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User:ValentiaLyra/Books/Mental Stuff

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aileen Wuornos
Albert J. Dunlap
Alexander Pichushkin
American Psychiatric Association
Anders Behring Breivik
Andrew Cunanan
Anti-social behaviour
Anti-social behaviour at T in the Park
Antisocial personality disorder
Arthur Shawcross
Attention seeking
Barry George
Basic manipulative strategy of a psychopath
Borderline personality disorder
Brian David Mitchell
Bugsy Siegel
Callous and unemotional traits
Carl Eugene Watts
Carmine Galante
Charles Manson
Colin Ireland
Conduct disorder
Confessions of a Sociopath
Daniel Gonzalez (spree killer)
Dark triad
Dennis Rader
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Diane Downs
Dissocial personality disorder
Edgar Smith
Emmanuel Constant
Eric David Harris
Evil Genes
Fictional portrayals of psychopaths
Garry David
Gary Gilmore
Gilbert Paul Jordan
Graham Young
Hare Psychopathy Checklist
Harold Shipman
Harvey Glatman
Henry Lee Lucas
Hervey M. Cleckley
History of psychopathy
Histrionic personality disorder
Ian Brady
Indifference to others' suffering
James Fallon
James Hanratty
Jimmy Maketta
Joanna Dennehy
John Wayne Gacy
Kenneth Bianchi
Kenneth Erskine
Kenny Richey
Kiaran Stapleton
Lack of guilt in psychopaths
Lack of sense of responsibility of psychopaths
Lenny Murphy
Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale
Macdonald triad
Marc Dutroux
Martha Stout
Mary Bell
Mathew Charles Lamb
Mehmet Ali Ağca
Mental disorder
Michael Stone (murderer)
Mick Philpott
Narcissistic personality disorder
Ondrej Rigo
Ottis Toole
Paranoid personality disorder
Patrick Mackay
Personality disorder
Peter Tobin
Psychological manipulation
Psychopathic Personality Inventory
Richard Allen Davis
Risk Management Authority
Robert Black (serial killer)
Robert D. Hare
Rodney Alcala
Ronald DeFeo, Jr.
Ronnie Lee Gardner
Sam Vaknin
Schizoid personality disorder
Serial killer
Shallow emotions of psychopaths
Snakes in Suits
Superficial charm
Superficial sympathy
Ted Bundy
The Mask of Sanity
The Psychopath Test
The Return of the Psychopath
The Sociopath Next Door
Thomas DeSimone
Tommy Lynn Sells
Victim playing
Westley Allan Dodd
Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us
World Health Organization