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User:Timeshifter/List of Palestinian fatalities resulting from Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip in 2008

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This is a list of Palestinian fatalities resulting from Israeli attacks in or near the Gaza Strip in 2008. At least 868 Palestinians died as a result of attacks by Israeli security forces on inhabitants of the Gaza Strip in 2008. Hamas, the organization elected by Palestinians to govern and administrate Gaza, and Israel, an occupying power,[1] began a ceasefire on June 19, 2008. The blockade of the Gaza Strip remained in effect following the ceasefire agreement.[2] Israel broke the truce on November 4. On that day the Israeli military attacked and killed six Hamas gunmen that Israeli officials allege were constructing a tunnel to be used to abduct Israeli soldiers.[3] Following this event the number of rockets fired from Gaza escalated, 125 being launched in the month of November. See: List of rocket and mortar attacks in Israel in 2008. On Dec. 27, 2008 Israel launched massive airstrikes in the Gaza Strip that began a war that lasted until Jan. 18, 2009. See 2008–2009 Israel–Gaza conflict and Timeline of the 2008–2009 Israel–Gaza conflict.

The data used to compile the list was provided by B'Tselem, an Israeli human rights organization.[4]


January 1, 2008
A resident of Gaza City was killed during an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers in North Gaza.
A 22 year-old resident of al-Bureij Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district, was killed in al-Bureij Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district, by a missile from an Israeli helicopter when he approached the perimeter fence.
January 2, 2008
Six residents of Gaza City were killed in an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers when the army entered the a-Sheja'iyeh neighborhood.
January 3, 2008
Five residents of Khan Yunis were killed in Khan Yunis by gunfire when moving about with armed men during the army's incursion into the area.
A 17 year old Palestinian was killed when he went to help injured persons during the army's incursion.
A Palestinian was killed after he fired a rocket at soldiers during the army's raid.
Yasser Rafiq Muhammad Halas of Gaza city was killed in Gaza City, by a missile from a helicopter in an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers when the army made an incursion into the area.
A Palestinian resident of the Rafah Refugee Camp was killed by Israeli helicopter fire when he was detained in a Hamas building in Rafah Refugee Camp. He was not participating in hostilities when killed [reference needed].
Armed gunmen approached IDF forces and opened fire at them [...]. The forces responded with fire both from the air and from the ground. Seven gunmen were killed consequently.[5]
Armed gunmen entrenched themselves in a house near IDF forces [...]. The gunmen fired heavily at the forces, from within the house, using several anti-tank missiles and small-arms. The forces responded with tank fire towards the sources of fire, killing two armed gunmen and apparently two Palestinian women who were with the gunmen in the house at the time. [...][6]
January 4, 2008
Two Palestinian residents of Beit Hanun were killed in Beit Hanun when they moved about with armed men during the Israeli army's incursion into the area.
January 5, 2008
A Palestinian was killed in Beit Hanun, North Gaza district by a missile from an Israeli helicopter when he moved about with armed men.
January 6, 2008
Three Palestinians were killed in al-Bureij Refugee Camp, in an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers when the army made an incursion into the area.
A 16 year-old Palestinian resident of a-Nuseirat Camp, Deir al-Balah district, was also killed in al-Bureij Refugee Camp, by gunfire. He was killed when he escorted young men who approached a citrus grove that Israeli soldiers had encircled during their incursion into the area.
A Palestinian resident of al-Bureij Refugee Camp was killed in al-Bureij Refugee Camp by an Israeli tank shell. She was killed when she and others in her family left the house after shots had been fired at it.
A Palestinian was killed in Gaza City, by gunfire when he moved about with armed men.
January 7, 2008
Two Palestinians were killed in the North Gaza district, by gunfire when participating in hostilities.
January 9, 2008
A 15 year-old Palestinian and a 51 year-old Palestinian were killed in Beit Hanun by missiles when gathering wood.Qassam rockets had been fired into Israeli territory from the area.
A Palestinian was killed in Beit Lahiya when about to fire a Qassam rocket into Israeli territory.
January 12, 2008
Two Palestinians were killed in Khan Yunis, by a missile from an Israeli helicopter. They were killed when participating in a Hamas training camp.
January 13, 2008
Two Palestinians were executed in the Camp by an Israeli helicopter missile when riding in a car on the Coastal Road.
January 15, 2008
Four residents of Gaza City were killed Gaza City in an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers during the army's incursion into a-Zaytun neighborhood. Seven other residents were killed while accompanying gunmen.
Four farmers including a 66 year-old man were killed by an Israeli tank shell while working their land.
'Abd a-Salam 'Atiyyah Hashem Abu a-Laban, an 18 year-old resident of Gaza city, was killed in Gaza City by gunfire from an Israeli tank. A student, he was killed in a school yard about 500 meters from the area where the army made its incursion.
A Palestinian was killed by tank fire while evacuating wounded by car during the Israeli army's incursion.
A Palestinian of Jabalya Refugee Camp later died of injuries caused by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter east of Beit Hanun.
January 16, 2008
Two Palestinians were killed in al-Bureij Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter while riding in a car.
A 7 year-old and two others of his family were killed by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. The family was not participating in hostilities when they were killed.
January 17, 2008
Two Palestinians were killed in Beit Lahiya by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. They were not participating in hostilities.
Two residents of Gaza City were killed in Gaza City by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter during the army's incursion into a-Zaytun neighborhood. Another man was injured and died January 19th.
Two Palestinians were killed in Beit Lahiya by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter, during the course of a targeted killing when they were riding in a car on the way home from the market.
January 18, 2008
A 60 year-old resident of Gaza City was killed by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter at her nephew's wedding, when a missile was fired at the nearby Ministry of Interior building, which was abandoned.
Two Palestinians were killed in Jabalya by Israeli gunfire when they were moving about with other armed men.
January 19, 2008
Two residents of Jabalya, North Gaza district were killed in Jabalya Refugee Camp by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter while moving about with other armed men near the border.
January 20, 2008
A Palestinian was killed in Gaza City by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when he was moving about with other armed men in the a-Sheikh Redwan neighborhood.
January 21, 2008
A resident of Jabalya Refugee Camp, died of injuries sustained on January 15 in Beit Hanun, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. A resident of Gaza City, injured on January 15 in Beit Hanun by helicopter gunfire, died of these injuries on this date.
January 22, 2008
A Palestinian resident of Gaza City, died. He was injured on January 20 in Jabalya by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when riding with other armed men in a donkey-drawn wagon.
January 23, 2008
A Palestinian was killed next to Sufah Checkpoint, Rafah district, in an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers during the army's incursion into the area.
A 59 year-old resident of Beit Lahiya, was killed in Beit Lahiya by Israeli gunfire. He was shot when gathering wood with his son and other farmers.
January 25, 2008
Four residents of Rafah, some or all of whom were armed at the time, were killed by helicopter fire in Rafah when riding in a car.


February 4, 2008
A resident of Jabalya Refugee Camp, was killed in Beit Lahiya by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter while walking on the street. He was the object of a targeted killing.
Two residents of Rafah were killed in Rafah, by gunfire in an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers who had made an incursion into the area.
February 5, 2008
Seven police officers were killed in a police station in 'Abasan al-Kabira, Khan Yunis district, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. They were not participating in hostilities.
February 6, 2008
A resident of Gaza City was killed in Jabalya, North Gaza district, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when he was attempting to fire a Qassam rocket.
February 7, 2008
Seven armed Palestinians were killed in Jabalya, North Gaza district, Israeli by ground-to-ground missiles and helicopter fire.
Teacher Hani Sha'ban Muhammad Na'im of Gaza city was killed in Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, by a missile that landed in an agricultural school where he taught. Three students were injured. Half an hour earlier, Palestinians had fired Qassam rockets into Israel from an area close to the school.
February 9, 2008
A 21 year-old resident of Rafah, was killed in Rafah by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter while walking in the street in the Brazil neighborhood.
February 10, 2008
A Palestinian was killed in Gaza city, by gunfire when he tried to lay an explosive charge near the perimeter fence.
February 12, 2008
A resident of al-Qarara, Rafah district, was injured in al-Qarara by tank fire when participating in hostilities during the Israeli army's incursion into the area. He died February 17.
February 17, 2008
Two residents of Rafah were killed in Rafah in an exchange of gunfire with soldiers during the Israeli army's incursion into the area.
A policeman was killed in Rafah by gunfire from a helicopter. He was killed while on duty as a traffic policeman near Rafah Crossing during the Israeli army's incursion into the area. Another police officer was wounded.
A resident of Rafah was killed in Rafah by gunfire. He was killed when he went to buy milk for his son during an Israeli army incursion into the area.
February 18, 2008
A 46 year-old resident of Rafah injured on February 17 in Rafah, by gunfire, died. He was shot when he was on his way to the grocery store near his house during the Israeli army's incursion into the area.
February 19, 2008
A 9 year-old resident of Deir al-Balah was killed in Deir al-Balah by gunfire. He was killed when he was standing by his house during the Israeli army's incursion into the area.
A resident of 'Abasan al-Kabira, was killed 2008 in Deir al-Balah, by gunfire when attempting to lay an explosive charge near the perimeter fence in the Kissufim area.
February 22, 2008
Two Palestinians were killed by Israeli helicopter fire in al-Maghazi Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district when walking about with other armed men near the perimeter fence.
February 23, 2008
Three residents of Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, were killed in Beit Hanun by gunfire. They were on a picnic about 1,200 meters from the border with Israel.
February 24, 2008
A Palestinian was killed in Rafah, by gunfire when participating in hostilities.
February 25, 2008
A 21 year-old resident of Gaza City was killed in Gaza City by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when participating in hostilities.
Two residents of 'Abasan al-Kabira, Khan Yunis district were killed in 'Abasan al-Jadida (a-Saghira), Khan Yunis district, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when participating in hostilities.
February 26, 2008
A resident of al-Qarara, Rafah district, was killed in al-Qarara by gunfire from an Israeli tank while working his farmland near his house.
A resident of Beit Hanun was killed on 26.02.2008 in Beit Hanun by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when participating in hostilities.
February 27, 2008
A six month-old infant was killed in Gaza City by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He was killed while sleeping in his bed when the ceiling collapsed on him as a result of the bombing of the Interior Ministry building.[7]
Five Palestinians were killed in Khan Yunis by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when participating in hostilities.
Two Palestinians were killed in Jabalya Refugee Camp, North Gaza district, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. They were grazing a flock of sheep about two kilometers from the Israeli border.
A 13 year-old a 14 year-old were killed in Jabalya Refugee Camp by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter while playing near their homes. Apparently Qassam rockets had been fired from the area a few minutes earlier.
February 28, 2008
Four children playing soccer in Jabalya Refugee Camp, North Gaza district, were killed by Israeli helicopter fire. Apparently, Palestinians dozens of meters away had fired Qassam rockets into Israeli territory.
A resident of Beit Hanun was killed Beit Hanun, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He was not participating in hostilities when he was killed.
Six Palestinians were killed in Gaza City by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. They were killed when moving about with armed men during an army incursion into the area.
A resident of Khan Yunis Refugee Camp was killed in Khan Yunis by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He did not participate in hostilities when killed.
A 16 year-old resident of Gaza City was killed in Gaza City by gunfire. He was killed when he and his friends tried to approach an Israeli army post after taking part in a funeral at a cemetery about 300 meters from the Israeli border.
A resident of Beit Lahiya was killed in Beit Lahiya by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He did not participate in hostilities when killed. He was killed when standing next to his house. Palestinians about 40 meters from his house had fired Qassam rockets into Israeli territory.
Two residents of Gaza City were killed in Gaza City by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when riding in a beverage truck near a-Shifa Hospital. They were not participating in hostilities when they were killed.
A 19 year-old traffic policeman was killed in a-Shati' Camp, Gaza district by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He was killed while at his position talking with two friends, one of whom, a 17 year-old, died from his injuries the following day.
February 29, 2008
Two Palestinians were killed in Jabalya Refugee Camp, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when moving about with armed men east of the Tofah neighborhood during an army incursion into the area.


March 1, 2008
At least 25 Palestinian fighters were killed by Israeli helicopter, tank and gunfire during an attack on the Jabalya Refugee Camp.
Seven Palestinian police officers were killed in Israeli attacks on police stations in Khan Yunis and Gaza City.[8]
At least six Palestinians were killed in their home in Gaza City by Israeli helicopter fire in the course of targeted killings.
At least nine young Palestinians were killed by Israeli helicopter fire while watching the gun battles in Jabalya.
Two Palestinians were killed in Jabalya while assisting the injured.
A 2 year-old resident of Jabalya Refugee Camp was killed by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. Three of her brothers were injured.
A 21 year-old resident of Jabalya was killed in Jabalya by an Israeli helicopter missile as she tried to run from her home after a shell struck nearby.
A 13 year-old resident of Jabalya and an 18 year-old Palestinian were killed in Jabalya by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when at home. The sisters were not participating in hostilities when they were killed.
A 20 year-old resident of Jabalya was killed in Jabalya by gunfire. He was killed when Israeli soldiers ordered him to stop the wagon he was riding in with a friend and then fired at him. His friend took him to a house where an ambulance was summoned, but the ambulance was delayed for many hours and he died of his wounds.
A 15 year-old and a 45 year-old were killed in Jabalya, by gunfire. They were killed while burning tires about 250 meters from the Zemo area.
An 11 year-old resident of Jabalya was killed by gunfire in Jabalya. She was shot in the stomach while at home and died about two hours later. When her family tried to remove the body, Israeli soldiers fired at her, and the body remained at home until the next day.
A 15 year-old resident of Jabalya was killed in Jabalya by gunfire. He did not participate in hostilities when killed.
A 20 year-old resident of Jabalya was killed in Jabalya by gunfire. He was killed when standing in his room talking on the phone during the Israeli army incursion into the area.
A 16 year-old resident of Jabalya was killed in Jabalya by gunfire. She was killed when at home during an Israeli army incursion into area.
A 30 year-old resident of Jabalya was killed in Jabalya by Israeli helicopter fire. She was killed in the kitchen of her house.
A 16 year-old resident of Jabalya, was killed in Jabalya by gunfire. He did not participate in hostilities when killed. He was shot in the head by Israeli soldiers who had gone onto the roofs of houses during their incursion into the area. His father, who tried to evacuate him to hospital, was also shot and taken later to hospital for treatment.
March 2, 2008
Three Palestinians were killed in Jabalya, by Israeli tank and helicopter gunfire. They were killed when they operated a charge during the Israeli army incursion into the area.[9]
A resident of Jabalya, North Gaza district, was killed in Jabalya, by gunfire. He did not participate in hostilities when killed. He was killed when he tried to hurl a carton of milk from the window of his house to his uncle's apartment, where they didn't have milk, during an Israeli army incursion.
A 53 year-old resident of Jabalya was killed in Jabalya by gunfire. He was killed when walking in the street holding a white flag. He was shot in the leg and stomach and left lying bleeding for more than three hours before an ambulance was allowed in.
A resident of Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, was killed in Jabalya Refugee Camp by gunfire from an Israeli tank. He was killed while with friends watching the incursion into the Zemo area.
A 15 year-old resident of Gaza City was killed in Jabalya by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He was killed when standing with other youths watching the incursion.
A 17 year-old and a 15 year-old were killed in Jabalya by gunfire. They were killed while transporting strawberries, near the area in which Israeli soldiers made an incursion.
A resident of Gaza City was killed in Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, by gunfire when moving about with other armed men near the Israeli border.
March 3, 2008
Two Palestinians were killed by Israeli helicopter fire near the port of Gaza City when moving about with armed men.
Two Palestinians were killed by Israeli helicopter fire in the a-Shaja'iyah neighborhood of Gaza City when moving about with armed men.
A resident of Beit Hanun was killed in Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, by gunfire when riding on a wagon with other armed men on Salah a-Din Street.
An 18 year-old resident of Jabalya Refugee Camp died of injuries sustained by Israeli tank fire in Jabalya, North Gaza district on March 1st during an IDF incursion into the area.
Two Naval police officers were killed in a-Nuseirat Camp, Deir al-Balah district, by gunfire, from an Israeli helicopter. They did not participate in hostilities when killed. They were killed when at the police station with other police officers.
March 4, 2008
An infant was killed next to al-Qarara, Rafah district, by gunfire. She was shot in the head during a family visit when she was left with her mother at home when soldiers encircled the home and called on the occupants to go outside.[10]
A resident of Gaza City was in Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter after firing a Qassam rocket at Israeli territory.
A resident of al-Qarara, Rafah district, was killed next to al-Qarara, Rafah district, during an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers who had encircled the house.
March 6, 2008
Three Palestinians were killed by Israeli helicopter and tank fire in al-Qarara, Rafah district, when they were participating in hostilities.
A resident of Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, was killed in Beit Lahiya, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when participating in hostilities.

March 10, 2008

A Palestinian died of injuries caused by Israeli helicopter gunfire in Gaza City, on March 1. He received the injuries in the course of a targeted killing, when at home with his family during an Israeli army incursion.
March 11, 2008
A Palestinian died of injuries caused by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter on February 28 in a-Shati' Camp, Gaza district. He received the injury when standing next to a Palestinian police position while he was talking with his friend, a police officer.
March 15, 2008
Three Palestinians were killed by Israeli helicopter fire in Gaza City while moving about with armed men near the Israeli border.[11]
A resident of Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, was killed in Beit Lahiya, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when moving about with other armed men near the Israeli border.
March 20, 2008
A 60 year-old farmer was killed in al-Qarara, Rafah district, by gunfire. He did not participate in hostilities when killed.[12]
March 23, 2008
A Palestinian woman died of Israeli helicopter gunfire injuries sustained in Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district on March 18. She received the injuries while walking in the open-air market.
March 24, 2008
A 56 year-old Palestinian man was killed in al-Qarara, Rafah district, by gunfire from an Israeli tank. He did not participate in hostilities when killed. He was killed near his house when Israeli soldiers in tanks fired at houses 300 meters west of Kissufim.
March 28, 2008
A 16 year-old resident of al-Qarara, Rafah district, was killed in al-Qarara, Rafah district, by gunfire when moving about with other armed men near the perimeter fence.
A 16 year-old resident of Jabalya, North Gaza district, was killed in Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, by gunfire during an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers near the perimeter fence.
March 29, 2008
Two residents of Jabalya, North Gaza district were killed in Jabalya by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when trying to lay an explosive charge near the Israeli border.


April 1, 2008
Two residents of Deir al-Balah were killed in Deir al-Balah in an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers near the perimeter fence.
April 9, 2008
A 15 year-old Palestinian was killed in Gaza City, by gunfire from an Israeli tank. He was killed when standing with friends next to the window and watching an incursion by the Israeli army into the city.[13]
A man was killed in Gaza City, by gunfire from an Israeli tank. He was killed while at his family's gas station, about 300 meters from the Nahal Oz terminal.
A man was killed in Gaza City, by gunfire, from an Israeli tank. He was killed when standing with friends next to the window and watching an incursion by the Israeli army into the city.
A man was killed in Gaza City by gunfire from an Israeli tank. He was killed when standing with friends next to the window and watching the incursion.
A resident of Gaza City was killed in Jabalya, North Gaza district, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when he tried to place an explosive charge near the perimeter fence.
A resident of Khan Yunis was killed in al-Qarara, Rafah district in an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers when he tried to enter Israel through the perimeter fence.
Two Palestinians were killed by Israeli tank and helicopter fire next to Karni Checkpoint, Gaza district, after they opened fire at Israeli soldiers and workers at the Nahal Oz terminal.
April 11, 2008
A 19 year-old Palestinian was killed in al-Bureij Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He was killed when watching, with friends, an incursion of the Israeli army into the area, in which there were exchanges of gunfire between armed men and soldiers.
A 14 year-old was killed in al-Bureij Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He was killed when watching, with friends, an incursion of the Israeli army into the area, in which there were exchanges of gunfire between armed men and Israeli soldiers.
A 19 year-old was killed in al-Bureij Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He was killed when watching, with friends, the incursion into the area, in which there were exchanges of gunfire between armed men and soldiers.
An 18 year-old was killed in al-Bureij Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He was killed when watching, with friends, the incursion into the area, in which there were exchanges of gunfire between armed men and Israeli soldiers.
A 16 year-old was killed in al-Bureij Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district, by gunfire, from an Israeli helicopter. He was killed when watching, with friends, the incursion into the area, in which there were exchanges of gunfire between armed men and soldiers.
A 14 year-old was killed in al-Bureij Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He was killed when watching, with friends, the incursion into the area, in which there were exchanges of gunfire between armed men and Israeli soldiers.
An 11 year-old was killed in al-Bureij Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district, by gunfire from an Israeli tank. He was killed when standing with other children and watching an incursion by the Israeli army into the area.
Two residents of Khan Yunis were killed in Khan Yunis by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter during an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers.
A resident of a-Nuseirat Camp, Deir al-Balah district, was killed in al-Bureij Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter during an exchange of gunfire during an Israeli army action in the area.
A 17 year-old resident of al-Bureij Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district, was injured in al-Bureij by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He died May 21. He did not participate in hostilities when killed. He was injured when watching, with friends, an Israeli army incursion into the area, in which there were exchanges of gunfire between armed men and Israeli soldiers.
April 15, 2008
A Palestinian man was killed in Jabalya Refugee Camp, North Gaza district, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He did not participate in hostilities when killed.
April 16, 2008
A 22 year-old was killed in Juhor a-Dik, Gaza district, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He did not participate in hostilities when killed. He was killed when he left his house to help wounded after he heard an explosion, about 250 meters from where there was an exchange of gunfire between armed men and Israeli soldiers.
A 14 year-old was killed in Juhor a-Dik, Gaza district, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He did not participate in hostilities when killed. He was killed when he left his house to help wounded after he heard an explosion, about 250 meters from where there was an exchange of gunfire between armed men and soldiers.
A 15 year-old was killed in Juhor a-Dik, Gaza district by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He did not participate in hostilities when killed. He was killed when on the street with friends, about 250 meters from where soldiers and armed men were firing at each other.
A 13 year-old was killed in Juhor a-Dik, Gaza district, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He did not participate in hostilities when killed. He was killed when on the street with friends, about 250 meters from where soldiers and armed men were firing at each other.
A 45 year-old man was killed in Juhor a-Dik, Gaza district, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He did not participate in hostilities when killed. He was killed when he left his house to help wounded after he heard an explosion, about 250 meters from where there was an exchange of gunfire between armed men and Israeli soldiers.
A 12 year-old was killed in Juhor a-Dik, Gaza district, by gunfire from an Israeli tank. He did not participate in hostilities when killed.
A 14 year-old was killed in Juhor a-Dik, Gaza district by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He did not participate in hostilities when killed. He was killed when on the street with friends, about 250 meters from where Israeli soldiers and armed men were firing at each other.
A 41 year-old man was killed in Juhor a-Dik, Gaza district, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He did not participate in hostilities when killed. He was killed when he left his house to help wounded after he heard an explosion, about 250 meters from where there was an exchange of gunfire between armed men and Israeli soldiers.
A 19 year-old was killed in Juhor a-Dik, Gaza district, by gunfire from an Israeli tank. He did not participate in hostilities when killed. He was killed while watching the Israeli army's incursion into the area with friends.
A 15 year-old was killed in Juhor a-Dik, Gaza district, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He did not participate in hostilities when killed. He was killed when on the street with friends, about 250 meters from where soldiers and armed men were firing at each other.
A Palestinian man was killed in Juhor a-Dik, Gaza district, by gunfire from an Israeli tank. he did not participate in hostilities when killed.
A 15 year-old was killed in Juhor a-Dik, Gaza district, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He did not participate in hostilities when killed. He was killed when on the street with friends, about 250 meters from where soldiers and armed men were firing at each other.
A Palestinian man, 34, was killed in Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, by gunfire, from an Israeli helicopter. He did not participate in hostilities when killed. He was killed when riding in his car with a friend on their way home from farm work. His friend was injured.
A 13 year-old was killed in Juhor a-Dik, Gaza district, by gunfire, from an Israeli tank. He did not participate in hostilities when killed.
Four Palestinians were killed in Gaza city in an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers during the Israeli army's incursion into the Shaja'iya neighborhood.[14]
April 17, 2008
A 17 year-old resident of Jabalya, North Gaza district, was killed in Jabalya by gunfire when he tried to place an explosive charge near the Israeli border.[15]
A 19 year-old resident of Rafah was killed in Rafah by gunfire when moving about with armed men near Kerem Shalom.
April 19, 2008
Five Palsetinians were killed by Israeli helicopter fire in Jabalya, North Gaza district, about two kilometres from the Israeli border.[16]
A resident of Gaza City was killed in Gaza City by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when moving about with other armed men east of the Shaja'iya neighborhood.
A Palestinian man, 36, was killed in Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He was killed when sitting in his car, which was being pulled by a donkey because of the lack of fuel.
April 20, 2008
A resident of Rafah, 23, was killed in Rafah by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He did not participate in hostilities when killed. He was killed when on a dirt road east of the Shuka neighborhood in the city, about one kilometer from the Israeli border.
A resident of Gaza City was killed in Gaza City by gunfire from a helicopter when moving about with other armed men east of the Zeitun neighborhood.
A 17 year-old died of injuries from Israeli tank fire on May 16 in Juhor a-Dik, Gaza district. He did not participate in hostilities when he sustained the injury.
A 16 year-old died of injuries from Israeli tank fire on May 16 in Juhor a-Dik, Gaza district. He did not participate in hostilities when he sustained the injury.
April 21, 2008
A resident of Beit Hanun, North Gaza district was killed in Beit Hanun by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when moving about with other armed men.
Three Palestinians were killed in Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, by gunfire during an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers near the northern border with Israel.
April 24, 2008
A 53 year-old resident of Beit Hanun, North Gaza district was killed in Beit Hanun by Israeli helicopter fire when he helped armed men, by handing them ammunition.
April 26, 2008
A 14 year-old resident of Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, was killed in Beit Lahiya by gunfire. He did not participate in hostilities when killed. He was killed in an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers who came to arrest wanted persons. His mother was wounded in the incident.
April 28, 2008
A mother and four young children were killed in Beit Hanun, North Gaza district by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. The family was eating breakfast in the yard of their house.[17]
A resident of Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, was killed in Beit Hanun by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when moving about in the area with other armed men. He was hit when about two and a half meters from the home of the Abu Me'atek family, in which a mother and her four children were killed.
A resident of Beit Hanun, North Gaza district was killed in Beit Hanun in an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers.
April 30, 2008
A resident of Rafah was killed in Rafah by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He was killed when moving about with other armed men in the Sha'ut area. Another Palestinian later died of injuries sustained in the attack.


May 1, 2008
A resident of Khan Yunis was killed in Khan Yunis by gunfire. He did not participate in hostilities when killed. He was killed when on his way to his nephew's house, which was next to his house, during an Israeli army action in the area.
May 4, 2008
A resident of Khan Yunis was injured in Khan Yunis by gunfire, and died of the injury on May 15. He had not participated in the hostilities. He sustained the injury when he went onto the roof of his house to help his brother, who had been shot.
May 6, 2008
A resident of Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district was killed in Beit Lahiya, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when he was moving about with armed men.
May 7, 2008
A resident of Khan Yunis was killed in 'Abasan al-Jadida (a-Saghira), Khan Yunis district by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when moving about with other armed men during an Israeli army incursion into the area. A 16 year-old died the next day of injuries sustained in the attack.
A resident of 'Abasan al-Jadida (a-Saghira), Khan Yunis district, was killed in 'Abasan al-Jadida (a-Saghira), by gunfire. She was killed when soldiers blew down the door of her house just as she was about to open it.
May 9, 2008
A resident of Gaza City, who was injured the day previous in Jabalya Refugee Camp, North Gaza district by Israeli helicopter fire while participating in hostilities, died of these injuries.
Four naval police officers were killed on in Khan Yunis, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter during an attack on the police building. They were not participating in hostilities when they were killed.
May 11, 2008
A 16 year-old resident of 'Abasan al-Jadida (a-Saghira), Khan Yunis district, died of injured sustained on May 7th in 'Abasan al-Jadida (a-Saghira). He was injured while he was helping armed men during an Israeli army incursion.
May 13, 2008
A resident of al-Qarara, Rafah district was killed in al-Qarara, Rafah district by gunfire from a helicopter when he and other armed men approached the perimeter fence.
May 14, 2008
A 20 year-old man and a 17 year-old resident of Jabalya Refugee Camp, North Gaza district, were killed in Jabalya Refugee Camp in an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers during an Israeli action in the Camp.
A resident of Khan Yunis was killed in Khan Yunis by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter in an exchange of gunfire during an action in the area.
An 18 year-old Palestinian was killed 2008 in Jabalya Refugee Camp, North Gaza district, by gunfire from an Israeli tank when riding his bicycle, carrying bags of food and a school bag, on his way to meet his father, who was a security guard on farmland.
May 15, 2008
Two residents of Gaza City were killed in Gaza City by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when moving about with other armed men near the Gaza-Israeli border.
May 20, 2008
An 11 year-old resident of Jabalya Refugee Camp, North Gaza district, was killed in Jabalya by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. He was killed when he approached a rocket launcher a few minutes after armed men had fired it at Israel.
A resident of Gaza City was killed in Gaza City by gunfire. He was killed when sitting in a parked car, waiting for members of his family to come back from a hardware store.
Two residents of Gaza City were killed in Gaza City by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when moving about with other armed men during an Israeli army incursion into the a-Zeitun neighborhood.
May 22, 2008
A 15 year-old resident of Gaza City was killed next to Karni Checkpoint, Gaza district, by gunfire. He was killed when he took part in a demonstration against the siege on Gaza. The demonstrators threw stones. Seven others were injured.
A 63 year-old resident of Juhor a-Dik, Gaza district, was killed in Juhor a-Dik, by gunfire when he left his house after he heard gunfire during an Israeli army incursion into the area. He was left outside bleeding for more than two hours, until the incursion ended.
May 23, 2008
A resident of al-Bureij Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district, was killed in an exchange of gunfire with soldiers near the perimeter fence in al-Bureij Refugee Camp.
Three Palestinians were killed next to Sufah Checkpoint, Rafah district by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter in an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers during an Israeli action in the area.[18]
A resident of al-Bureij Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district was killed in al-Bureij Refugee Camp by gunfire, in an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers near the perimeter fence.
May 28, 2008
Two residents of Rafah were killed next to Sufah Checkpoint, Rafah district, by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when moving about with other armed men during an Israeli army action in the area.
May 29, 2008
A 66 year-old resident of Khan Yunis was injured in Khan Yunis by gunfire. She died the next day. She was injured when standing in the doorway of her house during an Israeli army action in the Khaza'a area.
A 22 year-old resident of Khan Yunis, died of Israeli helicopter gunfire injuries sustained on May 28 in Khan Yunis. He was killed when he went outside to see if there were persons wounded from an explosion. Two others with him were injured.


June 5, 2008
An 8 year-old resident of Khuza'a, Khan Yunis district, was killed in Khuza'a by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. She was killed while sitting in the backyard of her house. Palestinians had fired mortar shells at Israel about two hours earlier.
June 7, 2008
A 21 year-old resident of Gaza City was killed in Gaza City by gunfire from an Israeli tank when moving about with other armed men near the Israeli border.
June 10, 2008
Three Palestinian residents of Gaza City were killed in Gaza City by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter after they apparently fired mortar shells at Israel.
June 11, 2008
Two residents of al-Qarara, Rafah district were killed in al-Qarara by gunfire from an Israeli tank when moving about with other armed men during the Israeli army's incursion in the area.
A 65 year-old resident of Jabalya Refugee Camp, North Gaza district was killed in Jabalya by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter. She was killed by missile fragments while sitting in a shop about 70 meters from a trench used to store ammunitions.
A 6 year-old resident of al-Qarara, Rafah district was killed in al-Qarara by gunfire from an Israeli tank. She was killed while standing with her father at the entrance to her house. About 1.5 kilometers away, there was an exchange of gunfire between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers.
June 12, 2008
Three residents of Jabalya, North Gaza district, were killed in Jabalya by Israeli helicopter gunfire when they were moving about with other armed men.
Two residents of Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, were killed in Beit Lahiya, by gunfire when they were attempting to place a charge near the perimeter fence.
June 16, 2008
Three Palestinians were killed in Khan Yunis by gunfire when approaching the perimeter fence with other armed men.
A resident of Gaza City was killed in Jabalya, North Gaza district by gunfire, from an Israeli helicopter when moving about with other armed men east of the city.
June 17, 2008
Five Palestinians were killed by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter in al-Qarara, Rafah district. They were killed "when on [their] way to attack [Israeli] soldiers."
A resident of a-Nuseirat Camp, Deir al-Balah district, was killed in Deir al-Balah by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when he was moving about with other armed men.
June 19, 2008
A resident of a-Nuseirat Camp, Deir al-Balah district, was killed in Juhor a-Dik, Gaza district by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter "when participating in hostilities."


July 10, 2008
A resident of a-Zawayda, Deir al-Balah district, was killed next to Kissufim, Khan Yunis district, by gunfire. He was killed while attempting to sneak into Israel via Kissufim Crossing. He was not armed.


November 4, 2008
A resident of al-Maghazi Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district was killed in al-Maghazi Refugee Camp by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when attempting to fire a mortar at Israeli soldiers who had made an incursion into the area.
November 5, 2008
Four Palestinians were killed in Khan Yunis by gunfire from Israeli helicopter gunfire when they fired Qassam rockets at Kissufim Crossing.
A resident of Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district was killed in Beit Lahiya by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when he fired a Qassam rocket at Israel.
A resident of Khan Yunis was killed in al-Qarara, Rafah district by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when he fired a Qassam rocket at Israel.
November 12, 2008
Two residents of Khan Yunis were killed in Khan Yunis during an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers near the eastern border with Israel.
November 16, 2008
Four Palestinians were killed in Gaza City by gunfire from an Israeli helicopter when they fired Qassam rockets at Israel.



See Timeline of the 2008–2009 Israel–Gaza conflict

December 27, 2008
Between 225 and 292 Palestinians were killed by bombs dropped from Israeli fighter jets and missiles fired from Apache helicopters. It is not yet known how many fatalities involved people engaged in hostilities at the times of their deaths.
December 28, 2008
An unknown number of Palestinians were killed in 25 air strikes. It is not yet known how many fatalities involved people engaged in hostilities at the times of their deaths.
December 29, 2008
An unknown number of Palestinians were killed in air strikes. It is not yet known how many fatalities involved people engaged in hostilities at the times of their deaths.
December 30, 2008
10 Palestinians were reported killed in air strikes. It is not yet known how many fatalities involved people engaged in hostilities at the times of their deaths.
31 December, 2008
40 Palestinians were reported killed in air strikes. It is not yet known how many fatalities involved people engaged in hostilities at the times of their deaths.

See also



  1. ^ The United Nations and the International Court of Justice refer to the Gaza Strip as an occupied territory.
  2. ^ UNISPAL
  3. ^ Gaza truce broken as Israeli raid kills six Hamas gunmen,The Guardian, November 5, 2008.
  4. ^ Palestinians killed by Israeli security forces in Gaza Strip [1] Retrieved January 11, 2009.
  5. ^ http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Terrorism-+Obstacle+to+Peace/Terrorism+and+Islamic+Fundamentalism-/Summary%20of%20IDF%20activity%20in%20the%20Southern%20Gaza%20Strip%203-Jan-2008
  6. ^ http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Terrorism-+Obstacle+to+Peace/Terrorism+and+Islamic+Fundamentalism-/Summary%20of%20IDF%20activity%20in%20the%20Southern%20Gaza%20Strip%203-Jan-2008
  7. ^ Number killed in Gaza rises to 14 Thursday
  8. ^ [http://english.pnn.ps/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2474&Itemid=45 Massacre in Gaza continues; Saturday death toll reaches 66]
  9. ^ Israeli forces kill 7 more Palestinians as they withdraw from Gaza
  10. ^ Israeli forces kill five more Palestinians in Gaza Strip, including an infant named Amira
  11. ^ [http://english.pnn.ps/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2534&Itemid=45 Gaza medical officials: their bodies arrived charred and torn to pieces]
  12. ^ [http://english.pnn.ps/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2548&Itemid=45 Three more people killed in Gaza Strip]
  13. ^ Brutal fighting throughout Gaza Strip, Israeli forces kill 7 Palestinians, including 3 children
  14. ^ [http://english.pnn.ps/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2658&Itemid=45 Israelis kill 19 in Gaza, claim to stop non-existent fuel supply]
  15. ^ [http://english.pnn.ps/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2661&Itemid=45 3 more dead today and 33 arrested on Palestinian Prisoners Day]
  16. ^ More death in Gaza as Israeli warplanes fire throughout night and into the morning
  17. ^ Israeli forces destroy family at breakfast
  18. ^ [http://english.pnn.ps/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2815&Itemid=45 Israeli forces kill five Palestinians in Rafah, arrest 25]