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User:Sir Buzz Killington

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Hello and welcome to a page that hopefully you won't find completely pointless. I hope to do a bit of more credited editing now, and hopefully you all won't have a problem with that. Enjoy.


Created not so long ago in a great nation home to many, a young man with a passion for trains and the destruction of other thing by laser guided munitions came to the great Wikipedia, the hub of all human learning. There he discovered a great many wonders, such as JDAMs and DPICM cluster submunitions, and grew to love that site. But he noticed a rise in nonesense crap on his beloved site. He grew tired of reading and article on BNSF Railway and suddenly seeing the entire company history section change to the sentence "TRAINZ R STUPID LULZ." And so Sir Buzz Killington was born, to fight the pointless randomness that so terribly plagues Wikipedia. So take warning, bored junior high kid about to delete Mike Ditka's entire college history and leave nothing more than the word "Hi." The day of reckoning is upon you.


These are links to articles I've either written, partially written, significantly edited, minorly edited, enjoy, or perhaps even don't enjoy.