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User:TakeYourMarks/Black maternal mortality in the United States/Madisonminelli Peer Review

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General info[edit]

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Black maternal mortality in the United States

Evaluate the drafted changes[edit]

I would personally give some sort of description of the Tuskegee Syphillis Experiment. I think that the description in the current article is too long and detailed, but I think one sentence on summarizing what the researchers did and what they found would be good to include.

I think it is great that you acknowledged women of ALL socioeconomic statuses, and not just women of lower socioeconomic status.

I would explain what the "Neonatal Intensive Care Unit" because I didn't know what this was before looking it up.

I really like how you added the bit on disabled mothers. In the original article, disabled individuals are not represented whatsoever, which they should be.

I think it is important that you include the different tropes associated with black women. I think it would be good to include the names of popular movies that illustrate these stereotypes.

Overall, really great job!