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User:Ucucha/Holocene extinctions

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Many species of mammals have gone extinct during the Holocene.

Order Didelphimorphia


Family Didelphidae


Order Dasyuromorphia


Family Thylacinidae


Order Peramelemorphia


Family Chaeropodidae


Family Thylacomyidae


Family Peramelidae


Order Diprotodontia


Family Pseudocheiridae


Family Petauridae


Family Potoroidae


Family Macropodidae


Order Proboscidea


Family Elephantidae


Order Sirenia


Family Dugongidae


Order Afrosoricida


Family Tenrecidae


Order Bibymalagasia


Order Pilosa


Family Megalonychidae


Order Eulipotyphla


Family Nesophontidae


Family Solenodontidae


Family Soricidae


Order Chiroptera


Family Pteropodidae


Family Hipposideridae


Family Phyllostomidae


Family Mormoopidae


Family Vespertilionidae


Family uncertain


Order Carnivora


Family Eupleridae


Family Canidae


Family Phocidae


Family Otariidae


Order Cetartiodactyla


Family Hippopotamidae


Family Bovidae


Family Cervidae


Order Perissodactyla


Family Equidae


Order Lagomorpha


Family Prolagidae


Family Ochotonidae


Order Rodentia


Family uncertain


Family Capromyidae


Family Echimyidae


Family Nesomyidae


Family Cricetidae


Family Muridae


Order Primates


Family Daubentoniidae


Family Lemuridae


Family Megaladapidae


Family Archaeolemuridae


Family Palaeopropithecidae


Family Pitheciidae


Family Atelidae


Literature cited

  • Turvey, S.T. 2009. Holocene Extinctions. Oxford University Press US, 359 pp. ISBN 9780199535095