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User:Tara.goolsby/Tourism on the Moon

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user:Tara.goolsby/Tourism on the Moon/Bibliography

Tara Goolsby

Title: Tourism on the Moon

Research Question: what are the moon regulations/laws?

ANDREA J. HARRINGTON* (Winter, 2023). RESPONSES TO LEE: FROM GEOPOLITICS TO LUNAPOLITICS: A RESPONSE TO LEE'S THE FUTURE OF THE LAW ON THE MOON . Journal of Air Law & Commerce, 88, 211. https://advance-lexis-com.uno.idm.oclc.org/api/document?collection=analytical-materials&id=urn:contentItem:68FT-DDG1-DYMS-640J-00000-00&context=1516831.

In the response article written by Andrea J. Harrington, she covers a few different questions about the laws of the moon. This article offers the reasons for not needing to develop laws on the moon because it could slow down the research being done. This academic journal is beneficial to my research question because it gives answers to questions regarding moon activities and government laws.

Lee, A. Y. (2023). The Future of the Law on the Moon. Journal of Air Law & Commerce, 88(1), 3–103. https://doi-org.uno.idm.oclc.org/10.25172/jalc.88.1.2+%5D

The Future of the Law on the Moon written by Andrew Y. Lee states the official laws are still in process. The journal gives research on SpaceX's future of the law. This article is reverent to my research question because it shows the possibilities of what laws are to come.

Vasilevskaia, E. G. (1972). The Development of the Moon: Some Prospects for Regulation By Law. Russian Politics & Law, 10(4), 362–376. https://doi-org.uno.idm.oclc.org/10.2753/rup1061-19401004362

This article offers some prospects from the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space on the future of the laws of the moon. regulations could control the air and landing aspects of the moon. This article is important because it gives a universal look into what laws may evolve on the international level. This article is relevant to Tourism on the Moon because it is always important to follow the laws and regulations, especially for travelers.

Laws on the moon

The Moon Agreement of 1979 is the last in the initial series of Space Law treaties. (Nelson) As the Legal Sub-committee explains and processes the treaty they made sure to emphasize preserving the environment. (Bogaert, 1981) The 1979 Moon Agreement enshrined the principle of the common heritage of humankind in space law. As of 2023, the Moon Agreement has been ratified by fewer than 20 countries. (de Azevedo) Now a brave new age is here, but the law is not ready. Outer space is rapidly becoming the domain for industrial-scale private-sector innovation and entrepreneurship. (Lee 2023) A commercialized Moon would require the United States to assert legislative jurisdiction (U.S. federal law taking effect), exercise adjudicatory jurisdiction (personal jurisdiction over persons and property and subject matter jurisdiction regarding controversies that arise), and install a governing body physically on the Moon. (Lee 2023) The new laws of the moon are not set in place but can be seen in the future.

Lee, A. Y. (2023). The Future of the Law on the Moon. Journal of Air Law & Commerce, 88(1), 3–103. https://doi-org.uno.idm.oclc.org/10.25172/jalc.88.1.2 ]

Nelson, T. G. (2011). Evaluating the 1979 Moon Agreement: THE MOON AGREEMENT AND PRIVATE ENTERPRISE: LESSONS FROM INVESTMENT LAW. ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law, 17, 393.

de Azevedo, J. M. (2023). Regulating Space Resource Activities in a Fair and Equitable Manner: Understanding the Principle of Common Heritage of Humankind in Space Law. ERIS - European Review of International Studies, 10(3), 375–400. https://doi.org/10.1163/21967415-10030006

Van Bogaert, E. (1981). The Moon Treaty : Achievements and Future Problems. Studia Diplomatica, 34(6), 655–673.