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Skullymarie was a young punk girl who faced daily challenges with life. She was often underestimated and most times misunderstood. Most of her teenage years were spent battling with bipolar and thoughts of suicide.

Early Years[edit]

Skullymarie, who remains nameless otherwise, was born on June 25, 1987. Her parents were happy with their small but seemingly perfect family. Skully had a happy childhood, with her perfect home life. But when everyone around the happy family found out that they weren't perfect or happy, her parents divorced. They split ways, with daddy dearest moving away and mommy dearest becoming trapped in her job, leaving Skullymarie alone in solitude.

A Change in Attitude[edit]

Skullymarie, left alone with nothing to do but listen to music and chat on the internet, discovered punk. She began listening to angry music which made her in time, also angry. She began to blame her parent's divorce for everything and had a deep hatred for everyone and everything. On the inside, she was only sad and lonely. Sick of loneliness, Skully went online to meet people and maybe make friends. She soon learned of vampirefreaks, a punk friendly network on the internet where you can register and talk with other punks. Skully soon fell in love with the website and would go days in a row without sleep, just chatting with other punks. Even with her online friends, Skullymarie couldn't shake her loneliness.

The Reaction[edit]

Even Skully's parents seemed to see the difference between the happy little girl with the perfect family and the distraught teenager with nobody but herself to lean on. Her mother took enough time off of her job to actually notice and worry about the change, while her dad could tell from her voice over the phone and their few and far between visits that something had changed.

The Death-Defying Move[edit]

As skullymarie got more and more numb from emotion, the more she knew that her happiness was soon to end, and she was right. Skully's dad forced her to pack up her things and move away with him. She had spent three years alone in her mothers empty house, and now she would have to say goodbye to all of her online friends to move into a house without internet not to mention a computer. Skully's life was ruined.... sorry i have to quit writing now and go pack. I love you all!

<3 SkullyMarie