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The Law of Time is formulated: Suavecito

T(E)=ART Energy factored by Time equals Art.

By Suavecito Productions & Jose Arguelles

“0-19 is my code. In it are all demonstrations of the wisdom that is always close and near, but which comprehends the web of galactic being and all forms of its natural orders in time. Just as nineteen is the power of God’s mercy, so zero is the fullness and emptiness all at once which characterize the nature of mind and all it can know.” Storm of Non-Ego,” Section 15, Verse 97 Telektonon of Pacal Votan

This is why there is no such thing as an ugly sunset, and why nature is a harmony.

Did you know that time is a frequency?

The Law of Time is a discovery that has been occurring over the past decade. The key to this discovery is that time is a frequency. The natural timing frequency is expressed as a ratio 13:20. All of the universe is governed by this ratio which establishes the synchronic or fourth-dimensional order of reality.

The combination of the Gregorian Calendar and the mechanical clock has created the artificial 12:60 timing frequency. It is this unconscious frequency that drives modern civilization in an accelerating pace that is devouring our environment.

Law of Time, making conscious what was unconscious

The 13:20 timing frequency was known by the ancient civilization of the Maya. It is encoded as a 260-unit matrix known as the Tzolkin (Sacred Count). Its essence is kept by a continuous set of permutations of 20 icons - Solar Seals - and 13 numbers -Galactic Tones.

The new Thirteen Moon Calendar is perfectly synchronized with the 260-unit Tzolkin. The synchronization date is July 26 - a galactic date which coincides with Sirius rising. The day before, July 25th, 2002 is the 365th day of the Thirteen Moon Calendar year - it is no day of the week or month and is known as the Day Out of Time.

Friends of the Foundation for the Law of Time is organized for the purpose of creating funds for the growing PAN World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement and to meet the Foundation's most immediate goal - universal calendar reform. Through funding the Foundation you are funding the Campaign for the New Time.

Your funds will be used for:

Production, promulgation, and propagation of Thirteen Moon Calendars Production of tools and educational literature about the Law of Time - Investing in educational media projects Developing a public awareness campaign Convening of educational seminars and Congresses Developing a library and archive of the Law and Science of Time Creation of educational caravans for more information e-mail: [email protected]

The Return to Natural Time through the Thirteen Moon Calendar is the only hope humanity has of avoiding wide scale environmental destruction and total biospheric collapse, the end of life as we know it on Earth.

Because the Thirteen Moon Calendar is mathematically perfect, it is perpetual and harmonic throughout. By adopting this calendar humanity will truly be able to enter a new millennium of harmony, hope, and prosperity. This is the goal. To attain this goal requires many hands. The Foundation for the Law of Time is calling upon people everywhere to join in this great Campaign. The Foundation is also enlisting the support of affiliate organizations to join in this effort. Already the White Land Global Energy Program of Russia has joined ranks with the Foundation. Won't you join us, too?

It is also clear that in light of the 2012 end-point of the cycle of history, that a change in time must be made before the cycle closes. The Campaign for the New Time, established through the Foundation for the Law of Time, is intended to marshal all of the information and strategies necessary to propagate a major planetary consciousness shift regarding the absolute need to make the change in time now - any later than 2004-05 will be too late. To carry out the Campaign there are two levels of activity, outer and inner. The outer level calls for the activation of apostles of the new time, members of the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement operating under the Banner of Peace through the network of world wide PAN nodes. These apostles of the new time will be charged to carry out the consciousness raising through a variety of educational strategies, from the popular to the diplomatic, including the creation of “time is art caravans,” and the establishment of an alliance uniting all kindred groups and organizations drawn from all cultures and spiritual traditions worldwide. This activity, a global “synchronization for peace force,” will culminate in an all out media-alert and a popular referendum mandating the calendar change, July 25-26, 2004.

The inner level of the Campaign for the New Time, complementing the action oriented outer level, consists of the application of the law of time through a dedicated cadre of individuals and groups totally committed to embodying the principles of the synchronic order and bringing about the manifestation of a new transformative planetary culture of harmony in time. The telepathic-synchronic programs for bringing about this cultural transformation have already been established through the law of time and are being practiced by increasing numbers of people throughout the world. The ultimate goal will be the creation of natural time communities which will be operational - living the scientific experiment in world peace -by the year 2004-05.

The goal of the Campaign is to establish and celebrate the calendar change by the day out of time, 2004, July 25, White Spectral Mirror, and the next day, the first day of the solar galactic year, Blue Crystal Storm, to fully implement the change. This will be the world year of trial for the great transition to be made using the Thirteen Moon 28-day calendar as the new global civil standard. By the end of that year, Blue Crystal Night, day out of time, 2005, the world will fully celebrate universal forgiveness in the new time of peace on Earth. The transition will have been made, emerging from a time of chaos into a time of cosmic harmony. It will be hard to imagine ever wanting to go back to the old time. New meaning will invest the life of the people of planet Earth: sacred earth, sacred order, sacred time. The mythic return of the second creation will be genuine and realizable as the creation of a culture of peace on Earth. A new heroic age will dawn

Welcome to Heven on Earth.

Suavecito Productions is the new information format reflecting the radical break in human evolution that is now occurring as a result of the unprecedented impact of human thought and machinery upon the biosphere itself. Suavecito Productions recognizes that the Earth is in a condition of evolutionary transition technically referred to as the Biosphere-Noosphere transition. This evolutionary transition is a test of the survival and evolution of human intelligence, will, and spirit. Suavecito Productions is education for evolution and it is evolutionary education.

The purpose of Suavecito Productions is to create a self-instructional format for learning about the new time and the biosphere. The law of time and the principles governing the fourth dimension have only recently been discovered and formulated. The law of time functions as a self-referenced radial matrix capable of an infinite number of fractal sequences. This simple, whole systems matrix functions by means of a fifth force informational biology.

The fifth force is the four-plus-one chromatic factor of the circulation of galactic time. The immutable process of this fifth force information biology maintains the biosphere as the region of the transformation of cosmic energy on planet Earth. The information biology of the fifth force consists of five time cells: input, store, process, output, and matrix. All information in Suavecito Productions is arranged and cross-referenced according to the self-existing, self-circulating order of the five time cells.

The five time cells that govern and moderate the information flow of the Invisible College were first presented in the Dreamspell, Journey of Timeship Earth 2013 (1991). The Dreamspell is the set of tools and proofs of the law and principles of fourth- dimensional time which are also the blue-prints for comprehensive human social reorganization. A "Dreamspell" refers to any agreed upon consensus reality. The Invisible College is the Dreamspell of the Home School, which is the heart or matrix of the Invisible College learning program. Home School is the methodology of human life no longer defined by jobs or money.The Invisible College redefines life as evolutionary learning. But why "The Invisible College?" Five Time Cells

The self-existing order of intelligence and the capacity to learn inherent in the evolving field of life on Earth are "invisible" because mind cannot be seen or grasped by the senses. Mind is informed by invisible structures of intelligence which are not limited to individuals or generations. These structures of intelligence are part of the genetic inheritance of humans. It is through collectives of humans that structures of intelligence take on different qualities of coherence from generation to generation.

The structures of intelligence are the codes of time mathematically constructed as the order of the universe in which we all participate, consciously or unconsciously. It is our nature as humans to self-reflectively come to know these structures of intelligence and the underlying mathematical order whence they originated. Once we come to know and intuitively recognize a structure of intelligence, effort is made to articulate, express and even manifest into concrete form any one of these structures. This is known as making the invisible visible.

A college refers to a gathering or coming together for mutual learning and discourse concerning structures of intelligence. As colleges take on specific third-dimensional physical forms they tend to institutionalize the structures of intelligence into coherent patterns of communication and expression which give form to a generation or many generations of humans.

The physical plant of the contemporary college or university and the institutionalization of the structures of intelligence, reduced to convenient patterns of learning and behavior, may actually obstruct genetic need and disposition. What was originally an invisible, intuitive knowing over several generations may become a rote cliche. On the other hand, when the rate of technological change reaches its exponential curve, the opposite effect occurs: information overload increases lack of discrimination while rate of change relegates genuine structures of intelligence to the dust-bin even before they have had a chance to be properly formed and experienced.

The Invisible College of the Congress of Biospheric Rights exists precisely to offset the detriments to genuine learning that now exist as a consequence of the rate of technological change and information over-load. Its purpose is to present structures of intelligence demanded by the Earth’s life-support system, the biosphere.

The structures of intelligence presented by the Invisible College are inseparable from and based upon the laws and principles of time that guide life in the biosphere. The life of the biosphere is a whole system. The sum of life in the biosphere is the sum of all the species. The continuum of life of all of the species is inseparable from certain inviolable processes that govern the entire biosphere. The sum of these processes which maintain the biosphere over eons of change are referred to as biogeochemical. Bio mean life, geo means earth, and chemical to the molecular dynamics of atomic existence, whether organic or inorganic.

The biogeochemical process governs the continuum of life and acquires all of its meaning and value from the law of time. The law of time moderates the value of the biogeochemical process in proportion to the advent of self-reflective consciousness. The biogeochemical continuum becomes exponential as the cumulative impact of self-reflective thought manifests its ultimate projection, the machine. The machine process engenders a temporary geological condition: the creation of the technosphere. As the global mechanization of human biological functions, the technosphere provides the tinder for the ultimate crisis of the biosphere: biogeochemical combustion. Biogeochemical combustion is the sum of the effects of environmental degradation, including: global warming, depleted ozone, species extinction, human population explosion, radioactive waste, decreasing resources such as drinking water, petroleum, etc.

The human species holds the smoking industrial gun of biogeochemical combustion in its hands. The biosphere-noosphere transition has commenced. What was once unconscious--the law of time--is now conscious. The Invisible College is the manifestation of the law of time within the electronic mental order of the technosphere at the final moment preceding its dissolution. If the human species can intelligently and consciously grasp the opportunity presented by this irrevocable moment of biogeochemical combustion it will inaugurate the biosphere's transition to the noosphere: the telepathically unified human species in symbiotic union with the biosphere.

Dynamics of Time, 1.6: “Biological evolution tends toward states of being capable of sustaining conscious moments in time. Evolved biological entities capable of sustaining conscious moments in time trigger self-reflective consciousness or naive experiences of time. These naive experiences of time are categorically referred to as mystical experiences. Mystical experience is predisposed to the naive experience of time because of the intent to approximate God "Allah, Ometeotl & Hunab Ku", the center and director of all intelligence.”

Sixteen Principles

1. Human beings can transform their world (Dragon) The web of our relationships with others and the natural world, which has given rise to the problems we face as a human family, can be changed.

2. Development comes from within (Wind ) The process of human and community development unfolds from within each person, relationship, family, organization, community, or nation.

3. Healing is a necessary part of development (Night) Healing the past, closing up old wounds and learning healthy habits of thought and action to replace dysfunctional thinking and disruptive patterns of human relations is a necessary part of the process of sustainable development.

4. Justice (Seed) Every person (regardless of gender, race, age, culture, religion) must be accorded equal opportunity to participate in the process of healing and development and to receive a fair share of the benefits.

5. No vision, no development (Serpent) A vision of who we can become, and what a sustainable world would be like, works as a powerful magnet, drawing us to our potential.

6. Authentic development is culturally based (World-bridger) Healing and development must be rooted in the wisdom, knowledge and living processes of the culture of the people.

7. Interconnectedness (Hand) Everything is connected to everything else. Therefore, any aspect of our healing and development is related to all the others (personal, social, cultural, political, economic, etc.). When we work on any one part, the whole circle is affected.

8. No unity, no development (Star) Unity means oneness. Without unity, the common oneness that makes (seemingly) separate human beings into "community" is impossible. Disunity is the primary disease of community.

9. No participation, no development (Moon) Participation is the active engagement of the minds, hearts and energy of the people in the process of their own healing and development.

10. The hurt of one is the hurt of all; the honour of one is the honour of all. (Dog) The basic fact of our oneness as a human family means that development for some at the expense of well-being for others is not acceptable or sustainable.

11. Spirit (Monkey) Human beings are both material and spiritual in nature. It is therefore inconceivable that human community could become whole and sustainable without bringing our lives into balance with the requirements of our spiritual nature.

12. Morals and ethics (Human) Sustainable human and community development requires a moral foundation. When morals decline and basic ethical principles are violated, development stops.

13. Learning (Skywalker) Human beings are learning beings. We begin learning while we are still in our mother's wombs, and unless something happens to close off our minds and paralyze our capacities, we keep on learning throughout our entire lives. Learning is at the core of healing and development.

14. Sustainability (Wizard) To sustain something means to enable it to continue for a long time. Authentic development does not use up or undermine what it needs to keep on going.

15. Move to the positive (Eagle) Solving the critical problems in our lives and communities is best approached by visualizing and moving into the positive alternative that we wish to create, and by building on the strengths we already have, rather than on giving away our energy fighting the negative.

16. Be the change you want to see (Warrior) The most powerful strategies for change always involve positive role modeling and the creation of living examples of the solutions we are proposing. By walking the path, we make the path visible.

These sixteen principles are summarized as four "guiding principles" essential for the formation and functioning of any community. Adopted to our needs, these principles are:

1. "Starting from Within" - Development comes from within; take responsibility yourself for your relationships; vision is the basis of development; culture is the basis of all healing and development. To make culture real practice time is art, learn from your elders and from nature.

2. "Working in a Circle" - All community, like the path of nature, forms a circle. Make a daily circle and dissolve into one. A circle is a whole system. All approaches must be used and balanced. A circle is unity. A circle means we all share and participate. A circle means we are all equal and maintains the justice of our equality, regardless of age, sex, race, relgiion, etc.; make decisions from consensus - move the circle, and keep the circle moving.

3. "In a Sacred Manner" - Spirituality is the center of healing and development. Practice daily salat prayer and/or vipassana meditation; make ceremony that integrates the natural elements in natural time with our mind, prayers, and needs. Connect with the Creator. Cultivate a heart-centered approach in all matters. Listen to spirit. Know with whom you are speaking and act and behave accordingly. Walk in balance. Do not violate ethical or moral boundaries. Think before you do anything. Work from principle. Let your principles reflect the order and plan of the universe. Do not sacrifice principle, but remain flexible.

4. "We heal and develop Ourselves, our Relationships and World." - Learn to live in ways that promote life and uplift others in your environment. Practice sustainability and non-codependence. Do not be afraid to be humble. Seek help when you need it. Respect all living systems and relations. Move to the positive. Be the change you want to see!

If we begin to learn and practice these principles in our communities and integrate them with our Earth Wizards practices, we will become successful and attractive to others dissatisfied with the 12:60 world. Community thrives on intimacy of all as one together. Let us learn to practice intimacy with self-respect!

In sum, as Earth Wizards, we wish to develop an ethic that can be characterized as:

Whole Person - that we are each committed to the care and maintenance of our own autonomy in mutual respect of the autonomy of others. Whole Family - that we recognize that our family, clan or group bonding will become whole only as each one of us becomes whole Whole Earth - the wholeness you attain as a person extends to the wholeness we attain as a family which then reflects the wholeness of our relation to the Earth, for it is the Earth which needs us to be whole.

Do not be afraid to admit your weaknesses. If you are not participating in the circle and extending the circle into all you do, then the community is not functioning.

Drugs, stimulants or alcohol are no substitute for true community sharing and love in the Circle. Be aware before you indulge. The world will be watching our communities. The use of drugs - even marijuana - in a a public manner can destroy our work. Let us be sensitive and discrete. Let us free ourselves, and free ourselves more every day! Seek nothing and let the truth know you.

Once we have understood the ethical principles and know the circle is One, than we can turn to the other two factors, Economics and Ecology. Of course, these cannot be separated from our ethical community values. Ideally and ultimately the community is based on absolute autonomy. Everyone needs their own space. And everyone needs a space in which they can be a community. Eating and meeting determine the communal space. The garden is in common, and all craft and artistic activities are best executed autonomously and anonymously as a collective whole. We each breathe and live in the same common space. Who is to say where the inspiration comes from? The cook in the kitchen cooks the beets which make the soul of the poet come alive. Was the poem in the beet and the love of the cook before it became a song in the mind? Give thanks to all beings and take credit for nothing. The Creator sustains the flow. Barter and exchange are better than money and help cultivate our ethical character and resourcefulness.

To have something to barter we must all tend the garden together. To sustain ourselves we must learn permaculture, biodynamics, greenhouses. Study your environment. Know your local flora and fauna and what is possible where you live - what are the growing seasons? Learn about dry compost toilets, lime for latrines. Learn about solar panels, alternative energy, and building techniques that manifest energy conservation. Zero residue in energy consumption! Waste free is Earth way.

There is much to learn. But if we are not ethically attuned, nothing will matter. If we learn and live by such principles as are herein enumerated, nothing will sway us from our path. Let the circle grow. Let the Circle move us. Love is vast, everywhere, and in everything - but belongs to no one. Let the circle move us. We are ONE.

The Galactic Federation Comes In Peace