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User:Smallus Editus/Timeline of Scotland

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Scottish factions


Labels applied to the various Scottish factions differ among sources. This timeline labels factions as follows. Bold cell entries indicate the faction in control of the Scottish Parliament during most of that period.

Period Years Royalists Covenanters
Kirk Party
Resolutioners Protesters
Union of the Crowns 1603–1637 pro-King anti-King
Bishops' Wars 1638–1642 pro-King anti-King
1st English Civil War 1643–1646 pro-King anti-King
2nd English Civil War 1647
1648-1649 pro-King anti-King
3rd English Civil War 1650–1651 pro-King pro-King anti-King
Interregnum 1652–1659 pro-King anti-King
Restoration 1660–1661 pro-King anti-King
1662–1689 pro-King anti-King

Timeline of Scotland in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms

Date Event Effect Dominant faction
16th century English & Scottish nobles settle parts of Ireland generates resentment from Irish Catholics
1581 National Covenant of the Church of Scotland the Kirk rejects Roman Catholicism
1603 March 24 Union of the Crowns James VI and I becomes King of England and Scotland Royalists
1625 March 27 Charles I succeeds James VI and I
1625 October Act of Revocation Charles I revokes all gifts of land to Scot nobility
1636 Book of Canons imposed on Scottish church
1637 Book of Common Prayer imposed on Scottish church sparks riots
1638 February 28 National Covenant (Presbyterian) the Kirk rejects Church of England Covenanters
1638 December bishops expelled from the Kirk
1639 June 19 Treaty of Berwick Charles I concedes to Covenanters
end of First Bishops' War
( Interlude )
1640 June Commission of Fire & Sword Covenanters persecute Royalists
1640 August 28 Battle of Newburn decisive Covenanter victory
1640 October 26 Treaty of Ripon Charles I forced to pay for Scottish army
1640 August Cumbernauld Bond pact foreshadows Scottish Civil War (1644) and Engagement (1647)
1641 August 10 Treaty of London Charles I concedes to Covenanters
end of Bishops' Wars
( Interlude )
1641 October 12 The Incident failed kidnap attempt by Royalists
1642 Covenanters land army in Ulster defending settlers from Irish Confederates
1643 September 25 Solemn League and Covenant Roundheads–Covenanters alliance Kirk Party
1644 February 16 Committee of Both Kingdoms Roundheads–Covenanters joint government
1644 September 1 Battle of Tippermuir victory for future Engagers
1645 August 15 Battle of Kilsyth short-lived triumph for future Engagers Engagers
1645 September 13 Battle of Philiphaugh main Covenanter army returns from England Kirk Party
1646 May 5 Charles I surrenders to Covenanters end of First English Civil War, Scottish Civil War
1647 December 26 Charles I agrees to the Engagement many in Kirk Party refuse to serve Engagers
1648 August 17 Battle of Preston New Model Army (Roundheads) routs Engagers
1648 September 27 Treaty of Stirling Engagers withdraw from government Kirk Party
1649 January 23 Act of Classes Royalists and Engagers barred from public office, including army
1649 January 30 Charles I executed in London universal horror against Roundheads
end of Second English Civil War
( Interlude )
1649 February 5 Scots proclaim Charles II as King Kirk Party sides with Charles II Resolutioners
1649 February 17 English Council of State established renounces Scottish alliance
1650 May 1 Treaty of Breda, Netherlands Charles II renounces Irish Catholic connections,
endeavors to make Presbyterianism national religion,
grants civil authority to the Kirk's General Assembly
1650 June 23 Charles II signs Solemn League and Covenant
1650 August 13 Act of Classes rescinded future Resolutioners seek to increase size of army
1650 October 22 Western Remonstrance presented future Protesters declare against Charles II
1650 September 3 Battle of Dunbar major Roundhead victory over Resolutioners
1651 January 1 Charles II crowned by Resolutioners raises new army
1651 September 3 Battle of Worcester decisive Roundhead victory
end of English Civil Wars
1651 October 28 Tender of Union Scottish Parliament dissolved, given 30 seats in English Parliament
1653 August start of Glencairn's rising by Resolutioners
1654 May 5 Act of Pardon and Grace Cromwell pardons Engagers, with many exceptions
1654 July 19 Battle of Dalnaspidal end of Glencairn's rising
1657 June 26 Act of Union ratification of Tender of Union (1651)
Restoration (1660–1689)
1660 May 14 Charles II proclaimed king in Edinburgh Resolutioners
1661 March 28 Rescissory Act rescinds all acts of Parliament since 1633
1661 September 6 episcopacy restored
1662 all office holders required to renounce the Covenant (1638) Royalists
1662 September 9 Act of indemnity and oblivion general pardon, many exceptions

See also
