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My Autobiography


My name is Jeanna Hunt. I am a freshman at the University of Pikeville located in Eastern Kentucky, also known as, the Coal Country. I am a 19 year old, blue eyed beauty that just happens to be a full time college student that also has a full time job at good ole Mickey D's! Yea, I work at McDonald's, and there are even times I'll wear my uniform to class so I don't have to worry about carrying a bunch of clothes to school with me. I go straight to work afterwards and I don't want to waste time that I could be working, in the bathroom changing. Go ahead! Stare at me, at least I'm making my own money. I don't have to call on Mommy and Daddy every time I run out of the $100 they just gave me the week before. I have bills to pay, I'm moved out on my own with my boyfriend of 6 1/2 months, I have a job, and I'm still enrolled in college. I might not have the best grades, but damn it I'm trying and I'm doing well if you ask me! People will judge me for my choices I have made: 2 tattoos, moved in with my boyfriend after just dating for 4 months, buying a car from some shady ass people, gaining weight, losing weight, cussing, and every now and then I'll give in to peer pressure. But guess what, my choices define me, and your judgments define you! Now, back to about me and not just ranting about little stuff.

I love to listen to morning doves outside my window when I wake up, and I love listening to the frogs chirp at night as I'm going to sleep. It really is the little things in life that make you the happiest or the saddest. The two tattoos I mentioned earlier are: one on the inside of my foot that says "Limitless" because that is what I believe anyone should feel about themselves. I AM LIMITLESS. I can do whatever I set my mind to and I will reach my goals one way or another; My other tattoo is on my front left shoulder of an orange tiger lily (matching tat with one of my best friends). My favorite color is Pink, my favorite flower is a tiger lily, my favorite food is watermelon, my favorite drink is my Mom's special holiday punch. Um, my favorite cookie is white chocolate macadamia nut, and I don't have a favorite genre of music. I'm no stranger to anger. Normally I'm just a smart-ass if I'm mad but if I get to the point of tears because I'm mad, you might as well just step away and leave me alone. The best way for me to calm down is to just not be bothered. The more you try to calm me down, the worse I'm gonna be.

Epilepsy runs in my family. I'm pretty sure my papaw Ermal had them when he was still alive, my Uncle Joey has them.. he was actually born having one if I remember correctly. My Mom had them sneak up on her in her later teen years, and now I have them. Not exactly the green eyes I wish I would have inherited from her. I remember the first seizure I had. My Mom was gone to work and it was a Saturday in January, 2011. My best friend that lives beside of me had just left to go down the road with her parents. I start towards to kitchen to make me something to eat and the last thing I remember is putting my hand on our kitchen counter. Next, I am struggling, but pulling myself up off of the floor, having to run to the bathroom because apparently seizures force your body to empty itself, meanwhile my elbow is so tender and sore where I hit it on the counter that I couldn't do anything but cry. I make my way to the telephone, still trying to think of what just happened, and call my Mom at work. I tell her what had just happened and she starts freaking out, telling me to sit down and not to get up unless it's necessary. After I hang up, around 30 minutes later, I have another seizure, luckily on the couch this time. I call her back and she rushes out of work to come take me to the hospital. I don't really remember anything after that but my Mom told me that all I done on the ride to the hospital was ask why she was off work, where we were going, constantly telling her that I love her, and asking what the date and time was. She said it was so repetitive that she threatened the next time I asked she was pulling over and calling for an ambulance to take me to the hospital. I've had about 5 seizures altogether, but I haven't had one in over a year thanks to my neurologist and the medicine she has me on to control them.

I will admit that I am a jealous person. I am not too jealous, it's just certain things that rub me the wrong way. One thing that I have a constant jealousy of is people that actually have a Mother and a Father in their lives. The married, happy family, that I've always longed for. My Mom and Dad divorced LONG before I was born and he's never been in my life like he should have. I have basically forced him to keep a relationship with me in some form. He went a straight 9 1/2 years without talking to me or my sister. I didn't know what a "Dad" was. My Uncle Steven was my Dad for as long as he lived and I miss him daily.

Anyways, this was my biography. A little long, but once I get hooked on a subject, I don't stop until I feel you know everything I meant to say.

Technology and I


When I was little, I was never very interested in technology and "the next best thing". I stayed outside from ten in the morning until seven in the afternoon. I didn't care if I just sat out in the grass, trying to find ants to burn with my magnifying glass or jumping on my neighbors trampoline. I loved to be outside. My Mom would have to bring my lunch outside and set it on the porch so I'd sit down for a few minutes and eat. I wouldn't even go inside to get something to drink, I would bang on the porch until she came to the door and get her to bring me a glass of kool-aid or a bottle of water. Then I hit my teenage years. I fell in love with air conditioning inside the house, I thought it was God's gift to me. You couldn't bribe me outside with a free shopping trip thanks to the air conditioning, internet, and to be honest, I was a tomboy and didn't like shopping back then.

I always noticed my sister being on yahoo messenger, AOL, and other types of instant messengers, Facebook, and MySpace. I always thought she was the coolest person and I wanted to be just like her. She would never let me open up a Facebook account because at the time, it was just for college students, and to me, MySpace was getting old. After I turned 12 or 13, my Mom finally convinced my sister into creating me a Facebook account because all my friends in 7th grade had one and I felt left out (lol). I thought I was the Bee's Knees! Once I got what I wanted, so started the arguing over who got to get on the computer and how long we were allowed to stay on it. Me and my Sister stayed at each other's throats because she would often go over her one hour time limit and leave me with just 30 minutes or so to do what I wanted.

I haven't actually played outside, in I can't tell you how long. Technology has ruined me. I love my cell phone, internet is the best thing ever invented since sliced bread, and of course, the air conditioning has really spoiled me. If I get too hot now, I get in a bad mood and if I get aggravated while I'm hot, you might as well put a fan in front of my face and don't talk to me. I go outside a little more often now, as long as I keep an ice cold refreshment with me. I am very technology dependent, while my Mom is very technology illiterate. We have debates on how to work things all the time because she doesn't understand it. I find it quite amusing. As much technology as the world today depends on, we will never go back to "the good ole days", we'll just be pushing electronics and everything else forward to make life "easier" for everyone. I guess we'll eventually see how that works.

My Relations with Wikipedia


I was never told Wikipedia was bad by any of my teachers throughout middle school or high school. I was never told that it was a good website, either. Sure I had that one teacher that didn't trust it, but she never tried to get us to agree with her. If we used it, we used it. If not, she was even happier. I even had the teacher that barely knew of Google or any other site besides Wikipedia. It was her obsession. She never forced her opinions on her students, either.

I just never thought to use it as a resource or create my own articles or anything. I just figured Google would do just as good, if not better. After attending the University of Pikeville (UPIKE) and reading about Wikipedia and actually being taught about it, instead of having a teacher that loved it or hated it, I have learned it's not a terrible website, it's actually pretty good. I'm still learning how to use it and all, but so far so good.

It could improve some, but I'm afraid to say what to improve or how because I'm still learning how to operate it and make my way around the website. I will be a reference for Wikipedia from now on, if any of my friends need help with research or wanting to start an article, or anything that I know that Wikipedia can do, I'll get them to try it out, as well. Keep up the good work, and keep improving anytime you think you need it. But like I said before, so far, so good! Oh, and by the way, on any of my articles, feel free to edit and let me know why. The more you help me with, the more I'll like Wikipedia. (:

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Start your engines! This user is a fan of RuPaul's Drag Race. YOU BETTER WATCH!