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History Barcalona 3[edit]


Martin of Aragon
Crown of Aragon
Compromise of Caspe
James II, Count of Urgell
Louis III of Naples
Yolande of Aragon
Ferdinand I of Aragon
Antipope Benedict XIII
Eleanor of Alburquerque
House of Trastámara
Alfonso V of Aragon
Braccio da Montone
Joanna II of Naples
Giovanni Caracciolo
Pope Martin V
Muzio Sforza
Francesco I Sforza
Battle of Ponza (1435)
Yeshaq I
John II of Aragon
Louis XI of France
Ferdinand II of Aragon
Isabella I of Castile
Alhambra Decree
History of the Jews in Spain
Treaty of Tordesillas
Italian Wars
Joanna of Castile
Philip I of Castile
House of Habsburg
Habsburg Netherlands
Seventeen Provinces
Pragmatic Sanction of 1549
Revolt of the Comuneros
Pope Adrian VI
Battle of Villalar
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
Spanish Empire
War of the Castilian Succession
Monarchy of Spain
Catholic Monarchs
Spanish Golden Age
Arumer Zwarte Hoop
Pier Gerlofs Donia
Wijerd Jelckama
Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros
Philip II of Spain
Mary I of England
Eighty Years' War
Anglo-Spanish War (1585–1604)
Spanish Armada
English Armada
Morisco Revolt
Habsburg Spain
Italian War of 1551–1559
Battle of Ponta Delgada
Iberian Union
Conquest of the Azores
Catholic League (French)
French Wars of Religion
Siege of Paris (1590)
Siege of Calais (1596)
Battle of Fontaine-Française
Siege of Amiens (1597)
Edict of Nantes
Edict of Fontainebleau
Peace of Vervins
Ottoman–Habsburg wars
Dutch Revolt
Cultural depictions of Philip II of Spain
Black Legend
Philip III of Spain
Twelve Years' Truce
Francisco Gómez de Sandoval, 1st Duke of Lerma
Thirty Years' War
Margaret of Austria, Queen of Spain
Spanish Inquisition
Expulsion of the Moriscos
Siege of Kinsale
Treaty of London (1604)
Philip IV of Spain
Spanish treasure fleet
Portuguese Restoration War
Andalusian independentist conspiracy (1641)
John of Austria the Younger
Charles II of Spain
Southern Netherlands
Gaspar de Guzmán, Count-Duke of Olivares
Philip V of Spain
War of the Spanish Succession
House of Bourbon