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Karathi is a language written by David Wilson when he was a student at Dickinson College[1]. Karathi has a dictionary of approximately 500 words, and takes structural influences for German, Icelandic, Spanish, English and Maori. The language was created to have a secret language that was not so closely linked to any other than it could be understood in passing and distinct enough that it would sound entirely foreign to any listener. It is spoken with an Arabic and Germanic influenced accent with certain letters or combinations of letters deriving their pronunciations from specific languages (ex. wh- makes an English fuh- sound such as in Maori). It is described as sounding most closely like Dorthraki from the Song of Ice and Fire series written by George R. R. Martin.


Karathi was developed psuedo-naturally, meaning the words that creator David Wilson assumed would have come first in a historical peoples dialect, would be root words and derivatives were defined by their nature as words that would have come after the creation of more simple vocabulary terms. For example the word for fire in Karathi is caskoth and the verb to smoke is caskothgen showing a clear linguistic relationship between the two.

Basic Sentences[edit]

  1. ^ College, Dickinson. "Dickinson College - Tel: 717-243-5121". www.dickinson.edu. Retrieved 2018-04-30.