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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
var dt   = new Date( );
var dtH  = dt.getHours( );
var dtM  = dt.getMinutes( );
var dtUDm = dt.getUTCDate( );
var dtUDw = dt.getUTCDay( );

// XXX: There are still more mw.config.get calls to replace with this
// XXX: Should use a time delay after each attempt, but that would need Promises (?)
function safelyGetMwConfig( confName ) {
  var result = null, maxAttempts = 19;
  for ( var i = 0; i < maxAttempts; i++ ) {
    try {
      result = mw.config.get( confName );
    } catch ( ex ) {
      /* XXX TODO */
    if ( result !== null ) { return result; }
  return result;

var zzSentinel = dt.getSeconds( ) + Math.random( );
var         zzAction           = safelyGetMwConfig( 'wgAction' );
if ( typeof zzAction           !== 'string' ) zzAction           = zzSentinel + '';
var         zzArticleId        = safelyGetMwConfig( 'wgArticleId' );
if ( typeof zzArticleId        !== 'number' ) zzArticleId        = zzSentinel;
var         zzUserEditCount    = safelyGetMwConfig( 'wgUserEditCount' );
if ( typeof zzUserEditCount    !== 'number' ) zzUserEditCount    = zzSentinel;
var         zzPageName         = safelyGetMwConfig( 'wgPageName' );
if ( typeof zzPageName         !== 'string' ) zzPageName         = zzSentinel + '';
var         zzNamespaceNumber  = safelyGetMwConfig( 'wgNamespaceNumber' );
if ( typeof zzNamespaceNumber  !== 'number' ) zzNamespaceNumber  = zzSentinel;
var         zzPageContentModel = safelyGetMwConfig( 'wgPageContentModel' );
if ( typeof zzPageContentModel !== 'string' ) zzPageContentModel = zzSentinel + '';

// XXX: this is the syntax used in linkclassifier, but
// [[mw:RL/DEV#Client-side (dynamically)]] says to use mw.loader.using(...).done(...) instead?
// NB: jsfnPortletLink, below, isn't actually called til well after this point (and its definition).
// Similarly for hideTwinklePortlet defined below (XXX reconsider)
function hideTwinklePortlet( ) {
	mw.util.addCSS( '#p-twinkle, a[href*="twinklerevert="], div[id^="tw-revert"] { display:none; }' );
mw.loader.using( [ 'mediawiki.util' ], function ( ) {
	if ( typeof mw.util.jsMessage === 'function' ) {
		var origMUJsM = mw.util.jsMessage;
		mw.util.jsMessage = function( myMsg, clss ) {
			if ( myMsg === 'Could not load twinkleoptions.js' && clss === undefined ) {
				hideTwinklePortlet( );
			origMUJsM( myMsg, clss );

	mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-tb', '#replaceMe', '__________', 'ca-dummysep' );
	mw.util.addCSS( '#p-logo:hover { filter:blur(' + ( Math.random( ) + Math.random( ) ) + 'px); }' );


var zzRealBackendResponseTime = safelyGetMwConfig( 'wgBackendResponseTime' );
// TODO: are there legitimate reasons this can be null? is it really that unlikely for backend to respond within 1ms?
var zzSentinelBackendResponseTime = 1 /*10 * ( 6000 + Math.floor( Math.random( ) * 24000 ) ) + 9*/;
var zzBackendResponseTime = zzSentinelBackendResponseTime;
if (
  typeof zzRealBackendResponseTime === 'number' &&
  zzRealBackendResponseTime >= 0 &&
  zzRealBackendResponseTime === Math.ceil( zzRealBackendResponseTime )
) {
  zzBackendResponseTime = zzRealBackendResponseTime;

//TODO: create a separate version which supports the 5th arg of addPortletLink (title text)
function jsfnPortletLink( container, myFunc, dispName, liId, myArg ) {
  var hasMwNotifyLoaded = ( typeof mw.notify === 'function' );
  var hasMwUtilLoaded = ( mw.util && typeof mw.util.addPortletLink === 'function' );
  if ( !hasMwUtilLoaded ) return; // uh oh, need to do the rewrite and clean up our use of .using

  var typ = typeof myFunc;
  if ( typ !== 'function' ) {
    var errStr = 'myFunc was a(n) ' + typ + ', but we needed a function';
    if ( hasMwNotifyLoaded ) {
        $( '<strong class="error">[jsfnPortletLink] ' + errStr + '</strong>' ),
        { autoHide: false }
    throw new TypeError( errStr );

  /*if ( hasMwNotifyLoaded ) {
    mw.notify( 'jsfnPortletLink is trying...' );

  try {
  var plnk = mw.util.addPortletLink(
                          container,    '#' + Math.random( ), dispName, liId
  $( plnk ).click( function ( e ) {
    e.preventDefault( );

    //TODO: expand to handle multiple args
    myFunc.call( this, myArg );
  } catch ( ex ) {
    if ( hasMwNotifyLoaded ) {
          '<strong class="error">[jsfnPortletLink] ' +
          'Something went wrong adding the link; swallowing error to preserve other functionality' +
        { autoHide: false }

//using gadget
LocalComments = {
	dateDifference: true,
	dateFormat: 'dmy',
	timeFirst: true,
	twentyFourHours: true,
	dayOfWeek: true,
	dropDays: 121,
	dropMonths: 30

//$( '#searchInput' ).attr( 'placeholder', '' );

var isActionEditing = /it$/.test( zzAction );

function printSHStatus( ) {
  mw.util.jsMessage( '<samp>TOut: ' + syntaxHighlighterConfig.timeout        + 'ms<br />'
                         + 'Best: ' + window.syntaxHlBestTime                + 'ms<br />'
                         + 'Wrst: ' + window.syntaxHlWorstTime               + 'ms<br />'
                         + 'UpLf: ' + window.syntaxHlTimeoutUpdatesLeft      + '<br />'
                         + 'SpTl: ' + syntaxHighlighterConfig.spikeTolerance + 'ms<br />'
                         + 'NumS: ' + window.syntaxHlNumSpikesTolerated      + '<br />'
                         + 'Abrt: ' + window.syntaxHlAborted                 + '<br />'
                         + 'dPRF: ' + window.syntaxHlDetectedResistFingerprintingPref + '</samp>' );
syntaxHighlighterConfig = {
  adaptiveTiming: true,
  timeoutCallback: function( thresh, actual ) {
    mw.util.jsMessage( 'syntax highlighter abort ' + actual + 'ms&gt;' + thresh + 'ms<br />'
                     + '<samp>Best: '   + window.syntaxHlBestTime               + 'ms<br />'
                           + 'Wrst: '   + window.syntaxHlWorstTime              + 'ms<br />'
                           + 'UpLf: ' + window.syntaxHlTimeoutUpdatesLeft      + '<br />'
                           + 'SpTl: ' + syntaxHighlighterConfig.spikeTolerance + 'ms<br />'
                           + 'NumS: ' + window.syntaxHlNumSpikesTolerated      + '<br />'
                           + 'Abrt: ' + window.syntaxHlAborted                 + '<br />'
                           + 'dPRF: ' + window.syntaxHlDetectedResistFingerprintingPref + '</samp>' );
if ( Math.random( ) < 5/8 ) {
  syntaxHighlighterConfig.timeoutMsg = '';
else {
  syntaxHighlighterConfig.languageOverride = 'es';

function checkBadPipeTrick( ) {
  var edsumbox = $( '#wpSummary' );
  if ( !edsumbox || edsumbox.length === 0 ) return;
  var edsumboxtext = edsumbox.val( );
  if ( typeof edsumboxtext !== 'string' ) return;
  if ( /\[\[.+\|\]\]/.test( edsumboxtext ) ) {
    mw.util.addCSS( '.mw-summary-preview{color:red;}' )
    mw.util.addCSS( '.mw-summary-preview a{text-decoration:line-through;}' )
    mw.util.addCSS( '.mw-summary-preview a:not(.new){color:red;}' )
    mw.notify( $(
      '<span class="badpipewarn">Attempted pipe trick in edit summary &mdash; does NOT work</span>'
    ) );
  else if ( /^Undid revision \d+ by \[\[Special:Contributions\/SoledadKabocha\|SoledadKabocha\]\] \(\[\[User talk:SoledadKabocha\|talk\]\]\)$/.test( edsumboxtext ) ) {
    //DIRTY HACK - move this elsewhere - scope of zz vars??
    if ( safelyGetMwConfig( 'wgAction' ) === 'edit' ) { //that is, not 'submit'
      edsumbox.val( edsumboxtext.replace( 'SoledadKabocha]] ([[User talk:SoledadKabocha|talk]])', 'self]]: ' ) );

  var editbox = $( '#wpTextbox1' );
  if ( !editbox || editbox.length === 0 ) return;
  var editboxtext = editbox.val( );
  if ( typeof editboxtext !== 'string' ) return;
  if ( /<ref( name="[^<>]+")?>[^<>]*\[\[[^<>]+\|\]\][^<>]*<\/ref>/.test( editboxtext ) ) {
    mw.notify( $(
      '<span class="badpipewarn">Attempted pipe trick in footnote &mdash; does NOT work</span>'
    ) );
  if ( editboxtext.indexOf( '``' + '`' ) !== -1 ) {
    mw.notify( $(
      '<span class="badpipewarn">Shift key not pressed hard enough when signing?</span>'
    ) );
    // XXX: should have a separate class name
  // XXX: the two if statements are only for visual sanity...make sure to indent nicely when rewriting
  // TODO: random probability?
  /*if ( zzNamespaceNumber === 0 && ( /^#redirect/i.test( editboxtext ) || /\{\{[Rr](edirect category|cat) shell/.test( editboxtext ) ) ) {
    if ( window.location.search.indexOf( "oldid=" ) === -1 && window.location.search.indexOf( "undoafter=" ) === -1 && edsumboxtext.indexOf( "Undid revision" ) === -1 ) {
      mw.notify( 'STOP - You are supposed to be on partial wikibreak', { autoHide: false } );
    // else log something?
var isEditingSection = ( window.location.search.indexOf( "section=" ) !== -1 );
var isLongArticle = /^(List_of_(Internet_top-level_domain|TCP_and_UDP_port_number)s|Wikipedia:Database_reports\/)$/.test( zzPageName ) && zzAction !== 'history' /*&& !isEditingSection // hmmm */;
var isViewingANArchive = ( /^Wikipedia:.+noticeboard\/.*Archive\d+$/.test( zzPageName ) && zzAction === 'view' );
if ( isActionEditing ) {
  //window.BetterCancelAddSectionAnchor = true; //FIXME: now always falsely warns due to DOM structure changes; investigate this

  window.aBBWarnInitially = ( zzAction === 'submit' ); // XXX: needs rethink

  if ( zzPageContentModel === 'wikitext' ) {
    importScript( 'User:SoledadKabocha/syntax highlighter experimental.js' );
    if ( syntaxHighlighterConfig.adaptiveTiming ) {
      jsfnPortletLink( 'p-cactions', printSHStatus, 'synHs', 'ca-syntaxhighlightdbg' );
    window.aBBWarnInitially = ( window.aBBWarnInitially && (zzNamespaceNumber % 2) === 0 );


  /*if ( document.getElementById( 'mw-missingsummary' ) ) {
    var jqMSWarn = $( '#mw-missingsummary .mbox-text' );
    var MSWarnStr = jqMSWarn.html( );
    if ( MSWarnStr ) jqMSWarn.html( MSWarnStr.replace( 'Edit summaries help other users understand the intention of your edits. ', '' ) );

  checkBadPipeTrick( );
else {
  if ( zzNamespaceNumber >= 0 && zzAction === 'view' ) {
    if ( zzPageName === 'Wikipedia:Lamest_edit_wars' ) {
      $( '#bodyContent div' ).removeClass( 'plainlinks' );
    else if ( zzPageName.indexOf( 'Wikipedia:Wikipedia_Signpost/20' ) === 0 ) {
      $( '#bodyContent div:not(.NavContent):not([style*="font-family"])' ).removeClass( 'plainlinks' );

  // toggle uncat display (potentially) every 20 minutes,
  // with the boundary of the 20-min intervals shifted by +/- 1 min
  // based on something slowly varying (i.e. my edit count)
  var dtUnitMapping = [
    Math.min( dtH + dtUDw, dtUDm ),
    Math.max( dtH + dtUDw, dtUDm )
  var dtMfudged = dtM;
  if ( zzUserEditCount % 4 === 0 ) {
    if ( dtMfudged < 0 ) dtMfudged = 59;
  else if ( zzUserEditCount % 4 === 2 ) {
    if ( dtMfudged > 59 ) dtMfudged = 0;
  var mess = zzArticleId || document.URL.charCodeAt( -1 );
  var thirdOfHrIndex = Math.floor( dtMfudged / 20 );
  // Math.floor guarantees that the result, if a finite number, is an integer
  // The typeof might be unnecessary, but can never be too sure...
  if ( typeof thirdOfHrIndex !== 'number' || !isFinite( thirdOfHrIndex ) || thirdOfHrIndex < 0 || thirdOfHrIndex > 2 ) {
      'common.js (rediruncategorized): We found that it is the ' + thirdOfHrIndex + '-th third of the hour, which is invalid!',
      { autoHide: false }
    thirdOfHrIndex = 0;
  mess += dtUnitMapping[ thirdOfHrIndex ];
  mess %= 2;
  if ( mess === 0 ) { //formerly [[User:SoledadKabocha/rediruncategorized.css]]
    mw.util.addCSS( 'A.redirect.redir-uncategorized:not(.userlink):hover,' +
                    '{color:red; background-image:linear-gradient(to top, white, #ffed59, white);}' );

  //window.BAWarnInSiteSub = false;
  //window.BAWarnAsJsMessage = false;
  //window.BAAutofillSearch = !isViewingANArchive;

window.CLRNNoAutoStart = window.CLRNstripAnchors = true;
function addRedirectNoWrapper( ) {
  if ( typeof addRedirectNo === 'function' ) {
    addRedirectNo( );
    var myPortletLink = $( '#ca-contentredirectno' );
    if ( myPortletLink ) myPortletLink.remove( );
jsfnPortletLink( 'p-tb', addRedirectNoWrapper, 'Add redirect=no', 'ca-contentredirectno' );

function editboxSpacesToTabs( tabSize ) {
  if ( typeof tabSize !== 'number' || tabSize !== Math.ceil( tabSize ) || tabSize < 2 ) return;

  var editbox = $( '#wpTextbox1' );
  if ( !editbox || editbox.length === 0 ) return;
  var editboxtext = editbox.val( );
  if ( typeof editboxtext !== 'string' ) return;

  var maxLevel = 15; // arbitrary
  var exemplar = '';
  for ( var i = 0; i < maxLevel; i++ ) {
    exemplar += '	';

  var levelSeen = 0;

  for ( var curLevel = maxLevel; curLevel > 0; curLevel-- ) {
    var re = new RegExp( '^ {' + ( tabSize * curLevel ) + '}', 'gm' );
    var neweditboxtext = editboxtext.replace( re, exemplar );
    if ( neweditboxtext !== editboxtext && levelSeen === 0 ) {
      levelSeen = curLevel;
    editboxtext = neweditboxtext;
    exemplar = exemplar.slice( 0, -1 );

  mw.notify( 'Highest tab level: ' + levelSeen );
  editbox.val( editboxtext );
if ( isActionEditing ) {
  jsfnPortletLink( 'p-cactions', editboxSpacesToTabs, 'Sp→T(2)', 'ca-sptotab-2', 2 );
  jsfnPortletLink( 'p-cactions', editboxSpacesToTabs, 'Sp→T(4)', 'ca-sptotab-4', 4 );
  jsfnPortletLink( 'p-cactions', editboxSpacesToTabs, 'Sp→T(8)', 'ca-sptotab-8', 8 );

//window.checkLinksToCitations = ( zzNamespaceNumber !== 10 && !( zzNamespaceNumber % 2 === 1 && zzPageName.indexOf('/') === -1 ) );
//if ( !isEditingSection ) { importScript('User:SoledadKabocha/HarvErrors.js'); }
function checkHarv( ) {
  // just to make sure nothing is calling this
  mw.notify( 'checkHarv unavailable because HarvErrors.js no longer in use' );

const FALLBACK_LAG = 999999;
function lagCheckerCallback( r, sts, xhr ) {
    if ( typeof afterLagCheck !== 'function' ) {
            'common.js: lagCheckerCallback could not find afterLagCheck! ' +
            'This means we did not load completely!',
            { autoHide: false }

    if ( !r ) {
        afterLagCheck( FALLBACK_LAG ); return;
    if ( !r.query ) {
        afterLagCheck( FALLBACK_LAG ); return;
    if ( !r.query.dbrepllag ) {
        afterLagCheck( FALLBACK_LAG ); return;
    if ( !r.query.dbrepllag[0] ) {
        afterLagCheck( FALLBACK_LAG ); return;
    if ( r.query.dbrepllag[0]['lag'] === undefined ) {
        afterLagCheck( FALLBACK_LAG ); return;

    var lagSeconds = parseInt( r.query.dbrepllag[0]['lag'] );
    if ( !isFinite( lagSeconds ) ) lagSeconds = FALLBACK_LAG;

    afterLagCheck( lagSeconds );

var lcq = {
$.ajax( {
    error:function( xhr, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
        if ( typeof afterLagCheck === 'function' ) {
            afterLagCheck( FALLBACK_LAG );
} );

/* *** BEGIN afterLagCheck *** */ function afterLagCheck( lagSeconds ) {
var totalSrvLoad = lagSeconds * 1000 + zzBackendResponseTime;

var numLinksSentinel = 9999; // arbitrary num > loadThresh
var numLinks = numLinksSentinel;
try {
  numLinks = $( '#bodyContent a[href^="/w"]' ).length;
} catch ( ex ) {
  /* XXX TODO */
if ( typeof numLinks !== 'number' ) { numLinks = numLinksSentinel; }

var dummysepHash = '#lag=' + lagSeconds + '...brt=' + zzBackendResponseTime + '...nlnk=' + numLinks;

// todo, make conditional on ns etc.?
var loadThresh = 8096;
var llHypotSq = totalSrvLoad * totalSrvLoad + numLinks * numLinks;
// "dblagging" name is a historical artifact
var dblagging = llHypotSq > ( loadThresh * loadThresh );
if ( dblagging ) {
  var lagWarnStr = 'Pausing scripts due to server load and/or long page';
  var lagWarnAutohide = true;
  //var lagCheckEncounteredFatalError = false;
  if ( lagSeconds === FALLBACK_LAG ) {
    lagWarnStr = 'Problem checking db lag - pausing scripts';
    lagWarnAutohide = ( zzNamespaceNumber === 0 && zzAction === 'view' );
    //temporarily moved here (hmm)
    if ( typeof hideTwinklePortlet === 'function' ) { hideTwinklePortlet( ); }
  else if ( zzBackendResponseTime === zzSentinelBackendResponseTime ) {
    lagWarnStr = 'Got ' + zzRealBackendResponseTime +
                 ' for wgBackendResponseTime, which is not a nonneg. int! ';/* +
                 'Should never happen! Second try ';*/

    /*var brtSecondTry = mw.config.get( 'wgBackendResponseTime' );
    if (
      typeof brtSecondTry === 'number' &&
      brtSecondTry >= 0 &&
      brtSecondTry === Math.ceil( brtSecondTry )
    ) {
      zzBackendResponseTime = brtSecondTry;
      lagWarnStr += 'seems to have worked, though.';

      //If we failed to get one config var, we probably failed to get others too (XXX really?)
      if ( zzAction           === zzSentinel + '' ) lagWarnStr += ' [A!]';
      if ( zzNamespaceNumber  === zzSentinel      ) lagWarnStr += ' [NN!]';
      if ( zzPageName         === zzSentinel + '' ) lagWarnStr += ' [PN!]';
      if ( zzPageContentModel === zzSentinel + '' ) lagWarnStr += ' [PCM!]';
      //safer to re-get these unconditionally?
      zzAction           = mw.config.get( 'wgAction' );
      zzNamespaceNumber  = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' );
      zzPageName         = mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' );
      zzPageContentModel = mw.config.get( 'wgPageContentModel' );

      lagWarnAutohide = ( zzNamespaceNumber === 0 && zzAction === 'view' );

      totalSrvLoad = lagSeconds * 1000 + zzBackendResponseTime;
      dblagging = ( totalSrvLoad * totalSrvLoad + numLinks * numLinks ) > ( loadThresh * loadThresh );
    else {
      lagWarnStr += 'failed too! PANIC!! ABORTING - PLEASE RELOAD!!';
      lagWarnAutohide = false;
      lagCheckEncounteredFatalError = true;
    dummysepHash = dummysepHash.replace(
      '...realbrt=' + zzRealBackendResponseTime + '...retrybrt=' + brtSecondTry
  mw.notify( lagWarnStr, { autoHide: lagWarnAutohide } );
  /*if ( lagCheckEncounteredFatalError === true ) {
    if ( typeof hideTwinklePortlet === 'function' ) { hideTwinklePortlet( ); }
    throw new Error( 'mw.config.get failed repeatedly in user script - should never happen unless browser is mishandling timeouts' );
} else {
  window.talklinkDisableRedirection = true;
  window.talklinkShowRedirectTarget = true;
  if ( zzNamespaceNumber >= 0 && (zzNamespaceNumber % 2) === 0 && /^.i/.test( zzAction ) ) importScript('User:SoledadKabocha/talklink.js'); //mod.from User:Anomie/talklink.js

//dummysepHash = dummysepHash.replace( '...realbrt=REPLACEME', '' );
$( '#ca-dummysep a' ).attr( 'href', dummysepHash );

var isPageSandbox = ( zzPageName === 'Wikipedia:Sandbox' || zzPageName === 'Wikipedia_talk:Sandbox' || /^Template(_talk)?:X[1-9](\/(doc|testcases))?$/.test( zzPageName ) || zzPageName === 'Template:Template_sandbox' || zzPageName.toLowerCase().indexOf( '/sandbox' ) !== -1 );

window.LinkClassifierAutohideFatalErrors = zzNamespaceNumber === 0 && zzAction === 'view';
window.LinkClassifierNoApihighlimits = true;
window.LinkClassifierOnDemand = dblagging || zzPageName === 'Special:LintErrors' || zzPageName === 'Wikipedia:Featured_articles' || (
    zzNamespaceNumber === 6 &&
    zzAction === 'view' &&
    !!document.getElementById( 'mw-indicator-commons-icon' )
window.LinkClassifierSkipDraftDetection = dblagging || ( isActionEditing && ( totalSrvLoad >= 1490 || zzNamespaceNumber === 0 ) ) || isLongArticle || isViewingANArchive || totalSrvLoad >= 4490 || zzPageName === 'Wikipedia:Database_reports/Stale_drafts';
window.LinkClassifierOnDemandText = 'LnkClssfr';
window.LinkClassifierOnDemandLoc = 'p-tb';
window.LinkClassifierRedirTitleAppend = true;
//window.LinkClassifierUninterruptible = !isActionEditing;
window.LinkClassifierStatusSel = '#content';
window.LinkClassifierIgnoreRedirectedFrom = window.LinkClassifierSkipDraftDetection;
window.LinkClassifierSlowDownMin = Math.round( Math.random( ) ); // i.e. 0 or 1
if ( window.LinkClassifierIgnoreRedirectedFrom ) { window.LinkClassifierSlowDownMin++; }
if ( llHypotSq >= ( 253 * 253 ) ) { window.LinkClassifierSlowDownMin++; }
if ( lagSeconds > 0 ) { window.LinkClassifierSlowDownMin++; }
window.LinkClassifierSlowDownMax = Math.min( Math.ceil( Math.sqrt( totalSrvLoad ) * Math.log1p( totalSrvLoad ) ), 2200 );
window.LinkClassifierSlowDownMax = Math.max( window.LinkClassifierSlowDownMax, 24 );

window.mbNoAutoStart = window.LinkClassifierOnDemand || isActionEditing || isViewingANArchive;
window.mbLocalContribsName = ['Contributions', 'Contribs', 'Block', 'CentralAuth', 'DeletedContributions', 'EmailUser', 'Emailuser', 'ListFiles', 'Nuke', 'UserRights'];
window.mbOnDemandLinkText = 'Userlink info';
window.mbOnDemandLinkLoc = 'p-tb';
window.mbLoadingOpacity = 0.25;
window.mbTempStyle = 'opacity:0.63; font-style:normal; text-decoration:line-through';
window.mbTemp2Style = 'opacity:0.8; font-style:italic; text-decoration:line-through; text-shadow:#F83A33 0px 0px 1px';
window.mbIndefStyle = 'font-style:italic; text-decoration:line-through; text-shadow:#F61000 0px 0px 2px';
window.mbLongThreshold = 11.5*24*60*60*1000;
window.mbLongThreshIsRemainingTime = true;
window.mbPseudoIndefThreshold = 1.25*365.2425*24*60*60*1000;
window.mbShowRegDateRel = true;
window.mbShowYears = true;
window.mbEnableWhenEditing = ( zzNamespaceNumber === 4 || (zzNamespaceNumber % 2) === 1 || isPageSandbox || zzPageName.indexOf( 'User:SoledadKabocha/' ) === 0 ) && zzPageContentModel === 'wikitext' && !dblagging;
window.mbEnableOnMainspaceDiff = true;
window.mbReplaceUserRedLinksWithContribs = true;
window.mbShibbocuridleet = true;

window.LinkClassifierChainedFunc = function ( ) {
  if ( typeof markBlocked === 'function' ) { markBlocked( ); }
  else { importScript( 'User:SoledadKabocha/markBlockedPlus.js' ); }

function isEditReasonableForBLR( ) {
  var editbox = $( '#wpTextbox1' );
  if ( !editbox || editbox.length === 0 ) return false;
  var editboxtext = editbox.val( );
  if ( typeof editboxtext !== 'string' ) return false;

  if ( zzPageContentModel === 'wikitext' ) {
    if ( /\{\| *class="/.test( editboxtext ) )                     return false;
    if ( /(<font .*color="|style=".*color:)/.test( editboxtext ) ) return false;
    if ( editboxtext.indexOf( '<syntaxh' + 'ighlight ' ) !== -1 )   return false;
    // fall through to length test
  else { return false; }

  return ( editboxtext.length >= 768 && editboxtext.length < 15000 );
window.beelineReaderAutoColor = isActionEditing && zzNamespaceNumber > 0 && zzNamespaceNumber !== 10 && !isPageSandbox && isEditReasonableForBLR( );

if ( isActionEditing ) {
  ajaxPreviewFull = ( zzNamespaceNumber === 0 || isPageSandbox ) && !isEditingSection && window.location.search.indexOf( 'undoafter=' ) === -1 && window.location.search.indexOf( 'oldid=' ) === -1;
  window.ajaxPreviewExec = function(previewArea) {
    window.LinkClassifierChainedFuncArg = previewArea;

    if ( window.syntaxHlAborted === true ) {
      mw.notify( $(
        // This can be triggered more than once per editing session (if we ajax-preview more than once).
        // Therefore, use a class rather than an ID.
        '<span class="syntaxhighlighter-notrunning">' +
        'WARNING: Syntax highlighter underperformed and gave up. You <b>must</b> do a <b>non-ajax</b> preview to resume highlighting syntax.' +
      ) );

    if ( typeof checkEditBrackets === 'function' ) { checkEditBrackets(); }
    if ( typeof checkHarv         === 'function' ) { checkHarv(); }
    if ( !document.getElementById( 'ca-contentredirectno' ) ) {
        jsfnPortletLink( 'p-tb', addRedirectNoWrapper, 'Add redirect=no', 'ca-contentredirectno' );

    $( '#editnotice-area'            ).addClass( 'editnotice-ajaxpreviewed' );
    $( '.mw-warning-with-logexcerpt' ).addClass( 'editnotice-ajaxpreviewed' );
    $( '#revision-info'              ).addClass( 'editnotice-ajaxpreviewed' );
    //in principle this could be done for #editingold, but I'm already hiding it unconditionally in css
    $( '.limitreport'                ).addClass( 'limitreport-ajaxpreviewed' );

    var forceSHDbgPrb = ( zzNamespaceNumber === 0 ? 0.5 : 0.2 );
    if ( zzPageContentModel === 'wikitext' && typeof printSHStatus === 'function' ) {
        if ( Math.random( ) < forceSHDbgPrb && window.syntaxHlAborted !== true ) {
            printSHStatus( );
  //ajaxPreviewPos = 'bottom'; //FIXME
 window.ajaxPreviewMsg = {
  emptydiff: '<span id="ajax-preview-emptydiff">No changes</span>',
  difftip:   '<span id="ajax-preview-tipmsg">SHIFT-click the button to show changes compared to this old version</span>',
  diff2old:  '<span id="ajax-preview-tipmsg">Comparison to old version</span>',
  viewtip:   '<span id="ajax-preview-tipmsg">SHIFT-click the button to update categories; interwikis may disappear</span>'

setTimeout( importScript, 4 + Math.ceil( Math.random( ) * 76 ), 'User:SoledadKabocha/common-junk.js' );
}/* *** END afterLagCheck *** */