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User:The Rhymesmith/Involuntary Adoption

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NOTE: This page contains 3 separate pages. The Mandatory Adoption main page, the Mandatory Adoption Protégé area, and the Mandatory Adoption Adopter's Area.

Mandatory Adoption Main Page:

Mandated Adoption: An explanation

Sometimes, by ruling of ArbCom (the Arbitration Commitee) or a second chance granted by a sysop, a user can be assigned Mandated Adoption. While similar, this is NOT the same as the voluntary adoption process, as it is required for the user to remain a member of Wikipedia. Mandated Adoption can be used in lieu of a block, ban, etc. While a user may request Mandated Adoption as part of their unblock request, often times it will be recommended by ArbCom as part of an Arbitration request, or it can be recommended by an administrator when a user requests an unblock. Unlike normal adoption, where a more friendly environment is used, it is recommended that during MA that a more professional "Mentor/Protégé" attitude be used. Mentors/Adopters should note that the user under MA does NOT have the same rights and privileges as a normal user, they are on a one-chance system, if they go back to their old ways, they should be re-blocked immediately. It can be considered a sort of probation There are templates that are displayed on their userpage and user talk page to inform people of this. Mentors/adopters should keep a close eye on their Protégé, and while trying to treat them the same as any other user, still keeping a close eye on them.

Involuntary Adoption: The Process

Through ArbCom:

  1. ArbCom will take in the case, and make the decision that adoption is necessary.
    1. If the user in question is blocked, or it believed that the user should be blocked, the block will remain in affect until the adoption begins.
  2. The user should then have the userbox {{subst:dated involreq}} placed on their userpage. That will automatically place them in the Involuntary adoption category.
  3. An adopter will volunteer to take the case, and will then place the unblock request on the user's talk page, so administrators realize that the adoption request has been made. NOTE: this system has not been 100% worked out yet, so please bear with us.
  4. The user is unblocked, and adoption can continue.
  5. Once the Protégé finishes the course, their mentor should report back to ArbCom, and ArbCom shall make the final decision whether the user has worked hard enough to be unblocked, and whether a probation period should remain.

Through an Unblock Request:

  1. The admin who denies the request should inform the user that they may take the second chance option of adoption. The user or the admin should then place the userbox on the user's page or talk page.
  2. The process continues much the same, the adopter will have to volunteer, and the user should not be unblocked until the adopter volunteers.
  3. Once the Protégé finishes the course, their mentor should report back to ArbCom, and ArbCom shall make the final decision whether the user has worked hard enough to be unblocked, and whether a probation period should remain.

Protégé Area:

Mandated Adoption: Protégé Area

|} Hello! If you're reading this, you've either been assigned Mandatory Adoption, or you're really curious about what it is. Either way, you'll find out all you need to know here. Chances are that you're on your last chance, or have already been blocked. If you have been assigned Mandatory Adoption, it was likely that they recommended that you read this page. At this point, you have been placed on a "waiting list" of sorts until an adopter has the oppurtunity to adopt you, don't worry, this often happens within hours, or maybe a day or two (at most). Please do not go out and seek a mentor/adopter, as some people may or may not be willing to take on Mandated Adoptees, though a process may be put in place for them to have their own category. IT IS IMPORTANT that you realize that this is a second chance, but not only that, it is your ONLY chance to begin contributing positively to the encyclopedia. Though accidental mistakes will be allowed, any further blatant and purposeful violations of WP:POLICY will be taken seriously, and you will be blocked without a warning. But, we'll assume good faith, and just keep an eye on you. Now, you will be taking part in an adoption program to not only reform you, but also to teach you how to work Wikipedia, in hopes that you will one day contribute positively to the project. Please familiarize yourself with the other adoption pages as many of the things in the regular adoptee's area will still affect you. Please note, that you may quit adoption at any time by contacting ArbCom, however it will result in an immediate re-blocking, and there is a possibility that another chance may not be given.

Mandatory Adoption Template:

The Rhymesmith/Involuntary Adoption has been assigned Mandatory Adoption by ArbCom, or an administrator, as part of a reform process. However, Mandatory Adoption is considered their final chance, any vandalism, personal attacks, etc. should be reverted, and should be reported immediately to WP:AIV for immediate blocking, and then to their mentor/adopter, who will then take further action.