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The official guidelines for speedy deletion are at Wikipedia:Criteria for speedy deletion. However, if your article resembles anything on this list, I can promise you I will tag it for speedy deletion:

  • Your unsigned rock band that doesn't meet WP:MUSIC. This is especially true of the band you started last week, and that's still looking for a bass player. See Wikipedia:No one cares about your garage band.
  • Any article whose sole point is to announce that its subject is gay.
  • Any article that begins, "Not much is known about..."
  • Your backyard wrestling league, or any of its members.
  • Your fantasy wrestling league.
  • Your fantasy anything league.
  • A word you just made up, especially if it "means whatever you want it to mean." See WP:NFT and WP:NEO.
  • Rumored Disney Channel shows/movies, or sequels to them. See Wikipedia is not a crystal ball.
  • Your five-a-side pub soccer club.
  • A sex practice involving excretory functions that you just made up.
  • Anyone who's "the coolest person in the universe."
  • Anyone who "Rokz your sockz."
  • Anyone who is "the man, the myth, the legend."
  • Anyone or anything that's "up and coming."
  • Any article that begins, "It all started when..."
  • Your girlfriend/boyfriend.
  • Your teacher.
  • Your YouTube film.
  • Your independent production company that makes YouTube films.
  • Your high school film class film.
  • Your fansite that you just started last week.
  • The fantasy novel that you haven't finished writing yet.
  • Your search engine optimization company.

Notice how many of these have the word "your" in them? See Wikipedia:Conflict of interest.

Special thanks to NawlinWiki, who wrote the above (with a few changes from me.)