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Abigail Dominique Kricket Sawyers (born December 27, 2002), better known by her alias Kite, is a Jamaican rapper, singer, songwriter, manager, producer and cannabis enthusiast. She is regarded by many as an icon in the cannabis and the music industry. Her music career started in 2016, at the age of 13, when she wrote, recorded and produced the song Open Eyes, available for streaming on her SoundCloud page. After releasing her single When I'm High in 2017, Kite took an unannounced but noticeable break from music and left fans concerned about her well being after her instagram page quickly became inactive. It was later revealed by Kite herself that the reason for her absence was that she underwent a break up with her first long term girlfriend, who she refused to name, and that she needed time to better herself. She tried to continue writing music but, despite encouragement, she couldn't release them as all her songs were now about her estranged ex so she stopped writing ( At the time of writing this article, 2020, she has yet to release them).

During this time she developed a passion for cannabis after getting high for the first time and wanting to explore the other sides of cannabis. She also made it clear that she hasn't completely abandoned the music industry. She began working behind the scenes as a producer and manager to upcoming female rap artist Domi From the Tropics. Kite sent fans into a frenzy in late 2019 when she reactivated her instagram page and released one verse of her song Smurfette which she had written about her then girlfriend, Chantelle Jackson. The pair unfortunately split up before the rest of the song was released, which left fans disappointed. As 2020 starts off, fans are expecting a well overdue and promised album from the sensation hoping that there won't be a repeat of her disappearance in 2017. So far they've gotten one preview of her single Drawl whose official release date is yet to be announced.