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Implementation and usage


Continuous Delivery has been implemented in many different places, e.g. Amazon.com, Facebook, Google [1], and Paddy Power [2].

Continuous Delivery (CD) is a software engineering approach in which teams keep producing valuable software in short cycles and ensure that the software can be reliably released at any time.[2] It is used in software development to automate and improve the process of software delivery. Techniques such as automated testing and continuous integration (CI) allow software to be developed to a high standard and easily packaged and deployed to test environments, resulting in the ability to rapidly, reliably and repeatedly push out enhancements and bug fixes to customers at low risk and with minimal manual overhead. CD builds on CI by adding the regular deployments to production as part of the process, however CD is not a requirement of CI. The technique (CD) was one of the assumptions of extreme programming but at an enterprise level has developed into a discipline of its own, with job descriptions for roles such as "buildmaster" calling for CD skills as mandatory.



Several benefits of Continuous Delivery have been reported.[2]

  • Accelerated Time to Market: CD lets an organization deliver the business value inherent in new software releases to customers more quickly. This capability helps the company stay a step ahead of the competition, in today’s competitive economic environment.
  • Building the Right Product: Frequent releases let the application development teams obtain user feedback more quickly. This lets them work on only the useful features. If they find that a feature isn’t useful, they spend no further effort on it. This helps them build the right product.
  • Improved Productivity and Efficiency: Significant time savings for developers, testers, operations engineers, etc. through automation.
  • Reliable Releases: The risks associated with a release have significantly decreased, and the release process has become more reliable. With CD, the deployment process and scripts are tested repeatedly before deployment to production. So, most errors in the deployment process and scripts have already been discovered. With more frequent releases, the number of code changes in each release decreases. This makes finding and fixing any problems that do occur easier, reducing the time in which they have an impact.
  • Improved Product Quality: The number of open bugs and production incidents has decreased significantly.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: A higher level of customer satisfaction is achieved.
  1. ^ Humble, Jez (13 February 2014). "The Case for Continuous Delivery". thoughtworks.com. Retrieved 16 July 2014.
  2. ^ a b c Chen, Lianping (2015). "Continuous Delivery: Huge Benefits, but Challenges Too". IEEE Software. 32 (2): 50. doi:10.1109/MS.2015.27.