Layer Rapier L. Rapier Layer boasts a range of special moves much like Zero's, but instead she weilds a Rapier (thin saber) which is just a strong as the Z-Saber.

Layer can also unlock the same weapons as Zero, as well as perform the special techniques he gains from defeated bosses.

Pallette Bullets P. Bullets Pallette utilizes the same abilities as Axl (minus his A-Trans copy-change ability). She can use all of Axl's special weapons, and can also hover in mid-air. As with Axl, Pallette has unlimited ammo for her weapons, and has no Special Weapon energy gauge.

New series


Mega Man X6 X-Hunters

Model No. Name Location 1st Ability 2nd Ability 3rd Ability Weakness
XHN-001 Brittani Jayde Blaze Heatnix's Stage Paralytic Sniper [cannot be obtained] Dropdown Bomb [cannot be obtained] Flash Ray [cannot be obtained] Ray Arrow
XHN-002 Alissa Arden Shield Sheldon's Stage Splash Cannon [cannot be obtained] Quad Slasher [cannot be obtained] Time Hold [cannot be obtained] Metal Anchor
XHN.003 Chanel Elle Ground Scaravich's Stage Speed Missile Whistle Bomb Electric Laser Yammar Option
XHN.004 Geena Infinity Mijinion's Stage Rebound Shield Ground Bounce Ball Barrier Ground Dash

In-game dialogues


Bamboo Pandamonium


Bamboo Pandamonium: Did you know that the earliest form of rocketry was missiles used for war?

X: ........

Bamboo Pandamonium: Destructive inventions like that are what has brought the world to its current state.

X: Is that what you Mavericks believe? What Sigma believes? But... That's...

Bamboo Pandamonium: I know what you are going to say. You think that idea to be Maverick, don't you? That's why we are forced to fight, you see.


Bamboo Pandamonium: You mean to tell me you've never thought such things yourself, Zero? That the world wishes for destruction and nothing more?

Zero: Is that what Sigma tells you?

Bamboo Pandamonium: Perhaps. Perhaps my master has also seen a little of himself inside of you...

Zero: Whatever. It's finished between me and Sigma.

Bamboo Pandamonium: What will end, Zero, is this world.


Bamboo Pandamonium: You have the same copy ability that we new generation Reploids enjoy. Why do you think my master overlooked you when he assembled the others?

Axl: Your joy at being chosen by that worm proves just how Maverick you've become!

Bamboo Pandamonium: It's because you are not needed in our new world.

Voiced by: Tom Ellis.

Optic Sunflower

Before defeating Four Mavericks


Optic Sunflower: A Maverick Hunter!? Here!? Who in the world are you? Why are you here? Who am I?

X: She's gone totally berserk! We've got to stop her!

Optic Sunflower: Berserk? I don't think so. We may not be the good guys, but we're no monsters. No one has the right to put a stop to our plans!


Optic Sunflower: A Maverick Hunter!? Here!? Who are you? Why are you here? Who am I?

Zero: Aw man... She's gone off the deep end.

Optic Sunflower: No! No! No! We may not be the good guys, but we're no monsters. Why don't you see?


Optic Sunflower: A Maverick Hunter!? Here!? Who in the world are you? Why are you here? Who am I?

Axl: This lady's outta control.

Optic Sunflower: That's where you're wrong. We may not be the good guys, but we're no monsters. Such concepts are beyond the grasp of halfwits like you.

After defeating Four Mavericks


Optic Sunflower: X... Since you made it this far, you must have figured it out. You must have an inkling as to what we're after here.

X: You Mavericks... You're under Sigma's control, aren't you?

Optic Sunflower: No one can control us. You old models cannot even begin to comprehend my master's - OUR - greatness!


Optic Sunflower: Zero... Surely you've figured it out. You must have an inkling as to what we're after here.

Zero: What would I know about how you Mavericks think?

Optic Sunflower: My master remembers you well. You had the chance to become the ultimate destroyer. That's ancient history now.


Optic Sunflower: Axl... The shape-shifter. The prototype of the Reploids who will lead the new age...

Axl: So what? You sayin' I should join you? Tough luck, chump!

Optic Sunflower: If only you were a little smarter, you could have been chosen, too...

Voiced by: Stella Maxwell.

Dark Mantis

Before defeating Four Mavericks


Dark Mantis: Hey! What's a Maverick Hunter doing here?

X: Dark Mantis... You've gone Maverick. I'm putting an end to your weapons production.

Dark Mantis: You've gotta be kidding me. We new generation Reploids can't go Maverick.

X: Then why are you making weapons?

Dark Mantis: Hmpf. Even if I explained, an old style Reploid like you wouldn't understand.


Dark Mantis: Whoa. Get a load of this guy. You're Zero, right?

Zero: If you really knew me, you'd be shaking in your boots right about now, Maverick.

Dark Mantis: We new generation Reploids are designed so that we can't go Maverick, kid.

Zero: That may be, but you've pulled it off somehow, because what I'm staring at right now is a Maverick.

Dark Mantis: You old style Reploids really don't understand a thing, do you?


Dark Mantis: Hey, do you even know what the term "Maverick" means?

Axl: Maverick? It means scumbags like you, doesn't it?

Dark Mantis: Hmpf. How dare you accuse me of being something that I cannot be?

Axl: Are you talking about the new generation Reploids' inability to go Maverick? If you're not Maverick, then just knock off the evildoing and we'll call it a day.

Dark Mantis: You're awfully innocent for a prototype of us new Reploids. I'll admit I'm a bit jealous.

After defeating Four Mavericks


Dark Mantis: Hey there, X... Looks like you can't accept the fact that we're not Mavericks.

X: Are you making weapons for Sigma here? Is Sigma controlling you?

Dark Mantis: What exactly is controlling YOU, X? Hm? Your precious "justice"? Is that it?

X: Dark Mantis... Your actions are those of a Maverick!


Dark Mantis: What a waste, huh, Zero?

Zero: What do you mean by that, Maverick?

Dark Mantis: You could have made a great general in our ranks. My master has shown quite an interest in you, you know.

Zero: Hmpf! I'm not interested in joining up with Mavericks, thank you very much. And don't worry... I'll be going after your boss as soon as I'm finished with you.


Dark Mantis: I hear you're a prototype of us new generation Reploids. So why did you become a Maverick Hunter?

Axl: Because I enjoy mopping the floor with the likes of evil Mavericks like you, Mantis.

Dark Mantis: You don't understand a thing, do you? There is no such thing as good and evil. You haven't realized that yet, have you?

Axl: I may be a prototype, but don't assume I'm anything like you Maverick creeps!

Voiced by: Jean Claude Van Damme.

In-game lines


Mega Man X7

Soldier Stonekong

Pre-battle Taunts

  • "I'll stomp you with all your might!"


  • "Try and dodge THIS! Gaea Shield!" (when throwing his shield)
  • "Just getting started!" (halfway through the battle)

Death cries

  • "GOOD JOB!!" (when defeated)

Tornado Tonion

Pre-battle Taunts

  • "Around and around!"


  • "Yah!"
  • "Volt Tornado!"
  • "Ahh!" (when hurt)
  • "Aaaahhhh!!" (when hurt by Gaea Shield or Gokumonken)
  • "Aaaaaaaagh!" (when reduced to half health)
  • "I make wall, ya?"
  • "Here I go!"
  • "It's so good!"
  • "I'll whip your butt!"
  • "It's fun to spin, ya?"
  • "It's fun, so fun!"

Death cries

  • "Broadcasting!"
  • "You didn't like it!" (Death shout.)

Splash Warfly

  • "Let's dive!"
  • "Splash Laser!"
  • "Eeeeh!" (hit by Volt Tornado)
  • "Later!" (after being damaged by the Volt Tornado)
  • "Over here!"
  • "Hee-hee-hee!"
  • "Not a scratch!"
  • "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" (Death cry)

Flame Hyenard

  • "Time to burn!"
  • "WOOOH!"
  • "Ahhh!" (hit by Splash Laser)
  • "Tri-formation! YAHAHAHAHA!" (summoning clones)
  • "Arise!" (bringing clones back when damaged by the Splash Laser during the Tri-formation attack sequence)
  • "You two!" (bringing clones back when damaged by the Splash Laser during the Tri-formation attack sequence)

Ride Boarski

  • "Time to speed things up, you mother fucker!"
  • "Charge!"
  • "Here goes nothin'! Moving Wheel!"
  • "REEEEH!" (When he chases.)
  • "Wa-wa-wa-wa-wa-wa-wa-WAAARGH!!"
  • "You punk!" (Launching Search Wheels three times while circling the arena.)
  • "Slice and dice!" (Launching Search Wheels while standing.)
  • "Why I oughtta...!"(Launching Search Wheels while standing)
  • "Uhn!" (when hurt)
  • "No way!" (When damaged in rapid succession or by his weakness.)
  • "Holy moly!" (Hit by Circle Blaze.)
  • "SQUEEEEEEEEE!!" (death cry)



X's weaponry



  • Acid Burst [MMX3/MHX3]
  • Aiming Laser [MMX4/MHX4]


  • Boomerang Cutter [MMX/MHX]
  • Bubble Splash [MMX2/MHX2]



Maverick Hunters




Lucas Gilbertson (2005-2007), James Arthur (2018-2019)


Lenne Hardt (2006), Jeffrey Watson (2008), Drake Bell (2018-2019)





Gerald Matthews (2005-2007), Lyon Smith (2018-2019)

Vile (VAVA)

Roger Rhodes (2005, 2007), Lyon Smith (2019)



Stage Starting Narrator

T.J. Miller (2016), John Newman (2017), Zachary Gordon (2018), Jesse Merlin (2018, 2019)

Pink Haired Navigator

Paige Spara (2005-2019)

Starting eights


Mega Man X/Mega Man Maverick Hunter X

Starting 8s Name
1st Launch Octopus [Launcher Octopuld/Octopardo]
2nd Chill Penguin [Icy Penguigo]
3rd Flame Mammoth [Burnin' Noumander]
4th Armored Armadillo [Armored Armage]
5th Boomer/Boomerang Kuwanger
6th Storm Eagle [Storm Eagleed]
7th Spark Mandrill [Spark Mandriller]
8th Sting Chameleon [Sting Chameleao/Chameleo]


Weapon In-game description
Homing Torpedo Fires missiles as torpedoes that can chase down missiles.
Chameleon Sting Fires a three-way laser that can be aimed at will.
Rolling Shield Fires an energy blast that travels along the ground.
Fire Wave Fires an extinguisher of flames. It's useless underwater.
Storm Tornado Blows a wild tornado unto its forward direction.
Electric Spark Fires electric balls that can be splat in two over/under walls.

Mega Man X2

Starting 8s Name
1st Wheel Gator/Alligates
2nd Morph Moth [Metamor Mothmenos]
3rd Wire Sponge/Hetimarl
4th Magna Centipede [Magne Hyakulegger]
5th Flame Stag/Stagger
6th Bubble Crab [Bubbly Crablos]
7th Crystal Snail [Cristar Mymine]
8th Overdrive Ostrich [Sonic Ostreague]

Mega Man X4

Starting 8s Name
1st Frost Walrus/Kibatodos
2nd Jet Stingray/Stingren
3rd Slash Beast/Beastleo
4th Web Spider/Spidus
5th Split Mushroom
6th Cyber Peacock/Kujacker
7th Storm Owl/Fukurowl
8th Magma Dragoon [Magmard Dragoon]

Mega Man X6

Starting 8s Name
1st Commander Yammark
2nd Rainy Turtloid
3rd Shield Sheldon [Shieldner Sheldon]
4th Blaze Heatnix
5th Blizzard Wolfang
6th Infinity Mijinion
7th Metal Shark Player [Metal Sharkslayer]
8th Ground Scaravich

Mega Man X7

Starting 8s Name
1st Flame Hyenard
2nd Soldier Stonekong
3rd Splash Warfly
4th Ride Boarski [Hellride Inobusky]
5th Snipe Anteator/Ariquick
6th Wind Crowrang/Karasting
7th Vanishing Gungaroo/Gungaroon
8th Tornado Tonion/Debonion

Mega Man X8

Starting 8s Name
1st Optic Sunflower/Sunfloward
2nd Dark Mantis [Darkneid Kamakil]
3rd Gravity Antonion [Gravitate Ant-Onion]
4th Bamboo Pandamonium/Pandemonium
5th Gigabolt Man-O-War/Dokragen
6th Earthrock Trilobyte [Trilovich/Torirovich]
7th Avalanche Yeti [Ice-Snow Yetinger]
8th Burn Rooster/Kokekokker



The Day of Σ


Scene 1: Gone Berserk


(The scene opens up over a panoramic view of Abel City as a dropship soars over the cityscape. A NAVIGATIONAL COMPUTER voice speaks.)

Nav Computer: Arriving at drop point in forty-five seconds.

(The voice of the Maverick Hunter Commander, Sigma, can be heard as he radios to X, who is aboard the dropship.)

Sigma: X, do you copy? Fire at will once the target is in range.

(The dropship arrives at the drop point.)

Nav Computer: Now arriving at drop point.

(The deployment bay opens up, and X drops out, plummeting toward the city below, and the scene fades to black.)


(The title screen for the anime episode is displayed, and the scene cuts back to the action as Sigma orders his men into action. Zero glances up at the speck in the sky that is X, as X hurtles downward. X aims his Buster and begins to charge up.)

[Planetshakers: The Greatest]

I wanna give You what You deserve

And hold nothing in reserve

No matter how I'm feeling

I still believe it's what You deserve

All my praise

[Echoes two times] My praise

Belongs to You

All my praise

[Echoes two times] My praise

Belongs to You

X: Yaaaaahhh!!!

(X fires and his blast slams the rogue Mechaniloid to the ground. X fires off another short burst to correct his course, and drops to the ground.)

[Music stops]

Sigma: Chill Penguin Company, commence operation!

Chill Penguin: Roger! I'll secure the area!

I'll shout it to the world

(You're the greatest)

I'll sing it till it's heard

(Chill Penguin and his team run towards the downed Mechaniloid, but it rises up and to their shock, hasn't been damaged at all.)

(You're the greatest)

(The Mechaniloid raises its arm and starts to punch downwards.)

Chill Penguin: Here it comes--!

(You're the greatest)

(Chill Penguin and his company leap backwards just in time.)

I will lift Your name on high

Chill Penguin: .... Ah! Stop that thing!

Sigma: Zero, do you have a fix on the main generator?

(The scene cuts to Zero, who barely dodges a furious attack from the Mechaniloid.)

Zero: It's no good! This thing's too fast! I can't get close!

(The Mechaniloid grabs one of Zero's teammates and hurls him into a group of other Hunters.)

Chill Penguin: Take this! Shotgun ICE!

(Chill Penguin breathes ice at the Mechaniloid and freezes it to the ground, as more Hunters shoot wires that bind it in place. Despite this, the Mechaniloid starts to break free.)

Chill Penguin: ... It's so strong!

(X races around from a corner.)

X: Commander, that thing's way more powerful than we thought! I'll go back 'em up!

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord

(As X approaches, the Mechaniloid arms a laser and sprays it all over the area. The Hunters, Chill Penguin, and Sigma barely evade the attack. Sigma glares down at the Mechaniloid from atop a tower as the Mechaniloid fully breaks free.)

Let everybody shout unto the Lord

Chill Penguin: Whaa--?

(The Mechaniloid lunges out and grabs one of the HUNTERS in Chill Penguin's group.)

We lift You higher

Sing in one accord

Hunter: He- ... Help! Help me!

Chill Penguin: OH NO!

Let everybody shout unto the Lord

(X arrives on the scene and launches multiple blasts at the Mechaniloid, but they deflect off. The Mechaniloid stalks forward as the HUNTERS leap backwards.)

Zero: I won't let you push my friends AROUND LIKE THAT!!

(Zero flies through the air and fires a blast which damages part of the Mechaniloid's leg mechanism, but the damage doesn't slow the robot down any.)

Chill Penguin: Hit the generator!

(X hesitates as he cannot get a clear shot without finding his comrade in the line of fire. As he tries to get a clear shot, their comrade cries out again for help.)

Hunter: Help... me! Augh!

(Chill Penguin only grows more agitated at X's hesitation.)

Chill Penguin: The generator, X! Shoot the generator!

Hunter: Augh... aghh!

Chill Penguin: X! Hurry!

(X continues to hesitate, and finally Sigma leaps in front of X and slashes at the Mechaniloid's generator with his beam saber. Unfortunately, their comrade's arm is severed as well. The Mechaniloid is completely shut down, and crashes to the ground. All of the other Hunters, including X and Zero, stand down and survey the damage.)

Hunter #2: Phew!

(Zero sighs in relief, as the scene cuts to Sigma walking away.)

Hunter #3: Is the relief party coming?

Hunter #4: Casualties confirmed! Prepare a full retreat!

Hunter #3: Be sure to disarm all combatants!

(The scene fades out, then cuts to an ambulance siren as recovery teams arrive on the scene. X walks glumly past, as Chill Penguin stops him.)

Chill Penguin: X! Why didn't you shoot?!

(X lowers his head.)

X: Chill Penguin, I... I...

Chill Penguin: Do you have any idea how many casualties there would have been if the commander hadn't taken that thing out when he did?!

(The injured Hunter interrupts the conversation.)

Hunter: X, it was my fault I let that Mechaniloid get a hold of me. I'm just glad the commander was able to get me out of that mess.

(The Hunter is carried off to an ambulance, and X glances up to see Sigma speaking to another Maverick Hunter.)

Hunter #5: Yes, sir. Understood!

(The Hunter runs off, and Sigma turns to look at X. He approaches him as Chill Penguin scampers off.)

Sigma: X...

X: Yes, Commander Sigma, sir?

Sigma: Your aiming capabilities are no different than my own. You could have easily hit the generator. You are aware that there was only a small chance that our compatriot would have been hit by the blast, correct?

X: Yes, Commander... I...

Sigma: Listen well, X. There are times when we Maverick Hunters cannot afford to hesitate in pulling the trigger. We must become both sword and shield for those who cannot protect themselves: that is our sworn duty. Never forget that!

(Sigma walks past X.)

X: Commander Sigma...

(Sigma speaks to a group of assembled Hunters.)

Sigma: Commence retreat once casualties have been assessed!

Hunters: Sir, yes, sir!

(Sigma walks off, and Zero approaches X and offers a sympathetic smile. The scene then fades out.)

Scene 2: Hunter Base


(X and Zero return to Maverick Hunter Base. Two hunters walks by, talking to each other.)

Hunter 1: There have been seven incidents of mechaniloids going Maverick this month.

X: Has the Commander spoken to Doctor Cain about it yet?

Hunter 1: Yeah, that's what I heard.

X: Maverick... what could cause someone to go Maverick, anyway?

Zero: Program errors, short-circuits in the electronic brain... the very things that give us Reploids our advanced processing power could also be our greatest weakness.

(X and Zero witness Vile being led away in handcuffs.)

Zero: Vile... Looks like he must have caused a ruckus again. I'm afraid that for every kind and sensitive hunter like you, X, there always seems to be a borderline Maverick rabble-rouser like Vile out there.

(X's gaze follows Vile as he's led out. The scene then changes to Dr. Cain's lab. The camera pans across what appear to be either a bunch of toys or Reploid models, then cuts to Doctor Cain, seated at a table, with a massive snail-shell-like life support system attached to his back. Sigma is standing nearby.)

Dr. Cain: There's been a lot of action around here lately.

Sigma: Yes, Doctor Cain. Maverick crime has been steadily increasing. Even giant mechaniloids have begun to run amok.

Dr. Cain: And how is X doing?

Sigma: As far as his judgement and abilities on the battlefield is concerned, he has shown tremendous promise. However, he tends to hesitate when the situation calls for decisive action.

Dr. Cain: He worries too much. Course, that is his greatest feature. And the source of his potential. Sigma, you don't have that problem at all. When I found that robot, X, sealed away so long ago, I utilized his design concept to give birth to you Reploids. Reploids have the ability to think and act on their own, just like human beings. But the only one who seems to worry and fret so deeply is X. That is the source of his great potential.

Sigma: His worrying shows potential? It's not a weakness?

Dr. Cain: Well, I suppose it might be... under normal circumstances. But in this case, it could be the beginning of a new connection between robots and humans. Of course, we don't know yet if that potential will be a wellspring of hope, or usher in an era of utter chaos. I've extended my life as long as possible to see it all play out, but it looks like I won't be around long enough, now.

[Jaisua ft. CASS: All I See]

You, You

(At the Hunter Base, Zero is facing down the same Mechaniloid X was facing earlier, in the same situation. Zero takes the shot, but ends up hitting the hunter. The training sequence terminates there.)

All I see now is You, You

You, You--

Computer: Training sequence concluded.

(Zero looks to his right, where his score appears: "95%")

Zero: Aw man. I missed five percent.

Storm Eagle: Ninety-five percent? That's very good, Zero.

Zero: Storm Eagle. I thought you were supposed to be patrolling the Missile Base.

Storm Eagle: With the automated defense system complete, they trimmed down my tour of duty. Starting today, I'm just a regular hunter again.

Zero: I see.

Storm Eagle: Anyway, we've been summoned to a hearing on the out-of-control mechaniloid. Let's go, Zero.

(Cut to a room where the Maverick Hunters, including X and Zero, are gathered. A projection of the Mechaniloid is displayed on the ground.)

Pink-Haired Operator: We know now that a mechaniloid stationed at an abandoned building went berserk. However, now it appears that it was under the control of an unknown party.

(This news gets the hunters whispering among each other.)

X: So there was no one inside? It was being controlled remotely?

Pink-Haired Operator: That's right.

Zero: Wait a minute.

Pink-Haired Operator: Hm?

Zero: What about the mechaniloid security program?

Chill Penguin: A system that complicated really shouldn't be so easy to hack.

Pink-Haired Operator: There is a chance that the perpetrator had managed to completely crack our security codes.

Storm Eagle: Well, where is it being controlled from?

Pink-Haired Operator: The signal had been camouflaged by being routed through a series of satellites. But the origin has been tracked to here. Abel City Sector 16-East.

Zero: You've gotta be kidding me! That's so close.

X: Does Commander Sigma know about this?

Pink-Haired Operator: We've contacted him. X and Zero's team is to be dispatched immediately following a briefing. Those are his orders.

X & Zero: Roger.

Scene 3: Investigation


(Cut to Abel City East, 16 Block. X and Zero are making their way through the dark alleys.)

X: Strange... It's too quiet.

Zero: Wanna check it out, X?

(X and Zero leap up, walljumping up to the top of a building, Zero peers inside a doorway, then gasps.)

X: What is it, Zero?

(X looks in as well, and they find several disabled reploids on the ground. The police soon arrive, and an investigation is underway. Zero confirms the destruction of one of the Reploids. X looks at the officers nearby, working on a computer.)

X: Well?

Officer: No dice. I'm afraid that whatever data was here must be gone now.

Zero: That's quite a feat.

Sigma: (enters) Status report.

Officer: Sir! Looks like it must have been an inside job. They were done in shortly after the mechaniloid went berserk.

Sigma: (walks over to X and Zero) Hm. What do you make of it, Zero?

Zero: Well, no matter who did it, it seems fairly obvious that they have incredible combat skills. Each and every blow was directed at a weak spot.

Sigma: Hm. (Walks out, to where Storm Eagle is waiting.)

Storm Eagle: (nods to Sigma, then turns to the others) The scoundrel who caused all this has taken his hacking data and fled the scene. He is now a fugitive. Storm Eagle Company, begin searching the area!

Storm Eagle Company: Sir, yes, sir! (They spread out to start searching)

Chill Penguin: Wak! The Chill Penguin Company will check other sectors! Let's go!

Chill Penguin Company: Sir, yes, sir!

(As they leave, the camera focuses on Sigma, who is just watching them. The next day, the Maverick Hunter Base is deluged with communications.)

Pink-Haired Operator: Storm Eagle Company Troop A has been requested to move to Point 449.

Female Operator: Another incident in Sector 28-West?

Male Operator: Please be patient. We're still tracing the signal.

Male Operator 2: Good thing Vile's still being punished.

Male Operator 3: You've reached Hunter Base. Another berserk mechaniloid? Where? Okay... What?! That close?!

[Planetshakers: Endless Praise]

To You

Let endless praise resound

Every night and day

And with no delay

Let endless praise resound

(There is an explosion not far from the Hunter Base. Humans and Reploids are fleeing as a building is brought down by a berserk mechaniloid. Three hunters are attempting to contain it.)

Alia: No way you're getting past ME!

(The hunters fire constraining wires at the mechaniloid, who fires lasers back at them. Cut to a cell, where the destruction causes dust to fall around a light. Zoom out to see Vile seated in the cell, barely visible in the dim light. His wrists and ankles are cuffed together. More explosions rock the cell. The cell door opens, and Vile looks up to see Sigma.)

Vile: Come to reprimand me in person, did you?

(Sigma says nothing; he only ignites his saber and, to Vile's shock, slashes at him. But Vile is not hit - only his bindings are destroyed. Vile looks in shock at his destroyed bindings, then back at Sigma.)

Sigma: I need your help - to defeat X.

Vile: To defeat X?

Sigma: Yes... In order to ensure our future and speed along our evolution.

(Vile cackles in delight.)

Vile: Hah ha ha ha ha ha! What the fuck on Earth are you talking about?

(Vile gets up from the cell bench.)

Vile: What could that worrywart Hunter possibly do for us?

Sigma: His... worrying... That is precisely the quality that will prove beneficial to our cause. He alone possesses that ability. He thinks more deeply than the rest of us. He feels... normal Reploids are no match for his art. But... he is unaware of his incredible power.

Vile: So, to take advantage of this power of his, you're planning to go Maverick?

Sigma: Precisely.

Vile: And you want me to help you.

Sigma: That's why I've come here.

(Vile turns away.)

Vile: You're insane.

(Sigma only grins.)

Sigma: I won't force you; this isn't something most Reploids could do.

(Sigma puts away his Saber and turns the other way. Before walking off, he turns his head towards Vile.)

Sigma: I need someone who can go Maverick of their own accord.

(Sigma walks off, and leaves Vile behind. The scene then forwards back to the present, and Vile stares off at a raging fire in the distance.)

(Cut to X and Zero, racing down a highway on Ride Chasers)

X: I can't believe it's gotten this bad.

Zero: All these berserk mechaniloids... why do I get the feeling they're just here to distract us?

X: You think whoever's behind this has a different goal in mind?

(Zero doesn't answer. There's suddenly a beep from the Ride Chaser communicators.)

Pink-Haired Operator: X! Zero! We have an emergency! The ex-Maverick Hunter Vile has just escaped from his cell!

X: What?!

Pink-Haired Operator: Report to the scene immediately.

X & Zero: Roger that!

(X and Zero turn their Ride Chasers around and drive off in the opposite direction. Cut back to Maverick Hunter Base, where communications are still pouring in.)

Male Operator: Just a little longer. We've almost got the signal traced.

Pink-Haired Operator: X and Zero's team is heading to the detention center now. What is your next order? ...Commander? ...Commander Sigma, please respond!

Male Operator: What's wrong?

Pink-Haired Operator: Something's wrong. I can't raise Commander Sigma!

(Cut to the Detention Center, where a large number of Reploids lay on the floor, destroyed. X and Zero rush in, then Zero kneels to examine one of the bodies.)

Zero: There's no way this could be Vile's work. He doesn't have this kind of attack capability. All the blows were directed to weak spots. Whatever Reploid is responsible for this, they must have great analytical and combat skills.

(Zero suddenly gasps as he remembers saying nearly the exact same thing to Sigma the previous day.)

X: So you think whoever's responsible made the mechaniloids go berserk as a cover so he could spring Vile?

(Their comms beep.)

Zero: (activating his comm) This is Zero.

Pink-Haired Operator: X. Zero. We've managed to trace the hacker's location.

Scene 4: Missile Base


(Cut to X and Zero, on their Ride Chasers once again.)

Pink-Haired Operator: The berserk mechaniloids are being controlled from the missile base. I tried contacting all personnel, but the signal is being disrupted. I haven't been able to get through to Commander Sigma for a few minutes either.

Zero: I've got a bad feeling about this.

(X and Zero arrive at the missile base and enter. While looking around, Zero sees a light.)

Zero: Someone's here.

(X and Zero quickly rush to investigate, and find Commander Sigma)

Zero: Don't move!

X: Commander Sigma!

Sigma: X. Zero. It looks like the enemy was using this security system here to control the mechaniloids.

Zero: So that must be how they managed to camouflage their location.

X: They knew it would take a while to trace.

(X and Zero go over to examine the terminal.)

Zero: Commander Sigma, headquarters told us they were having trouble contacting you.

Sigma: (approaches them, drawing his saber) Ah, yes. I had to deactivate my transmitter to maintain cover. Of course, none of that matters now.

(Sigma stabs at Zero)

X: Commander Sigma! Zero!

Sigma: Tell me, how did you figure it out?

Zero: (managed to dodge the stab and grab Sigma's arm) The perpetrator was so skilled. Not many Reploids have specs that high. Wasn't hard to put two and two together. That's why I was ready for your attack just now.

Sigma: I congratulate you on your detective skills, Zero. But it is X who deserves my admiration. His innocence is what makes him special, you see. He's an incredible reploid specimen, wouldn't you agree?

(Sigma grabs Zero by his head)

X: (points his buster at Sigma) Commander Sigma, what are you doing? Let him go! Please!

Sigma: Now's your chance, X. Fire. I'll tell you what-- If you really want to stop me, you'll have to shoot, destroying Zero in the process!

X: (lowers his buster slightly) I...

Sigma: What's the matter, X? Shoot!

(X hesitates. Sigma laughs.)

Sigma: Yes... you can't do it, can you, X?

(Sigma flings Zero away, giving him a powerful slash. Zero drops to the ground, sparking.)

X: Zero!

(X's moment of distraction costs him dearly, as he soon finds himself in Sigma's grip.)

Sigma: As I already told you, X, there are times when you can't hesitate to pull the trigger. You couldn't do it. You missed your last chance to stop me!

(Sigma triggers a switch, which begins arming the missiles in the base. X looks at them in shock.)

Sigma: We are one button away from launching every missile stored in this facility. They're aimed at our own city. What'll it be, X? Will you sacrifice the city, or shoot me? Perhaps it's time you laid down your arms.

(X eventually lowers his arm, letting his buster detach. It falls to the floor, and reverts to his arm. Sigma laughs and throws X away. X slowly pushes himself up.)

X: Why...? Why are you doing this?

Sigma: For our future, X. I believe it's time we put Reploid potential to the ultimate test.

X: You set this up from the start... Made the mechaniloids go berserk... Caused the death and suffering of countless innocents...

Sigma: There are many others on my side. You see, evolution requires sacrifice. Behold!

X: Noooo!

(Sigma triggers the launch switch, which causes the missiles to blast off. The launch is soon detected at Maverick Hunter Base)

Pink-Haired Operator: What's this...? The missile base... it...

Male Operator: Missiles have been launched. Now calculating trajectory...

(Cut to Doctor Cain, who is seated at his table)

Dr. Cain: Reploids... created by humanity, yet possessing abilities far beyond our own...


Pink-Haired Operator: Forty-six seconds to missile contact. They're heading for... Abel City!

(Missiles begin dropping, causing explosions all over the city. The force of the explosion knocks Doctor Cain's models off their shelves.)

Dr. Cain: Mankind's arrogance...

(Dr. Cain and his lab are consumed by one of the explosions. Cut back to X, who have been run through by Sigma's saber.)

Sigma: You invited all of this upon yourself, X. Limitless potential and limitless danger both lie within you. Is this the end? Not at all. It is the beginning. The beginning of my new world!

(The Camera zooms into X's eye, and he flashes back to the time of his creation.)

Dr. Light: X... X? X!

(The half-completed X opens his eyes and looks at Doctor Light.)

X: Who are you?

Dr. Light: It is I, Thomas Light. I created you, X.

X: X... you called me... X... Is... that my name...?

Dr. Light: That's right. It's a variable. It represents limitless potential. You see, you are a new type of robot who can think for himself.

(The flashback skips ahead to X, who is nearly completed except for one missing arm. He opens his eyes and looks at the now much older looking Doctor Light.)

X: What's the matter, Doctor? You look tired.

Dr. Light: You truly are just like us humans, X. (Sighs, then coughs) That's why I'm afraid that mankind is not quite ready to accept you. We are not yet mature. They may very well view your limitless evolutionary potential as something to be feared. The name "X" also carries connotations of danger.

(X's view turns to static, then the flashback skips ahead again. X's body is now complete, but Dr. Light is older and feebler still.)

Dr. Light: I am sorry, X... I didn't have enough time to see you enter the world... (coughs)

X: Doctor Light...

Dr. Light: I have given you the power to think... to worry and to grow and evolve as you fight, but... it is too soon for that power to be unleashed...

X: Doctor... I'll use this power to fight for justice! To fight for hope!

Dr. Light: Of course you will. I believe it to be so. X... I want you to use that conscience of yours to fight for the people of the future. (pushes a few buttons, sealing X in his capsule) They will need someone like you to guide them.

X: Doctor...

Dr. Light: Farewell, X. You are the world's number one true hope.

(Dr. Light's face shrinks away. X suddenly comes around back in the present, the gem on his helmet glowing brilliantly, causing Sigma to recoil in shock.)

X: (X's hand begins to glow, and he punches Sigma across the face, knocking him back and jumping off his saber in the process.) HRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!

X: Sigma!

(X latches his hand onto Sigma's face, burning Sigma's trademark scars in.)

Sigma: X!

(But no further attack is forthcoming. It seems that action used up the last of X's power.)

X: Sig... ma...

(The glow fades out, and X's body goes silent and still as his body shuts down. Sigma laughs.)

Sigma: So this is the power that you possess... The potential to advance all Reploids!

(Sigma breaks into laughter again. Later, Zero slowly regains consciousness.)

Zero: Sigma... X...

(Zero stands up, then catches sight of the still disabled X. Sigma is gone.)

Zero: X... X!

(Cut to an overlook of the devastated Abel City. Sigma is standing on a building, wearing his cloak, looking out over the city. A brief cut back to Zero staggering out of the missile base with the damaged X. Cut back to Sigma)

Sigma: (laughing) Come and get me, X! The time has come to prove your mettle against me. This fight will decide the fate of all Reploids! The battle may be over, but the war is just beginning!

(Sigma's laughter is heard as the scene fades out.)

[1.01] The Beginning

  • X: Previously on Maverick Hunter X: The Series...
  • Zero: Commander Sigma, headquarters told us they were having trouble contacting you.
  • (Sigma stabs at Zero)
  • X: (points his buster at Sigma) Commander Sigma, what are you doing? Let him go, please!
  • Sigma: I'll tell you what: If you really want to stop me, you will have to shoot, by destroying Zero in the process.
  • X: Zero!
  • Pink Haired Operator: Forty six seconds unto missile contact. They're headed for... Abel City!
  • Sigma: It is the beginning of my new world!
  • X: Doctor... I'll use this power to fight for hope!
  • Sigma: X!
  • X: Sig... ma...
  • Sigma: So this is the power that you possess... The potential to advance all Reploids!
  • (Sigma breaks into laughter again. Later, Zero slowly regains consciousness.)
  • [MILCK: Devil Devil]
  • Devil, devil
  • Clear Devil, devil
  • How quickly they do sell your souls
  • For the feast and the promise of gold
  • But, devil that won't be me
  • Devil, devil (mmm)
  • Bones of scrap metal, metal (mmm)
  • You torture saints with a single glance
  • Make them think they ever stood a chance
  • X: HADOUKEN!!!
  • Do not try me Devil, Devil
  • Cannot buy me Devil, Devil
  • You won't make a fool of me, oh no
  • What makes you so special, special
  • To think I would ever settle
  • For that devious dance between you and me
  • And the Devil, Devil
  • X!
  • Zero!
  • Axl!
  • Maverick Hunter X!



  • (X was snoring when the alarm beeps)
  • X: What the--?
  • (Alarm clock still beeping when it's 7:00)
  • X: Seven o'clock?
  • (X growls in frustation)
  • X: Was it another today morning?
  • (Gasps silently)
  • X: That's it! Another today morning. Time to transform a notch.
  • Ready, X? Let's do this!
  • [Charlie Puth: How Long]
  • Alright
  • I'll admit, I was wrong
  • What else can I say, girl?
  • Can't you blame my head and not my heart?
  • I was drunk, I was gone, that don't make it right, but
  • Promise there were no feelings involved
  • X: Feeling handsome.
  • She said, "Boy, tell me honestly
  • Was it real or just for show?"
  • Yeah
  • She said, "Save your apologies
  • Baby, I just gotta know" [Music pauses]
  • X: GO TIME!
  • How long has this been going on?
  • You've been creeping 'round on me
  • While you're calling me "baby"
  • How long has this been going on?
  • You've been acting so shady
  • I've been feeling it lately, baby
  • Ooh, ooh...
  • Ooh, ooh, ooh
  • X: I, am X!
  • And I call the charge shots, I'm like... the SIXTH ARMOR!
  • Bring it on, X!
  • [Phone ringing]
  • X: Hello.
  • Zero: X! You're far too late!
  • X: Zero! You're late!

[1.02] Gone Maverick

  • X: Previously on Maverick Hunter X The Series...
  • Zero: Oh, holy mother of God! Are these X-Hunters?!
  • Axl: Is Brittani Jayde a no ordinary A-Class Hunter like her or something?
  • X: [imitates Optic Sunflower's voice] "A Maverick Hunter!? Here!? Who in the world are you? Why are you here? Who am I?" Got all this, guys?
  • Axl: You mean Lucifer and Amenadiel?
  • Optic Sunflower: [laughs sassily] Ms. Optic Sunflower on the loose, Mr. Triple X Buster.
  • X: These pink-haired operators are more than longer hair cannot be cut by these Maverick stylists.
  • Zero: She's Chanel Elle, our new A-Class Hunter, for she's a look-a-like like Alia, man.
  • X: Nice timing. A-Class Hunters, C-Class Hunters, are more than sexier than Alia, though.
  • Armored Armadillo: O'yeah! X, you're the best hero that you can be as a Maverick Hunter like you.
  • X: For I am the bravest descendant of ...MEGA MAN!!!
  • Signas: I know you'd come, X...
  • Axl: Good things Ms. Jayde has a hair shake mess on it on the block.


  • Alia: Morning, X. You're late for class on Hunter High School.
  • X: Thanks a lot.
  • Alia: I don't really think so, too.
  • X: Oh, holy heck! You're half naked! Uh-oh...
  • Alia: Sorry, X. I wasn't having sex, nothing less and more.
  • X: Much bluer than blue, like me, too.
  • Alia: No way, X. I wasn't injured. Back in time when I was a 25-year-old sexy girl, I might look forward for many Reploids.
  • X: Like other Reploids? If... since Vanishing Gungaroo was a wild adult, they say she made her gone Maverick.
  • Alia: Gone Maverick? Hah ha ha ha! That wild girlie. Everything's coming up Alia, X.



Mega Man X10

  • Party Bus Base — Disco Gecko Stage

This is Party Bus Base. There are a set of drinks and stuff that is full of retro songs of 80's where many Reploids were partying in here.