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Genreinnovations, science, economy
Date(s)2012, 2013
Location(s)Russia, Moskow



Moscow International Forum for Innovative Development «Open Innovations» is a global discussion platform dedicated to the advanced technologies and perspectives of the international cooperation in the sphere of innovations. The Forum serves for strengthening of the international collaboration with the aim of creation of the innovation leaders’ club. Forum objectives:

  • Creation of new instruments for international cooperation in the field of innovation
  • Involvement of top officials and international corporations, as well as representatives of the scientific community and developers of innovative technologies in the dialogue on strategic partnership
  • Exchange of practical experience in the field of technology, financing mechanisms and methods of forecasting of innovations.
  • Technology foresight and promotion of commercialization of existing technologies.

The event is focused on forecasting technology trends, defining the role of «innovation ecosystem» in global processes and formation of the Russian and international agendas of innovative development. Forum brings together the representatives of science, business and government. Business forum program includes analysis of the experience of the countries that made a technological breakthrough, the study of feasibility of scaling these practices, exchange of experience in successful technology solutions for industry.

Forum 2012


The first Open Innovations Forum and exhibition «Open Innovations Expo» took place in Moscow October 31 to November 3, 2012 at SEC «Expocentre».

Plenary sessions:

  • Global challenges to the humanity: the demand for innovation
  • WORLD 2030: vision, opportunities, risks
  • Technologies changing the world
  • Russian institutes of development - a look from the outside, the inside story

Forum programs statistics

Forum programs Results
62 events; 4 plenary sessions; 472 speakers; 46% foreign speakers
62 events

The Forum guests attended presentations by Russian and foreign experts in innovative development. Among the invited speakers there were a venture capitalist Richard Branson, scientists Peter Head, Jeroen van der Hoeven and Josh Lerner; the advisory partner for corporate relations and responsibility at Nokia Corporation Esko Aho, founder and chairman of the Board of Directors at ABBYY David Yang, a co-founder of Sun Microsystems, the founder of NetDay and JavaOne John Gage, Institute for Large Scale Innovation Chairman and CEO John Kao, CEO of Burrill & Company Steven Burrill, president of the Landa Corporation Benny Landa, entrepreneur, writer and social activist Esther Dyson and others. On the Russian side there were such authorities as: Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Forum, Vladislav Surkov, CEO and Chairman of the Board of JSC «RVC» Igor Agamirzyan [1], Chairman of RUSNANO Anatoly Chubais, the president of Skolkovo Viktor Vekselberg, Executive Director, AIRR, Chairman, Supervisory Board, Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology Ivan Bortnik [2] and others.[3]

Forum 2013


In 2013 the Open Innovation Forum and Exhibition «Open Innovations Expo» [4] took place in Moscow October 31 to November 2 at IEC «Crocus Expo». The main guests of the Forum were the Prime ministers of Russia, Finland and France: the first day of the Forum, Dmitry Medvedev, Jyrki Katainen and Jean-Marc Ayrault met with representatives of innovative, entrepreneurial and scientific community; participants of the youth program 100 Innovators and also took part in plenary session «National strategies of leadership in the hyperlinked world».

Plenary sessions:

  • I change the rules of the game!
  • National strategies of leadership in the hyperlinked world
  • Breakthrough technologies as drivers of the global economy

Forum programs statistics

Forum programs Results
48 events; 3 plenary sessions; 495 speakers; 41% foreign speakers
19 events

The guests were presented ideas of Russian and foreign experts of innovative development. Among the speakers there were: CEO of X PRIZE Foundation, Peter Diamandis, scientists Skylar Tibbits [5] and Omid Farokhzad [6], president of Huawei Russia Wan Biao [7], Professor of Innovation, University of Texas, Austin, Bob Metcalfe, chairman at Alcatel-Lucent Philippe Camus, executive vice president of technologies and innovation at Royal Dutch Shell Gerald Schotman and others. On the Russian side there were such authorities as: Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Arkady Dvorkovich, CEO and Chairman of the Board of JSC «RVC» Igor Agamirzyan, Chairman of RUSNANO Anatoly Chubais, the president of Skolkovo Viktor Vekselberg, Executive Director, AIRR, Chairman, Supervisory Board, Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and TechnologyIvan Bortnik and others. [8]

Youth program


Youth program [9] of the Open Innovations Forum is a project that provides an opportunity for talented young people to participate in discussion of the issues of global high technology development, visit leading innovation centers of Moscow to exchange experience with colleagues from other countries and get advice of leading experts in the area of high technologies.

Program Objectives:

  • To increase interest of Russian youth audience to innovative topics.
  • To show innovation ecosystem in the Moscow region to young entrepreneurs from around the world.
  • To help talented young people to become participants of global innovation agenda discussion.
  • 100 Innovators club development [10]

Target Audience

  • Young innovators and startup founders younger 35 years.
  • Students and graduates.
  • Students.

Venues of 2012:

Venues of 2013:


  • Lectures in the leading universities of Russia
  • Circle of videoconferences - presentations of regional and international projects (France and Finland), estimated by the experts in Moscow
  • Special program for the international group «100 Innovators»
  • InnoKids laboratory

Open Innovation Expo exhibition


«Open Innovations Expo» is Russia's first international high-tech exhibition. Thanks to its concept that allows bringing together developers of innovative products and technologies, technology sector businessmen, investment community and institutes of development, scientists and politicians from around the world, the Forum is included in international ratings of events along with global exhibition brands. The exhibition is focused on the development of innovative products and technologies, entrepreneurs and investors of the technological sector, investment community and institutes of development, representatives of various tiers of power in Russia and other countries. In 2013 the theme Open Innovation Expo was «New materials». In the framework of the business program of the exhibition the international conference «Composites without borders»[11] took place.

Statistics of Open Innovation Expo 2012: [12]

  • The exhibition was visited by over 10,000 people
  • The total number of participating companies: 515 [13]
  • Demonstration of the latest developments: over 1,000 projects from 16 countries

Statistics of Open Innovation Expo 2013:

  • The exhibition was visited by: more than 12,000 people
  • The total number of participating companies: 530 [14]
  • Demonstration of the latest developments: over 1,000 projects from 9 countries


  • Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
  • JSC «RVC»
  • Skolkovo Foundation
  • The Government of Moscow
  • Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation
  • Agency for Strategic Initiatives to promote new projects
  • Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology
  • State Corporation «Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs Vnesheconombank»

