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User:The Singing Badger/List of albedo features on Mars

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This is a list of named albedo features on Mars. These features were originally named by earthbound astronomers and refer to colour differences visible from Earth. The names come from Classical myths and literature.

After these names were created, space probes revealed the geological nature of these features. In general, the old names have been retained, but have often been changed slightly to reflect new knowledge of their nature (for example Nix Olympica became Olympus Mons. Some names are no longer used officially.

In addition many other features on Mars have been given names based on the albedo feature in which they are located; for example the canyon Candor Chasma is named after the albedo feature of Candor, in which it is located.

Albedo feature Corresponds to Source of name
Aeolis Aeolis Mensae Aeolis, mythological island
Aeria 'Far land of mist', Greek name for Egypt
Aetheria Aetheria, Greek name for the land of the living
Aethiopis Greek name for Ethiopia
Amazonis Amazonis Planitia Amazonis, mythological land of the Amazons.
Amenthes Amenthes Planum Amenthes, the Egyptian underworld
Aonium Sinus Aonia Terra 'Bay of the Muses' (the Aonides is an alternate name for the Muses in Grek mythology
Arabia Arabia Terra Arabia Deserta, the Roman name for the desert interior of the Arabian Peninsula
Arcadia Arcadia Planitia Arcadia, region of Greece
Argyre Argyre Planitia Silver; Greek name for Arakan, mythical silver island in Burma
Arnon Classical name for Wadi al-Mawjib river, Jordan
Aurorae Sinus Aurorae Planum 'Bay of the Dawn'; from Aurora, Roman dawn goddess
Ausonia Ausonia, country of the Ausones (Greek), or Aurunci (Latin)
Baltia Baltia, Roman name for a legendary northern island
Boreosyrtis North of Syrtis (see below)
Candor Candor Chasma Latin for 'blaze' or 'white'
Casius An epithet for the Greek god Zeus
Cebrenia Cebrenia, main country of the Trojan plain
Cecropia Old name for Athens
Ceraunis Greek, 'thunderclap'; named for Ceraunis Mountains, Epirus, Greece
Cerberus Cerberus Fossae Cerberus, guardian of hell in Greek mythology
Chalce Chalki, Greek island
Chersonesus Thracian Chersonese, Greek name for Gallipoli
Chryse Chryse Planitia Greek for gold; named for Chryse, a legendary island in the East Indies
Chrysokeras Ancient Greek name for the Golden Horn, Istanbul
Claritas Claritas Fossae Latin for 'bright'
Copais Palus Marsh north of Mount Helicon, Greece
Coprates Coprates Chasma Greek name for river Ab-i-daz, Persia
Cyclopia Land of the cyclops in Greek mythology
Cydonia Cydonia Mensae / Cydonia Labyrinthus Poetic Greek name for Crete
Deltoton Sinus 'Bay of the Triangle' (it forms a triangle with two other features)
Depressio Hellespontica A depression near the Hellespont feature (see below)
Deucalionis Regio 'Deucalion's Region'; named after the mythological Greek king
Deuteronilus Deuteronilus Mensae 'Second Part of Nilus' (part of the supposed Martian canal labelled 'Nile')
Diacria Diacria, highland region of Greece
Dioscuria 'Land of the Dioscuri', symbolic name for Sparta
Edom Edom, Biblical country
Electris Island home of Electra in Greek mythology
Elysium Elysium Mons Elysium, heaven in Greek mythology
Eridania Eridania Scopulus Classical name for region on the Po River, Italy
Eunostes Part of the Greek underworld
Euphrates River Euphrates, Mesopotamia
Gehon River Gihon, Biblical river
Hellas Hellas Planitia Greek name for Greece
Hellespontus Hellespontus Montes The Hellespont, ancient name for the Dardanelles
Hesperia Hesperia Planum Classical word for the West
Hiddekel Biblical name for the Tigris river
Hyperboreus Lacus Hyperboreae Undae Latin, 'Far Northern Lake'
Iapygia Classical name for Apulia, or specifically Salento
Icaria Icaria Fossae Land of Icarus, a name for Crete
Thyle I and II Thyles Rupes Thule, legendary northern land
Ismenius Lacus 'Ismenian Lake' - Ismenia is a poetic name for Thebes
Jamuna Jamuna River, India
Juventae Fons Juventae Chasma 'The Fountain of Youth', legendary magical place
Laestrygon The Laestrygonians, legendary cannibal giants
Lemuria Lemuria, legendary drowned continent south of India
Libya Libya, ancient region of North Africa
Lunae Palus 'Swamp of the Moon', referring to Luna the Roman Moon goddess or to the Mountains of the Moon, Africa
Mare Acidalium 'Acidalian Sea'; from the Acidalian Fountain where Aphrodite bathed
Mare Australe 'Southern Sea'
Mare Boreum 'Northern Sea'
Mare Chronium Cronian Sea, Greek name for the polar sea
Mare Cimmerium 'Cimmerian Sea'; from the Cimmerians of Greek legend
Mare Erythraeum Roman name for the Indian Ocean
Mare Hadriacum Roman name for the Adriatic Sea
Mare Serpentis 'Serpens Sea', referring to the constellation Serpens
Mare Sirenum 'Sea of the Sirens', referring to the legendary monsters
Mare Tyrrhenum Tyrrhenian Sea
Margaritifer Terra 'Pearl Bay', named after the Pearl Coast, India
Memnonia Land of Memnon, Ethopiopian king
Meroe Meroë, island-city in the Nile
Moab Moab, Biblical land
Moeris Lacus Lake Moeris, Al-Fayyum, Egypt
Nectar Nectar, the food of the gods
Neith Regio 'Neith Region', named after Neith, the Egyptian underworld
Nepenthes Nepenthe, Egyptian drug
Nereidum Fretum 'Straits of the Nereids'
Niliacus Lacus 'Lake of the Nile'
Nilokeras 'Horn of the Nile' (part of the supposed Martian canal labelled 'Nile')
Nilosyrtis Part of the supposed Martian canal labelled 'Nile' close to the Syrtis region (see below)
Nix Olympica 'The Snows of Olympus', referring to Mount Olympus, Greece
Noachis 'Noah's Land'
Ogygis Regio 'Region of Ogygos' (Theban king)
Olympia Olympia, Greek city
Ophir Ophir, Biblical land
Ortygia Ortygia, legendary Greek island
Oxia Palus 'Swamp of the Oxus River' - Greek name for Aral Sea
Oxus Greek name for Amu Darya river
Panchaia Panchaia, Greek name for Egyptian city and for legendary island
Pandorae Fretum 'Pandora's Strait', named after mythological Pandora
Phaethontis 'Phaeton's Land', named after mythological Phaeton
Phison Pishon, Biblical river
Phlegra Phlegra, Greek mythological location
Phoenicus Lacus 'Lake of the Phoenix'
Phrixi Region 'Phrixus's Region'; named after mythological Phrixus
Promethei Sinus 'Prometheus's Bay'; named after mythological Prometheus
Propontis Greek name for the Sea of Marmara
Protei Regio 'Proteus's Region'; named after mythological Proteus
Protonilus 'First Part of the Nile' (part of the supposed Martian canal labelled 'Nile')
Pyrrhae Regio 'Pyrrha's Region'; named after mythological Pyrrha
Scandia Scandinavia
Sinai Sinai pensinsula
Sinus Meridiani 'Middle Bay'
Sinus Sabaeus 'Bay of Saba', ancient term for the Red Sea
Sithonius Lacus 'Lake of the Sithonii', or Thracians
Solid Lacus 'Lake of the Sun'
Styx Styx, the river of the Greek underworld
Syria Syria, region of the Near East in classical times
Syrtis Major 'Gulf of Sirte' or Libyan Gulf
Tanais Tanais, ancient name for the Don River, Russia
Tempe Vale of Tempe, Thessaly, Greece
Tharsis Tartessos, ancient Spanish town
Thaumasia Thaumas, Greek sea god
Thoth Thoth, Egyptian god
Thymiamata 'Land of Perfumes'; from Thymiamata, Greek name for legendary Asian country
Tithonius Lacus 'Tithonian Lake', from the mythological Tithonus
Tractus Albus 'White Tract'
Trinacria Classical name for Sicily
Trivium Charontis 'Crossroad of Charon', canal intersection in the Greek underworld
Uchronia 'Land of Agelessness'
Umbra Latin for 'shadow'
Utopia From utopia, Greek for 'nowhere', or for a perfect state
Vulcani Pelagus Vulcan, Roman god of fire
Xanthe 'Golden-Yellow Land'
Yaonis Regio 'Yao's Region'; named after Emperor Yao of China
Zephyria 'Land of the West Wind'; from the Greek god Zephyr
Zumba Zumba, town in Ecuador