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Harry Potter Epilogue


Every wonder what happen happened after the "deathly hallows" find out here!


Hannah, as an adult, married Neville and became the landlady of The Leaky Cauldron. They have a daughter who she names after where mother.

Kaite Belle was a serious Quidditch player. When Harry became caption she advised him to hold tryouts even for her. She became a chaser in in Woman's England Quidditch team. Kaite marries Cormac McLaggen another serious Quidditch player who is the Keeper of the England Quidditch team. Together they have 3 children which they name after prior england Qudditch players, Glenda (seeker), Avery (chaser) and Frisb (keeper).

Susan marries Ernie Maccmillan. Susan takes after her aunt, Amelia Bones, and becomes a High ranking member of Wizgamot.

Lavender Brown had gone to the Yule Ball with Seamus Finnigan. The two of them end up getting married. They had twins, a boy and a girl. Their names are Gunie and Sybil. Lavender was always a fan of Divination. She becomes the Divination teacher at Hogwarts, as an adult. The headmaster says she was the best Divination teacher Hogwarts had yet.

Cho Chang marries a muggle. The muggle knew she was a witch and accepted it with open arms. They had 5 children each attended Hogwarts.

[Michael Corner]]

In his Hogwarts years he was a player but Michael ends up with Padma Patil. They live a long happy life together. 

After Hogwarts Justin spends a few years exploring magic in many countries. When he was in France, he met a girl named Allis who had attended Beauxbatons. They get married and live in France.

Seamus marries Lavender Brown. The had twins that were a boy and girl. Their names were Gunie and Sybil. He also always had a great love for sports and becomes the head of the Departments for games and Sports.

Angelina Married George and had to children, Fred and Roxanne. 

After the death of Voldemort, Lee continues in braud casting "potter watch". He marries Flear Delicors little sister named Gabrielle.

In the epilogue of Deathly Hallows, Ginny mentions that Neville has gone on to be the Herbology professor at Hogwarts. He shows off his D.A. coin to many admiring students and tells them about his adventures. He married Hannah Abbott who became the landlady of the Leaky Cauldron. The couple live over the pub, a fact that Rowling thought people would find "particularly cool".

after Hogwarts, Luna pursues a career that is "the wizarding equivalent" of a naturalist. She married a fellow naturalist, the grandson of Newt Scamander, named Rolf,and they had twin boys, named Lorcan and Lysander

Ernie marries Susan Bones. Ernie works for the ministry in the department of law enforcement.

Padma does not work as an adult but stays hoem to manage he 8 children. She married Michael Corner.

Parvati married Dean thomas. Together they live in France and their 3 children attend Beauxbatons.

Dean marries Parvati Patil. They live in France where Dean is the most know and best healer.

George never fully got over Fred's death, but succeeded in turning Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes into a "money spinner" with Ron, who eventually left to become an Auror.[20] George marries Angelina Johnson, with whom he has two children, Fred and Roxanne.

Harry and Ginny are married and have three children: sons James Sirius and Albus Severus, and daughter Lily Luna. Ginny' after leaving Hogwarts, joined the Holyhead Harpies and, after spending a few years as a celebrated player, retired to become the senior Quidditch correspondent at the Daily phrophet.

[Harry potter]]


After the Deathly hallows, Harry and Ginny get married. Together they have 3 children, James Sirius, Albus Severus and Lilly Luna. Harry and Ron both become Auror's.