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My name is Kimberly Bock or spostareduro, as I'm known in most online social circles.

I am a blogger and social media participant in support of SEO, marketing and environmental awareness.

When combined, they become a powerful life changing tool.

e.g. Ethical marketing.

I'm frequently asked what my username means.

Spostareduro is Italian for the words "move hard".

I move hard or not at all.

Some people call that a downfall.

Those would be the people I disagree with. ;-)

I believe strongly that each of us have responsibilities to each other in life. What we choose to do with these responsibilities can either be of benefit to the world, or assist in determining it's detriment.

Our home is not just the place we lay our heads when we are not at our computers. It's expanse is global.

Our careers play a role in more than having pocket change. What we do with our work-life, bleeds into humanity, one drop at a time. Good, bad or indifferently. It affects each one of us..from the fry-flipper to the corporate heads abroad.

What we choose to do with our marketplaces, on-line and off-line, establishes or destroys societies, families, relationships, and humankinds well being or lack thereof.

Ethical marketing is a focus of mine that I hope to expand upon.

Change is good.