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Stanislav Tytykin (born september 29, 1935) - soviet and russian historian, doctor of historical sciences (1983), professor (2006), chief researcher of the Institute of Russian History [[RAS]]. Father of russian politik Sergey Udaltsov. Author and co-author of the 35 monographs and textbooks. In 1995 - 2007 chief editor of the Russian History, one of the most respected Russian historical journals.



Born in a family of employees. Father Tyutyukin Vasily Dmitrievich (1903 - 1998) - worked in a factory, then graduated from the Moscow Party School. He served in the Red Army, took part in the Winter War. Awarded the Order of the Red Star and medals. Mother, Valentina I. Doylidova (1911 - 1996) - Senior Economist at the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry, awarded with medals. In 1953, after graduating with a gold medal from high school and music school in the class of piano, he entered the history department of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov without entrance examinations. Since 1958, he has been working in the history sector of Russia in the 19th - early 20th centuries of the Institute of History (now the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences). He passed the way from scientific and technical, and then junior, to the chief researcher. For five years he took part in the work on the preparation of the serial publication of the USSR Foreign Affairs Ministry "Documents of the USSR Foreign Policy". n 1963-1966 he studied in the graduate school of the Institute of History, in 1966-1967 he worked in sociological expeditions of the Institute of Ethnography of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1967 he defended his thesis “The Ideological Struggle in the Workers' Movement of Russia in 1914-1917”, in 1983 - the doctoral thesis “The First Russian Revolution and G. V. Plekhanov”.

In 1990-1995 he was a member, and in 1995-2007 he headed the editorial board of the scientific journal "Domestic History." In 2003 - 2006 he was a member of the Public Council of the magazine “Favorite Russia”. Acting Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the History of Revolutions in Russia (1997-1998), since 2013 - Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the history of social reforms, movements and revolutions. Member of the scientist and dissertation councils of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Member of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation on national history. Coordinator of the section "Domestic history of the twentieth century" RGNF. Member of the Academic Council of the Museum of Contemporary History. For a long time, he taught at the Institute of Advanced Studies at Moscow State University.

For several years he maintained scientific contacts with the Plekhanov House in St. Petersburg, for which in 2007 he was awarded the medal "G.V. Plekhanov".

He was a supervisor of several graduate and doctoral students, has repeatedly opposed the thesis defense. Participated in a number of All-Russian (All-Union) and international scientific conferences. Co-author and editor of a number of collective works on Russian and universal history: "The working class in the First Russian Revolution", "The historical experience of the three Russian revolutions" (vols. 1-2), "The International Labor Movement. Questions of history and theory ”,“ Political parties of Russia: history and modernity ”(M., 1994, 2000),“ History of Europe. V. 5. From the French Revolution of the Late XVIII Century to the First World War "(M., 2000)," World Wars of the XX Century "(In 4 volumes. M., 2003)," First Russian Revolution in Russia. A look through the century ”(Moscow, 2005). Author of articles for the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (third edition), Soviet Historical Encyclopedia, Children's Encyclopedia, the Great Russian Encyclopedia and a number of other encyclopedias.

He is the author of more than 220 scientific publications, including 30 individual, collective and micromonographs, as well as 5 textbooks.

The works of S. V. Tyutyukin have been translated into English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Arabic and Czech.

Language proficiency: English (fluent), German (fluent), French (elementary proficiency). == Awards ==

State awards of the USSR and the Russian Federation

  • Medal "Veteran Labor"
  • Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"

==== Departmental and public awards

  • Gold Medal "For excellent success and exemplary behavior"
  • Badge of honor “Winner of socialist competition”
  • The badge of honor "XXX years of the Soviet Committee of War Veterans"
  • Medal "For active work" of the All-Union Society "Knowledge"
  • Honorary badge "50 years of the USSR" (issued to high marks of production and winners of socialist competitions)
  • Medal named after Chokan Valikhanov
  • Medal "George V. Plekhanov" House Plekhanov in 2007
  • Medal of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation "In commemoration of the 140th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Lenin"
  • Many letters and thanks

Contests and awards

* Winner of the All-Union Contest of Young Scientists (First place)
* Winner of the competition for the best report of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University in 1954-1955 (First place)
* Winner of the National Prize "Best Books and Publishers of the Year - 2016" in the "Encyclopedia" nomination (as one of the authors of the third volume of work "Reforms in Russia from ancient times to the beginning of the twentieth century")
* Winner of the National Competition "Book of the Year" 2018 (as one of the authors of the XI volume of the Great Russian Encyclopedia)

Field of activity


The sphere of research interests of S. V. Tyutyukin includes the history of social thought, the history of radical parties, the history of Russian revolutions, the history of the socialist movement in Russia. Learned figures: G. V. Plekhanov, A. F. Kerensky, Yu. O. Martov, V. I. Lenin and others



The contribution of S. V. Tyutyukin to Russian science was highly appreciated by many famous historians. Thus, Academician Yu. A. Polyakov called Tyutyukin "one of the most capable scientists of the Institute" [2], and Professor G. Z. Ioffe - "the brilliant mind of a generation" [3].

Polyakov also wrote that “... such a rare principle in our ranks could have made him the leading historian of the country, but she, on principle, put many obstacles in his way that were adequately overcome. Particularly difficult was the work on the post of chief editor of the journal "Domestic history (" History of the USSR ") from 1995 to 2009. Stanislav Vasilyevich was a great editor, the main thing - an objective one"

Samuel H. Baron, a reputable American expert on G. V. Plekhanov, in a personal letter expressed his gratitude to S. V. Tyutyukin for the book “Plekhanov. The fate of Russian Marxism "[source not specified 71 days].

The editorial period of S. V. Tyutyukin is estimated as the heyday of the journal “Patriotic History”.

Elections to the Academy of Sciences


S. V. Tyutyukin was twice nominated as a corresponding member of the RAS, but was not elected. According to a number of specialists, including academician Yu. A. Polyakov, the rejection of Tyutyukin’s candidacy was groundless [5]. Among the reasons are primarily the opposition from A. N. Sakharov, who was then the Director of the Islamic Republic of Iran, who could not accept the principle of principle of Tyutyukin, who rejected Sakharov’s despotic leadership style.



Married to Margarita Ivanovna Udaltsova, daughter of the Soviet statesman I. I. Udaltsov and granddaughter I. D. Udaltsov, rector of Moscow State University. The only son born in marriage was Sergey (1977), now a famous Russian politician, the main person involved in the “Marsh Business”. Grandchildren - Ivan (2002) and Oleg (2005) Udaltsov. Ivan Udaltsov became the priser (2018) and the winner (2019) of the Final Stage of the All-Russian School Olympiad in Literature
