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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why do you create your images for Wikipedia?


I create images because it is the way I can make the maximum and longest lasting contribution to Wikipedia. I don't have the patience to do all of the research and tracking down reliable sources required to create a nice article. Nor do I find fixing grammatical and spelling errors to be particularly rewarding.

Also images have the side benefit of propagating across multiple wiki projects. One of my images has been used on 17 different projects! There's no way any written edit could compete. No matter how awesome an edit is to an article, its impact is relegated to that specific article, in whatever particular language it was written. Sure somebody could translate and add your work to a different project. But since translation involves subtle changes, the translator shares credit. In short, I don't speak Russian, Japanese, or Portuguese... but my work has been used on pages in those languages. Images are universal.

Don't you know kids might see your drawings?


By kids, I will assume you mean small children (because If you're talking about teenagers, then they've already seen worse). Yes, I am aware, and it is troubling. But I rather a child see one of my images than an actual photograph of the same act. Illustrations provide parents with a plausible "out". Imagine your child stumbles across a drawing of a sexual act and they question you on it. You can simply explain it away as "Oh that's just a naughty picture somebody drew trying to be silly, don't worry about it...". That explanation doesn't carry as much water when it's a real photograph.

In any case, the subject should be directed to the Wikimedia Foundation. They could provide a very simple technical solution to the problem of offensive images and articles on Wikipedia. A solution that would make everyone happy. It would take no work at all for Wikipedia to add a ".sex" or ".adult" sub-domain to the project to house all adult content. This would allow IT managers at schools and workplaces to easily block those sections of Wikipedia, while leaving the rest of the site accessible. Having a sub-domain would also afford browser based parental controls the same luxury. It would also drastically cut down on page re-directs being used as vandalism.

Can you create an image for me?


Nope. I will create images for specific articles, but not for your own personal consumption. I am sorry but I will not take requests from unregistered users. Nor from new users with a tiny amount of edits.

Why don't you create images for regular (non-sexual) articles?


The short answer is that I am not that good. Images created for high traffic mainstream articles tend to be created by pro or semi-pro artists and graphic designers.

Do some of the images have to be interracial?


In brief, yes. I simply do not see anything wrong with it, though I am admittedly biased. I come from an extended family full of interracial marriages. I have whites, blacks, asians, and latinos all in my family. I have also been involved in several interracial relationships. And finally, I am the product of an interracial union. So... any complaints along these lines will fall on deaf ears.

Can you create an image for my website/book/magazine/flyer?


If you are interested in an image for a publication or website, then I am willing to listen to your proposal. Make your request on my talk page.

Is there anywhere else on the net I can see your work?

