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During my childhood(even during youth), I had been suspecting the existence of the God. The word God is just a three-letter word to me - G+O+D. Various people(Saints/Common people) has their own impression of God. Some people say that it is Jesus, some say Allah and Hindus have a much divided opinions like Ram/Krishna/Kali/Shiva/Bishnu/Brahma and so many others. But Brahmins say that God is something that can't be sensed by our sensory organs, neither conceived by our mind and wit. He is beyond everything - a blissful existence only(Sat-Chit-Aanonda). Now the question is how to perceive such a God.

I believe that I am not capable to perceive that God who is beyond our senses,mind and wit. I can see the God in his creation only, mainly in humans who are the best creation of God. Obviously all humans are not worth worshiping. We can worship only the demigods. Sri Sri Uma Devi popularly known as "Joy Maa" is the demigod whom I saw, talked and worship.