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Cantaurtopia is one of the Walden Islands in the Emerson Galaxy, sector 14.



Centaurtopia is inhabited by centaurs; they are the only human like species that lives on the island. Besides centaurs the island is also inhabited by wild game, insect, and marine life. The island exists in the present day.



Centaurtopia was founded in 1828 by Neville Emerson Yonderslath. Yonderslath was a famed explorer at the time. During the eight years before his discovery of Centaurtopia, Yonderslath had discovered 39 other space islands in the Emerson Galaxy. After the Centaurtopia's discovery, a small group of centaur nomads began to settle on the island. In 1834, six years after Yonderslath's discovery of the island the centaur nomads officially named the island Centaurtopia.

Although Centaurtopia is not run by a traditional government, governing rules were set upon the founding of the island in the early 17th century. The island is also united under the Anthem of the Centaurs, a pledge describing the island's beliefs and customs.



Centaurtopia is run by a small group of centaurs on the island. The group is called The Council of Elders. The council prefers to be call a council rather than a government because of the centaurs fell that a government would eventually lead to an unfair bias governing system. The Council of Elders consists of 7 centaurs (men or women) which are voted into office one a year. Every year the council has 7 new members. The only job of the council is to enforce the four rules of the island. Besides rule 1, which will have a centaur automatically kicked off the island; a first time offender of a rule will be granted a warning. A second offence will grant banishment from the island. The rules are: 1.Do not kill 2.Do not steal 3.Do not take advantage of the bartering system 4.Do not invade anyone's land. Centaurs should respect other centaur's land



The Centaurtopia flag was created within the first four year of the islands founding. Two centaur hooves are seen the center of the flag representing unity of the centaurs. Purple and yellow are the islands official colors.



Centaurtopia is a space island. A space island is a piece of land that has been chipped off a planet and created its own orbit around a star. Centaurtopia revolves around the Thoreau star in the Emerson Galaxy, sector 14. The island flat and mostly made up of forest and some plots of farm land. Its diameter is 200 miles long. An extremely large mountain, estimating 40,000 feet tall, lies on the eastern part of the island. The mountain was named Centauramus by the centaurs of Centaurtopia. The mountain can be seen from any point on the island. The main purpose of the mountain is to block the sun. As the island rotates on its axis the mountain is able to block the sun for half of the day allowing a nighttime for the island. There are some water ways that spring from the mountain through the island. All of the waterways are made up of freshwater. The centaur homes are of simple structure and no modern technology is used on the island.

Jobs on the Island and the Bartering System


Each centaur on the island has a certain job. Most of the jobs are farming and herding livestock. There are some centaurs that specialize in woodwork and build homes for other centaurs. All centaur homes are made completely of wood. There are also some centaur fishermen who fish in the rivers that run through the island. Centaurs use whatever product they make to barter with other centaurs for their goods. They is no money system on Centaurtopia because the bartering system has worked well of the island ever since the begging of its inhabitance.

Anthem of the Centaurs


The mountains are the Centaurs and the valleys thereof, the island and those that dwell within.

For we hath founded it upon the galaxy and established it upon the universe.

Who shall farm in the hill of the island? Or who shall farm in its mountain crevices?

He that hath makes his own clothes and farms his own land, who hath not taken advantage of the barters, nor steals wrongfully.

He shall receive the goods of his work, and fruitfulness from the crops of his land.

This is the generation of centaurs that seek fortune, that seek thy land O faithfully.

Lift up your horns, O ye centaurs, and be ye self efficient, living on the minimal, and the fruits of your labors shall come in.

Who is the greatest of all? We are all the greatest, we are mighty in union.

Lift up your horns, O ye centaurs, and be ye self efficient, living on the minimal, and the fruits of you labors shall come in.

Who is the greatest of all? We are all the greatest; we are the centaurs of Centaurtopia.