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State of Sabotage (SoS)

2003 On August 30, 2003 at 1:00 pm CET, on Harakka Island just off of Helsinki, artist Robert Jelinek calls SoS (the State of Sabotage) into existence before a large audience. The ceremonial inauguration is conducted by Jelinek, HR Giger, and the 25-man Finnish shouting choir Huutajat. At the same time, the “Sabotage” sculptural monument, designed by Swiss artist and “Alien” inventor Giger, is unveiled. The sculpture is located on the highest point of the island and remains perpetually accessible to the public. The state declaration is made with the patronage of the following micronations: the Principality of Sealand, Ladonia, the NSK State, Elgaland-Vargaland and the Transnational Republic. To duly commemorate this historic event, the State of Sabotage declares August 30 to be its State Holiday. “Baldrockistan”, the first SoS province, is purchased in Australia. Embassies are opened and presentations made in Amsterdam/Holland, Vienna/Austria, and Nantes/France.

2004 First establishment of diplomatic relations with other states. Assembly of the SoS Art Collection and collaborations with various artists. Several public projects, exhibitions and embassy openings follow in: Hamburg/Germany, Den Helder/Holland, New York/USA, Novi Sad/Serbia, Barcelona/Spain, Nice/France, and Ljubljana/Slovenia.

2005 Robert Jelinek carries the first SoS Grail to the world’s southernmost museum in Ushuaia/Argentina. While Jelinek enters the USA on his way to an exhibition in Ohio, all SoS passports as well as several of his private belongings are confiscated and damaged by Homeland Security officials. Only after media coverage does the FBI consider returning the items three months later. Jelinek resolves to never again set foot on American territory. Collaborations with Jonathan Meese and Herman de Vries. Jelinek drafts the first version of the SoS state constitution and ratifies the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. SoS receives de facto recognition as a sovereign state from Yugoslavia, San Marino, Seborga, and Italy. The first SoS house is erected in Baldrockistan. Embassy openings and presentations in Nantes/France, Linz, Vienna, and Hall/Austria, Prague/Czech Republic, and New York/USA.

2006 Over the course of eight months over 700 Africans from Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Libya, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Togo, Uganda, and Zambia apply for an SoS passport in exchange for their own creative works. De facto SoS recognition allows African migrants to visit countries they were once forced to leave. In August 2006, Austrian Customs take notice of some of these African packages and report them to the Department of Criminal Investigations. After taking a statement from Robert Jelinek, the Public Prosecutor drops the case and files no charges. Jelinek carries the second Grail to the world’s northernmost museum in Longyearbyen/Svalbard. SoS territory is expanded with the purchase of a meadow in Southern Bohemia/Czech Republic. Jelinek commissions the construction of a 20m tall steel structure built according to the principle ofFoucault’s Pendulum in the middle of the Austrian Wood Quarter near Schiltern/Lower Austria. Suspended from the structure just 30 cm above the ground is a publicly accessible house. Embassy openings and exhibitions in Berlin and Hannover/Germany, Istanbul/Turkey, Krems/Austria, and Prague/Czech Republic.

2007 The “SoS” currency is introduced by the World Bank and IMF. The US Government withholds the “stateofsabotage.com” domain and blocks it via its associated company DomainsbyProxy. Applications for SoS passports continue to pour in from around the world. The SoS pass is primarily used by migrants as a form of identification to obtain medical care, work permits, and to transfer money to relatives in their countries of origin. Further expansion of the SoS Art Collection. SoS is recognized (de facto) by Slovenia, Switzerland, Monaco, and Andorra. Participation in the AER (Assembly of European Regions) conference in Udine under the chairmanship of EU President José Manuel Barroso. Presentations and exhibitions in Toronto and Kingston/Canada, Zilina/Slovenia, Linz, Vienna, and Graz/Austria.

State of Sabotage (SoS) Founded: August 30, 2003 Government Type: Direct Citizen Representation Head of State: Non-president Robert Jelinek Locations: Area I (4 provinces): 787.910 m2 Area II (Rented or owned space of SoS citizens in 91 countries): 12.192.810,27 m2 Population since 30.8.2003: 9.600 citizens Growth: +85% Sex ratio: 53:47 males/females Continental ethnic groups [%]: 62% European, 32% African, 3% Asian, 2% North American, 1% Australian Languages: Global Diplomatic languages: German, English, french National day: August 30 National dish: Soup of Sabotage Currency: SoS Anthem: Sabotage (10 versions) International disputes: USA (2005)
