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Laura, retd, 73, Marlton, 190803

Well, here I am. This is my first time using this interface, though I've been registered a long time. To tell the truth, yours is the first contact I've replied to.

(I just finished writing this and I can't believe it's over 200 words long. I hope that won't scare you off!)

As far as I can remember I've never really dated? I had a girlfriend in high school and another in college, but as far as dating one or several women without, or before, getting serious with any of them, my mind's a blank. And that, I guess, is a large part of why it's taken me so long to respond to anyone on SilverSingles. You're the first.

That's certainly in large part because I was 19 when I met my wife (volunteering in a political campaign), and by the next day I realized this was something special. It remained special for the next 43 years, till cancer ended it. She's still very special to me, but we both agreed that we did not mean our fidelity to last till the end of BOTH our days. And now I'm finally getting up the courage to....begin socializing again in him-and-her mode.

My photo up there is a number of years old; I chose it because I have a real live smile in it. I'm not good in selfies but my sister took this one. I should probably update it: I look generally the same but there's no grey left in my hair or beard, it's all gone white...or silver, I suppose.